Feeling Stressed Out Over the News? Helpless? I Have a Prescription for Your Blues

Every day it's the same old sh#t.

Trump attacks. Media attacks (with Deep State help). Rinse. Repeat.

No other story gets covered. Not the atrocity being committed at Standing Rock today. Not our continued participation in Saudi Arabia's campaign of genocide in Yemen. Not bills being proposed to eliminate the EPA, repeal the ACA, and gut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Not the organized attacks on immigrants from Muslims to Hispanics. Not threats to LGBTQ people. Not the surge in hate crimes.

One feels overwhelmed and helpless. One's anxiety rises, and depression descends.

And by "one" I mean me, but I suspect I mean many of you also, who cannot turn away from the train wreck that has dominated our politics, news coverage, internet forum discussions, etc.

Suicide prevention hotlines noticed a surge in calls after Trump's victory. Fear is in the air, and I mean that literally as the media continually broadcasts about every outrage as if it is life or death. It's not unlike the phenomenon when Obama won, and people on the right went on a gun buying rampage and joined hate groups and "militias." They didnlt act because of what his policies were actually doing to America but because Fox and conservative hate radio ramped up their fear level based on conspiracy theories.

Now we are seeing the same thing playing out with traditional liberals and Democrats who flocked to march in the streets before and after Trump's inauguration, as the non-Fox media magnified each new story about Russia or Trump's Muslim Ban, or whatever, while ignoring our continued wars on vulnerable people both at home and abroad.

Fear really is the mind-killer.

What to do? What can be done? The mind reels. It becomes easy to fall into despair. To avoid the news. To try to run from your anxiety through escapist entertainment, or drugs, alcohol, anger ... the list is endless. And the fear that causes these reactions is not irrational.

Yes, the world is contingent, and the times are bad. Yes, there are very wealthy, powerful interests who are aligned to keep you afraid and inactive, or acting out in ways that benefit them, not you. Who seek to distract you and drive you into a state of learned helplessness, or encouraging wasted energy signing petitions, sending money to causes, or marching in protests that have no focus and no direction, that are being financed and led by the very same people who worked diligently to destroy dissent when they were in power.


But despite the contingent nature of our situation, despite the limits that situation imposes on each of us as individuals, we are still free to act. We can choose to give into the barrage of hate and fear and outrage that both factions among the powers that be wish to entrap us, or we can choose to do something other than follow their lead and/or simply stick our heads in the sand.

"Are we really free?" you might ask. After all we have witnessed over the last 20 years culminating in the horror that was 2016? Are we really free if we cannot find a job, cannot get healthcare, cannot escape the constant drumbeat of hate and fear that is being pounded into our heads by both the so-called right and the so-called left?

My answer is yes. We can choose how we face our situation, even those of us severely limited because of financial insecurity or health crises. It's why I keep writing here. It's why I made that video the other day, announcing what is in essence a quixotic run for the Presidency.

Because to do nothing in the face of evil, is to surrender our souls and allow that evil to spread. That is why the people at Standing Rock are risking their lives today in what many may consider a futile and useless gesture. However, if there is one thing I've learned, it's that doing anything is better than doing nothing. There are no futile gestures in my opinion.

That's why Dr. Michael Mann and thousands of other climate scientists continue to do research, but what is more, they have also entered the political arena to do battle with those who would deny a real and present danger to life on earth.

It's why alternative media has grown at such an explosive rate over the last four years.

You may not have the ability do make your voice heard to a great multitudw, or effect change within the Democratic party, or oppose the evils of the oligarchy and deep state elements that run this country without the consent of the governed, but that does not mean you're only option is to do nothing. Indeed, I would argue doing nothing is far more harmful to you, emotionally, physically and spiritually than any action you could take, no matter how small.

On Sunday, I met with a friend who recently retired from the Post Office, a mail carrier who walked a beat in the city day after day. She suffers from severe damage that her work caused to her feet and hands. And she spoke about how afraid she was with Trump in office, and how paranoid she'd become. She expressed the very things I discussed above, the feeling of wanting to do something to combat this existential threat that she sees in Trump and the Republicans, and the corporations that are behind them, but feeling there was nothing she could do. Like me, she lacks the stamina to march in the streets, or the money or connections to run for office, or to otherwise effect the changes she sees need to be made.

In response, I reminded her, however, of what she had told me earlier that day. She volunteers at a nursing home, visiting shut-ins there who do not get visitors, who spend their days in what amounts to solitary confinement, without any real human companionship to give them a reason to live or to help arrest their slow slide into dementia.

"You are doing something to help the world," I told her. Those visits mean something. They are important for the people whose lives are otherwise spent in gray despondency waiting to die. Your actions matter, I told her, even if they aren't making the big changes in the world she wishes she could bring into existence. There are other people manning the barricades, but that doesn't take away from you actions to bring kindness and love to those in need.

The point of this rant is simple. Every action you take to help others makes a difference. Whether throught disseminating information and opinions on the internet that the oligarchy and its adherents disdain, or serving the homeless in your community, or going out into the world to stand with the water protectors, or helping people find legal aid when ICE agents batter into their homes, or even marching in solidarity with those who are protesting for higher wages, decent living conditions, or protesting our endless, often secret wars around the world.

Whatever you can do to help others, no matter how small or insignificant you think it may be, or how futile, I say to you just do it. By acting you affirm that your life and the lives of those you seek to help have meaning. It's either that or waiting for Godot, by which I mean going from day to day without any hope, lost in your own despair, numbing yourself to what is going on the world outside your door, praying for a salvation that will never arrive.

So, yes, I say you are free to choose, even in times like these. Even when these times become much worse than they are now. You can choose to do something or do nothing.

Choose wisely.

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riverlover's picture

My broken foot was feeling worse today (mildly expected) and suddenly I felt tentacles flicker around me. Not suicidal, but deep Undertoad. So off to the pharmacy, just back. I called my plow guy earlier today; he and son will swing by later to bring up my new mattress, which has been lying, wrapped 900' away. So I try to self-care. But foot is a real drag now. Double-dose anti-depressant, may feel better tomorrow. After perhaps a sleep in clean sheets on a brand-new mattress. Something never experienced by myself.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.


Dunno if sending sympathy and virtual hugs help any, but that's about all I've got. Do have lots of those for you, though.

Hang in there, riverlover!

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

mhagle's picture

Thank you for this essay, Steven. We all need to hear this.

It is like baby steps into the light.

Three things I am doing that are helping me. My current passion is to grow food. As much as possible. I have been planting and planting and the new big experiment is growing plants in 4 X 6 hay bales. The soil in my part of Texas is alkaline and terrible, so every kind of intervention is critical. Last year we had lots of rain and farmers made way more hay than they can use. The year old hay is getting too nasty to feed livestock, so they can be purchased and delivered inexpensively. I have 13. I put them on the flat side, wrapped in plastic, and tomorrow start to "condition" them with nitrogen fertilizer and water. Hope to have a harvest that will have plenty for friends, family, and neighbors. That is a great pick-me-up. To see the little plants poke out of the soil and grow.

Another thing is I listen to and try to practice presence and stillness. Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti, Mooji, and Father Richard Rohr are among those who are so encouraging. Next month I am going to participate in a study course called "Fierce Love." There is a fee, but scholarships are available.

The last thing is doing nice things for my family. And smiling at people at Walmart.

Still . . . there are times when the fear grips me. Then the baby steps back.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Alligator Ed's picture

[The wealthy and powerful] Who seek to distract you and drive you into a state of learned helplessness, or encouraging wasted energy signing petitions, sending money to causes, or marching in protests that have no focus and no direction, that are being financed and led by the very same people who worked diligently to destroy dissent when they were in power.

Are we waiting for a Godot? Are we awaiting a new Messiah? Are we awaiting Jesus? Would we even recognize Jesus if he did return? What is the cure for this existential oppression so many of us feel?
Is it taking to the streets or simply tending to your garden?

In all times and in all places, humans have been confronted with this quandary. The situations are ALWAYS overthrown but the results are most often unpredictable. The cycles of history are not round and do not roll smoothly. They have no gyroscope to keep them on track. Those cycles are perhaps spirals. Are the spirals expanding or are they compressing? On the current path, I see the end is nearer unless a shift of tectonic magnitude occurs in the body politic. Yet human nature, being what it is and always was, always encourages blind, short-term ambition. It's a wonder that agriculture was ever invented because this requires the foresight to know that from careful dispersal of seeds, a sustainable existence can be maintained to prolong our existence. Those that Love The Bomb despair of our existence and like killer who slays his family first and then himself, are going to Valhalla dragging the rest of us along.

The beast must be slain before it slays us. Never in history have the means for obliteration of all life existed. How to do this?

Steven, I wish you were president.

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mhagle's picture

@Alligator Ed The real reason I tend my garden is because I anticipate food shortages when the gulf stream shuts down and produces superstorms in the ocean with 50 ft. waves so shipping and the global economy ends.

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"Make dirt, not war." eyo

Alligator Ed's picture

@mhagle Phone number is 1-800-432-8367 (1-800-HEAVENS)

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asterisk's picture

@Alligator Ed I share your wish that Steven was president. It is worthwhile to think about what we really want, not just what we think might be practical.

Note to Steven. Your run for president is not quixotic. We must define our dreams before we can try to achieve them. Deciding on your platform is a good way to decide on the details of what we want to demand.

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@Alligator Ed

... Are we waiting for a Godot? Are we awaiting a new Messiah? Are we awaiting Jesus? Would we even recognize Jesus if he did return? ...

Well, this pacific Jewish ex-carpenter who wanted to feed the poor and see the children taught showed up and told us that he'd do what he could but that we'd have to save ourselves... think we'll get anything closer?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Pluto's Republic's picture

It's very bad and it's taking a toll in the real world.

And *bingo* on this — it's the lack of other news. Even when you watch no push-news and hear no push-news — and use only the Internet where you can pull your own news, you begin to notice that there is nothing but scary Trump news.

No other story gets covered. Not the atrocity being committed at Standing Rock today. Not our continued participation in Saudi Arabia's campaign of genocide... Not the surge in hate crimes.

One feels overwhelmed and helpless.

I'm looking back at two decades with these media choices, and I cannot remember noticing the lack of news before, but I am now. The only time I remember unrelenting single-focus news was during three days of 9/11, which was the last time the US felt "out-of-control." It's changing people's behavior. Mine, too.

I think we're in the midst of another false flag, but that's not important. Your advice is important: to distract oneself with good actions toward others. It restores the center. Thanks for the reminder.

Reminds me of something Thomas Jefferson wrote about getting some psychological distance on governments and presidents:

“I had rather be shut up in a very modest cottage with my books, my family and a few old friends, dining on simple bacon, and letting the world roll on as it liked, than to occupy the most splendid post, which any human power can give.”
—Thomas Jefferson, letter to Alexander Donald, 7 February 1788

Bacon is also good advice.

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The political system is what it is because the People are who they are. — Plato
Mark from Queens's picture

Completely unplug from the MSM. As Twain said,"“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're misinformed.”

Open more books, cut down time online, resist turning on the tv (definitely get rid of cable), get more acquainted with the great authors and history (and follow their sources/influences to other authors and history), pick up your or learn to play an instrument, listen to a lot more music, exercise/do yoga, take long walks around your neighborhood and smile at and engage people, call old friends, watch more comedy and acquaint yourself with greats like Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Bill Hicks, Richard Pryor, cook more and expand your palette and grow some things, get down on the ground and roll around with a dog or child.

The late, great comedian/political satirist par excellence Bill Hicks had a bit about how, as a news junkie, he would CNN to the point of despair (wish I could find the video clip):

"Watch CNN headline news for an hour, its the most depressing fucking thing: war, famine, death, AIDS, homeless, recession, depression... And you look out your window...(does the sound of crickets chirping)...Where's all this shit happening?!

Reminds me of any time these pathetic lapdog MSM flunkies embark on wall-to-wall Fear coverage of any incident, one could actually go to where it is reportedly happening and find that many times, the way in which the scene is being portrayed by the media, with all sorts of close-up shock footage and focus on the most intimidating and/or controversial aspects of it (and the combined use of language, using words like "riot," "mobs," "looters," "fires," etc.) what one will actually find in person is, that more often than not, the scene is confined to very small areas, effecting much less people directly than how commensurately it's being reported, and is not nearly as foreboding as what's being depicted. Lots of exaggeration is used to keep people tuning in all day (throw in scary, blaring, red headlines and breathless talking head minions to complete the sale). Remember that next time you tune in to anything on "tv."

That's why citizen journalism/each of us remembering to always document any event we attend, in order to give a contrasting view, will be so imperative in the way forward.

Thanks Steven. Good advice not to let the Fear and malaise grind us down. There's lots of positives all around us every day, to find, encourage and coalesce. It really comes down to how you yourself are willing to process this moment in time. There's an incredible opportunity for people to unite, right now. Like someone else said about about the discovery of other galaxies with properties like earth where there may be other life in the universe, it's good to remind ourselves to find humility, empathy, compassion and unity.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Thanks Steven D.

I have been trying to simplify since I read it in 1978 there's a PDF at the link. Lost my way after becoming wealthy, then losing it over a few decades it seems like involuntary simplicity. Heh. (Tip: Don't grow old).

How I don't feed the billionaires, a whole lotta NO gives comfort:

No car, no gas, no insurance. No blood for oil
No TV, oh wait Netflix, yes it's an addiction.
No Cable
No cell phones, no contracts
No meat, no milk, no butter
No organic, inc.
No big banks (cash), credit union only
Paid off as much debt as possible, oh how I long to be debt-free
No fashion industry crap, no beauty industry waste
No pharmaceuticals, no booze
No proprietary operating systems, no Windows no Apple

I am hanging by a thread to stay connected to my ISP, the same since 1995! They do use AT&T copper lines, but that's it. Somewhere along the way they became a phone company too, to stay alive. Now I guess it is mostly inertia that keeps me plugged in, that and they are really good about privacy. Not to mention there is no Commons outside what the oligarchy has allowed, so it is pretty pretty bleak around here when disconnected.

Peace & Love

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Amanda Matthews's picture

Kardashian's to watch, Clooney's expecting babies, and Katy and Taylor are feuding. /s

(Okay, that info above may be a little dated but I haven't been to the grocery store lately. I get caught up on all the 'real' world events by reading the covers while standing in the check out line.)

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa