The Evening Blues - 7-31-19


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Henry Townsend

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features St. Louis blues guitarist and piano player Henry Townsend. Enjoy!

Henry Townsend - Rocks Have Been My Pillow

"Rest your little thumbs, Donald."

-- Mika Brzezinski

News and Opinion

#UnfollowTrump: why we should stop engaging with the US president on Twitter

Every single day, the president of the US tweets bigoted and factually incorrect nonsense, and every single day, his tweets seem to constitute 50% of the news; we are stuck in a hellish groundhog day that rotates around Trump’s verbal diarrhoea. Important issues get shoved to the sidelines as we argue about whether Trump’s latest racist comment means he is a racist (spoiler: yes), hypothesise about what “covfefe” signifies or cackle over typos such as “Prince of Whales”. ...

On Sunday, Chris Murphy, a senator from Connecticut, tweeted that he was unfollowing the president “because his feed is the most hate-filled, racist, and demeaning of the 200+ I follow and it regularly ruins my day to read it. So I’m just going to stop.” His announcement started a small movement; Twitter users began urging the president’s 62.4 million followers to emulate Murphy and #unfollowTrump. ...

I also think it is worth remembering that there is nothing positive to be gained by following or engaging with Trump on Twitter. The only reason I’m spelling it out is that a large number of people appear to labour under the delusion that retweeting the president and attaching a snarky comment constitutes an act of #resistance. It doesn’t. All publicity is good publicity for a guy like Trump. ... Most of the world isn’t on Twitter, and when Trump’s tweets are elevated into mainstream news, we are helping spread his vile statements. We’re doing his work for him. We’re complicit.

Trump continues racist diatribes

Trump is operating with a definite political strategy. His social media broadsides against socialism, immigrants and impoverished majority-black urban areas are aimed at inciting violence from his right-wing base (who will no doubt respond in particular to Trump’s claim that Sharpton “hates whites and cops”). He is adding fuel to an already explosive political environment in order to legitimize dictatorial methods. This political logic has already been demonstrated by his threat to have Antifa declared a terrorist organization, effectively making it illegal.

The use of such abusive and crude language against political opponents has no precedent in the history of the American presidency. Such rhetoric will undoubtedly find an audience among layers willing to employ violence within the right-wing milieu that Trump has drawn around himself. This was exposed by the recent mass shooting in Gilroy, California, where gunman Santino Legan praised Might Is Right, a 19th century tract popular among neo-Nazis and white supremacists.

This danger was touched on in an MSNBC interview with Karine Jean-Pierre, chief public affairs officer for the liberal Democratic activist group “I don’t know where Donald Trump wants to take this, but wherever it is, it’s going to be dangerous,” she said. “It could lead to some sort of horrible civil war. He is testing us. He’s testing the democracy. He’s shredding the Constitution.”

One possible reason for Trump’s decision to single out Baltimore for his racist diatribes is the fact that the House Republican Conference is planning to hold its annual retreat next month in downtown Baltimore. If Trump’s tweets provoke angry protests against the gathering, he could use this to justify a police state crackdown. ...

Trump is able to take the political initiative because of the fecklessness of the Democratic Party, which has responded to Trump’s right-wing incitement by voting for everything he demands. Their support last week for Trump’s budget bill, which passed in spite of Republican opposition, demonstrates that Trump is now effectively running the country in a de-facto coalition with the Democratic Party. In spite of his anti-communist diatribes against the four “democratic socialist” congresswomen, they played a key role in bringing funding for Trump’s immigration policies to a vote in the House of Representatives.

Democrats Use Trump’s Tweets to Hide Neoliberal Policy Failures

Saudi Arabia Edited a Trump “America First” Campaign Speech. Manafort Helped Them Do It.

A Trump campaign aide and Paul Manafort let Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates edit a stump speech delivered by Trump in May 2016. With the help of Thomas Barrack Jr., a longtime Trump friend and a major Republican campaign donor who led the inaugural committee, the campaign sent a draft of the energy-policy speech to officials from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Barrack then worked with campaign manager Manafort to make sure some of the changes were made — all in what appears to be an attempt to allow nuclear-tech sharing that could have led to a lucrative deal for Barrack, to finance the construction of nuclear power plants in the Middle East.

