Don't be complicit in the JCPA
The usual suspects with the usual malicious intent wish to impose a link tax on everybody and thereby strangle the internet and destroy the free flow of information. We should oppose this bill and register our opposition to its passage. The EFF is starting a campaign to let them know that we do not consent to this here: that contains a link to initiate a mailing to one's congresscritters.
I added to mine assorted verbiage to the effect that links are today's footnotes and that without them there is no basis for determining the probability of veracity and/or reality of posted information or other material, rendering everything equally devoid of credibility.
please pile on.
The Journalism Competition and Protection Act
Would Promote Neither
Tell Congress to reject a link tax. OK
WTF is a link tax?
question everything
As I understand it, there would be a fee for each link
in any on-line posting. For example, If I posted a link to a story on SFGATE, I would be charged a fee for that, or a link to a story in say WAPO containing a quote from Matt Gaetz that I also quoted to show the source of that quote.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --