Dems refuse to support Single Payer and it's killing Americans
Did you know we spend over $9,000 per person per year on health care, more than any other country? Did you know that lots and lots of Americans are dying from preventable causes because of our disastrous health care system?
The new research demonstrates that despite the fact that the U.S. has the largest economy in the world, healthcare for many of its residents is woefully inadequate. The U.S. was tied with Estonia and Montenegro, far below other wealthy nations such as Norway, Canada, and Australia, in the study's ranking of 195 countries.
"America's ranking is an embarrassment, especially considering the U.S. spends more than $9,000 per person on healthcare annually, more than any other country," said Dr. Christopher Murray, senior author of the study and director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington. "Anyone with a stake in the current healthcare debate, including elected officials at the federal, state, and local levels, should take a look at where the U.S. is falling short."
Progressives have long pointed out that the U.S. is one of the only wealthy nations not to provide some form of government-mandated healthcare, exacerbating inequality in healthcare outcomes.
And yet Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, Debbie Wasserman Schulktz and 100's of Corporately Owned Dems refuse to consider single payer as an option, or sponsor legislation to establish it for all Americans.
The single largest drain on our economy, and the most expensive thing most people in the US have to pay for is health care services. Obamacare did not solve that problem for the vast majority of Americans. You want to know what my family's health care costs have averaged over the last five years?
We don't qualify for subsidies because my wife's disability payments put us just over the threshold. So, we live with an expensive high deductible COBRA plan for myself and my daughter, My wife has high prescription and treatment expenses, even though she is covered under Medicare. Only my son has full coverage under Medicaid (he works 40 hours a week but his job pays him barely above the minimum wage) when he can find doctors, dentists etc. who will accept his insurance. So, for the years 2011 - 2016, we paid, on average, $29,000 per year. Some of that was deductible on our taxes, but it still represents over 25% of our annual expenses - higher than housing and food expenses combined. And that was after the Affordable Care Act was implemented.
I don't think we are that different from millions of Americans across the country who suffer from our two tiered health care system: one for the rich and one for everyone else. And we consider ourselves lucky. We can tap into our home equity line of credit to cover things that come up because we actually have equity in our house. We bought it in 1988 when prices were lower and have manged to pay down about 75% of our original mortgage at a favorable 5% rate. Indeed, at the rate we are going, we'll pay off our first mortgage by 2024, and then only have to worry about paying off the home equity mortgage (which sadly will soon exceed our original mortgage). Of course, with health care costs being the way we are, I doubt that we'll be able to do that before I die.
And yet, many people are not as fortunate as my family.
Yet the Democratic establishment refuses to consider single payer health care. Refuses! Even though the majority of Americans, regardless of party affiliation, want single-payer. Even a plurality of Republican voters want single payer. It would help everyone, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or any other way you want to slice and dice our diverse population up. You'd think that a program that would lower costs and provide better, more affordable health care to every group the Democrats claim they stand for would be a no-brainer for them.
But it isn't, and for one simple reason. Money. Millions of campaign and political contributions from the health insurance industry, the pharmaceutical industry and major medical service providers such as for profit hospitals and provider groups provide millions of dollars each year to Democrats and Republicans each year to guarantee they can continue to squeeze every last dollar out of the 99 percent. People like my family and likely yours.
So, again, why should we support Democrats? Why should we believe them when they claim to be the progressive, grassroots party" and defenders of the poor and minorities (who by the way are disproportionately affected by our effed up health care system despite the ACA)? Obama promised single payer in 2008. He lied. Even with majorities in both houses of Congress they never considered single payer when they discussed and implemented health care reform.
And the Dem establishment continue to give us the same old song and dance routine that single payer would be nice, but it can't be passed now so we will just have to wait. They refused to support it last year. And they the Dem establishment, which is dependent on lobbyist cash from the health care industry, will continue to refuse to support it unless and until the Sanders' wing of the party overthrows the current leadership.
I'm not holding my breath waiting for that to happen.
Single Payer is the final destination
And the end of the journey is in sight. California's SB-562 could be the next and perhaps the most important battle in this war.
The ACA was a step forward but only a step. It did establish that prior to it we did not have the best healthcare system in the world.
Based on my recent experience at an interesting level, some Dem "incrementalists" are stating to get it.
The political revolution continues
New York is going to do it too, if Cuomo doesn't mess it up.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
They don't really need the cash.
But they are ideologically bound to accepting it.
Steven D, one of the reasons I wrote that there is no Left in America is that Americans are far too tied-up in this pretense that the noisy end of Democratic partisanship, or the maybe 6,000 people at most, nationwide, who count as sectarian "Leftists" because their egos wouldn't permit otherwise, count as a "Left." "Left" talk as such is a distraction.
The political spectrum as a whole has bought into neoliberalism, which on an economic level is to assure corporate profits by moving piecemeal toward a kleptocratic carving-up of the world for the benefit of a relatively-small elite. The other end of the neoliberal strategy, which the elites have also swallowed hook, line, and sinker, is to shut down any talk of alternatives to global capitalist markets as delivery systems for any social good, and any demand for any sort of utopian end other than that of the utopia of money. And the utopia of money is to be the exclusive club of a few.
The time is never going to be "ripe" for an alternative to our two neoliberal political parties. It just has to happen if you want single payer, or if you want anything from government at all.
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione
There is a difference, which seems obvious,
between stating that the left in America (meaning those to the left of the Democratic Party) does not exist and claiming that the left in the US is small or not politically powerful or not well-organized, or whatever other pejorative comment one cares to make about it, for whatever reason. (I am not sure why it is so important to say either one, let alone to keep on insisting. Those who are not members of the left know that the left is not powerful and could not be happier about it; and those who are members of the left know it all too well.)
People, like me, who say there is a left in America are not being egotistical. We're simply stating a fact to counter an unqualified statement that the left in the US does not exist at all, which is demonstrably a factually false statement.,
Partisans are the problem.
They are glommed on to the two-party system. As long as they either stay stuck on one or bounce between them, we can't change anything.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Agree! And I am coming to see it, not even so much as partisan,
but as pro-politician. If they are Democrats, their insanity is pro-Democratic politicians, not pro-Democrat. If they are Republicans, their insanity is pro-Republican politician, not pro-Republicans. Neither Democratic politicians nor Republican politicians are pro-anyone but themselves. It's about votes for them, donations for them and feathering their own nests.
That's not quite the case.
The rank-and-file of the Democratic Party would prefer to vote for Bernie Sanders, an independent, whereas the rank-and-file of the Republican Party rejected sixteen of its own party's candidates to select Donald Trump, an untested entertainer who was a Democrat during the Bush years.
The nest-feathering and donations part is correct. On the other hand, they don't really care too much about votes as long as the Two-Party System keeps any real populists out of power. See e.g. Matt Stoller back in 2012:
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione
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Bernie did not run in the Democratic primary as an independent
and Democrats were not the only ones who voted for him in the Democratic primary. Former Democrats, indies and even some Republicans voted for him. Moreover, my post needs reading in the context of the post to which I replied, which said,
So, all references in my post were to people who are "glommed onto to the two-Party system." Those would be the ones who could have voted for, say, Spectre (sic) when he was a Democrat, but not when he was a Republican, but again when he became a Democrat again out of desperation. Those are the ones not thinking of themselves or their fellow Republicans or their fellow Americans, only of Democratic politicians.
As to it not being about votes, that was only one of three things in my sentence about politicians: donations, votes and feathering their nests. All three don't have to apply to every single politician. However, I guess I could have dropped the first two entirely because it doesn't really matter to politicians how they feather their nests. So, I'll take a rap for wordiness.
Partisans are the problem.
They are glommed on to the two-party system. As long as they either stay stuck on one or bounce between them, we can't change anything.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I disagree.
Five people in a room is not a "small Left," it's a cultural gathering. The "Left" is in fact politically powerful and well-organized in America -- so to say that it's not politically powerful or well-organized is false -- but toward ultimately right-wing ends, all managed by the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party periodically spit out "Left" political candidates and platforms in the primary seasons of the past four decades to maintain the cultural charade, because y'all needed to pretend. Omigod Rainbow Coalition! Omigod Howard Dean Fifty-State Strategy! Omigod OfA! Omigod Justice Democrats!
The fact that all of this organization and political power has been continually disposable points to another reality: a portion of the Democratic Party needs cultural branding, and when it's safe for the elites, when it doesn't count for anything, it doesn't have to be merged with the neoliberal mainstream and is allowed to prolong the advertised promise of some evanescent "something" to you in exchange for your tax dollars, which is promptly retracted once the nice Democrats assume power. When it really counts, however, the "leftists" who want to continue to sound like leftists are ordered to shut up. And, demographically and statistically speaking, they do.
If we are to judge from behavior, and not from advertising pitch, we must therefore call this entity a pseudo-Left, a cultural Left that is in fact a political Right. The psuedo-Left is currently organizing to give us President Pence -- and if this were to happen, in the words of Doug Henwood, the "entire Republican dream agenda would sail through Congress in like three weeks." But that's what the pseudo-Left does. In the same sense, the loyal pseudo-Left just spent eight years supporting a President whose party lost more than 900 legislative seats to the Republicans, in a partisan collapse unprecedented in American history. Phoniness depressed voter turnout, and the pseudo-Left doubled down on it.
If you weren't being egotistical, you wouldn't have used forty-three words to say what eight words would say. Here, let me shorten it up for you: "there is a Left because I say so."
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione
I might add --
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione
Revived how?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
From 2014:
In short, Democrats failed to appeal to the people who usually voted for them.
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione
This video describes how the republicans were revived
remember that after the disastrous Bush administration and all the damage the republicans did to our economy and the two wars, people were saying that the republicans would not be back for decades. And in two years of the Obama administration, they retook control of the house and then they got both houses.
Look at how many states and governorships the democrats lost during Obama's tenure.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
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Content deleted. Duplicate.
"Facts are stubborn things." Ted Kennedy.
That you think disagreeing with you = egotistical seems ironic, as does your claim that using 43 instead of 8 words = egotistical (but I won't count up the words you've used on that subject since you wrote the essay).
Cassiodorus and HenryWallace
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
First, I made only one assertion. What you're quoting
are examples of things one MIGHT say that would be factually correct, as opposed to saying there is no left at all in America, which is factually incorrect. There is is no reason to "take back" any example.
I've been thinking
about the slow, rightward drift of the Democratic Party since the murder of JFK. Coups work.
This sort of captures it
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I can't even get Medicaid.
Hell, I can't even get a job for fuck's sake. I rely on a sliding scale clinic or occasionally Voc Rehab for my medical needs.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
We are a mean nation.
We refuse to give the homeless housing, even though so doing has long been shown and known to be less costly (as well as more humane, for many reasons). Meanness is the only reason I can think of for that. We also refuse to provide Medicare for All, even though that is also less costly and more humane. We would rather see people die needlessly than save ourselves some money. Yes, that's what it comes down to.
As to Medicare for All, work on your state level as much or more as you work on the national level. Although politicians at all levels have insulated themselves, the closer to home, the more impact you are likely to have.
The charts ...
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Nurses heckle Democratic leader, threaten legislators
Battle of the Bigs going on in California right now, CA Nurses Association does not fool around, they have one of the strongest lobbies alive I think.
Nurses heckle Democratic leader, threaten legislators over health care
Huh, the bait I clicked on said "California Democrats shout down Tom Perez " in the news feed, so I guess they didn't listen to John Burton's "shut up, or go outside".
lol go nurses, as long as that public-funded part means taxing the snot out of Silicon Valley and their leeching ilk. Not regular wage-payers they already pay enough. Make all industries that speculate heavily, pay heavily, that's what I think. And cut doctor's pay, it is ridiculously absurd, too high. And outlaw the offshoring of profits, that's stupid. And another thing! lol Stop trying to be Wall Street West. Installing a statue representing greed is not so smart right now, despite the gender thingy. The West Coast Fearless Girl? The California Democratic Party installs 'Persist' statue
Now turning blue about to fade, no more air left in the room. Gasp.
Thanks Steven D, I was trying to be positive but there is too much hokey-pokey happening in Sacramento, it is familiar, it does not feel good. I hope I'm wrong about the "new" wing showing its face again.
Peace & Love
Once, I was what doctors refer to as "very sick."
After a dramatic surgery, for six months, I shuttled back and forth between the hospital and a nursing home. Doctors cut and prescribed, but nurses nurtured and healed. During this time, I came to adore nurses as a group.
So, now, when I see things like nurses unions endorsing Bernie and fighting for Medicare for All for us--I suspect their care is taken of--I would be grateful for the opportunity to bow before them.
Anyone who's been hospitalized knows nurses do the work
Women work, men are peacocks.
Had to say it, even though I'm a straight male.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
To be fair, doctors and nurses both work. They just do
different kinds of things.
For example, I don't know how long the first surgery took, but the follow up surgery was something like 5 hours. That's a long time to be standing and focusing intently on someone's innards.
Hey, Steven.
If your wife is able to work at all, she should look into your state Medicaid's program for the working disabled. Here in Arizona, it's called "Freedom to Work". My wife is disabled and on Medicare. FtW drops her prescription copay to $1.20 or less and add in all the Medicaid benefits. My wife is on the payroll of one of my companies at 10 hours per week to answer customer service phone calls and email for me and it qualifies her for the program. There are several companies that offer part-time work-at-home jobs for the disabled.
Unfortunately she is totally disabled from a
and this local news production about her:
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
The crippling drug was called “5-FU”?
Fuck 'em.
I won't support any candidate who doesn't support single-payer. This is why I dem-exited after the election. If Dems ever want to win anything again they will have to get on board.
This shit is bananas.
Shouldn't that be...
from a reasonably stable genius.
Well certainly their failure
Imagine if Obama had passed single payer instead of "Obamacare" i.e., the ACA. If they had really pushed for it they would have gotten it in my opinion.
The Dems would own both houses of Congress in my opinion. had they done that. But they couldn't walk away from all that damn money. They'd rather be a minority party than give up that corporate cash.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott