Exit poll: UK Labour makes huge gains


It's not the final results.
Conservatives are still the largest party.

But this looks like a HUGE win for Jeremy Corbyn and Labour.

The Tories will be the largest party but may not have a majority, according to the general election exit poll.

The survey taken at polling stations across the UK suggests the Tories could get 314 MPs when all the results have been counted in Thursday's election.
To get an overall majority, one party needs to get 326 seats.

The exit poll suggests the Conservatives would be 12 short of an overall majority.

It suggests Labour would gain 34 seats, the Conservatives would lose 17 seats, the Lib Dems would gain six and the SNP lose 22 seats.

This means a) May made an enormous miscalculation, b) the neoliberal Blairites in the Labour party have been discredited, c) the next government has to be a coalition one.

I'm watching the results here and here.

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Bollox Ref's picture

May fcuked up big time, trying to run a 'presidential' campaign (All About Her, see Hillary), in a parliamentary system. And she came across as poorly as HRC, lambasting the opponent whilst waffling and robotically repeating the same platitudes time after time.

To think they were predicting a 100+ plus majority!! I see May's 'career' in free fall.


Also, too, the EU must be laughing its collective head off. This was supposed to be the Brexit vote made good. May isn't capable of negotiating herself out of a wet paper bag.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

@Bollox Ref

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“I am told that ‘the men in grey suits are livid’,” Forsyth says.

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Bollox Ref's picture

That would be a disaster of epic proportions. The place is as safely Tory as they come, just downstream (Thames) from Henley and the Regatta. Downtown Abbey in 2017.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

@Bollox Ref Wasn't he the guy that May sent to the debate?

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Bollox Ref's picture


I was contemplating the question in the Google Trends thing above.

Amber Rudd (Home Secretary) was sent to debate. I don't suppose she's very happy right now.

Even my Tory parents thought that May not debating was pretty poor.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

@Bollox Ref

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As in "Animals" Battersea. The coolest power-station-turned-into-LP-cover ever.

So is it "Dogs" or "Sheep?"

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Strange that a harp of thousand strings should keep in tune so long

thanatokephaloides's picture

@Bollox Ref

If May lost her own seat in Maidenhead, that would be a disaster of epic proportions.

capitalization/punctuation adjusted

But just think of the comedy gold that could be spun from that!

One Onion headline could read:

"Theresa May loses Maidenhead to Jeremy Corbyn!"

And it would appear in British comedy -- tomorrow at the latest. Remember, there are still Pythoners still living! Smile

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Bollox Ref's picture


A very disturbing image! Wink

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from a reasonably stable genius.

@Bollox Ref

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Roy Blakeley's picture

@gjohnsit when there are paper ballots counted by hand. Of course I couldn't possibly suggest that electronically tallied votes might be manipulated. Certainly not.

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lotlizard's picture


In his novel Momo — ostensibly for children — The Men in Grey stand for the turning of ordinary people’s existence into a commodity to be exchanged for money, the commodification of time.

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dervish's picture

out of those results? That's downright weird.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Bollox Ref's picture

Possible majority/minority administrations, based on the confidence of the House of Commons, vote by vote.

See some ministeries of the late 18th C.


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from a reasonably stable genius.

Paper ballots, meticulously counted by hand, publicly. Latest: Swing to Labour Grows!

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Mark from Queens's picture

What a difference.

Don't usually watch UK elections, but have been a Jeremy fan for a few years and have been smitten by the resurgence of a socialist-led party. Decided to tune in for the afternoon until now.

It's looking like really good news for the 99%. His platform sounds like almost everything we talk about here at C99, and, he's more Left than Bernie.

All that piling-on of fear-mongering from all the big newspapers and media (and even his own party) looks to have backfired.

Lots of shades of Bernie vs. $hills it seems, in terms of the campaigns.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

lotlizard's picture

@Mark from Queens  

All that piling-on of fear-mongering from all the big newspapers and media (and even his own party) looks to have backfired.

I hope when voters in Germany go to the polls in September, they elect to continue the streak of flipping off the comfortable media elites who deign to “manage” ordinary people’s suffering from afar.

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Mark from Queens's picture

First, it's proof that people will take a renewed interest in politics when an honest broker is speaking plainly about the injustices and criminality of the current Neoliberal style governments foisting austerity on their citizens. Just as they did with Bernie.

Owen Jones in the Guardian, "Jeremy Corbyn has caused a sensation – he would make a fine prime minister":

Young and previous non-voters came out in astonishing numbers, and not because they thought, “Ooh, Theresa May doesn’t stick to her promises, does she?” Neither can we reduce this to a remainer revolt. The Lib Dems threw everything at the despondent remainer demographic, with paltry returns. Many Ukip voters flocked to the Labour party.

No: this was about millions inspired by a radical manifesto that promised to transform Britain, to attack injustices, and challenge the vested interests holding the country back. Don’t let them tell you otherwise. People believe the booming well-off should pay more, that we should invest that money in schools, hospitals, houses, police and public services, that all in work should have a genuine living wage, that young people should not be saddled with debt for aspiring to an education, that our utilities should be under the control of the people of this country. For years, many of us have argued that these policies – shunned, reviled even in the political and media elite – had the genuine support of millions. And today that argument was decisively vindicated and settled.

But perhaps the biggest takeaway, and really good sign for the future, is that people were astute enough to check themselves against the onslaught of fear-mongering propaganda from the discredited MSM:

And then there’s the media onslaught. Even by the standards of our so-called free press – a stinking sewer at the best of times – its campaign against Corbyn and the Labour party was utterly nauseating. Smears of terrorism, extremism, you name it. They believed they could simply brainwash millions of Britons. But people in this country are cleverer than the press barons think, and millions rejected their bile....

But I came to believe that, yes, indeed Labour was heading for a terrible defeat that would crush all the things I believed in. That’s what all the polling, byelections and the local elections seemed to say. I thought people had made their minds up about Corbyn, however unfairly, and their opinion just wouldn’t shift. I wasn’t a bit wrong, or slightly wrong, or mostly wrong, but totally wrong. Having one foot in the Labour movement and one in the mainstream media undoubtedly left me more susceptible to their groupthink. Never again. Corbyn stays and – if indeed the Tories are thrown into crisis as Brexit approaches – he has an undoubted chance of becoming prime minister, and a fine prime minister he would make too.

(bolding and emphasis mine)

This is very encouraging. When people can get together, and also share things on social media (like the above video of the indignant taxi driver livid at the MSM baseless, ganging up on Corbyn), they start to feel not alone, like they're not crazy. Instead they can begin to see that it's really the MSM and their flunkies and their hermetically-sealed counterparts in government, historically are able to thrive because of this propaganda, who are the fucking crazy ones full of shit.

That's a big takeaway to me.

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

dervish's picture

they're supposed to, they'll likely just stop having these elections.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Mark from Queens's picture

Betfair now has Jeremy Corbyn as favourite to be the next PM

Betfair spokesperson Katie Baylis said: “Just a few short hours ago no one would really have entertained the prospect of Corbyn being Prime Minister. But he has now gone into favourite at 5/4. He’s been as big as 37/1 on the next PM market so this is an incredible turn around in just a few short weeks.”

Maybe that's because people are sick of and can smell the propaganda this time around:

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Mark from Queens The Brits are a little peeved with their media.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Bollox Ref's picture

as Foreign Secretary, I knew her administration was based on a load of twaddle.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

Roy Blakeley's picture

@Bollox Ref Appointing Boris to a position for which he was obviously unsuited was a tactic to let the country see what an ass Boris is so he would be discredited and would be eliminated as a potential challenger to her. She called this election when it looked like she would win a big majority and be safe for a few years. The second ploy backfired negating the first. Boris will certainly mount a challenge to her.

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dervish's picture

The UK will stop backing Saudi Arabia, and maybe the wars for profit will stop, at least for the UK.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

Jeremy Corbyn said the face of British politics had changed as he called on Theresa May to resign after her snap general election left Britain with a hung parliament 11 days before Brexit talks begin.

Speaking as he was returned as MP for Islington North, the Labour leader declared: “Politics has changed. Politics isn’t going back into the box where it was before. What’s happened is people have said they’ve had quite enough of austerity politics.”

Corbyn said May had called the election to assert her authority. “She wanted a mandate. Well the mandate she’s got is lost Conservative seats, lost votes, lost support and lost confidence. I would have thought that is enough for her to go.”

In other news, Theresa May has also been officially declared Upper Class Twit of the Year for 2017.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

lotlizard's picture

If past practice holds, Sinn Féin won’t actually take the seats it wins in the House of Commons. That would mean only 322 votes, not 326, are needed for control.

Corbyn as PM is again looking out of reach.

Wow, some of these races are really close. In Fife North East, the Scottish National Party candidate edged out the Lib Dem by just 2 votes out of 41,822.

Edited to add:
Yep, it’s official now: Teresa May forming a coalition government with the Northern Irish DUP.

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mimi's picture

with that kind of shit?

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture


Jess Bridge at Ladbrokes said: “The Prime Minister may have decided to form a minority government with support from the DUP, but punters think another election is on the cards.

"We’ve cut our odds to 11/8 for another election by the end of 2017.”

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

dervish's picture

@lotlizard come out yet? You know they must have, because twits never lose on their own merits, right?

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."

Roy Blakeley's picture

@lotlizard If Jezza Corbyn had become prime minister at this point, he would have had a mess on his hands. Let May deal with the mess. She will not be in office long. Corbyn stands a chance of winning an outright majority at the next election.

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ggersh's picture


Home About the author Political Myth Busting The what is ... ? series Donate
FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 2017

People want honest independent media, not mainstream media distortions

Look back to April 18th 2017 and the day that Theresa May called the snap election of hubris, and you'll remember how all the talk amongst the political pundit class was of the UK becoming a de facto one-party state, the only debate being whether May would be crowned Brexit Queen with a super-majority or a mega-majority.

The polls had the Tories over 20 points ahead of Labour. One poll even had them taking double the vote (48-24). Theresa May had some of the highest approval ratings in history and Jeremy Corbyn was being treated like a figure of ridicule by most of the mainstream media.

Within seven weeks Theresa May's reputation has been shredded, the Tory lead had evaporated (in the end the Tories won the General Election by less than a million votes) and Jeremy Corbyn walks away as the undisputed champion of the election for the way he conducted himself with the integrity of a true statesman, and never once crawled down into the political sewer to sling insults, abuse, smears, deliberate misrepresentations or lies back at the Tories and their despicable right-wing media bully boys..

Jeremy Corbyn fought a fantastic campaign. To millions his authentic optimism was a refreshing antidote to Theresa May's robotic repetition of her catchphrases (many of which will continue biting her for the rest of her political career), her cowardly refusal to debate her political opponents, and her refusal to give straight answers to even the most basic and mundane of questions.

We all saw how Corbyn has been monstered by the mainstream media, not just the filth that was relentlessly lobbed at him during this election campaign, but also during the two Labour leadership contests in 2015 and 2016 (where "left-liberal" publications like the Guardian were amongst the worst offenders).

Jeremy Corbyn has a lot of admirers. A lot of people remember him as one of the leaders of the Iraq war protest, and a lot of people really appreciate his statesmanlike refusal to crawl into the sewer and slinging abuse back at the Tories and their bully boy hacks in the mainstream media.

These Corbyn supporters needed media to turn to, and remembering the treachery of the supposedly left-wing media they turned in their droves to independent media.

According to research by Kaleida, of the 10 most shared political articles on Facebook during the election campaign, three were Another Angry Voice articles, including both of the top two.

#1 So how many of these Jeremy Corbyn policies do you actually disagree with (102,655 shares)

#2 Why you need to speak to someone who works in the NHS (85,045 shares)

#7 Theresa May's extraordinary Facebook meltdown (50,885 shares)

In the final week of the general election the Another Angry Voice Facebook page generated almost one million likes, comments and shares. That's almost as many as the Labour Party Facebook page managed, and significantly more than the Facebook pages of all of the other political parties combined!

That's one lone wolf guy making more Facebook noise than the pages of every UK newspaper except the Daily Mail and the Independent. And a huge amount of the Daily Mail's interactions were on their clickbait honey trap videos (you know, cute kids, fails, and cat videos) to lure people into their depraved extreme-right echo chamber.

Evolve Politics was even more viral than Another Angry Voice. Their virality rate for the final week of the election was an astounding 5,780%, working out at 578 interactions per follower in a single week!

With just 92,000 followers Evolve Politics content generated more engagements than the page of the ruling party in the final week of an election campaign!

The best virality the mainstream media managed was 0.4 interactions per follower achieved by the Independent (they produced some fantastic articles to hold Theresa May and the Tories to account, so I'm not at all surprised they were the most viral mainstream media source).

7m+ views! Astounding statistics, but all I did was
say something that needed to be said.

The Canary, despite having slightly lower interaction and virality figures than AAV and EP, also played a huge role because their content was very much dominated by factual well-sourced articles rather than the mix of articles, infographics and videos approach taken by the other two pages.

The phenomenal virality of factual independent media content should be one of the dominant stories of the post election analysis, but the mainstream media are skirting around it for some reason.

Either they're too blind to have even seen it (do they have no Facebook friends in real life or what?) or they saw it going on and decided not to give any extra publicity to the fact their carefully planned election narratives were getting totally annihilated on Facebook by two small left-wing websites and a lone wolf blogger!

Of course there's a lot of speculation for the mainstream media political pundits to do over the future of the nation under a hung parliament with the Article 50 clock ticking (well done for the smooth and orderly Brexit Mrs May!), but their inept attempts to frame the election through the prism of Brexit-Remain goggles are painful to watch.

This election was so obviously a battle of truth against lies.

Honesty is undeniably in the ascendancy in British politics, thanks in no small part to Jeremy Corbyn for leading by example, and to an epic social media fightback against a frankly depraved smear-mongering campaign by the billionaire propaganda barons and their minions, and the transparently fake pro-Tory "neutrality" of much of the political pundit class.

Maybe the mainstream media will wake up to this absolutely essential honesty vs lies theme at some point? I guess they'll have to won't they. Millions upon millions of us are now seeing right through their propaganda tactics, their depraved smear-mongering and their smug fake neutrality.

Another Angry Voice is a "Pay As You Feel" website. You can have access to all of my work for free, or you can choose to make a small donation to help me keep writing. The choice is entirely yours.

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Roy Blakeley's picture

If you drill down into the actual vote the real story is that the Labour Vote increased hugely in comparison to the last election. This was not so much of a defeat for May (I think her voting totals were relatively stable) as a huge win for Corbyn. He gave voters something to vote for, they were energized and they came out and voted. Maybe Democrats could learn from this.

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Roy Blakeley's picture

@Roy Blakeley The conservative popular vote actually increased by over 2 million relative to the 2015 election but the Labour vote increased by almost 3 million. This reinforces my point that the real story was not May's failure, but Corbyn's win.

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dervish's picture

@Roy Blakeley That's been proven time and time again. The only way they could learn would be to free the party from the grip of the oligarch donor class first, and that won't happen.

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"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."