Depressed? Getting there? You NEED This!
Sometimes by the end of the day the totality of the global suckage really gets to ya, and then the next morning you find that while you slept stuff happened that puts a different focus on all that. Yeah, it all sucks, but it does get pretty freaking entertaining.
It's 7 am and isn't this a fun day already?
1) Alien-looking robot to stock convenience store shelves
A great great pic of a great looking robot, just imaging running into it while looking for beer. Its use has plusses and minuses, sure, operated via VR, so there is a remote human employee, but 1 employee could restock multiple locations. They do however alleged a labor shortage - how is that? You can't get covid -19 from a robot unlike a human employee in a crowded store area, and that "employee" needn't commute or travel to the boonies, etc.
The article further links to an announcement with a video here -
2) South Dakota Attorney General finds body of man he killed Hello? Nize headline!
It appears that the protagonist had some sort of "Incident" on his way home from GOP fundraiser. He allegedly thought it was a deer and allegedly called the cops and 911 to report it and then also allegedly went back the next day to look for it anyway and found that it was a human. Hmmmmmm.
Links to CBS affiliate here
3) Scientific American endorses Joe Biden, breaking 175-year tradition of never endorsing a presidential candidate
I subscribe and read, and they have been getting more and more proactive on social issues like wealth inequality, but always from a science standpoint, starting with climate and ecosystem destruction. It looks like this is really more of an anybody but Trump endorsement, but all the same, wow. The article links to a tweet from SciAm.
4) Barbados to ditch Queen Elizabeth as head of state, become a republic
In reality no big fuzzy duck. but the accompanying picture will definitely brighten one's day
Trump's MAGA Committee strikes again
Trump ad says "support our troops" but uses stock photo of Russian fighter jets
Phony migs, but migs, and Russian models and shot abroad
And rounding things off, there is Dildo Don
DildoDon: You can help make this Trump portrait in 2,020 dildos permanent
Great picture with video screen grab (plays as picture within a picture, if you can see those)
The article links to which has a great opening video complete with roaming feline. It is a kickstarter, and no, I don't have any idea what participants get as a reward.
So, hope that brightens your day
be well and have a good one
Edge Case
"You can't get covid -19 from a robot".
I wouldn't make that an absolute. If someone with Covid-19 sneezes or coughs on a robot and you're the next human to come in contact with it, I'd say there's a tiny chance of virus transfer.
Hola Edg. Quite true, and thanks for pointing it out. I was
thinking more along the lines of human employee respiration in confined space v robot non-respiration.
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
That dildodon masterpiece should be made *really* permanent...
so that some future archeologist (I'm gonna guess not human, the way things are going)..unearths it.
It will be studied for centuries. And have a place with pieces like the Chinese Terra Cotta Army in their "museums". "Apparently a very war- and penis-worshiping species. No wonder they went extict."
A masterpiece, I agree!
I have forwarded it to a few.
What a great review! ...
Good morning Janis. Glad you liked it. I too forwarded it to a
few folks.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning peachcreek, I definitely agree as to permanent
preservation and the envisioned future post dis-entombment nalysis
be well and have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --