Deplorable in Denver

It is Transgender Awareness Week, It started Monday. It will culminate on the 20th with Transgender Day of Remembrance.

I have to admit that I have never had political message bumper stickers on my car...or any other message that might inflame someone to deface my vehicle.

A transgender woman says vandals spray-painted hateful words on her SUV in Denver after she decorated it with slogans protesting the results of the presidential election.

Amber Timmons previously had written messages on the windows of her silver Nissan XTerra, including “Not my president!” and “Equality!!

When Timmons woke up Tuesday morning she discovered that her car had been painted...

The back:

Swatika and Die

The left side:

Tranny Die!

The front:

It! and Trump

The right side:

 photo left_zpsrbmf0q80.jpg

Fag Die and He She

She posted the pics to Facebook...and although she got many messages of support, she was accused by many other people of vandalizing her own car.

Timmons said she filed a report with the Denver Police Department. Police said they couldn’t find the report, but if it had just been filed within the past few hours, it wouldn’t be in the system yet.

Video from KMGH

Timmons was struck by the kindness of her neighbors, who left sticky notes on her windows denouncing the hateful graffiti. One wrote, "I am deeply sorry this happened to your car... Love and peace wins always."

Amber's response has now been reported:

The friendship, the love in our community - the people who are willing to drop anything and everything and come and help you... we got rid of it. We erased the hate. You don't fight hate with hate you fight hate with love.

The people who did this, I still love you. I forgive you. It's fear that's driving you.


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The G is broken, as are other letters, to inject what appears to be a cross pattern. I'm not saying the intent wasn't to write "Fag." Using a cross for an I is not consistent across the vehicle, so the use of the cross on the driver's side of the vehicle for both the G and I might represent a stage at which the vandal has become emboldened i.e. the driver's side may have been last to be vandalized. I would hypothesize the vandal began at the back and worked counter-clockwise. Lighting could have been an issue. Either way, the person who did the vandalism has personal knowledge. It is someone who is personally known. He or she is in the area. Beyond this, things are a little unclear due to motivations being unclear. FWIW.

We're in for some rough times. There is a great deal of fear among us. We need leaders who can focus it, into more positive endeavors such as what unites us rather trying to divide us for political and economic gain.

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