Dead Commie Hugo Chavez Flipped Votes to Biden: Wot?

Or: Whack Jobs, Inc.©  Have fun!

Various versions of this yarn are out there, but this may be the wildest one, and there’svideo, to boot, although I have no idea whassup with the ad:

‘CIA, Gina Haspel and Hugo Chavez’ SmartMatic Behind USA Steal’, Nov. 17, 2020, David Knight,

It also includes a jumbled transcript in which someone had improved his memory, having named that Marxist ‘Dilma Rousseff’. But hey, it’s only 6 minutes or so; you’ll love it!

Next up: ‘Yes, those ‘glitches’ are from the same software that made Venezuela’s elections so free and fair’, By Monica Showalter, Nov. 8, 2020,

That Venezuela smell was back in U.S. election news when the press reported that a voting machine ‘glitch’ flipped some 6,000 votes cast for President Trump to Joe Biden in Michigan.

Hadn’t we heard that story before? Flipped votes in computer systems? The last time we heard about that was in Venezuela’s 2004 fraud-plagued recall referendum on then-President Hugo Chavez. Millions and millions of Venezuelans marched in the streets against him, and then when the recall referendum was held, it failed hugely, something that seemed very strange given the size of the crowds. That was the fiasco that official election observer Jimmy Carter praised so highly as free and fair “despite what went on in the totalization room” according to the Carter Center report.

After that, computer scientists from Amherst, Stanford, U.C. Santa Cruz, Johns Hopkins, and Harvard all found evidence of vote flipping statistically speaking. Besides their conclusions that it was a statistical impossibility, a well-known pollster, Penn, Schoen & Berland, taking exit polls at the same referendum found that 60% were in favor of throwing Chavez out, and 40% favored keeping him. Much to his surprise, the scorecard came out in almost the exact reverse, 58-42. Flipped.

And there are machines that flip votes. It’s one reason why many, such as Instapundit’s Glenn Reynolds, thinks only a return to paper ballots and in-person voting will restore confidence in flawed electoral systems.” […]

“As Andrea Widburg noted in her excellent piece here, the company name for these vote-flipping machines, is named Dominion.

And guess what: They’re using the same technology as Smartmatic, the mysterious Venezuelan company that blew in from nowhere with a gargantuan contract to count the Venezuelan votes, starting with that flawed recall referendum. In fact, the companies, via the intermediary subsidiary Sequoia, used to be the same.”

Will Sommer adds a new player to the cast in his ‘Here’s How Hugo Chavez, Dead Since 2013, Became Responsible for Trump’s Election Loss’,, Nov. 19, 2020

“The Trump campaign presented the public with a cornucopia of bogus new election fraud claims on Thursday, including one that seemed to have its roots in a 2016 conspiracy involving perpetual GOP boogeyman George Soros.

The press conference will be remembered best for Rudy Giuliani, who in between trying to wipe up the apparent hair dye dripping down his face, promised that he had over 100 affidavits showing voter fraud, but alas, just couldn’t show them to anyone. But the real star was attorney Sidney Powell, who has been at the vanguard of absolute election nonsense since election night.

On Thursday, Powell declared that she had found the real villains behind Trump’s election defeat: billionaire Soros and deceased Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. In Powell’s telling, Chavez had been pulling the strings on American voting software this whole time.”  […]

“This week, Powell finally made an offering and it quickly sunk to the bottom of the sea. On Tuesday, allied attorney Lin Wood released “the kraken” — a heavily redacted affidavit from an anonymous former Venezuelan military official who saw Chavez many years ago playing around with a supposedly rigged Smartmatic machine.

“It is a stunning, detailed affidavit because he was with Hugo Chavez while he was being briefed on how it worked. He was with Hugo Chavez when he saw it operated. He made sure the election came out his way,” Powell said on Thursday.

Powell also claimed that Soros controlled the voting machines, because the former chairman of Datamatic is also on the board of a Soros foundation a striking echo of a claim that appeared in The Daily Caller ahead of the 2016 election.”

This beats collating and comparing and contrasting coverage of links I’d snagged on Biden’s cabinet nominations.  But one thing to remember: he’s hit out of the ballpark when it comes to ‘diversity’!  And after the holidays it all might change, yes?

(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

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edg's picture

"A rogue programmer could write a program that changes the election outcome." I've created a response that asks a couple of minor technical questions and points out some trivial obstacles:

Rigging Dominion voting machines is not quite as easy as you seem to think it is. Here's some of what needs to happen:

First you must steal a USB key for the voting machines. Next, your need to create or steal an active supervisory account on the machine. Then you must physically access (requirement to insert the USB key and code the cheating software) each individual machine. Plus you need to steal a traditional key to unlock the access door for each machine you want to tamper with. Now you just need to get past security and election office employees and gain access to the machines. Once you ninja into the office, unlock the access door, and insert your stolen USB key, there are several more steps. You need to edit the source code (which, unfortunately, isn't stored on the voting machine) and magically compile a revised executable, keeping in mind there's no compiler on the voting machine. After compilation, you need to forge the security certificate necessary to install the executable files in the appropriate protected directories. You also have to spoof the MD5 hash in the manifest file or create a new manifest file with the correct hash. And you'll likely need a good hacker tool that lets you thwart the antivirus software and built-in operating system security.

Then you need to do the same thing in 5,000 election centers. On 40,000 voting machines. In 28 different Republican and Democratic states. With internal and/or external IT staffs that thoroughly test the voting machines before they are used. And with paper ballots that can be manually recounted like in Georgia, thus showing any vote tampering.

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wendy davis's picture


practical rebuttal., my friend, but what you seem to miss is that A Commie Dictator has Ultimate Power, even over voting machines, including The One Ring that Rules Them All!

and that anonymous VZ military official SAW hugo dickin' around with the machines! Ipso facto: He done it!

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but all this reminds me of talk around the OJ trial. The argument was that something like 30 people had to be in on the "conspiracy" against OJ - Or just one person in the lab to claim the test confirmed what the police wanted the test result to be. We didn't find that one person for OJ, (though a University of Chicago professor said on Pacifica radio that the tech in the OJ case was so incompitant that he would not have been allowed to complete a first semester) but just such a person later admitted to falsifying test results in over a hundred death penalty cases from New York to Texas.
You are conclusively debunking any James Bond/Al Capone theory - but not a one voting machine company theory. We know it is possible - just ask GWB 2004. (or HRC 2016 or Biden 2020 v Bernie) As for requiring 6 companies to conspire to rig thousands of machines over 50 states, over 1500 counties. etc. all that is needed is to alter 2% of the vote in three states. One company could easily do that.
Thom Hartmann repeatedly claimed that Americans could prevent election fraud by coming out in overwhelming numbers, the theory being that any fraud would have to be unbelievably vast. I'm suggesting the opposite - that theft of less than 2% could easily flip two or three crucial states but be buried in enormous margins in other states. Both Biden and Trump received ten million more votes each than any candidate of their party ever received before. Who would notice a couple hundred thousand - especially since the only people who haven't already agreed to not look are paranoid log ladies who also believe in South American ghosts.

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On to Biden since 1973

edg's picture


You wrote "As for requiring 6 companies to conspire to rig thousands of machines over 50 states, over 1500 counties. etc. all that is needed is to alter 2% of the vote in three states." My comment was limited to Dominion only -- they have machines installed in 5,000 election centers on 40,000 voting machines in 28 different Republican and Democratic states.

But a point you're missing is that neither Dominion or any other election machine company owns the market. Take Michigan. Two counties mistakenly entered Trump votes into the Biden bucket. One of them uses Dominion. The other uses Hart Intercivic. Yet Republicans keep conflating the two counties as examples of Dominion Bad. Besides which, both counties are Republican and voted for Trump by substantial margins.

Take Texas as another example. Big hay had been made that their SoS didn't choose Dominion as their voting machine vendor. What's left out by Republicans is that was for a statewide contract. A number of Texas counties already had and continue to use Dominion machines. Does that mean those counties flipped votes to Biden? Seems improbable since Trump won Texas by 600,000 votes.

Another Republican claim is that voting machines broke down because Trump received too many votes and the machines couldn't handle it. This is stupid on its face. You know where Trump received the most votes? California, with 5.9 million. You know where Trump received the second most votes? Texas, with 5.8 million. So how could supposedly defective machines in California count more votes for Trump than were counted for him in Texas?

As for your claim that changing 2% of the vote in 3 states would give Biden his win, that's impossible. All of the 6 swing states (Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin) have paper ballots. As Georgia's manual recount of every paper ballot just showed, and as Wisconsin's ongoing recount of paper ballots in the 2 Democratic counties Trump cherry-picked, the counts were not changed. Biden was awarded the votes he legally received. As was Trump.

Finally, the falsified test results analogy. As I note in the 2nd paragraph of this comment, even states that use Dominion machines don't use them in every county. For example, Pennsylvania uses voting machines from 5 different approved vendors -- Dominion, ES&S, Unisyn, ClearBallot, and Hart Verity (link). Philadelphia, for instance, which went heavily for Biden, uses ES&S systems, not Dominion.

Do you want to move the goalposts and now claim that 5 competing companies conspired together to rig the vote for Biden?

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so I'll "move the goal post" one last time. From my perspective it was you who moved the goalpost by waiting till after my question and then saying that those states use paper ballots. But most if not all paper ballots are tabulated using optical scanners, thus moving the fraud (if any) up one level. Again I cite 2004, which was not limited to Ohio. BTW in 2000 I said that choosing Dem heavy communities to look for missing votes was a tactical error. If I were Kathleen Harris I would have chosen extremely partisan districts and manipulated by small amounts in each. Who would question a vote count of Trump 550, Biden 125 when it was actually Trump 550 Biden 150? Combine that with a place where Biden 575, Trump 150 when it was actually Biden 525, Trump 150. This is more complex but easier to hide.(actually it was more likely that Harris simply announced a total completely out of thin air, but that is even easier. The higher up the ladder you go the fewer conspirators you need)
About 25 million more people voted in 2020 than voted in 2016. Trump's divisiveness vs Hillary's and the mail in vote combined with the historical "liberal" preference among non voters (claimed to be as high as 70%, though that number goes back to the 1980s and refers to individual policies rather than personalities) is a much more believable explanation than some nationwide conspiracy. Thanks for the debate, but I still say Alan Dulles ordered the Kennedy assassination.

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On to Biden since 1973

edg's picture


This was in my original comment: "And with paper ballots that can be manually recounted like in Georgia". I'll acknowledge that I didn't provide a full list of the swing states using paper ballots until I responded. In my defense, there are only 8 states that don't use them, and I assumed you already knew that. (Yeah, I know about assuming.) There are seven Red states and one Blue (New Jersey) that don't have paper ballots in at least some of their counties.

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RantingRooster's picture

It must be the monolith!

A mysterious metal monolith was discovered in Utah after public safety officers spotted the object while conducting a routine wildlife mission.

back to sanity

We all know the primaries were "rigged", whether by comprised voting machines or compromised political actors, either way, free and fair elections is just non-existent in America. (imho)

Considering all the "compromised" actors, their gerrymandering, voter suppression, elimination of voting centers, and all the rest, lead one to the only conclusion, the entire system is broken and no amount of patchwork fixes are going to solve the problem of unfair elections.

The fundamental problem, imho, is the "design". As with coding, if the design is bad, everything from there on out is bad and is exponentially more expensive to fix the further in the process one proceeds towards implementation.

The fact we have 50 different "systems", which are fundamentally flawed in the first place, only insures chaos ensues.



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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

edg's picture


By that do you mean 50 states?

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RantingRooster's picture

@edg Well, yes and no, maybe kind of, lol. Crazy

I think of each state, as a high level "system" comprised of smaller components. (county's / districts or however granular one wants to go)

Where each county or district could have different process, procedures, and technologies, as a part of their voting system. The "system" its self being comprised of people, process and technology, combined with a successful implementation. (successful user testing, trained users)

Whose sum output, is the total vote of that state's "voting system".

So 50 systems or 50 states, it's really the same to me. Make sense?


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C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote

wendy davis's picture

i'd hoped to bring some chuckles over this hugo chavez satire, but perhaps i shouldda gone with biden's war and war by other means cabinet selections.

g' night. oh, and i will add that nicolas maduro had congratulated biden in hopes that he'd perhaps back the fuck off VZ.

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