Free at last, free at last!
Impressive recounting of a lifelong Democratic woman's personal
journey to "breaking out of the Progressive hive mind"...
(Edit to add partial transcript - Spoiler Alert! it is the (almost) final 3 minutes of the video)
Georgia transcript (44:04~)
In the past, you know, my exposure to conservative thought had basically been, basically it was limited to, you know, clips of Sebastian Gorka shouting someone down for 45 seconds
on CNN.So now, I was kind of listening to these conservative arguments fully explained, in their strongest form, and it was like nothing short of, nothing short of an awakening.
I don’t use that word lightly. Like, I felt like, I felt like my whole left-wing brainwashing and
programming, I felt that it was falling like a house of cards.And all the things that hadn’t made sense, that for years I was just forcing myself to just ignore the fact that they didn’t make sense, it was like all of a sudden that stuff was falling away and I didn’t have to believe things that I didn’t really believe.
I only have to believe things that are true that have evidence. Oh my God! Life-changing.
Life. Changing.You know, and I won’t go into all the reasons that I really respect conservatism as, like a philosophy, because that would take, that would be a whole other video or a whole other set of tomes, but I will say this.
The whole experience of breaking out of the progressive hive mind and like, the progressive echo chamber, was a pretty profound experience and it made me realize a few things.
First, it made me realize that our mainstream media is *garbage*. I mean like, I knew there are some problems but no, it goes out of the way not just to not tell you things, but to obscure the truth, to twist the truth, to tell you something that is the opposite of the truth. It is that bad.
And, what, the other thing I kind of learned is that same media, if you don’t, if you don’t know what it’s doing, it controls us on a profound level.
I mean, I went though years of ignoring clues, ignoring clues, ignoring clues because I was sort of washed over with this media that told me that the things I see with my eyes and ears in real life were not real, the stuff on the telly is real.
You know, ‘don’t believe you eyes and ears, believe the television’. And for years, I did.
You know, and I think of myself as like a good critical thinker or someone who thinks for themselves but, you know, I was duped for *years*.
So, at this point in my life, you know, I can proudly say that I am a conservative woman.
And, like, I have no shame now in saying that because I know what it means to say you’re a conservative.
And all the reasons I thought I was a Democrat, you know, after I went through all these crazy things in my life, all the reasons I thought I was a Democrat - you know, being tolerant and caring about fairness, all those reasons I thought I was a Democrat are now the reasons that I will, going forward, be voting Republican...”
Given the alternatives in SoCal, voting Republican sounds reasonable for now - hopefully there will better alternative in the future - if there are it will be because people like Georgia working to create them.

Todays Democrat Party
is not the same as the party of my youth (50s-60s-70s). It has morphed into a Republican Lite and has totally abandoned the working class, the poor, the sick, and the elderly.
There is no politician or party today that represents those of us that fit into any of these categories.
Moving further to the right is a fools errand.
Today we're being dished up a plate of dog crap on one side and cat crap on the other and slowly being starved to death.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Further more
the Democrat Party before my youth was totally different.
It was racist (Dixiecrats) and corrupt (Tammany Hall) and infected with organized crime syndicates (Mafias).
The Kennedy Brothers attempted to remake the party, but failed (were stopped).
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Bogus paradigm
Falling for the contradictory and confusing "Left-Right" paradigm is itself
a fool's errand.
"None Dare Call It Conspiracy" by Gary Allen - coming up on the 50th anniversary of its publication offers a far more realistic way to view things - basically a continuum between
authoritarian/centralized authority - limited government - no formal authority as illustrated:
(conventional classification is No.1 Allen's proposed one is No.2)
Now, if you want to contend we have moved much too far in the authoritarian direction I definitely concur.
As for
Well, I resemble most of those categories and think that Tulsi Gabbard represents me pretty well, or at least tries. I'd put Justin Amash and Thomas Massie in there, too and at least a few Oregon politicians you've likely not heard of. Still, I admit they are thin on the ground and marginalized in the major parties...
Got to 35 minutes and had to stop.
Her initial reactions to Teach America were spot on. So was her compassion for her students. But notice when she became a nurse and was put off by those awful homeless people, she obviously lost that sense of compassion.
As bad as the problems are in public schools, she is wrong about charters. Charters are NOT the result of conservative concern for students in America. (Note here she quoted W on soft bigotry which was no doubt not written by him but by Gerson). Charters are a result of the desire to privatize everything in the country for profits. How she missed that is beyond me.
AND, her switch on reproductive rights put her on a wrong path too. Religious conservatives DO want to control her body and her choices about her body. That is at the heart of biblical Christianity.
She made some spot on observations about the Democrats/liberals shameless usage of race (Biden is one of the biggest racists on the stage these days), and their penchant for suppressing freethought and other opinions within their walls, but she seemed to be moving the white hat over to the GOP side and that's where she will get another rude awakening. When it occurs to her that neither side of the aisle has it right, she will have truly reached the top of the mountain. She might want to dig into MLK's writings on economic justice. Attacking that problem was going to be his next phase. As he asked, "what good is a desegregated restaurant if you can't afford the hamburger?"
Maybe she came to some of this within the last 10 minutes, but I just couldn't listen anymore.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I salute you, Fish.
I salute you, Fish. I stand in awe of your ability and willingness to withstand 35 minutes of "Me Generation" spoiled crapola in futile search of any real point.
I myself couldn't make it past 35 seconds.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Wondering how you manage
to make it through the day if you are defeated by the likes of this:
(transcript of first 35 seconds of the video)
Day to day existence must be just one trauma after another.
"Although the big word on the left is 'compassion,' the big agenda on the left is dependency."
~ Thomas Sowell
how I make it through the day
Simple. I don't waste precious minutes of a very finite lifespan (and the only lifespan I will ever have) with Me Generation neocon garbage like this video.
Independently of the possible political considerations, I have problems with the video's style in the use of the language. I will use your very own transcript as an example. Where the video-maker said:
she could (and, imho, should) said something more like:
It's called "Laconic style", or, as they say in the tech world, K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid!).
I confess that I have no patience with the "Tell them what you're going to tell them, then tell them, and then tell them what you just told them" school of messaging. Give me a simple, honest, direct, Calvin Coolidge-style message any day of the week and twice on Sundays!
And again, this is above and before any consideration of what the intended message might be.
I trust I answered your question?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
It was from right at the 35 minute mark
that I thought she made some her best points - how that the progressive attitude that exempts certain classes of people from societal standards that are actually there for a reason - not taking a crap on a sidewalk, not throwing molotov cocktails at people, for example - are both unfair to those who do attempt to maintain the standards and those directly victimized by such behavior but are generally not doing any favors to those given a free pass to engage in anti-social behavior.
Her simple example of how public schools making it nearly impossible to fail students and to remove the small minority of disruptive ones - making it impossible for the teacher to teach the majority who are actually motivated to learn - is telling and producing disastrous consequences for society.
I understand there are problems with charter schools, but at least some are far outperforming public schools with similar demographics. We need to look at what works and lose a whole lot of the bureaucracy and indoctrination, impart some skills and encourage critical thinking.
You might want to see the transcript of the last three minutes or so I've added above - I think she will do OK - says she will be voting Republican (given the alternatives in most of Cal, sounds reasonable to me in the short run) but seems to be using the conservative in its current sense whereas she might be closer to Classical Liberal - pretty much outcasts/outliers in either D or R these days.
About MLK - yes, the PTB fear inclusiveness, they didn't kill him or Malcolm X or Fred Hampton or try to kill Judi Bari - until they started pushing unity instead of divisiveness...
PS - When I got to the top of the mountain I just met a bunch of tourists from Osaka.
"You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization - including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility, and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain - without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large."
~ Thomas Sowell
Using a quote from Thomas Sowell just gave you away.
Also, nice dodge on the charter school issue.
I'm done.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
This ad was sponsored
by the GOP for your consumption! Aren’t you thrilled you were sucked in? LOL!!!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
What's the name of the GOP source?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Not sponsored AT ALL.
This low-quality rant wasn't sponsored at all. A sponsored ad would have gotten to the point (whatever that was) within the first 60 seconds, and then argued its case far more Laconically than this 40+ minute flood of nearly incomprehensible bilge.
And the only one "sucked in" was the principal; for the rest of us, it just sucked.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides