Dear Sir/Madam

Is it possible that we could have a day without a post about............

When Billmon and Steve Gilliard left............

I followed them over to their virtual places, and I don't remember too many continual references to their former home.

Steve died in 2007 after a wonderful run, and Billmon's place was aflame until he decided to call time.

We can survive without ............

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Miep's picture

Is on Twitter, not sure what he's up to otherwise.

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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.

Bollox Ref's picture

When his blog was live, he had over a thousand postings when he had a radio interview, way back when.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

Miep's picture

That was a great blog. My mom turned me onto him.

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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.

angel d's picture

Because his avatar makes me think of happy hour at Miller's Pub in Chicago, as I imagine it to be during HH.

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of disassociation play out. Give it time.

And I think it's important to point out that there are still some good writers over there with valuable information, if you get past the political diaries and the politics of the site owner and most of the staff.

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