The revelation comes from a report, based on 6,000 pages of new documents obtained by the House Oversight Committee, that suggests Trump could be susceptible to the influence of a foreign interest when convenient for his biggest supporters. “With regard to Saudi Arabia, the Trump Administration has virtually obliterated the lines normally separating government policy-making from corporate and foreign interests,” said the report, commissioned by the committee’s chair, Rep. Elijah Cummings, a Democrat from Maryland who’s been the subject of racist ire from Trump in the last few days. ...

It wasn’t clear, as the report states, whether Trump himself had any knowledge that his aides were circulating the speech. What is clear is that in the weeks leading up to Trump’s speech, Barrack, a billionaire who runs a private equity firm, sent the prepared remarks to a contact who shared them with the Emiratis and the Saudis. He then made sure that the changes they wanted were incorporated into the speech, with Manafort’s help. ...

Barrack stood to gain from a close energy relationship with the Saudis. ... And Barrack’s already raking in cash from the UAE and the Saudis. Between Trump’s nomination as the Republican candidate for president and the end of June of this year, Barrack’s taken in $1.5 billion from Saudis and the Emiratis through investments or other transactions like asset sales, according to the Times.

Brazilians Fight Far-Right Campaign to Silence Greenwald & Intercept Leaks

Worth a full read:

How Joe Biden’s privatization plans helped doom Latin America and fuel the migration crisis

While campaigning for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination this year, former Senator and Vice President Joseph Biden has touted the crucial role he played in designing US mega-development and drug war campaigns that transformed the socio-political landscape of large swaths of Latin America. “I was one of the architects of Plan Colombia,” Biden boasted in a July 5 interview with CNN, referring to the multi-billion dollar US effort to end Colombia’s civil war with a massive surge of support for the country’s military. According to Biden, the plan was a panacea for Colombia’s problems, from “crooked cops” to civil strife.

But Biden’s plan for Colombia has contributed directly to the country’s transformation into a hyper-militarized bastion of right-wing rule, enhancing the power and presence of the notoriously brutal armed forces while failing miserably in its anti-narcotic and reformist objectives. This year alone, more than 50 human rights defenders were killed in Colombia in the first four months of 2019, while coca production is close to record levels. And as Colombian peace activists lamented in interviews with The Grayzone, the US is still in complete control of Bogotá’s failed anti-drug policy, thanks largely to Plan Colombia.

Biden has also pumped up his role in an initiative called the Alliance for Prosperity, which was applied to the Northern Triangle of Central America. The former vice president was so central to the program’s genesis that it was informally known as “Plan Biden.” Marketed as an answer to the crisis of child migration, Biden’s brainchild channeled $750 million through a right-wing government installed by a US-orchestrated military coup to spur mega-development projects and privatize social services.

The Grayzone visited Honduras in July and documented, through interviews with human rights defenders, students, indigenous activists, and citizens from all walks of life, how the Alliance for Prosperity helped set the stage for a national rebellion. In recent months, teachers, doctors, students, and rural campesinos have been in the streets protesting the privatization plans imposed on their country under the watch of Biden and his successors. The gutting of public health services, teacher layoffs, staggering hikes in electricity prices, and environmentally destructive mega-development projects are critical factors in mass migration from Honduras. And indeed, they are immediate byproducts of the so-called “Biden plan.”

“Biden is taking credit for doing something constructive to stop the migration crisis and blaming the concentration camps [on the US-Mexico border] on Trump. But it’s Biden’s policies that are driving more people out of Central America and making human rights defenders lives more precarious by defending entities that have no interest in human rights,” explained Adrienne Pine, a professor of anthropology at American University and leading researcher of the social crisis in Honduras, in an interview with The Grayzone. “So $750 million US taxpayer dollars that were allocated to supposedly address child migration are actually making things worse,” Pine added. “It started with unaccompanied minors and now you have children in cages. Largely thanks to Biden.”

Boris Johnson: EU must scrap the backstop to avoid a no-deal Brexit

Boris Johnson has said it is up to the EU to compromise to avoid a no-deal Brexit, after his demands for the backstop to be scrapped were met with a flat refusal from the Irish taoiseach, Leo Varadkar.

In comments that showed he is preparing to blame the EU if the UK ends up leaving without a deal, Johnson said he was not aiming for a no-deal Brexit but the situation was “very much up to our friends and partners across the Channel”.

“They know that three times the House of Commons has thrown out that backstop, there’s no way that we can get it through, we have to have that backstop out of the deal, we cannot go on with the withdrawal agreement as it currently is,” he said. “If they understand that then I think we are going to be at the races. If they can’t compromise, if they really can’t do it, then clearly we have to get ready for a no-deal exit.”

He said it was “up to the EU, this is their call if they want us to do this” but “unless we are determined to do it they won’t take us seriously in the course of the negotiations”.

We'll block trade deal if Brexit imperils open Irish border, say US politicians

Any future US-UK trade deal would almost certainly be blocked by the US Congress if Brexit affects the Irish border and jeopardises peace in Northern Ireland, congressional leaders and diplomats have warned.

Boris Johnson has presented a trade deal with the US as a way of offsetting the economic costs of leaving the EU, and Donald Trump promised the two countries could strike “a very substantial trade agreement” that would increase trade “four or five times”.

Trump, however, would not be able to push an agreement through a hostile Congress, where there would be strong bipartisan opposition to any UK trade deal in the event of a threat to the 1998 Good Friday agreement, and to the open border between Northern Ireland and the Republic. ...

“The American dimension to the Good Friday agreement is indispensable,” said Richard Neal, who is co-chair of the 54-strong Friends of Ireland caucus in Congress, and also chairs the powerful House ways and means committee, with the power to hold up a trade deal indefinitely. ... “I would have little enthusiasm for entertaining a bilateral trade agreement with the UK, if they were to jeopardise the agreement.”

Pete King, the Republican co-chair of the Friends of Ireland group, said the threat to abandon the backstop and endanger the open border was a “needless provocation”, adding that his party would have no compunction about defying Trump over the issue.

McConnell Rushes to Confirm 19 Right-Wing Judges Before Recess

Democrats are facing pressure to do everything in their power to fight back as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell moves to ram through 19 of President Donald Trump's right-wing judicial nominees before the chamber breaks for recess at the end of the week. The Republican-controlled Senate on Tuesday confirmed two of Trump's lifetime appointees—Michael Liburdi and Peter Welte—without much difficulty. Welte, Trump's pick for the U.S. District Court of North Dakota, was confirmed with the support of 18 Democratic senators.

Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Doug Jones (D-Ala.), and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) were the only Democrats to vote yes on Liburdi, a member of the right-wing Federalist Society. ...

"The Senate has set an aggressive pace for fulfilling Trump’s campaign promise to appoint conservative judges," Bloomberg Law reported Monday, "so far clearing 43 appeals court judges, 86 district court judges, and Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court."

Kristine Lucius, executive vice president for policy and government affairs at the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, said in a statement Tuesday that "McConnell's flagrant move to clear the deck before the Senate leaves for recess would bring Trump's total to 150 judicial appointments."

5 European countries agree to share responsibility for boat migrants

Trump Regime Spurns Court Order to Stop Separating Families

Court documents from the ACLU revealed Tuesday that President Donald Trump's war on immigrants continues unabated—the administration has for a year been flouting a court order to stop separating children from their parents at the border, resulting in the wrenching apart of at least 900 families.

The ACLU filed suit in San Diego Tuesday to stop the government from continuing the practice, which was meant to be kept only in cases of neglect or danger to the child. ...

The Trump administration has continued to separate families for relatively minor infractions like traffic tickets, according to the ACLU.

In court documents, the civil liberties organization alleges that Customs and Border Protection's (CBP) reasoning for separating families included that a father was HIV+; that a parent didn't immediately change the diaper of his sick and sleeping child; and multiple unsubstantiated allegations of abuse.

Stephen Miller Is Trying to Stop Migrants from Getting Past the First Step in the Asylum Process, Report Says

White House adviser Stephen Miller, the architect of the Trump administration’s immigration policy, thinks citizenship officials are too easy on migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. He’d rather Border Patrol agents asses if they’re really in enough danger to apply for asylum.

Miller is looking for ways to reduce the number of migrants who pass their initial “credible fear” interviews, the first step in the asylum process, according to emails obtained by NBC News between an official with the National Security Council and Customs and Border Protection. Most migrants pass those interviews, which are conducted by officials at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). But Miller sees Border Patrol officers as less soft, current and former Homeland Security officials told NBC.

