The Dose 03-14-22


The Dose is an open thread dedicated to the gentle discussion of of all things Covid. Please refrain from posting covid material elsewhere. Thank you.

The floor is yours

7 users have voted.



8 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

CB's picture

@on the cusp @on the cusp
"following the science".

The Disappearance of Dr. Fauci | S2 E19

9 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


There are a few lawsuits in progress and he is named in them. But no I don’t think that is what he’s doing. Maybe just a long planned vacation after working so hard …….us.

9 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

CB's picture

It's time to declare victory and prepare for the mid-terms.

After two years that necessitated lockdowns, travel bans, school closures, mask mandates, and nearly a million deaths, nearly every American finally has the tools to protect themselves from this virus. It’s time for Democrats to take credit for ending the COVID crisis phase of the COVID war, point to important victories like vaccine distribution and providing economic stability to Americans, and fully enter the rebuilding phase that comes after any war.

  • Declare the crisis phase of COVID over and push for feeling and acting more normal.
  • Recognize that people are “worn out” and feeling real harm from the years-long restrictions and take their side.
  • Acknowledge COVID still exists and likely will for a long time.
  • Don’t set “COVID zero” as the victory condition.
  • Stop talking about restrictions and the unknown future ahead.
9 users have voted.
CB's picture

At The Breaking Point Of History: How Decades Of U.S. Duplicity Enabled The Pandemic”


Author Janet Phelan’s newest book, “At The Breaking Point Of History: How Decades Of U.S. Duplicity Enabled The Pandemic”, lays out the case that what has happened to America isn’t random bad luck, but rather a well-choreographed plan designed to allow disasters to flourish.

Did the COVID situation happen organically as we have been led to believe, or are the roots of the pandemic much deeper? What about the legal maneuvering that took place in the years before the events of 2020, was that a coincidence or evidence of advanced knowledge?


Evidence of a Monstrous Agenda

WALTERVILLE, OR, USA, September 10, 2021 / -- “At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of U.S. Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic” by Janet Phelan details the US government's indifference to the welfare of individuals and to its legal obligations under national and international accords prohibiting human experimentation and biological and chemical weapons. (The book is available at and elsewhere.)

From lead pipes in Flint, Michigan to a duplicitous water commission in Medford, Oregon to a secret psychiatric ward at UCLA to the elegant halls of the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, “Breaking Point” reveals deceitful machinations executed at the highest and lowest levels of power.

Ms. Phelan recently said, “We are embroiled in a pandemic which has collapsed economies, caused death by starvation, and has resulted in severe new restrictions on civil rights in the US and elsewhere. Yet many medical professionals and researchers are questioning the genesis of Covid-19. Was it bioengineered? Was it deliberately released? They’re also questioning the numbers alleged to have died from it, pointing to dictates from the CDC to list deaths not directly caused by the virus as virus-caused deaths.”

Many of the articles were written prior to the Covid-19 pandemic and point to a monstrous political agenda, implicating media, government, and foreign nations in the plan to launch this. Details as to other vectors which may be deployed in a pandemic scenario, details which have been suppressed by other media, are fully disclosed here.

Janet Phelan is an investigative reporter. Her articles have appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the San Bernardino County Sentinel, Orange Coast Magazine, New Eastern Outlook, and elsewhere. She currently writes for Activist Post and has previously published an intelligence expose, Exile, and two books of poetry.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


that convinced me this is a plandemic...funded by the Rockefeller Foundation

Just scan the scenario they created well over a decade ago. This has long been planned IMO
The Covid-Plan / Rockefeller Lockstep 2010
They hypothesize a simulated global outbreak required steps, various phases, overall
timelines, and expected outcomes. This was posited in the Rockefeller Lockstep 2010:
• Create a very contagious but super low mortality rate virus to fit the needed plan.
Using SARS, HIV, Hybrid Research Strain created at Fort Dietrich Class 4 lab from
2008 to 2013 as part of a research project to find out why corona viruses spread like
wildfire in bats but have an extremely hard time infecting humans. To counteract that,
they added 4 HIV inserts into the virus. The missing key to infect the human is the
• Create a weaponized version of the virus with a much higher mortality rate as a
backup plan. Ready to be released in Phase 3, but only if needed. SARS, HIV,
MERS, Weaponized Tribit Strain created at Fort Dietrich Class 4 lab in 2015.
• Transport the Research Strain to different Class 4 lab, the National Microbiology Lab
in Winnipeg Canada, and have it “stolen and smuggled out by China”, Xi Jang Lee,
on purpose and taken to China’s only Class 4 lab which is Wuhan Institute of
Virology in Wuhan China. For added plausible deniability and to help cement the
wanted backup public script as something to fall back on if needed. The primary
script being its natural. Backup script being that China created it and released it by
• Fund all the talking heads: Fauci, Birx, Tedros and agencies, World Health
Organization, NIAID, the CDC and also the UN, that would be involved with
pandemic response prior to the planned release of the Research Strain to control the
wanted script throughout the operation.
• Create and fund the vaccination development and roll out plan so it’s capable of
being rolled out on a global scale. Gates: A Decade of Vaccines and the Global
Action Vaccine action plan, 2010 to 2020.
• Create and fund the vaccination, verification and certification protocols, Digital ID, to
enforce/confirm the vaccination program after the mandatory roll out is enacted.
Gates: ID2020.
• Simulate the lockstep hypothesis just prior to the planned Research Strain release
using a real-world exercise as a final war game to determine expected response,
timelines, and outcomes, Event 201 in Oct 2019.
• Release the Research Strain at the Wuhan Institute of Virology itself and then blame
its release on a natural scapegoat as the wanted primary script. Wuhan wet market,
Nov 2019. Exactly the same as the simulation.
• Downplay the human-to-human transmission for as long as possible to allow the
Research Strain to spread on a global scale before any country can lock down
respond to avoid initial infection.
• Once a country has seen infection in place, lock down incoming/outgoing travel.
Keep the transmission within the country spreading for as long as possible.
• Once enough people in a country/ region are infected, enact forced
quarantines/isolation for that area and expand the lockdown regions slowly over time
• Overhype the mortality rate by tying the Research Strain to deaths that have little to
nothing to do with the actual virus to keep the fear and compliance at a maximum. If
anyone dies for any reason and is found to have Covid, consider it a Covid death.
And if anyone is thought to of maybe had symptoms of Covid, assume they have
Covid, and consider it as a Covid death
• Keep the public quarantines for as long as possible to destroy the region’s economy,
create civil unrest, break down the supply chain, and cause the start of mass food
shortages. As well as cause people’s immune system to weaken due to a lack of
interaction with other people’s bacteria, the outside world, aka the things that keep
our immune systems alert and active.
• Downplay and attack any potential treatments and continue to echo that the only cure
that is viable to fight this virus is the vaccine.
• Continue to drag out the quarantine over and over again in “two-week intervals”
[There is that two weeks spell casting again. It is a CIA program.] causing more and
more people to eventually stand up and protest. Defy them.
• [And here is the key part to now:] Eventually end Phase 1 quarantine once they get
enough public push back, expected June 2020, and publicly state that they think it’s
“too early to end the isolation, but I’m going to do it anyways.”
• Once the public go back to normal, wait a few weeks and continue to overhype the
Research Strain mortality rate, Aug to Sept 2020, and combine it with the increase in
deaths due to people dying from standard illnesses at a higher rate than normal due
to having highly weakened immune systems from months of being in isolation [Which
backs up what I said: you should social-distance people who wear masks regular.
That’s what they’ve just told you. They have highly weakened immune systems.] to
help further pad the mortality rate and also hype the up and coming Phase 2
• Eventually, enact Phase 2 quarantines, Oct through Nov 2020, on an even more
extreme level and blame the protesters, mostly people who don’t trust their
governments already, as the cause of the largest second wave whereby the media
will say ‘we told you so. It was too early. It’s all your own fault because you needed a
haircut. Your freedoms have consequences.’ [Should this all unfold in this manner,
the US election will be cancelled delayed or suspended. My opinion. How can you
vote with Phase 2 quarantines? You can’t.]
• Enforce the Phase 2 quarantines at a much more extreme level increasing the
penalty for defiance. Replace fines with jail time. Deem all travel as non-essential.
Increase checkpoints, including military assistance. Increase tracking/tracing after
population via mandatory app. Take over control of food, gas, and create large scale
shortages so that people can only get access to essential products or services if they
are first given permission.
• Keep the Phase 2 lockdown in place for a much longer period of time than the Phase
1 lockdown, continuing to destroy the global economy. Further degrade the supply
chain and further amplify the food shortages and the like. Quell any public outrage
using extreme actions or force and make anyone who defies them appear as public
enemy #1 to those who are willing to submit.
• After a rather long Phase 2 lockdown of 6 months plus, roll out the vaccination
program and the vaccine certification and make it mandatory for everyone, giving
priority access to those that submitted from the start and have those that are for it
attack those that are against it, saying ‘they are a threat and the cause of all the
problems’ by using words like “We can’t go back to normal until everyone takes the
vaccine.” And people defying them are “hurting our way of life and therefore are the
enemy.” [In other words they are going to turn the people against each other.]
• If the majority of people go along with the agenda, then let those people enter the
new system, the new normal, while limiting the minority that defied the agenda’s
ability to work, travel and live.
• If the majority of people go against the agenda, then release the Weaponized
SARS/HIV/MERS Tribit Strain as a Phase 3 operation. A virus with a 30+% mortality
rate as a final scare to punish the minority to quickly become the majority and give a
final “We told you so” to those that didn’t listen.
• Enact the new economy model. Microsoft patent 060606 crypto currency system
using body activity data which is based on human behavior and willingness to submit.
It is a tweaked version of the black mirrors 15 million merits program using food,
water, shelter, and other essentials as a weapon of enforcement of the new
economic system. Basically, do what we want and get rewarded. Gain credits score
and gain more access to things you need to survive. Or go against what we want and
get penalized. Lose credits score and lose access to things you need to survive

So we're only midway through the plan.

more here

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


Downplay the human-to-human transmission for as long as possible to allow the Research Strain to spread on a global scale before any country can lock down respond to avoid initial infection.

• Once a country has seen infection in place, lock down incoming/outgoing travel. Keep the transmission within the country spreading for as long as possible.

• Once enough people in a country/ region are infected, enact forced quarantines/isolation for that area and expand the lockdown regions slowly over time

Overhype the mortality rate by tying the Research Strain to deaths that have little to nothing to do with the actual virus to keep the fear and compliance at a maximum. If anyone dies for any reason and is found to have Covid, consider it a Covid death. And if anyone is thought to of maybe had symptoms of Covid, assume they have Covid, and consider it as a Covid death.

Willingly or unwillingly he went along with the plan by denying how bad it was which the democrats then weaponized to frighten their base and who would then believe that it was deadlier because Orange Man Bad. It’s how they got people to destroy their critical thinking skills and not question if the mRNA shots were dangerous or would have any long term consequences.

But did he have 2nd thoughts about destroying the economy under his watch and it was why he kept saying that it was just the flu and wanted to reopen the country? Or was it just more enforcement of Orange Man Bad? A few R governors refused to lock down their states and they did better than California and NYC death wise. I don’t know. We know that there was a big push to discredit early treatment so people would get jabbed and have to get remdisiver and vented driving up the death rate. Devious. But what ties everything into it being planned is what Schwab says he wants to do to the whole world. Smoking gun.

8 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Lookout's picture


Warning tin cap recommended before reading.
tin foil hat.jpg

as you know

Event 201 was a simulation of a corona pandemic conducted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins University in October 2019.

Participants from the private and public sectors were presented with a scenario, not unlike the one that has unfolded in reality, and discussed what needed to be done. There are official videos of the four meetings and a best-of-video scenario presentation and discussion by the participants, who are members of a pandemic control council in the role play.

but at least by 2010 they had a plan as operation lockstep clearly delineates.

And it is even more nefarious tying to a larger vision...
lots of video at the link

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world to create a healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous future” — Klaus Schwab, WEF

If you are World Economic Forum (WEF) Founder Klaus Schwab, you attempt to sell your vision of a global Utopia via a great reset of the world order in three simple steps:

  1. Announce your intention to revamp every aspect of society with global governance, and keep repeating that message
  2. When your message isn’t getting through, simulate fake pandemic scenarios that show why the world needs a great reset
  3. If the fake pandemic scenarios aren’t persuasive enough, wait a couple months for a real global crisis to occur, and repeat step one

On a positive note at least two things have created temporary? stumbling blocks.
First the mild nature of omicron really reduces the viral fear factor. They're trying more fear porn with the B2 variant, but I doubt it will really be an issue.
And second, the world order just reset...
aligning Russia, China, most of S America, much of Africa, and most of Asia. A new multipolar alliance with possibly it's own currency totally defanging US sanctions.

If only a new antiwar, bring it home and invest in America movement would ignite. Perhaps it has with the truckers peoples convoy but no one knows because it like so much is suppressed by the MSM combined with the new out of control censorship.

Edit to add: A wide ranging compilation everything from the people's convoy to Q anon to religious mysticism, but kinda fun if you (like me) see the left flipping over to the right.

Alright hats off...

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Sometime over the weekend someone checked all causes data from New Zealand and found a clear temporal correlation between deaths and vaccinations. On Monday a "statistically clever" report was published. I did not read the methodology, so fact check me all you want, but my assumption regarding their methodology is as follows:
First they took all reported covid deaths (every death "with" covid - over reporting by 19x) Then they went to worldwide all causes figures, comparing 2020/21 to a 5 year average of the best 5 years in the last 10. This gave then every OD, every homicide, every suicide compared to every good year and magically claimed they were all due to covid.
And then they arbitrarily tripled the result.
And then they threw in some anti China/anti Russia propaganda.
What's next, Jesus The Jabber?

5 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

QMS's picture


and hung out to dry for challenging the ptb
we are no so far advanced beyond that point
whenever people wake up and recognize the
scam going on ...
it may not be too late in the game?
hail mary

5 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

snoopydawg's picture

What’s going to happen to the next generation of humans after so many people have been jabbed?

Bottom line is that big pharma is killing us and has been since they rolled out their products. It’s not just big pharma though, it’s lots of medical mistakes.

Actually it’s this one that talks about big pharma. I boo boob'd but both are worth reading.

4 users have voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

@snoopydawg When I am ready to write about how the deaths are being guaranteed in NYC for the future generations of poor New York residents, I will write a detailed account.

Including my credentials on the shocking contents I'll be offering. With timelines and NYC political history that suddenly has become relevant even if the world does not know it yet.

Soon. I will need to be well rested and not too angry to think and write clearly.

6 users have voted.


snoopydawg's picture


Curious if you looked at either article?

1 user has voted.

If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

@snoopydawg What I'm thinking about is so awful is seems like it cannot be true. Not dead or severely damaged kids, but more like the living dead.

Here is the short version: New York State and NYC have been fighting over providing free, all day, all meals included Pre-K and 3-K to kids for more than a decade. The previous NYC Mayor got it done. This meant that lower income families had safe, nourishing places for their 3 and 4 year old kids while they worked.

Governor Hochul announced yesterday her full financial support for Universal Child Care. great? Right???? WEll, maybe not.

Universal child care enrages the ruling class of my City and State. Rich people are unenthusiastic about paying for the lower classes.

The Revenge---Kids younger than age 5 MUST BE MASKED IN SCHOOL.

The Damage will be to an entire class of poor kids in the care of NYC and State. Middle and Upper Class parents will not agree to this masking and muzzling of growing little children. Their kids will be kept out of the system.

The injuries to young children who are masked will be irreparable. Their ability to speak, understand verbal and facial cues and generally function in society will be ruined by preventing them from normal interactions. It will be harder for them to learn to read and speak properly because the Masked teacher will also be severely limited as will be all the adults these Unlucky kids get to interact with 5 days a week. A generation lost.

My credential is that I did my Master's thesis on development in young children, mostly concentrating on the work of Jean Piaget, an expert on how early learning takes place and how it can be nurtured and hampered. Future success in life is generally determined by the Quality of that life before the age of 5. I taught the youngest children in schools and summers in Head Start programs.

Getting small kids into schools which understand this and whose focus is "Words, words, words" is WHY de Blasio instituted Pre-K for 4 year olds and 3-K for 3 year olds.

Bloomberg threw millions into defeating these programs and failed. Now Bloomberg is back in charge pulling our new Mayor's strings.

I see a generation of young children doomed.

3 users have voted.