FDA admits they knew the J&J vaccine caused blood clots since spring 2021

The Food and Drug Administration on Thursday announced it was limiting access to Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine because of the risk of a blood clotting disorder that was discovered weeks after the vaccine was first put into use in the spring of 2021.


When the clotting risk was identified in mid-April of 2021, the FDA paused use of the vaccine. Though the pause was lifted 10 days later, confidence in the vaccine had been shaken and demand for it plummeted.

The clotting disorder, called thrombosis with thrombocytopenia or TTS, is rare, occurring at a rate of about 3.25 cases per million doses administered. But the condition can be fatal or life-altering if an individual survives.

Well, ain't that peachy for the folks who died.

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QMS's picture

the vaxxes were rushed to market without proper vetting
'operation warp speed' to save the pharmaceutical corps.
the sick, not so much. This was a planned pandemic to
enrich big Pharma while at the same time stripping the
population of basic liberties. A new chapter in the fear
campaign. Fauci lied while People died.
No liability for the experimental vaxx makers. EAU while
repressing proven alternatives and killing millions.

8 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security