“My mantra has persistently been presenting aliens with multiple unsolvable dilemmas to impact their calculus for choosing to make the arduous journey to begin with,” the National Security official said in an email, according to NBC.

the horse race

Democrats Propose Constitutional Amendment to 'Wipe Clean the Dark Stain' of Citizens United

Supporters of Senate Democrats' proposed Democracy for All constitutional amendment, aimed at reversing the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling, said Tuesday that the proposal represents a much-needed step in ending the outsize influence wealthy corporations have on U.S. elections. Lead sponsors Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Tom Udall (D-N.M.) spoke on the steps outside the high court, calling for an amendment that would affirm that "corporations are not people and your net worth shouldn't determine your right to free speech."

"Ever since the Supreme Court ruled to open the floodgates for unlimited corporate spending in our elections, secret special interest money has poured in—and drowned out the voices of the American people," said Udall. "And the door has opened even wider for the ultra-wealthy and well-connected to root themselves in our government and pull the levers of our democracy."

As the government watchdog group Public Citizen said, "Winning the progressive agenda is predicated on winning" the fight for legislation like the Democracy for All Amendment. The amendment would overturn what the lawmakers called "disastrous" Supreme Court decisions including Citizens United, which ended (pdf) state and federal limits on campaign spending and unleashed unprecedented corporate PAC spending on elections, with a record-breaking $5.2 billion spent in 2018.

The bill to pass the amendment has the support of 40 senators, while the House version has 130 co-sponsors.

Kamala Harris Receives Donations From Big Pharma Executives Despite Claim She Rejects Them

Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign, while releasing a new health care proposal yesterday, balked at criticism that private industry interests would seek to influence her election effort. Ian Sams, the national press secretary for the Harris campaign, told CNN on Monday that Harris “is not taking any money from pharmaceutical executives.”

Federal Election Commission campaign finance records, however, show that the California senator has received thousands of dollars from executives at drug companies this year, most of which has not been returned.

Donors include Therese Meaney, a vice president at Endo Pharmaceuticals, a company that manufacturers opioid painkillers, who has given $1,250 to the Harris campaign; Ted Love, the president and chief executive of Global Blood Therapeutics, a startup biopharmaceutical company, who gave $2,800; J. Dana Hughes, a vice president at Pfizer, gave $250; Damian Wilmot, an executive at Vertex Pharmaceuticals, gave $1,000; and Jeffrey Stein, the chief executive of Cidara Therapeutics, another drug startup, who gave $1,000.

There has been some effort by the Harris campaign to return drug company money. Records show the campaign returned a $2,700 donation from John Guthrie, an executive at Pharmaceutics International Inc., in March, for example. Why some drug company donations were accepted and returned, while others were not, is not immediately clear.

Pramila Jayapal Frustrated by Democrats Using Medicare for All Label to Push Plans 'That Are Not Medicare for All'

Rep. Pramila Jayapal on Tuesday voiced her frustration with fellow Democrats who are attaching the Medicare for All label to proposals that fall well short of the core principles and goals of single-payer healthcare. "I appreciate the robust healthcare debate my Democratic colleagues have brought to the table," Jayapal tweeted. "But as lead sponsor of Medicare for All [in the House], I find it misleading when my fellow Democrats use the M4A name to describe proposals that are not Medicare for All."

Though Jayapal did not mention Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) by name, the Washington Democrat's criticism appears to have been directed at Harris's newly released healthcare plan, which single-payer advocates have criticized as Medicare for All in name only.

"The Medicare for All movement is powerful because grassroots members have fought for years to achieve true universal healthcare and remove the profit-motive from the system," wrote the Washington Democrat. "Any policy that uses the M4ALL name must embody these principles, not undermine them."

Sanders and Warren Tout Progressive Vision for 2020 as Second Democratic Debate Kicks Off

Score a soundbite win for Sanders.

Warren and Sanders face fierce challenges by moderates over healthcare

Progressive Democratic 2020 frontrunners Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren faced fierce challenges from moderate candidates on Tuesday night in the second round of televised presidential debates. Few have wielded as much influence in shaping the Democratic party’s progressive agenda as Sanders and Warren, but critics contend they are too “far-left” to wrench the White House from Donald Trump’s grasp. Former Maryland congressman John Delaney came out swinging by accusing Warren and Sanders of promising “bad policies like Medicare for All, free everything and impossible promises that will turn off independent voters and get Trump reelected.”

Warren countered the Democrats cannot win the White House with “small ideas and spinelessness”.

Warren slips the knife in:

'Moral Courage and Conviction' Behind Primary Challenge to Rep. Josh Gottheimer—One of the Most Conservative House Democrats

One of the most conservative members of the Democratic House caucus won't be running unopposed for re-election in the 2020 primary.

Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) will face off against political newcomer Arati Kreibich in the Democratic primary on Tuesday, June 2, 2020. In a statement announcing her run, Kreibich said that she was ready to take on Gottheimer, who, she pointed out, is one of the members of the caucus most friendly to President Donald Trump.

"He's got one of the most pro-Trump records of any House Democrat in Washington," said Kreibich of Gottheimer, "and when he comes home he refuses to explain his votes, hiding behind his position as a leader of the so-called Problem Solvers Caucus." Gottheimer regularly stands in the way of progress, Kreibich said in her statement, another sign that he's not in tune with his constituents.

"He seems more interested in creating roadblocks for big solutions than solving the problems that make life so tough for families in New Jersey," said Kreibich. "But you don't get a nickname like 'the Human Fundraising Machine' without losing touch with the people."

the evening greens

New BLM Appointee Brings Conflicts of Interest and Plans to Sell Off Public Lands to Agency Charged With Protecting Them

Control over nearly 250 million acres of public lands was placed Monday in the hands of a former Reagan administration official who has argued that all federal lands should be sold to fossil fuel and other corporate interests in accordance with the goals of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Interior Secretary David Bernhardt appointed attorney William Perry Pendley as acting head of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), sending fears throughout conservation groups that many of the country's minerals and resources will soon be handed over to oil and gas companies.

Pendley wrote in 2016 that "the Founding Fathers intended all lands owned by the federal government to be sold," and as recently as this month he lauded fossil fuel extraction as an "energy, economic, and environmental miracle."

"This appointment shows Trump and Bernhardt are only interested in selling off public lands to the highest bidder," said Chris Saeger, executive director of the Western Values Project, in a statement. "Pendley is an outspoken advocate for the transfer of public lands to the state. Anything they've ever said about not selling off public lands has just been a political smokescreen to distract from their real intentions: handing over public lands to their special interest allies."

Pendley's appointment comes on the heels of the Interior Department's decision to spread the BLM's Washington, D.C.-based headquarters across a number of western states, a move which critics say is aimed at giving the agency less control over federal decision-making about federal lands. ...

During his tenure in the Interior Department during the Reagan administration, the Western Values Project noted in a statement, Pendley frequently called for a repeal of the Antiquities Act, while preserves archeological sites, historic structures, and cultural landscapes across the country.

Fewer than 19 vaquita porpoises left

There are fewer than 19 vaquita porpoises thought to be left, according to a study. In 2016, estimates of the vaquita population stood at just 30, but research published in Royal Society Open Science suggests the figure has fallen further. “Based on the uncertainty inherent in the models, the number could be as few as six,” said Prof Len Thomas, a statistician at the University of St Andrews and an author on the study.

The vaquita population lives in an area at the upper corner of the Gulf of California in Mexico. To estimate their numbers, the researchers recorded the vaquitas’ echolocation clicks using a large grid of acoustic sensors stationed over their habitat. Combined with visual sightings, the data shows a decline of 98.6% since monitoring started in 2011.

The critically endangered species get caught and drowned as a bycatch in gillnets. These nets are vertically suspended in water and the spacing of the mesh is supposed to allow only fish of certain size to be caught, but in practice marine mammals and sea turtles can quickly become entangled and drown.

Although the Mexican government banned gillnets in 2015, illegal fishing with them has continued and 10 dead vaquitas have been found caught in them since the ban. Those using gillnets are aiming to catch totoaba, a large marine fish whose swim bladder – an inflatable organ that helps to maintain buoyancy in the water – is highly prized in China for use in traditional medicine.

White House ‘undercutting evidence' of climate crisis, says analyst who resigned

A former senior government analyst has accused the Trump administration of “undercutting evidence” of the threat to national security from the climate crisis after his report on the issue was blocked by the White House.

Rod Schoonover, who worked as an intelligence analyst for the federal government for 10 years before resigning earlier this month, submitted a written testimony on the “wide-ranging implications” of global heating over the next 20 years, for submission to the House intelligence committee last month.

But he said on Tuesday that the report was stopped by the White House because his findings “did not comport with administration’s position on climate change”. ...

“The decision to block the written testimony is another example of a well-established pattern in the Trump administration of undercutting evidence that contradicts its policy positions,” Schoonover wrote in an opinion article for the New York Times, published on Tuesday. “Beyond obstructing science, this action also undermined the analytic independence of a major element of the intelligence community.”

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

A Trump-Loving Gun Store Is Now Targeting the Squad

Media Downplay Climate Disruption’s Ever-Growing Role in Driving Migration

Living without water: the crisis pushing people out of El Salvador

More Than 160 Environmental Defenders Were Killed in 2018, and Many Others Labeled Terrorists and Criminals

‘We are the vaccine against unilateralism’: Non-Aligned Movement gathers in Venezuela to resist dictatorship of dollar

Bernie Sanders, Julián Castro Among 2020 Candidates Set to Attend First-Ever Presidential Forum on Native American Issues

Do Debate Questions Reflect Concerns of Democratic Voters?

Hospitals Squeal Like Stuck Pigs Over Trump Proposal to Force Disclosure of Insurance Company Discounts

A Little Night Music

Henry Townsend - Henry's Worry Blues

Henry Townsend - Too Pretty for Me

Henry Townsend - The Train Is Coming

Henry Townsend - Poor man blues

Henry Townsend - Buzz Buzz Buzz

Henry Townsend - She's Got A Mean Disposition

Henry Townsend, Sick With The Blues

Pinetop Sparks & Henry Townsend - Everyday I have the Blues

Henry Townsend - My Home Ain't Here

Henry Townsend - I Asked Her If She Loved Me

Henry Townsend - The Cut Back Blues

Henry Townsend - Sloppy Drunk Again

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QMS's picture

Good blues Joe.
Thanks a many.

0 users have voted.

question everything

joe shikspack's picture


have a great evening!

0 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

How anyone can vote for ByeDone over Bernie is mind boggling because Bernie is offering what Obama once did and ByeDone made sure wouldn't get passed.

Here are the 19 democrats that voted for the two right wing judges. Many of them have been voting for the Trump judges that the federalist society has decided to be named. Lots of bitching about McConnell forcing through the judges, but not about the democrats who are helping him do it. Good thing that Manchin is a democrat huh? Even after he voted for Kavanaugh. "Well he had to do that so he could get reelected don't you see?"

Carper (D-DE)
Coons (D-DE)
Cortez Masto (D-NV)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Hassan (D-NH)
Jones (D-AL)
Kaine (D-VA) - Hillary's pick for VP
Leahy (D-VT)
Manchin (D-WV)
Murphy (D-CT)
Peters (D-MI)
Rosen (D-NV)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Sinema (D-AZ)
Tester (D-MT)
Warner (D-VA)

Hmm..looks like I left a few out, but my point still stands. There is a reason why democrats are voting for the judges. This is a way for the legislative branch to reverse any of the decent legislation that democrats have passed in the past. And remember that Hitler once said that going through the courts make what he is doing legal. Or something close...

0 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

joe shikspack's picture


i think that sanders would wipe the floor with trump in a traditional debate with standard scoring. i think that he stands more of a chance against trump than the rest of the democrat field. the only question is how the media treats each of them.

manchin is pretty much useless to the 99%. why democrats support him is beyond me. while manchin is one of the worst dem senators, the others that are voting for federalist society judges all deserve to be booted out on their asses. it looks like the 1% are working on creating a firewall against serious change in the judiciary branch.

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Bollox Ref's picture

is to revoke Article 50 and carry on as a member of the EU. No deal will ever be as good as membership, and "No Deal" will be a complete disaster for the integrity of the UK and Ireland. A referendum held in 2016, with such a narrow margin of victory, is hardly a talisman, especially for a sovereign parliament.

Alexander Boris de Piffle Johnson and his neo-fascist goon squad need to get real..... fast.

0 users have voted.

from a reasonably stable genius.

@Bollox Ref
to go ballistic if the "will of the people" is not carried out.

0 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

Bollox Ref's picture


That number includes my parents....

0 users have voted.

from a reasonably stable genius.

joe shikspack's picture

@Bollox Ref

it will be interesting to see if the goon squad will really dare to jump over the cliff.

i doubt that they are going to be able to get the eu to move on the irish backstop. boris just doesn't have any leverage. it seems a pretty fair bet that the congress is not going to go along with boris' little plan and make a trade deal with him if he screws up ireland.

it also seems quite likely that parts of the uk may peel off (scotland is certainly making strong noises) and leave boris' britain alone to twist in the wind.

you would think that given the sort of havoc that seems quite reasonably likely to occur would give even an upper class twit like boris pause.

i guess we'll see how close to the edge he is willing to go and if he is willing to jump.

presumably, much of the rest of the uk will not want to jump along with him.

0 users have voted.

media figures it out three years late

Tuesday night’s Democratic debate appeared to have been designed to spark a fight between the two leading liberals in the presidential primary race, Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. That didn’t happen. Warren and Sanders teamed up instead, and the debate quickly shaped up into a fight between the liberals and the rest of the moderates—which the liberals won by a mile.
...That presented moderates with two problems they couldn’t solve. First, in a debate that revolved around aspirational Democratic goals, the moderate challengers framed their arguments chiefly in terms of what Democrats couldn’t do—a weakness Warren exploited to devastating effect when she rebutted Delaney’s attack by saying, “I don’t understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running to be the president of the United States to talk about what we really can’t do and shouldn’t fight for.” Delaney’s crestfallen expression made clear he and his allies currently have no answer.

Second, Warren and Sanders made a consistently strong, proactive pitch for why the scope of their ambition wasn’t unrealistic—a pitch that post-debate focus groups on CNN found almost universally persuasive. Sanders delivered the night’s viral moment when another moderate, Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan, insisted that Medicare for All wouldn’t be “better” for union workers than their current coverage. As Sanders listed the benefits of his plan, Ryan pressed, “You don’t know that, Bernie.” Sanders shot back, “I do know that. I wrote the damn bill. As Jeff Weaver, a senior Sanders adviser, put it afterward concerning the moderate challengers: “I think he dispatched them all quite handily.”

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joe shikspack's picture


i guess the chattering class can't come out with the headline, "sanders and warren fail to fall into trap laid by dnc, media conglomerates - instead team up to savage hapless moderate party hacks." Smile

0 users have voted.

articulated a question that many of us have wondered about the Democratic Party's approach to politics for several years now.

0 users have voted.

The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

joe shikspack's picture


i thought warren did a good job of exposing the party and its neoliberal program as fraudulent. i'm glad that the media and the twitterverse cooperated in promoting the message.

0 users have voted.
Unabashed Liberal's picture

(universal healthcare system).

[Americans living in Mexico praise 'Seguro Popular' universal health care]

I'm covered up, more and more, with helping Mr M make arrangements before he formally files his retirement papers. Believe it or not, think I finally got the hang of working with Excel (in a limited fashion, that is!). But, that's not the half of it, I'm finding.

IOW, so, so, so many decisions!!!!! Wacko Help

(I'll have to dig up my old retirement countdown clock, soon.)

We 'think' we'll return to Puebla or Cholula (Mexico)--both in the immediate proximity of our old stomping grounds at UDLAP--first. One advantage of doing that--an old friend from UDLAP has volunteered to accompany us to Uruguay, when we visit for the first time. (He's lived there.) Clearly, that would be a plus. (And, it's one of the safest parts of the country, I might add.)

BTW, I didn't find this YouTube video. I 'think' that it was CS in AZ who posted it a year or so, ago.

Hey, maybe a tad cooler (here) than two weeks ago, but, still pretty miserably hot. (after 2-3 day respite) Since it's practically August, though, I'm beginning to feel some sense of relief. Fall is almost around the corner--my favorite season.

(BTW, Uruguay has 4 seasons, unlike some SA countries. Another plus.)

Hope tonight the healthcare debate (if there is one) will be more substantive (than last night's). If not, they shouldn't bother. But, even more interesting (to me) will be to see how 'Uncle Joe' does. I figure that he'll be sorta shaky--but, who knows? He really does seem to have aged a lot since he was in the WH. Or, maybe he was in that shape. Now that I think of it, didn't see him all that much! Smile

Thanks for tonight's EB, Joe. Everyone have a nice evening. Stay cool.

Bye Pleasantry


“Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made.
~~Roger Caras

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

joe shikspack's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

heh, you have my sympathies having to work with excel. i've never liked that program. it's nowhere near as intuitive as lotus was and it's poorly documented to boot.

great video, thanks!

i hope that wherever you guys wind up moving you have good internet access, i don't want to lose any bluesters. Smile

i guess we'll see if healthcare gets any play tonight. i think that the key to what gets asked is what the talking heads feel has the most potential to spark dramatic conflicts amongst the pageant contestants.

it was a slight bit cooler and a good bit less humid here today than the past couple of days, the nights have been pretty decent, though. tonight it's down in the high 70's. it's only the beginning of august and i'm very much looking forward to fall already. Smile

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

@joe shikspack

dropping off due to lack of telecommunications. Smile Seriously, one of the many selling points (for Uruguay) is what I thought I'd read about the excellent infrastructure--including, mobile and broadband, or telecommunications. Couldn't remember where I read it, but, searched, and found this (just now) -

2. Uruguay - $22,445

Uruguay is the second richest South American nation in terms of GDP per capita. The country is located in South America’s southeastern region where it occupies an area of about 176,000 square km. The population of the country is 3.42 million.

Uruguay has a stable economy with a literate workforce and an export-oriented agricultural sector serving as the pillars of the country’s economy. Beef and wool are the most powerful export-oriented industries in the country. Some mining activities are also carried out. Plastics are the most significant manufactured exports of the country. The telecommunications sector is also well-developed. Travel and tourism contribute to 9.4% of the country's GDP.

Funny, though--haven't (yet) thought to checkout internet service in Puebla, and surrounding communities, including communities adjacent to UDLAP. Guess I should put it on my to-do list, although, feel certain that services would have to be strong with a major University in the area.

Will be picking up international calling that will cover several SA countries this month (August). Decided to postpone it for a few weeks, until I could get some chores behind me. (the way the calling package works, there's a time limit, so, no point in purchasing it, until I'm ready to use it)

Glad that you've gotten a bit of break in the weather (which we did, for a while). Saw on Accuweather the other day that we'll possibly avoid a lot of nasty T-storms, but, we'll likely have very high humidity levels for most of August. Ugh! We had temps that were 3-digits in SW Oklahoma--but, at least, it was desert dry. Really wasn't that bad. Needless to say, I'm already dreading the next weeks, if it's turns out to be as bad as they're predicting. Bad

Listened to a good bit of the Debate, and, IMO, Uncle Joe will be toast within several months. Also, heard last week that he has a home in South Carolina--guess that's the 'reason' he has such a strong 'machine' there. Still, not sure I think that a single (strong for him) primary state can save him. Guess time will tell.

Have a good one.



“Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made.
~~Roger Caras

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

snoopydawg's picture

With the arrogance of a pith-helmeted high colonial official meting out instructions on who to hire and fire to his docile subjects, Biden presided over a plan that failed miserably in its stated goals, while transforming Colombia into a hyper-militarized bastion of US regional influence.

People who are against immigration love to say that people should stay in their countries and make them better. This is hard to do when the countries are being backed by US trained military goons. And just look at what happens when people here try to change things through peaceful protests. They are met with the full might of the militarized police state.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

joe shikspack's picture


i have had some luck talking with a few acquaintances that i call my test conservatives by explaining a little bit of the history of our interference in latin america and suggesting that if we would cease interfering and let the folks there sort things out for themselves, one, it would save american tax dollars and two, it would make it less likely that latin americans would need to come here.

my test conservatives that are more libertarian-leaning sorts are quite accepting of this line of argument, while (what i call) the 'murica fuck yeah conservatives have some suspicions that there will be a commie uprising down south that will imperil 'murica, but are not entirely put off by the argument.

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Azazello's picture

Tulsi Gabbard actually said "warmongers" and "war-mongering politicians in Washington" during the debate.
Watch for her closing remarks at her YouTube channel soon.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

joe shikspack's picture


cool! i'll keep an eye out for it.

there have been some things said on television lately that i didn't think that the mainstream media would allow. i thought this exchange between williamson and anderson cooper was quite unusual and interesting:

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enhydra lutris's picture

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --