This Dumb Ass Country!

They are not even waiting for their terrorist allies to commit their false flag. The sites to be bombed have already been decided on including A Chemical Weapons Facility.

US draws up initial target list if Syria launches chemical weapons attack

(CNN)US intelligence and military targeting experts have drawn up a preliminary list of Syrian chemical weapons facilities that could be struck if President Donald Trump were to order a new round of airstrikes in the country, multiple US officials tell CNN.

A decision to take action has not been made, but one administration official with direct knowledge of the current situation told CNN the military "could respond very quickly" if Syria launched a chemical weapons attack, and the initial targeting data assembled would give the Pentagon a head start if the President decides to take action.

US officials stress they are worried that an impending Assad regime assault on the rebel stronghold of Idlib could involve the use of chemical weapons if the rebels are able to slow regime advances. The regime has moved armed helicopters closer to Idlib in the last few weeks, according to two defense officials. The US is concerned they could eventually be used to launch another chemical attack using chlorine-filled barrel bombs, though they are readily available for a conventional assault.

Fortunately not everyone believes what Pompous Pompeo is trying to sell.

We know that the Russian foreign minister has been telling the world that the White Helmets are planning a false flag chemical weapons attack in order to stop Syrian and Russian forces from liberating Idlib from them.

Here's what the Pentagon has to say about this.

On Friday, the Pentagon responded, "Russia has recently launched a concentrated disinformation campaign to discredit the United States and international partners and allies... Specifically, Russia has suggested that as a pretext for United States strikes against the Assad regime, humanitarian organizations in Syria were planning a chemical weapon attack. This is absurd," Pentagon spokesperson, Cmdr. Sean Robertson said.

"That Russia is seeking to plant false lies about chemical weapons use suggests that Moscow is seeking to deflect from its own culpability when these heinous weapons are used. Russia's efforts to obscure the truth only underscore its years-long role in abetting the murder and mayhem conducted by the Assad regime," Robertson added.

Pentagon monitoring Russian activity in Mediterranean

A US official with direct knowledge of the latest assessments tells CNN the US believes the Russians may have engaged in the buildup of naval warships to be ready for what they believe might be US strikes in response to the Assad regime using chemical weapons.

Unfuckingbelievable! But wait there's more ....

As US intelligence continues to look at Russian military strategy and motivations, the official also points out the Russian naval presence contradicts all of Moscow's public statements about the situation. The US views this move by the Russian as evidence they are indeed aware the regime would be the one responsible if chemical weapons are used the official says.

This country is getting ready to bomb fake chemical weapons facilities in Syria after its terrorist allies commit another false flag chemical weapons attack in order to give them a chance for stopping Syria from taking control of its country.

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snoopydawg's picture

Funny how no one remembers that isn't it?

The last of Syria's declared chemical weapons have been shipped out of the country for destruction, the international watchdog OPCW says.
"The ship has just left the port," the head of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, Ahmet Uzumcu, said in The Hague.
The final 8% of the 1,300-tonne stockpile was loaded on to ships in the Syrian port of Latakia on Monday, Mr Uzumcu said.
The chemical cargo is being shipped to a specially modified US naval vessel, the MV Cape Ray.
The destruction of the most toxic agents will take place on board, at an undisclosed location somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea.
The remaining chemicals will be destroyed in Finland, the US and Britain.

However most articles I read about this have this disclaimer:

However, the BBC's Anna Holligan says many military experts suspect President Bashar al-Assad may not have revealed the full extent of his chemical capabilities.
A recent OPCW fact finding mission concluded that chlorine gas is likely to have been used in "systematic attacks" in Syria.

Suspect and likely aren't proof that Assad has used chemical weapons on his citizens. Anyone believe that Vlad would continue to help Assad keep his butt in office if he gassed his citizens?


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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

mimi's picture

and now I can't listen anymore. I find the old documentaries in some channels, but that's it I am completely disillusioned. I guess my experience could be best described as some American out of the civil rights movement of the sixties being sent to Venus to enjoy some fun out there and returning to todays US having nothing but memories of the sixties and everything in between is blank. It is a painful experience.

The weird thing is I watch many of the correspondents I knew personally from my time in DC and I had to come back to Germany and read blogs like this one and truthdig to understand what they miss doing in their news coverage for the German audience.

Well, I do not feel guilty to dislike Mr. Badhevior, he is a symptom as Chris Hedges so eloquently described. I mean I can dislike a symptom but hate the cause that is expressed by the symptoms.

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snoopydawg's picture

US Military to Train Saudi Pilots on American Soil Despite Outrage Over Yemen “War Crimes”

WASHINGTON — Despite U.S. government efforts to publicly backtrack from its support of the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen, federal procurement documents have shown that U.S. support for the coalition may instead soon deepen at a time when the coalition’s targeting of Yemeni civilians has attracted widespread attention and outrage.

On Tuesday, Secretary of Defense James Mattis had called U.S. support for the coalition “not unconditional” and urged it to “do everything humanly possible to avoid any innocent loss of life” — after the coalition used a U.S.-made bomb to attack a school bus full of children, killing 40 children and 11 adult civilians. The attack, which the coalition defended as a “legitimate military operation,” occurred soon after the U.S State Department had voiced support for coalition bombings of Yemeni towns as “legitimate” and “justified.”

Though recent statements made by Mattis and others have sought to downplay U.S. involvement and support for the Saudi-led coalition, federal documents first reported on by TYT show that the U.S. Air Force is actively searching for private contractors to train 41 Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) personnel “in the U.S. at the contractor’s facility,” which will include training with the F-15 fighter jet currently used by the coalition in Yemen.
Despite the fact that Mattis recently warned that the U.S. would withhold military and intelligence support for the coalition if it doesn’t reduce civilian casualties in Yemen, there are plenty of other indications besides the federal procurement request that Mattis’ statements were merely public theater aimed at reducing outrage over one of the Saudi-led coalition’s latest atrocities.

For one thing, since June the U.S. has been intimately involved in “fine-tuning” the coalition’s strike list, which has since included residential homes, school buses and other civilian sites among its targets. Despite the documented targeting of civilians since the U.S. deepened its involvement in the conflict and openly began helping choose strike locations, the Pentagon only chose to voice concern after the school bus bombing generated international outrage.

America's hypocrisy is beyond measure isn't it? Warning other countries not to use chemical weapons when it has a history of supplying them with them like we did Saddam in 1980 during the Iraq- Iran war. We also supply countries that support terrorism with all kinds of military equipment and weapons including cluster bombs that have been banned by the UN. American exceptionalism at its finest!

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

TheOtherMaven's picture

the less sure I am that the South was wrong to secede. Their reasons were all wrong, but the principle (that states could secede) was the only thing that stood in the way of a centralized authoritarian government.

Once that principle was crushed in blood, the rush to centralization was on.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Pluto's Republic's picture


It's painfully clear that the denial of self determination to a people is a poison pill.

The wrong side "won" the civil war and that war has never ended.

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arendt's picture

@Pluto's Republic

The South won the Civil War, because for 150 years, they never admitted defeat. They continued to run Jim Crow right up to the 1960s. The Civil Rights movement, as we can see today, was merely a temporary roadblock. The GOP assault on voter rights was completed by the SCOTUS decision to abandon {whatever rule allowed the government to check the Southern states actual enforcement of Civil Rights}. One quarter of the black population is in the corrections systems, many of them functioning as slave labor in the "New Jim Crow" system. The South won.

And the result of the South winning is that the militarism, the chauvisim, the plantation owner elitism of the South has taken over the entire US.

The only thing we agree about is that the current government is an authoritarian, militarized nightmare.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


That works too.

Yet, the facts remain. Self-determination, the essential human right, did not prevail and this poisoned democracy and created an atmosphere of sabotage and divisiveness. Neither side really wants to invest in the nation, neither accepts the composition of society, neither feels a commitment to the weakest members, and neither holds a vision of a strong, healthy, educated society. The different factions loathe one another. Insanity is rampant.

The rise of the militarized police does not bode well.

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arendt's picture

@Pluto's Republic

The preferential treatment given slavery by the writers of the Constitution shows that the problem was baked in from the founding of the country. Of course, the Constitution was heavily influenced by uber-statist, Alexander Hamilton. (That a musical praising him is popular simply demonstrates the intellectual failure of this country.)

So, leaving aside the South and slavery, its true that the country lacks any meaningful democracy. It is run by corporations and for corporations. It is neoliberal and neoconservative. It wants to dominate the world - the neocons by military war, the neolibs by financial war.

Neither side really wants to invest in the nation, neither accepts the composition of society, neither feels a commitment to the weakest members, and neither holds a vision of a strong, healthy, educated society. The different factions loathe one another. Insanity is rampant.

Oh, I completely agree. My way of saying this is that the elites are fighting among themselves for who gets to loot America. The citizens are merely the peasants on whose land the elites fight. The elites are more like the Cavaliers of the English Civil War - privileged aristos who treat the peasants like dirt as they trample their crops and burn their villages without a care for the untermenschen.

The rise of the militarized police does not bode well.

This could be the understatement of the month. Smile

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@arendt my opinion. And, of course, the Slave-Owners Constitution is what has brought us to this intellectual crisis. So deliberately corruptible at every point along the way. So owned for so long.

I don't think the public exposure of this reality makes a difference anymore. The hearts and minds of the people are bound to the overlords, who protect them from the untold threats they claim are looming. The Parties that have pillaged and plundered the people feel the "turning" within, but they hold the structural legal power over both the ballot and the outcome, none of which is addressed in the nation's obsolete user's manual.

That the people's lifeline to this nation turns on "hope" really says it all.

A quiet but evidence-based decoupling has begun between the world and the United States. Nations like Mexico and Canada have no autonomy. Our overlords regard them not as sovereign, but as vassals of the United States. We will twist the life out of them if they resist our rule. The rest of the world is able to disengage to varying degrees if they coordinate — and they seem to be doing so.

That leaves us with a failed state, domestically, while the people are leaderless by design. Who can trust the formerly bamboozled to lead?

However, on the surface, this moves so very slowly it can almost be ignored. The world turns.

It is the dying empire, alone, that sees war as its only move forward. Like Godzilla, slowly stomping out of the sea toward Kyoto, it will be stung by defense missiles but will push blindly through the pain to crush the perceived uprising underfoot. The aristos and their money will be gone away.

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Deja's picture

. . . if what the Q interpreter guy said is true about our involvement in Syria Afghanistan. He said that Q said, that we'll have one last, large military push (attack?) in SyriaAfghanistan, then we'll pull out and be done there. I guess time will tell.

After previous chemical attacks, or at least one that Her Hideousness and Dronebama facilitated [against Syrian civilians] and at least one theatrical performance by the white helmet terrorists, they've started "announcing" plans for new ones. That doesn't sound at all fishy, now does it? /s

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snoopydawg's picture


This isn't a military push. It's being done to protect the terrorists in Idlib from being routed by Syria and Russia. What is going to be interesting is what targets FUKUS is going to target. I don't see any upside to this stupid attack because there are no chemical weapons facilities to attack. The CW is chlorine which has been delivered already and there are photos of them. Who gave it to them? Our 'allies' who say they are in Syria to protect them from Assad. Can't see how allowing civilians to be purposely gassed is a way of protecting them. Dumb ass country and its puppet allies.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

gulfgal98's picture

@Deja I have been following Q and several of the aggregators and interpreters since nearly the first day. With over 2,000 drops by Q alone, it is quite possible that I do not remember this post, so if you have something to refresh my memory, I can look it up and try to place it in context. Thanks.

if what the Q interpreter guy said is true about our involvement in Syria. He said that Q said, that we'll have one last, large military push (attack?) in Syria, then we'll pull out and be done there.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Deja's picture

@gulfgal98 @gulfgal98 @gulfgal98
I watched it on YouTube. The guy is praying medic, but I've seen a few. It might be in this one, but I'll look on my tv and see if it shows up there. With my tv, I can't copy links, but with my phone, I can't pause one and go look for another. YouTube sux on android that way. And, it might have been from my work computer. I saved a couple video links to one of my browsers on that computer week before last.

Edit: video swap to, hopefully, the right one [and like gulfgal's earlier, this one contains editorial about things that might irk you], and it's long, but I'm watching it again now. I


EDIT ADD & CORRECTION: @ approx 1:15:00, he's talking about Afghanistan, not Syria. I stand corrected.

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gulfgal98's picture

@Deja I will check it out. I just wanted to put it into context.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Deja's picture

@gulfgal98 @gulfgal98
Correction in above 2 comments.

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gulfgal98's picture

@Deja I actually remember seeing this video some time ago, so I did not watch the entire thing but went to five minutes before the time stamp you noted. Thank you for taking the time to look this up for me (us). I really appreciate that effort, especially since I did not understand how difficult it was for you to do so. So thanks again.

My interpretation of what praying medic said is not one of a military operation, in the sense of more bombs and weapons, but more on the scale of what they are trying to do in North Korea. The sphere of influence is actually coming out of Pakistan according to praying medic. That would lead me to believe that the CIA is heavily involved in Pakistan and this fits right into why Imran Awan has been protected by the Clintons and the PTB. I said some time ago that I believed that Awan was CIA asset. And I continue to believe that.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Deja's picture

So many roads lead to Pakistan. That's where 'The American Taliban' guy from California trained. That's where Obama just happened to find Bin Laden hiding (in plain sight?). And, as you said, that's where the Awans are from.

What has Q said about the Awans? I like the praying medic videos that actually attempt to decode Q posts better than the ones like this one that include so much personal commentary on dreams and god, etc..

I actually had this video on in the background while playing computer solitair, during very slow times at work as I wait for the phone to ring or an email requesting assistance to come in, so I missed a lot of what was said. This time, I watched more intently. Ugh lol.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Immerse yourself in the joyful distractions of those who live for the moment.

Because it all comes from the same depraved mind-set, and you cannot prevail.

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Wink's picture

up attempting to follow M.E. b.s.

Takes up too much time, and you generally end up where you started:
shaking your head.
I doubt if American "Defense" departments have a clue what's end is up these days,
"fuck it, just bomb them all!"

Wasn't all of this supposed to be over in five years,
Mac Donald restaurants popping up on the sites of bombed mosques??

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Alligator Ed's picture

According to Syriana Analysis 8/28/18, El Trump's negators (aka extortionists) arrived in Damascus this week and talked to a high ranking Syrian military official, Director of Syria's National Security Bureau Major General Ali Mamlouk. Tue U.S. made three proposals to Assad's agent, as conditions for US "likely" withdrawal from Syria. Read the link:

Details of secret Syrian-American security meeting in Damascus.

Fourthly, with regard to the data of terrorist groups, Mamlouk told his visitors that «about a year ago, the deputy head of Australian intelligence visited me here in Damascus. He confirmed that his visit was conducted with your knowledge, that he was, to some extent, representing you, and asked for information about Australian Islamists of Arab origin who were fighting in the ranks of terrorist groups. And I will repeat to you now what I answered him that day: Today we have a huge information infrastructure for the terrorist groups, and this has evolved dramatically during the years of the crisis. We are fully aware of the dangers that these people pose to us and to you. We are aware of the extent to which you need this information, and we know that it is essential for the security services to stay in touch even during crises. We have already provided information to the Jordanians and to many other countries, including the United Arab Emirates. But our position on this matter today depends on the evolution of your political position from Syria and its government and army. Therefore, Syria will not provide any cooperation or security coordination with you in this regard before reaching stable political relations between the two countries».

The meeting ended with the agreement to keep the communication going through the Russian-Emirati channel, before heading to Damascus International Airport, to leave the same way they came.

Translation: "you wouldn't want those enemy "moderate rebels" blowing up your own country would you? Maybe we could find a way to grant them amnesty from our firing squads by sending them over to you."

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snoopydawg's picture

I've been looking for it again after I read it a few days ago. Once again America shows its hubris! That it thinks that after it illegally invaded Syria and used terrorists to help overthrow Assad that it is in any position to place demands for what happens next..

The American side made a clear and specific offer: The United States is ready to withdraw its troops completely from Syrian territory, including the Al-Tanf and Eastern Euphrates according to security arrangements supervised by the Russian and Syrian armies. In exchange for three US demands:

First, Iran’s full withdrawal from the Syrian south.

Second, to obtain written guarantees that give US companies a share of the oil sector in the regions of eastern Syria.

Third, the Syrian side to provide the Americans with full data of the terrorist groups and their members, including the numbers of foreign fighter (our terrorist) deads of these groups and those who survived, and those may return to Western countries, considering that «the terrorist threat is intercontinental. And what we can get, serve the international security.»

With a cool mind, the Syrian side dealt with the American visitors and their “tempting” offer. The answer to the three points was also clear:

Good gawd where to start? Telling them that they have to kick Iran out of any part of the country when they had been invited by Assad to help stop the regime change takes balls.

Then to say that they will leave only if you give us your oil takes some bigger ones.

But to then ask for a list of terrorists after they were the ones who brought most of them into the country and had used them, protected them and then when they were close to being wiped out make deals with Russia to let them and their families leave and go somewhere else until they are needed again takes brass ones!

Obama and Kerry decided to sit bye while ISIS grew in strength because they thought that they would be useful in overthrowing Assad. They watched as miles long tanker convoys took Syrian oil into Turkey to sell for money to buy weapons. Putin shamed Obama into feeble bombings on them when he asked if he needed the coordinates for the convoys. Obama lobbed a few bombs on them, but not too many because he was afraid of civilian casualties.

This country along with its allies paid for the White Helmets to gas civilians when they wanted an excuse to ramp up military action. Now Trump is setting conditions for us to withdraw from Syria? Ayup. This is hubris and arrogance of the highest level.

Translation: "you wouldn't want those enemy "moderate rebels" blowing up your own country would you? Maybe we could find a way to grant them amnesty from our firing squads by sending them over to you."

We got a very small taste of what this country has done to countless others for decade after decade after decade on 9/11 whether it was done by our own government or not. Americans should be aware of the karma that is due to hit this country because of our government's actions and find a way to make them stop. 50 years ago "hippies" were able to stop the Vietnam war, but the PTB found a way around the anti war movement and went on their merry way to commit mayhem again. I wish I knew of a way to make them listen to us and stop their march to global hegemony. I once thought that boycotts would work, but after seeing people flood to Amazon's defense after Bernie said that Bezos should share the cost of people who are on social programs I don't think that they will work.

I'll stop my rambling rant here. But even though the world knows that another false chemical weapons is coming this country is going to go ahead with it anyway. I'm hoping for some way to stop our bullying ways. There is only one country that can do that. But will it?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

Whitewashing the White Helmets

Former Ambassador to Syria 2003 – 2006, Peter Ford responds to the UK Government statement by Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt and International Development Secretary Penny Mordaunt on “exceptional” Israeli evacuation of the UK/US Coalition intelligence construct, the White Helmets:

Following a joint diplomatic effort by the UK and international partners, a group of White Helmets volunteers from southern Syria and their families have been able to leave Syria for safety.

They are now being assisted by the UNHCR in Jordan pending international resettlement.

The White Helmets have saved over 115,000 lives during the Syrian conflict, at great risk to their own. Many White Helmets volunteers have also been killed while doing their work – trying to rescue civilians trapped in bombarded buildings or providing first aid to injured civilians. White Helmets have been the target of attacks and, due to their high profile, we judged that, in these particular circumstances, the volunteers required immediate protection. We therefore took steps with the aim of affording that protection to as many of the volunteers and their families as possible.

We pay tribute to the brave and selfless work that White Helmets volunteers have done to save Syrians on all sides of the conflict.

Gag Me!

Peter Ford responds:

“The government statement contains two bare-faced lies.

The White Helmets most definitely have not assisted all sides in the conflict. From the beginning, they have only ever operated in rebel-held areas. Government controlled areas have the real Syrian Civil Defence and Syrian Red Crescent. This is quite a big whopper on the government’s part. It goes without saying that the media will not pick up on it.

Secondly, the White Helmets are not volunteers. They are doing jobs for which they are paid, by Western governments. They have a press department 150 strong, bigger than that for the whole of the UK ambulance service. Their claims of saving over 115,000 lives have never been verified. The co-location of their offices with jihadi operation centres has been well documented.

Apparently the government are lying because they are nervous of being accused of importing into this country scores of dangerous migrants who have many times been reported to be associating with extremists (social media is rife with self-propagated videos of their misdeeds such as participation in beheadings and waving ISIS and Al Qaida flags), and wish to whitewash them.

The White Helmets’ dramatic exfiltration leaves many questions unanswered

1. Why was it deemed necessary to evacuate this particular group in the south when other groups of White Helmets simply got on the buses to Northern Syria when military operations concluded in Aleppo, Eastern Ghouta and elsewhere, and when similar exodus by bus has been arranged for rebels in Deraa?

2. Why should White Helmets be considered to be more at risk than combatants, many of whom have either ‘reconciled’ or been bussed out? In the demonology of the government side, the White Helmets are not seen as worse than other jihadis.

3. Might the British government have been afraid of this particular group being caught and interrogated, revealing perhaps the truth about alleged chemical weapon incidents?

4. Will they now be foisted on to areas of the UK already struggling to absorb migrants, or will they go to places like Esher and Carshalton?

5. Will local councils be informed about the backgrounds of these fugitives? Will local councils be given extra resources to absorb them and cope with resulting security needs, bearing in mind that Raed Saleh, leader of the White Helmets, was refused a visa to the US in 2016?”

Related article:

Israel evacuates the White Helmets from Syria

The Israeli occupation army announced the evacuation of more than 800 members of the White Helmets, better known as Al-Qaeda’s humanitarian wing, to Jordan, with Amman claiming it had struck a deal for them to be resettled in the UK, France and Canada.


Im wondering if the citizens of those countries are aware that their government is letting members of Al Qaida and ISIS into their country? Why not? This worked out so well for people who went to the concert in Manchester that was bombed by terrorists that the U.K. government knew was in the city because they used them to help overthrow Gaddafi. What could go wrong?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

lotlizard's picture

Number three story on last night’s state-funded TV news: the McCain funeral and what a great, great man and war hero John McCain was.

What little ability German mainstream media ever had to display skepticism of U.S. elites’ narratives, they have now definitely lost in their Atlanticist joint hate for Trump.

(Number one story was a Right-backed march in Chemnitz to mourn Cuban-German murder victim Daniel Hillig, and a government- and media-supported Left-backed counter-march.)

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