Feminist millennials for Bernie Sanders
A young friend of mine wrote what I think is a very good article for Salon last week. I posted a diary about it over at DK, but I thought I'd post it here, too, because I think a number of you would like it and you may have missed it over there. Thanks to the admins for getting me my password! I'm learning the ropes over here. I'm glad to see so many familiar folks writing!
Anyway, here's what I want to share with you:
I'm backing Bernie because I'll prob be dead 50 years from now, but my kids prob won't be
Time flies, kids grow up, and then they become full-fledged millennials, thank goodness.
I bore my first child in 1990, my second in 1992. It seems not so long ago, but now both these magnificent human beings are adults, doing adult things. The first presidential election either of them was old enough to vote in was the last one, with an incumbent and everything. They voted, but it was pretty ho-hum for them. This is their first presidential election that there’s not an incumbent. They have to make a choice. And they’re engaged.
Not only are my two children engaged, but nearly all of the millennials in my life, and I’m blessed with a good number of them, are engaged. I really don’t understand all the dissing of our 18-35 year olds. The ones I interact with, and did I mention that there’s a good number of them, are very thoughtful, very responsible, very concerned about their own futures, and also very concerned with the futures of others.
Most of the millennials I interact with are white, but I’d say at least 30% are black and a smattering are Asian, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, Native American, and mixed race. Most of the millennials I interact with are biologically female, probably 70%, but among the whole crowd I’d say that there’s a plurality of straight people and a healthy representation from gay, lesbian, bi, trans, a-, don’t know right now, and who the hell cares? Almost all of the millennials I hang out with are educated, well educated even if their education didn’t come from places that give pedigrees and certifications, articulate, thoughtful, and very concerned about social and economic justice. They’re in their 20s and 30s and they’ve got serious concerns for very good reasons.
Today a millennial I’ve known since she was 6 or 7 got on my radar screen. Time flies. Now she’s an artist, a feminist, a gifted writer, and a 24 year old mother of a biracial child. She got on my radar screen because she was published in Salon, and I heard about it through the grapevine. The working title for her article was "Dear White Feminists: 4 Reasons to Stop Bernie-Shaming Millennials”. The published title was “Hillary Clinton doesn’t speak for me: I’m a millennial woman raising a biracial son. I voted for Bernie, and I refuse to be shamed for it”.
Listen, listen. This is a voice for the future. Listen.
Anyway, here’s a blurb from the article:
I’m a millennial woman raising a biracial son who will not share the privilege of my skin. Race is one of many conversations I have the privilege of opting out of. I vote as a woman. But I also vote as my son’s mother; I vote as a feminist in solidarity with women who lead less privileged lives than my own. I voted for Bernie, and I refuse to be shamed for that. Here’s why.
The whole thing’s really good, and I hope you’ll go over to Salon and read it.
Way to go, Egan Marie. Your generation gives me hope!

Wow, nice post.
I feel like asking a Question:, though.
A. If Millenials and Centenials competed in a foot race, who would have a leg up in that contest?
B. If I wanted to start a blog, one that mixed alcohol and politics, should I name it Saloon? Or Halfling-ton Poste? . . . . And it comes in PINTS?
C. When it comes to fingers, Trump's man(ahem)hood, and imprisoning women for having abortions, does size really matter?
D. Weather or knot we have climactic change, should we bill more ducks?
A. At this point, probably Centenials, since they know the course, having lived through the Last Great Depression as kids.
B. Halfing-ton Poste requires that one partake of The Halfling's Leaf as well as Alcohol...
C. The more you talk about any of those, the smaller the item in question. (We are of course referring to the MIND in the last example)
D. The last thing we need to do is elect a Clinton for ANY office, least of all Lord of the Ducks.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Wow, great questions
I am not a scientist, but that has never kept me from having an opinion, so here goes:
A. Depends on the rules.
B. If you're going after enlightened rednecks, maybe Bud Wiser would do the trick.
C. I wish to go on the record announcing that neither Donald's hands nor any other part of his anatomy will ever come near mine. If it every happens, I can assure you it will be non-consentual. He grosses me out and I really could not care less how big his body parts are.
D. I'll defer to the ducks.
I pledge allegiance to liberty and justice for all. Period.
The bestest answers yet! Well,
Amazing article!
Thank you so much for bringing it to our attention. I think it's a must read!
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
I think so, too.
She did a really great job laying out her position.
I pledge allegiance to liberty and justice for all. Period.
Utterly brilliant.
That's the best statement I have seen of what Bernie brings to this campaign that Hillary does not, can not, will not. And I think she has Hillary's feminist supporters pegged completely right. I hope we hear more from your young friend, that is a woman whose voice needs to be heard.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
Planting trees
You have all probably seen this one before, but it seems appropriate:

Perfect combination
of photo with saying.
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop