The democrats who voted to confirm Gina Haspel for CIA director
There is a huge stain on this country that will never wash off because of the people who committed torture. For failure to prosecute the people who committed torture. For the democrats who voted to reward the person who oversaw torture to be the CIA director.
BREAKING NEWS: Enough brave Democrats are backing Gina Haspel to confirm her. Great to see such bi-partisan support for torture.#TheResistance#OwnedTogether#TortureIsFine
— Peter Douche's Liaison (@SilERabbit) May 15, 2018
Thankfully Donnelly & Heitkamp were unopposed in their primary and the MSM pretended Manchin ran unopposed so they could #ResistTrump by supporting his pick for child rape, rectal feeding, 2 weeks in stress positions, death by hypothermia & more!
THREAD— Kris #WASF (@KrisK75USMC) May 16, 2018
Clicking on the embedded graphic in the second tweet brings up this thread reader.
Here's a very bad taste of what is in it ...
"hello I am processing my outrage at @SenateDems over their failure to vote together and #BlockHaspel and I think I'm going to tweet one fact from the torture report for every Democrat who comes out in support of Haspel is anyone with me on this?
OK, here we go."
A favored tactic of the CIA was to tell detainees they would kill their children or rape their mothers in front of them. This happened in the site Haspel oversaw.
Sen_JoeManchin was the first Dem to support Haspel:
The CIA had this black site called the Salt Pit/COBALT which was "a dungeon." No lights, constant loud music, only buckets for bathrooms.
SenDonnelly was the 2nd Dem to announce support for Haspel.
This one's difficult. A man named Gul Rahman was was beaten, stripped naked and chained to a concrete floor by the CIA.
They found him dead in his cell hours later, from hypothermia.
Today MarkWarner announced his support for Haspel:
Many were shackled to a bar over their head, unable to sit/sleep. One interrogator found a man in that standing position who had been chained there 17 days "as far as we could determine"
SenatorHeitkamp announced her support for Haspel today:
The CIA also sexually assaulted detainees. They called it "rectal feeding" or "rectal exams conducted with excessive force" and it left one man, Mustafa al-Hawsawi, with a torn rectum.
SenBillNelson became the 5th Dem to back Haspel today:
Of course it wasn't only the democrats who voted for Bloody Gina. Many republicans did too and she tells us who they are. The confirmation hearing now goes on to see which members of congress are okay with not prosecuting Gina and others for committing torture which is against both US and international law and should be prosecuted as a war crime!
Please read the rest of the thread reader.
Is there any possibility that a new Nuremberg trial will be held one day for the war crimes that this country has committed? Let's hope so because no one should be allowed to skate on war crimes. No matter who commits them.
h/t wotb

How is that Resistance going?
Maybe there will be some democrats who won't vote for Gina. This will allow the hope to continue.
Yay! Go Team Blue
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Greenwald called dems rotating villains?
BTW the tweet from LL. He had a diary had said the democratic party urgently needed Hillary Clinton back in the saddle being active in all sorts of things. She is such a powerful voice.
Yah, while in Australia making money off book/speech tour, she blamed those voters who voted for Obama twice but not her of falling for fake news like the His Popeness endorsing Trump.
Rotating villains, indeed
It took me a long time to figure that they were doing this. Always just one or two would vote with the republicans to make sure that the vote passed and for some reason Reid, Pelosi or Schumer couldn't stop them from doing it.
The Clinton Creature is in New Zealand now getting them to cough up $5.5 million for her foundation. Yep. They, Australia and many other countries have been donating millions to her foundation for years. Some did it during her time as SOS and then they got weapons sold to them.
Right now the kos kids are giving Trump hell and accusing him of pay to play politics which it appears he is doing with China, but every time I see a diary on it I scream out, "that is exactly what Hillary did but you all acted like she didn't do that." If someone wanted a meeting with her at the state department she ignored them until they made a donation to her foundation first. Judicial watch has lots of emails about that on their site.
This is who Lawrence wants to lead the DP? Alrighty then.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The legal rules of the Kangaroo Court
Here is where Greenwald writes about "Villain Rotation:
Respecting our shared humanity
isn't a difficult concept to grasp. Anyone who prevaricates on who does and does not 'deserve' to be treated as a human being, slanders their very own humanity.
As far as the confirmation hearings go, all I can say is that it is is a disgusting display of egregious power grabbing and criminal war crimes for all the world to see.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
I try to relate the paragraph in my comment below to Germany
who committed the torture, who oversaw it, who ordered it, who got prosecuted for it, can you prosecute the population of a whole country?
I guess it's a bit difficult. In the sixties the Germans protested and marched against the failure of the German government to exclude those Nazi leaders, who could easily be identified to belong to the elite among the Nazis as having been more responsible for murdering millions of Jews than the common German folks.
Despite the Nuremberg trials there was no way to "hold the majority of Nazis involved in the holocaust" accountable.
What happened in the next fifty years? We have the same shit back in the political leadership. Feeding the same brown sauce of hate propaganda to the public, all been silently accepted and/or ignored, because of 'free speech rights'. Merkel just yesterday totally ignored a provocation of a right-wing new leadership woman, foaming hate speech out at the Bundestag. She did this on purpose, because argueing against it would just have heated the conversation around such despicable bullshit that came out of the mouth of that woman. (Really, as a woman, I feel often so appalled about what my 'so-called sisters' spit out).
Just saying, washing off stains isn't easy, mostly, if you try to wash off one stain, the next stain is on the horizon. Lots of washing off required. It's washing day everyday to come, and as one poor, old Berlin lady in my neighborhood back in the seventies, who had been a "washing lady" by profession, said once to me that she can't be grateful enough for the invention of washing machines. She showed me her hands and they were marked by years of washing stains out of clothes by hand.
Stains, imho, are on individual people, and it's humanely understandable, that folks put stains on a country as a whole.
But all you can do is holding them accountable (hopefully) one person at a time. The Americans did their best they could back then when they engaged in the Nuremberg trials. The stain on the German nation is never "forgotten". Any person can pull out the stains any time they want. It's easy. Too easy, but that's why it's done. And it doesn't change a bit and doesn't work.
Just my two cents. YMMV. Peace.
I am always appreciative
Of your uncanny ability to draw correllaries between essay subjects and Germany.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
We are the terrorists, even if not in theory, in fact.
That the population can possibly continue to see the United States as "the good guys" is a testimony to the prescience of Orwell's 1984. Up is now down.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Unsurprisingly typical output from the Plutocracy
But keep voting for them, some day things will change? NOPE
Every citizen voting for a D or an R is voting for a party whose members support torture to get what they want. "That's the system". Flush it I say, and keep flushing until the sick bastards are all gone. No more career politicians, vote the bums out!
Nobody 2018
Peace and Freedom
Green Party
say yes to sustainable life
say NO to the death merchants
I am starting to think they the best outcome
Both for the world as well as ourselves individually would be for the US to have a Soviet Union style collapse at the federal level and that it fragments out to around 7 new affiliated independent nations.
Our government is wholly corrupt, unwieldy, unresponsive and uninterested in improving the lives of its citizens and is a destabilizing force on the planet...
Many people need to end up in jail but never will. It's almost enough to make me wish there really was an afterlife just so I knew these evil fucks would pay for their actions.
But there's not, so I guess I'll have to pray to the anger of the mob and the Guillotine...
I fear they, not Obi Wan, are are only hope...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I agree, but...
If I live long enough to see something like this, I'm going to need to get out of the South!
@Jen Agree completely, I
Oregon is sounding better every day.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
The debate at
that site that shall remain nameless was how can we even entertain voting for this criminal with crimes against humanity, and the need to ignore it because "more democrats". The ignore it and "more democrats" seemed to win hands down. So there's right, wrong, and as long as my special interest gets airtime, F' everybody else.
Every one of these idiots...
Is fine with this, because they're far enough back in the "Concentration Camp Priority List" that they don't feel threatened.
The Democrat's Lament
First they came for the Immigrants, and I didn't say anything because we needed the War authorization passed.
Then they came for the Labor Unions, and I didn't say anything because we needed to grow the economy.
Then they came for the LGBTQ folks, and I didn't say anything because it would hurt my poll numbers.
Then they came for the Third Party folks, and I didn't say anything because we'd been trying to get rid of those assholes for years.
Then they came for anybody who wouldn't sign a loyalty oath to one of the main political parties, and I didn't say anything because the Russians.
Then we gave emergency powers to the President, allowing him to detain anyone on a whim, and I didn't say anything because Terrorists.
Then they rounded up any Democrat who didn't condemn Socialism in the STRONGEST possible terms, and I didn't say anything because Socialism Kills billions.
And then they came for me, and it was totally unfair, and President Trump is a sexist, lying, hypocritical, fascist asshole, who has been killing people! And why isn't anyone listening to me, and what am I doing in this train?
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Al Soufan testimony
suggests the torture program was to remove detainees who were providing actionable intelligence to FBI interrogators and to prevent them from revealing U.S. support for terrorists. Soufan doesn't see it that way necessarily, but as a reader of his book, I do see it as the sequence of events.
In addition, by falsely claiming the actionable intelligence was acquired by torture, the CIA made all of that information inadmissible in court, thereby bringing no one to justice, especially CIA enablers of Al Qaeda terrorists.
Al Qaeda jihadists were trained in the United States, in North Carolina and Virginia, in explosives detonation and in handling the experience of torture itself.
Ali Soufan, former FBI counterterrorism interrogator, has written and spoken widely about his work along with his partners interrogating high-level Al Qaeda prisoners both before and after 9/11. His history of the actionable intelligence he acquired before prisoners were removed from his custody and then tortured by CIA contractors is crucial to understanding the desperation of deep state actors in misrepresenting and covering up this madness.
In his book, The Black Banners, Soufan describes what he suggests is the cover-up of very bad, wrong-headed decisions to torture prisoners who were providing actionable intelligence. But as a reader, I see it quite differently. Every time Ali Soufan and his partners acquired important information, for example when they learned the identity of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, CIA contractors were brought in to remove the source from Soufan, begin the torture, and in some cases subsequently release the prisoner!
So my reading of this crime is that CIA was continuing its support of Al Qaeda and removing terrorist suspects from FBI scrutiny. In other words, they were preventing them from providing crucial intelligence. The example of information about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is most alarming because KSM was a student at a college in North Carolina near a CIA training center for jihadists, which CIA whistleblower Robert Baer described as specializing in remote-controlled detonation of explosives, the assembling of car bombs and bus bombs. Even if the cover-up of this relationship was with hindsight and "embarrassment," its effect was to protect Al Qaeda.
This is very interesting, Linda
Would you perhaps have some links on this? It makes sense to make sure that the truth never gets out. This might be the thing that forces people to take the Red Pill.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
with Ali Soufan:
Thanks for finding the link
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
North Carolina
training sources:
Just another day in the Ziocon Nazi empire.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
another glass ceiling broken
I'm afraid of what might happen to me if I oppose this
despicable POS, like being misogynistic, sexist, bernie
bro, deplorable, etc.etc.etc.
Yet they tptb still tell us every day how god blesses us,
how exceptional we are, how we are the fighter of human rights
If this isn't the final nail in today's amerika's coffin what
Everyday the local news at night tells of a cop being a hero
by just doing what his job description entails, all sporting
events hail our military starting from the nat'l anthem to
then throughout the event with salutes to our military, many
of todays commercials grasp onto the military as well. The propaganda
machine is in full service as the only shit amerika does well
anymore is propaganda, forget what our lying eyes see.
The takeover is pretty much completed the narcissist, psychopaths,
sociopaths are in charge
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
CIA tortured, lied about torture, destroyed evidence of torture.
But believe without question everything they say about Russiagate.
Did you see the way they did Ray McGovern?
...when he hollered out against Gina? The capitol police dislocated the 78 year olds shoulder.
So it is not just the dems consent, it is their failure to full force object. The democraps are not an answer, they are another side of the problem.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Well, Obama was against prosecution IIRC
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
He was and that's the problem
If he hadn't decided to "look forward" and prosecuted the people who not only committed torture, but the ones who told people to do it, then Gina wouldn't be the next CIA director, she might be in prison instead. He is now an accessory after the fact as are the congress members who are voting for her.
Yeah, very funny Barry!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
But Dems blame only Republicans. It is like 1984, isn't it?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Nice job, Snoop!
Peter Douche's book is about to be released - folks here will appreciate his humor. If anyone is interested in supporting his GoFundMe for the book, please click here for link:
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Why are you focusing on Democrats?
At this point, why would you expect anything OTHER than them voting for Haspel?
It's as if you are disappointed, because they didn't meet your expectations that they would be some kind of principled opposition party, or be "different than" the Republicans.
But my question is this: Why would you still have any such expectations?
The CIA was created by the consent of a Democrat . . . Harry Truman.
The CIA did all manner of horrible things in various parts of the world while Democrat LBJ was president. Democrat LBJ, appointed former CIA Director Alan Dulles to the Warren Commission, to ostensibly investigate the assassination of JFK, a crime that the CIA was likely involved in with Dulles' participation.
Democrat Bill Clinton refused to prosecute CIA connected criminals from the Bush I Administration. I think he was the first person that said words to the effect of 'we should look forward, and not backward.' And there is evidence out there showing that Clinton may have even been connected to CIA drug smuggling activities that occurred in Mena, Arkansas, while he was the governor of that state.
Democrat Barack Obama unleashed all manner of CIA connected horrors upon the planet. He also said about Dubya's war criminals that we should look forward and not backward, as he gave them a pass for their past crimes. And didn't he place corrupt John Brennan at the head of the CIA?.
The Democrats in the Senate did nothing after it was revealed that Brennan's CIA had been spying upon their supposed anti-torture activities.
Moreover the Democrats continue to give bipartisan support to unconstitutional spying upon all Americans, and if Obama and leading Democrats had had their way, both Snowden and Assange would be rotting in American prisons . . . . or worse. Oh, and Obama also oversaw the incarceration of Manning, some of which included inhumane treatment.
For most of the past two years, the Democrats have been pushing Russia-gate, a fraudulent meme that, in part, serves the interests of the Deep State (including the CIA and the MIC) in fomenting a new Cold War with Russia and in silencing dissent from alternative domestic voices.
And lest we forget, many of the people that will be trying to get into Congress this fall as Democrats have connections to the CIA or the MIC.
I don't understand: At this late stage of the game, why are you singling out the Democrats for special censure, when they are as much a part of the same criminal, corrupt, and immoral system as the Republicans are?
Why would you expect them to be anything different than what they, in fact, are?
They are crypto-fascists, that masquerade as "liberals" and carry rainbow flags around with them to somehow pretend they are different and more moral than Republicans.
And they still fool enough people to get them to vote for them . . . or to be disappointed in them when they don't act in truly principled fashions . . . such as when they vote to confirm Haspel.
I, for one, am not fooled anymore.
I suspect that the same holds true for many of the people that frequent this site.