First... Blog Entry... Ever
I joined today after hearing about this site at the DailyKos. I have been a lurker over at DailyKos since around 2004. Kos's purge diary did me in. I have never blogged before, strictly read articles. I do not plan on visiting there anymore except for a daily dose of the BNR! A recent diary on the DailyKos from a new user who simply signed up to tell everyone he/she was leaving summed up my opinion as well. The curtain was removed. It was time to leave.
A little something about myself... I am a 40 something male. Married with 3 children (10 year old daughter and two 7 year old boys). I have lived in various neighborhoods in the city of Chicago (not the burbs) for around 20 years.
I have a lot of random thoughts about this election and the state of the Democratic Party that I look forward to discussing with you.
Thanks for reading!
and Go Bernie!

Welcome Northside...
thanks for posting. We're neighbors of a sort, I'm in north central Illinois about a hundred miles west by southwest of the city. Greetings!
Well, I grew up in and around
Well, I grew up in and around the Quad Cities. So I know that part of Illinois!
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Pretty area.
Galena, and the Quads have some stunning sites and sights. Ever been on the lead mine tours?
I hail from Cook County, SW side.
I love Galena...
especially in the fall. Haven't done the lead mine tours though.
I've been to Galena however,
I've been to Galena however, I have not been on the tours. A great town!
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
I'm only about half way...
to the Quad Cities, I'm along the Illinois River and I-80. Not far from Starved Rock State Park.
In my yute, the Rock was a regular destination.
I loved it.
Haven't been for a decade, more probably.
It's nowhere near...
what it was like back in the 60s and 70s, especially the 60s. I don't know if you were ever there at that time, there used to be yuuuuge congregations of folks that came down from the city, sometimes taking up about half of the park. Then there was trouble and the man stepped in. We locals also used it as party central, folks from all over the area would take up a big portion of the campgrounds with tents and have weekend long parties. Good times, then we grew up and life happened.
In my day (the late 70s) the Rock was the place to go . . .
. . . when you ditched school. (Not that I ever did.) Small world!
ditched many a class at the Rock. A small world indeed.
I've actually been signed up here for awhile, but not much of a blogger. I tend to do blogs for awhile, then forget about them for longer.
But I think it's really important to help this place along because I always thought DKos kind of sucked.
I plan on doing a diary - if I ever figure out how : )
I am moving to the North Side next month.
I have had a temporary three-year tour of family duty in Florida, but the patriarch passed away in November. I bought a condo near Diversey Harbor and am closing the end of the month. Yeah! I'm going home. Welcome, Northside. Go Cubs!
Welcome back to Chicago!
Welcome back to Chicago! Diversey Harbor.... mmm Chicago Pizza and Oven Grinder.
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
Salad, seasoned Za bread, maybe a grinder, Long island ice tea
Great place!
Member at DK & I share your reaction to the Purge Diary
I'd never visited DK for more than an occasional read when something turned up that interested me. Last summer I joined thinking I would find like minded Democrats working for better representatives of our party. Finding many good sources for news of Bernie's campaign I settled in. I wasn't shocked by the infighting between Hillary's supporters & ours, but the March 15th cutoff for support of anyone but Hillary did shock me. I thought about it & realized that DK wasn't the place I thought it was when I signed up.
The only good thing that came of it was finding the link for this site. I applied for an account just last night & am so grateful it's here for us.
Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible. ~ Frank Zappa