David Crowley tried to warn us, did they kill him?
David Crowley made this concept trailer for a movie he was working on. Gray State is a movie which dramatized the rise of a police state, martial law, RFID chip implants, state violence against the citizenry, false flags, and the loss of our freedoms. If you haven't seen it, you are about to get a kick in the gut from this 2 and a half minute movie trailer. Especially when the 1:16 mark gives you flashbacks.
He made that trailer 7 years ago. If you don't remember the movie, it's because he died violently before it could ever get made.
The bodies of 29-year-old Twin Cities screenwriter David Crowley, his wife Komel and their 5-year-old Raniya were discovered in their suburban home last January.
They labelled it a murder-suicide. He allegedly wrote allahu ahkbar on the wall in his wife's blood. Tried to kill his own dog too.
Police said Crowley also may have tried to kill the family dog, though the animal survived and scavenged from its owners' bodies before they were found.
Not everyone agrees with that assessment, however. Why? Because of what his movie was going to be about:
Americans, quarantined to militarized districts, become a population ripe for tyrannical control. Fear mongering, terrorism, police state, martial law, war, arrest, internment, hunger, oppression, violence, resistance – these are the terms by which Americans define their existence. Neighbor is turned against neighbor as the value of the dollar plunges to zero, food supplies are depleted, and everyone becomes a terror suspect.
There's no definitive proof Crowley was murdered, but as the article goes on to say:
For these reasons alone, it behooves us to treat each untimely death of people who challenge those in power with at least a modicum of suspicion. Not every trail will lead to a conspiracy. But there are a lot of people dropping if you are paying attention, and Crowley was working on a film that could be devastating to the consolidation of centralized power in Western governments.
Given the events as they are transpiring, one has to question everything.
For example, if you watched the trailer you saw the kid get marked with something. A tracker perhaps? Well, now, as Wendy pointed out in her essay Ground Control to Planet Lockdown
It gets even sexier when absolute social control is promoted as an innocent vaccine.
ID2020 (Gates Foundation and Partners)is self-described as a benign alliance of “public-private partners”. Essentially, it is an electronic ID platform based on generalized vaccination. And its starts at birth; newborns will be provided with a “portable and persistent biometrically-linked digital identity.”
Netflix, which came out with Pandemic just in time for the real deal - which, as I said in my own essay, U.S. Admits 10,000 deaths from the virus in January alone:
I was wondering why we were about to see a media frenzy weeks ago when the Netflix documentary Pandemic was released in January. You see, for a project like that, it typically takes upwards of 9 months from the time a script is written to when it goes on air. Which means the movie was either a timely coincidence or a well planned orchestrated event.
- also has a documentary about the death of David Crowley, you can check it out here.
Something to think about as the media gets caught claiming footage shot live in NY is actually days old footage from Italy.
EDIT: Something else you might want to ponder:
The federal government has been quietly seizing supplies across the country, taking the orders placed by hospitals and clinics and not publicly reporting where the products are being routed.
Seems there are Essential Personnel and Not-so-Essential Personnel. When our hospitals are on the military's Not-so-Essential list during a pandemic, then what's really going on here?
If you're a Non Essential like myself, you might want to consider your options.

I really hate to put this in the universe
but once they figure out that we will NOT be willing to die for capitalism, they will FORCE us to die for capitalism. I read an article one time about the use of these "big-box" stores and what they will be used for when they become empty. It said holding cells for the masses. We will be forced to produce. Arbeit macht frei.
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
A few weeks ago I asked if FEMA camps were still
considered conspiracy theory? This rumor has been around since before Cheney came on scene, but that was when it exploded. During Bush's tenure I read how every agency in the federal government was buying ammunition. The IRS. Social security administration. The FDA and even very small ones that we rarely hear about.
One thing I think we are going to see is that if they bring the military against people they are going to ditch the peaceful protests pretty darn quick. Might not matter much, but at that point what do people have to lose and especially if it's like the video here. Stay tuned folks cuz it's going to get bumpy. I know we are not the only ones thinking like this.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
"I know we aren't the only ones thinking like this." Correct
The Pentagon has been developing formal planning and doctrine to guide the use of troops to suppress insurrection inside the U.S. for at least 13 years, including the use of military detention to enforce quarantine in the event of public health emergency. Actually, this is only the latest round of doctrine justifying use of armed force against domestic unrest, which goes back to the Whiskey Rebellion and similar uprisings during Colonial Times.Au contraire
IIRC Bush sent in Blackwater and maybe other private mercenary groups to control the denizens that were shoplifting (actually just trying to feed themselves) because the response from the fed government wasn't there. Wasn't it BlackWater that shot people on one of the bridges there? The response from Bush was just like the response from Trump after Maria in Puerto Rico. Deliberate. But it doesn't look like the upper white class got much help either after Sandy in NJ. (?)
The laws for whatever the response to uprisings have been written during many administrations. Some before 9/11, but since then they have become more draconian. We are living in a police state already with just the illusion that we are free. Look at how every protests from the left has been handled going back to MLK and the civil rights movement and before that. The tea party and the neo nazis don't seem to get that type of response though do they? Hmm wondering why? ...still pondering that....
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
@snoopydawg it's only shoplifting