Democrats still proving they are incapable of reform
In a few weeks Donald Trump will give Democrats a golden opportunity to show just how hypocritical he is.
That opportunity is Steven Mnuchin.
Liberal groups and Democratic senators are zeroing in on the record of Steven Mnuchin, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick for Treasury secretary, aiming to pressure Republicans into voting against his nomination. The campaign is part of a larger effort by Democrats to derail some of Mr. Trump’s nominees.
Mnuchin is a disgusting individual, and a good example of a swamp creature that Trump was supposed to "drain", rather than restock.
However, Mnuchin is only half of the story.
The memo obtained by The Intercept alleges that OneWest rushed delinquent homeowners out of their homes by violating notice and waiting period statutes, illegally backdated key documents, and effectively gamed foreclosure auctions.
In the memo, the leaders of the state attorney general’s Consumer Law Section said they had “uncovered evidence suggestive of widespread misconduct” in a yearlong investigation. In a detailed 22-page request, they identified over a thousand legal violations in the small subsection of OneWest loans they were able to examine, and they recommended that Attorney General Kamala Harris file a civil enforcement action against the Pasadena-based bank. They even wrote up a sample legal complaint, seeking injunctive relief and millions of dollars in penalties.
But Harris’s office, without any explanation, declined to prosecute the case.
Mnuchin, the former CEO of OneWest, was already facing challenges in his upcoming Senate confirmation hearings on account of his bank’s ruthless foreclosure practices, ranging from locking out one homeowner during a Minneapolis blizzard to foreclosing on another over a 27-cent payment shortfall.
One half of the story are the thieves, like Mnuchin. The other half of the story is the cops who didn't do their jobs.
The memo also raises questions about then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris, who was sworn in as a U.S. senator on Tuesday, and who will soon have to vote on Mnuchin’s appointment.
Why did her office close the case, deciding not to “conduct a full investigation of a national bank’s misconduct and provide a public accounting of what happened,” as her own investigators had urged?
State and federal law enforcement have been severely criticized for failing to hold accountable those responsible for the financial crisis and its aftermath. The OneWest case provides another example, and this time, the failure to prosecute could help the nation’s next treasury secretary get confirmed.
Harris, California's first AA senator, who failed to do her job against the thieves of the wealthy elite while they pillaged poor, minority neighbourhoods, then picked a former Clinton staffer to be her communications director.
Yet she is still being sold as one of the “New Democrats.”
Harris has been criticized for a lack of vigor in prosecuting foreclosure fraud before. She set up a Mortgage Fraud Strike Force in 2011, dedicated to “protect innocent homeowners and bring justice to those who defraud them.” But despite hundreds of complaints of loan modification fraud — a primary target identified by the office — it only prosecuted 10 cases in the first three years.
County district attorneys and even attorneys general in other states filed many more California-based cases, despite more limited resources. And some of the cases Harris did file began under her predecessor Jerry Brown or were organized by other local and federal law enforcement teams; Harris just gave her strike-force credit for them.
In fact, many of the cases Harris’s office is known for were part of multistate or prior investigations. The 2012 $25 billion National Mortgage Settlement with five large mortgage servicers (Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, and Ally Bank) over allegations of illegal foreclosure practices, which Harris touted in campaign ads, was a 49-state and federal matter, where she was not deeply involved with negotiations and was criticized as a grandstander.
I wonder if Mnuchin or Trump will bring any of this up during the hearings, while Harris is voting?
Well, at least she's a black woman and that's what counts, amirite?
Another establishment Democrat made news this week as well - Eric Holder.
Girding for four years of potential battles with President-elect Donald J. Trump, Democratic leaders of the California Legislature announced Wednesday that they had hired Eric H. Holder Jr., who was attorney general under President Obama, to represent them in any legal fights against the new Republican White House.
You might remember Eric Holder, the nation's first African American attorney general, as the man who invented the idea of "Too Big To Jail."
U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. told lawmakers that some financial institutions have become “so large” that it makes it “difficult for us to prosecute them.”
So while California Democrats will be spending the next few weeks denouncing crooks at big banks, they will be celebrating the cops who let them commit their crimes.
More at issue is the extraordinary run Holder just completed as one of history's great double agents. For six years, while brilliantly disguised as the attorney general of the United States, he was actually working deep undercover, DiCaprio in The Departed-style, as the best defense lawyer Wall Street ever had.
Holder denied there was anything weird about returning to one of Wall Street's favorite defense firms after six years of letting one banker after another skate on monstrous cases of fraud, tax evasion, market manipulation, money laundering, bribery and other offenses.
At least Dems can do more virtue signalling, which is more important than actual values.

They're not
paidbribed to do the peoples work.Can anybody tell me the difference between democrats and republicans other than their party affiliation?
As always, thanks gjohn.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
They'll at least get out of the way on some civil rights
issues (cf "gay marriage"). Republicans generally won't do that.
There are other non-trivial differences. It's just those are mostly shallow and rarely something Dems fight for when push comes to shove.
Well even saying it that way could be controversial....
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Not all LGB people are saints. They were represented in
the hierarchy of the Third Reich. There is a Repukelican group called The Log Cabin Republicans. Greed is not monopolized by any one mindset in human nature. Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
one test only
Are you a Christian fanatic?
Yes - You are a Republican
No - You are a Democrat
Only difference I see. All the actual policy differences derive from that one question.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I keep trying to tell folks that CA
is far more establishment Democratic than liberal or progressive.
I didn't bother voting in the Senate race. For the reasons that might be hinted at based on your essay among others.
Yes you certainly have done so, and it's appreciated, but it
seems many people still think CA is a worker & environmental paradise.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
It is a little better than elsewhere to be fair
But, as usual, the best worker protections are regressive (i.e. the higher up the income ladder one is, the more protections one generally has) in practice.
In theory we have lots of good labor laws that protect "unskilled" workers, tradesmen, etc. In practice, like everything else in America, one's ability to leverage those protections depends heavily on numbers: either he has a sufficient number of friends (e.g. unions, fellow co-workers) that he can't be ignored, or he has some means to access money to pursue a case, or some other similar means. Even when we get laws passed in our favor it seems we have to keep fighting to make use of them. Except in cases where the real elites don't actually care.
CA is MUCH more civilized than FLori-dumb!!!!!
A long-time central Floridian
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
At some point, it struck me that a lot of the annoying
(politically) news stories I was seeing originated either in Florida, Arizona or Texas, so I started using FAT as an acronym for certain types of political stuff.
Seems like California is where all the scared establishment
Dems are running to. Maybe Southern California is more establishment Dem than Northern California. The Pacific Northwest seems to be the most progressive part of the Country right now. I'm hoping that will continue to spread down here in NoCal (and SoCal), especially after Trump's first egregious offenses start.
Beware the bullshit factories.
California's Presidential voting history.
In recent decades, CA did not go blue in a Presidential until bubba, who campaigned on ending welfare as we know it.
I think people, especially older people, think of liberal Hollywood and student unrest. Hollywood has become a lot less liberal, although most of the people who are second, third or fourth generation Hollywood continue to be, at a minimum, Democrats. Of course, Los Angeles is relatively liberal
Good post. Thanks.
There's only one party. The Corporate Party of America. No offense to CPA's intended.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
So, she's a Clinton 'progressive'?
Found this on Twitter just now about Jaime Harrison (D. Podesta Group) who thinks that rank and file Democrats are elitists for not waning a lobbyist to head the party:
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Vox and Fox
Pretty lazy just tagging a V in front instead of coming up with their own name. It's almost is if Markos had a cute idea!
Once I became aware of Markos' involvement with Vox I began using the same kinds of filters viewing material there as those I use viewing Fox material.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Thanks for the heads up
Hard to keep track of all of the cross-
pollinationpollution.My high school year book was also called Vox.
Seems the source above may be misapplying the Latin meaning of the word.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
To be fair, Vox got sold
Markos sold Vox and the SbNation (sports) brands. Still, any association with markos warrants a cynical eye, in my mind.
Markos is quite the capitalist. Multi-millionaire. Not to say he hasn't worked hard for it, no doubt he has.
I heard he has these exquisite antique gates protecting his property.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Once a Repuke, always a Repuke.
Granted, there are exceptions. Marko$ Moulita$ is not one of them
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
It goes to what Cornell West said.
West was asked on Democracy Now about reforming the democratic party. He said he believes the party cannot be reformed because the party lacked integrity. I would say it lacked both moral and intellectual integrity and consistency. And this applies both to the party leadership, establishment, and a good portion of the base. This is beyond being pragmatic, compromise, and ideological purity--the party lacks the moral integrity to even engage in pragmatism and compromise. In a sense, identity politics is the natural outgrowth of a political party with nothing to offer except the most base of affiliations. Harris and Hillary and Holder and Schumer and Rahm could never be accepted based on political and moral content of their actions.
Great expose.
The bots say that Cornell West is the go to
for people who want a black man to attack Obama.
Silly me, I thought it was about liberal versus New Democrat, or maybe about West feeling slighted by Obama. Turns out, it's about skin color and only skin color.
Black men and women attacked Cornel West
before Cornel West hinted the slightest criticism of Obama years ago. That's what brought me here. Just saying. It's about cowardice of those who are afraid of being profiled as a racist. I include myself in those. Germans are racist per dna, I heard, so I rather said nothing than saying something to not aggravate the preconceptions. Until I didn't want to do it anymore. It's all about race and the profit and advantage one gets out it to use those divisions for one's own gain. Markos used those skillfully. I never liked it. I don't care how rich he became, but I do care about the methods he has used to get "traffic" to his site.
West began criticizing Obama early on.
He and Tavis Smiley both did. I remember Smiley's saying he (Smiley) had been told "Wait until the brother gets elected." Dyson recalls West criticizing Obama in 2007.
Forever Forward mean the folks who are forever looking forward and being stronger together?
The folks who wouldn't prosecute the war crimes of Bush and Co. because they were looking forward and not back?
The folk who got it so wrong in the primary, who told everyone to shut up and sit down, who said they didn't need everyone's votes, who were incredibly toxic and nasty people...are now the ones saying that the primary and general election are in the past and we all have to be stronger together, unity and all that garbage?
Democrats are forever more war crimes, to more destruction of the planet, and more oppression via toxic capitalism.
For people looking forward they seem to be pathologically
fixated on previous primaries and general elections. At the moment I think The Roosskies Did It. It was Putin in person. The CIA and FBI said so and can prove it-- according to Us.
At least we have progressed from wishing terrible deaths for people in flyover states to the more usual levels of snotty condescension. Can't imagine why those peasants don't all vote Dem like they are obligated to. Bunch dirty of ingrates.
Remember the 4 rules of Democrats
which incidentally happen to be the same 4 rules of Republicans:
1. Get in
2. Fasten seat belts
3. Hold on
4. Shut up!
2.5 Adjust gag on your own face b4 assisting others w/ theirs
It's a new one meant to facilitate #4.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Oh, but I might aspirate, choke, hack, wheeze
They WERE looking forward when they decided not to prosecute
Bush. They were looking forward to committing crimes themselves in the coming years and they didn't want to be prosecuted for them, either.
It's like the old joke about sharks and lawyers, except that in the real life version, politicians give professional courtesy to other politicians instead of sharks giving professional courtesy to lawyers.
Democrats have become just pro choice republicans
with no where else to go.
The real SparkyGump has passed. It was an honor being your human.
Clintons and DLC transformed party into Rockefeller republicans
In reading about Hillary's early intellectually formative years, she was a Rockefeller supporter. Of course, some of that early history has been rewritten, but some facts hard to hide and their implications. Her intellectual development went from Goldwater girl in high school to a Rockefeller republican in college--"socially liberal/moderate" but at base neo-liberal economics. Rockefeller's type of republican was not the radical libertarian types who believe all gummit is bad. The type just does not exist in the republican party any more.
So yah, your description is pretty apt and right on.
Red arrow right breaking pillars of blue.
We're on the same page mRWebster. You may find the visuals provided by our c99 member HenryWallace in her reply to me interesting. If you haven't seen them. c99 link here
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Dang unconsciously incorporated Goldwater logos.
Interesting comparison of campaign logos--sorta reminds me of Citizen Kane...rosebud!! What the hell was Kane referring to?
One thing about Wikileaks revelations, they proved beyond doubt that Hillary is no where a liberal or progressive. That was the big scandal for me--the absolutely depth of her denial of anything remotely liberal. Just one example, she endorsed the Cat Food Commission which recommend cuts to social security. I read places like TOP and just shake my head in disbelief over the liberal diaries by front pagers, etc, all the while in en mass supporting a candidate which Wikileaks revealed to be nothing close to a liberal.
Unconciously? I think not
If we recall, the emails contain the statement of a high level campaign advisor that 'for every blue collar vote we lose we'll pick up two from moderate republicans'. (can't think of name off the top of my head and don't want to go look for it)
The republican base KNOWS dog whistles.
My very first thought at seeing the Hillary logo was. She's going after republican votes.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Schumer did say the same thing about gop suburban voters
That for every working class stiff they lost, they would gain 2 goper suburban voters ( Hillary's parents?/)
I would not take anything about Hillary's early years to the
bank, other than she herself says she canvassed for Nixon at age 13 and being a Goldwater Girl. She has no reason to lie about those two things, and they do not do her favors with Democrats. So, I believe those. Besides, we have pics of her as a Goldwater girl. Other things, especially those intended to make her seem liberal before she met Bill, I'd take with a huge grain of salt, along with all her stories about being told women could not do XYZ (be high school senior class President, join the military, etc.)
We know beyond any doubt that she lies, so why take any self-serving stories about her youth, for which she is the only source, at face value without a big dose of corroboration from a truly independent source? Hillary tells a lot of stories that no one can either prove or disprove, such as her mom's teacher having to bring her lunch. Funny, we never heard that story until after her mom died AND tone deaf Hillary had been castigated for claiming she understood poverty because she and Bubba were broke when they left the White House.
Another story that no one can prove or disprove is her supposedly trying to join the Marines shortly after her marriage and being told no because she was a woman and too old. (Gee, sound a lot like things she was afraid people might think about her 2016 run for POTUS.) Women who knew her then say they have no recollection of this and, if she did do it at all, she probably did it in an attempt to get a "gotcha" incident from the Marine recruiter.
It's kind of hard to imagine she did not discuss either joining the Marines circa 1975 or getting rejected with her friends. So hard to believe in fact, that I don't believe it. Btw, the last time she told the Marine story in public, she got her own age at the time she tried to join wrong by two or three years.
Of course, the Supreme Court, not Democratic legislators
or Presidents, decided Griswold v. Connecticut, Roe v. Wade and succeeding reproductive rights cases. Congress, on the other hand, passed the Hyde Amendment; and, as Pelosi reminded us while the ACA was under consideration, the Hyde Amendment is still the law of the land.
As far as the New Democrats, Obama waffled on this at the Executive Branch regulatory level and did what he usually did when he thought he, as POTUS, was in a bind--He cited his daughters. (Did the same when he came out for same gender marriage and when the ACLU went after the White House visitor logs.)
After receiving the endorsement of Planned ParenthoodHillary said she'd consider a Constitutional amendment, which is necessary if you want to overrule a Supreme Court constitutional case. So, I don't know how many bets I'd place on Democrats being strong advocates for choice. They don't go out of their way to restrict abortion, but I don't see them fighting a lot for choices, either. I do hear plenty of lip service when they they think it will help them at the polls, as in 2012. Clever minx McCaskill even backed the anti-choice candidate in the Republican primary so she could beat him in the general, which she did, obviously. Remind me though what she's done for reproductive rights since she became a U.S. Senator, though.
They're so cynical, it's sickening.
On the other other, even they knew that that women voters saved their bacon in 2012 and the camp following of Sanders and Warren scares them, so who knows?
her heinous/trump they all have the same connection GS
Law Partners of Trump’s SEC Nominee Gave Huge Sums to Elect Hillary – Not Trump
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
GS should not exist.
It should have been destroyed in the aftermath of the derivative meltdown. Instead millions of homeowners were destroyed.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Isn't Jamie Dimon the Mafia rep to the NWO?
I thought every thinker knew that.
I can't think what they call it at the moment. That mob strategy,.. loot and burn, or something like that.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I wouldn't mind is all of WS got nuked
not only were millions of homeowners screwed
but so was the rest of America.
WS/NYC/DC all live in the same bubble
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
If Wall Street got nuked, taxpayers would have to pay again.
I'm not so sure WS gets another bailout
I'm probably wrong but I'll stick with it cause
that could be the what breaks the cabals back.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Toxic and clueless
An awful, tragic consequence of flirting with the loose wording of laws against corruption. Please be honest: Who should, among the constituents, ask the most purposeful questions that require an answer? Minimum standards that need to be worked on. What leadership are the most incompetently wrong, repeatedly? If you consider leading it, you might as well do that. If you lead the dissolution, it will be noted that you were competent in one thing. I've stated it, that was the reward.
If we continue this path of Schumer and Nancy, well we've gone a long way alright. This may seem like an arangement, almost as smart as hanging about someplace with an end date, but we'll call it moon cycles. We're embarrassed to see them: We've gone full circle. Is stupidity endless?
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
So tired and frustrated
This election just drains a person. All you can do is watch in horror from the sidelines as Clinton supporters denounce every single criticism in existence as a right wing talking point.
Bill O' Reilly didn't convince me that Clinton is a warmonger...she did that on her own.
Sean Hannity didn't convince me that the Democratic Party is a front for neoliberal policies...they did that on their own.
Rush didn't convince me that Clinton is a highly corrupt, morally bankrupt, power craven individual...she did that on her own.
Or even worse that those on the left spread lies
Jill Stein didn't convince me that Clinton was fanning the flames for a world war with Russia...Clinton did that on her own.
In the end, all you can do is watch as the people, many of which are far too manipulated to be cured, continue to bicker over nothing as the world slowly burns.
Yep, right wing AND racist and misogynistic.
That's what you are if you criticize Hillary.
Oh, and no one dislikes Hillary simply because she is unlikeable, dishonest, hypocritical, warmonger, tone deaf, deplorable dog whistler, supported or embraced all her husband's awful economic and prison policies etc. People dislike her only because, for no earthly reason whatever, they're "Hillary haters." (Always appreciate alliterative appellations!) I guess Hillary Haters are just born that way since there is no reason to dislike her, amirite? It's genetic! Who knew?
Alternatively, it must be because they believe Republican politicians and their investigations, even though those who oppose Hillary most are leftists, not Republicans and not people likely to take the word of Republican politicians for the sky's being blue. (Remind me, how many prominent Republicans said they were going to vote for her in the general?)
They all must all have received the same textbook, How to Defend the (Indefensible) Hillary.
The Fix Is In
Holder will do what he did as Attorney General - defend the defendants from the consequences of their actions. There is no chance in Trumptopia that Holder will be effective in the job he's been drafted into. I wonder if his new position isn't a snide attempt to keep the Democratic AA voters from drifting to supporting Trump, because his questions of "What good has supporting Democrats done for you?" were about the only things Trump said that I could agree with. Obama is about to fade away into a well-earned obscurity, and some politically-successful Black male has to be held up to demonstrate that the "values" of the Democratic Party haven't changed despite the latest shellacking. But he has to be someone who doesn't threaten the 1%. Thus Holder, whose service to the 1% during the Obama years are well-documented.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.