Dump Pence...for Nikki Haley??
The suggestion showed up on YouTube:
Are you freaking kidding me? If the good folks in South Carolina wanted to elect a shallow bimbo to their governor's mansion, that is their affair, but their having done so hardly constitutes a reason for me to vote in the same way in a national election.
American women declined to voted for Sarah Palin and I doubt we will vote for Nikki either. Palin at least had some qualities, her problem was her ignorance; Haley as I see it is a shallow opportunist who receives financing from her ethnic community.
Then ol' Dr. Steve proceeds to insult every one of us whose family arrived here before about 1920. Great many times grandfather served under Lafayette, great several times uncle was killed at Bull Run, another relative helped build Grand Coulee Dam, or the interstate highway system, or maybe homesteaded and you still live on and work the same farm, sorry, you're not what an American should be.
For a lot of us women, it is an on the job reality that the cute bimbo is going to be promoted over our heads no matter how hard we work, how often we put in extra hours, how good our attendance record. On the job I might have to put up with this sort of nonsense, children having the habit of needing to be fed, but I sure ain't voting for it.
I do have to say that I would love to watch Gabbard, or Warren or even Klobuchar debate Haley.

Oh yes! Either Warren or Gabbard. n/t
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Nastarana, thanks for exposing this revelation of stupidity
Dr. Steve Pieczenik may have had a sharp edge at one time. He argues that the Bimbo who governed South Carolina knows how to run a state. Really? Just being in office proves nothing about quality of management. One could certainly find it difficult to single out a single good thing about Gerald Ford's presidency, with/or without counting his Nixon pardon (not necessarily good but a politically wise decision for the country at the time, though not for Ford personally).
Nikki is a Neocon, good at reading what her handlers give, in a semi-convincing way. What independent ideas of her own reside in that cranium are still dubious. Has Nikki proven that she has done anything which her donors have not pre approved?
Trump or one of his flacks might spread Haley for VP rumors, primarily to harass the Camel, Pocahontas, Klobuchar, etc.
More ethnic, i.e., identity politics based on descent rather than quality of thinking? That's the Democrat method. Look at Beto, a pretty white boy. Look at Pete Buttigieg whose humane gentrification of South Bend uprooted mostly blacks from their homes. Buttigieg is an identarian fellow because he is gay and another pretty boy. How about the embarrassingly corrupt Camel? She's a minority--one can always find a pigeon hole for any group which one chooses to invent.
Remember who Dr. Steve's prime promoter has been? Does the name Alex Jones ring a bell?
Time served in office means no more than time served in prison, which rightfully should be the destination of most politicos.
I guess someone in the GOP might have noticed
Alex Jones, OTOH, is anti GMO and anti Monsatan. For that I am prepared to forgive and overlook, up to a point.
Mary Bennett