"This darkness got to give..." A Timely Admonition (from 1970)
Not that it's dark in Japan at the moment - sunny early summer, people engaging in high-risk behavior left and right - kids playing soccer in the park without masks, grandparents our walking with their kids. Probably some people at the re-opened malls or department store - not that anyone in their right mind would be there voluntarily on such a nice day.
Never thought I'd see the day when Japan looked like a bastion of civil liberty compared to Amerika.
So, the Grateful Dead have something to say to the Fauci's, Gates and other tyrants great and small who want to to keep you locked down body and soul. What you formerly thought of as your "rights" - to things like livelihood, control of your body, association and expression now to be exercised subject to their approval.
"Unalienable Privileges" rings kind of oxymoronic, don't you think?
"Liberty is to the collective Body, what Health is to every Individual; without Health, no Pleasure can be tasted by Man; without Liberty, no Happiness can be enjoyed by Society."
– T. W. Shaw; Feb. 3, 1776
Please don't dominate the rap, Jack
if you got nothing new to say
If you please go back up the track
this train has got to run today...
(Studio version from Workingman's Dead here

A gov’t funded busybody group headed by an ex-Stasi informant,
the Amadeu Antonio Foundation led by Anetta Kahane, is heading up a drive called “No Pixels for Fascists” with the intention of purging the German gamer scene of all that is politically deviant and deplorable, in the name of antifascism …
As in East Germany, the reunited Germany of Merkel and Maas is determined to ostracize and silence all voices and expression outside of a narrow band of views deemed compatible with approved narratives and ideology. Only now that ideology is globalist capitalist Atlanticist, rather than Soviet-bloc internationalist socialist.
Yesterday’s Green and alternative-left anarchists, dissenters, monkey-wrenchers, rebels, and romantics have now almost all fallen in line behind this mainstreaming of politically correct “goodthink” via corporate censorship and social-media thought control. Seems like fascism in the name of antifascism, if you ask me. But I’m just a free-speech First Amendment hippie holdout in a world that has perfected the marketing and marshalling of manufactured consent.
Civility, free discussion, civil liberties, literacy, impartiality, objective measures, logic — I’ve now lived long enough to see all of these dismissed by university professors as mere cultural tricks of right-wing racists, useful only for upholding white supremacy.
I tried to understand who Anetta Kahane was
and read this article here:
"Activists" start a "No Pixels for Facists" campaign. One of the leaders was informant for East Germany's Secret Police.
In there it is said:
Ok, so she watched some East Germans in Africa making race-based derogatory remarks about 'the African'? She didn't like what she heard and saw there in the 'Jungle'?
Your words:
and this:
seems to me knotted spaghetti-style thinking of someone who has difficulties to accept that there is behavioral racism and with it upholding the arrogance of wanna-be white supremacist in the hiding.
But obviousle those wanna-bes are so arrogant or ignorant or desensitized to think they wouldn't need it hide it a little better. Age 'wisdoem', politcal ideology and class consciousness imo has very little to do with all of it.
Fascism in the name of anti-fascism? Lordy, lordy something is messed up here. Allow me to say that I can only follow you with difficulties. May be I read you wrongly.
1. I have been sensitized by watching West German diplomats and many, many other folks making racist and arrogant remarks - with great politeness - to express clearly how lowly they think of the 'black man'. These 'diplomats' don't even realize they talk in racially-based terms.
2. Kahane didn't like what she witnessed and said so. She paid a price for it, apparently.
At least she didn't fear to pay the price. I consider that not as a negative.
3. She worked with the Stasi? My question would be, who didn't work with the Stasi? How can you prove that a person, you trusted not to betray you, did betray you and worked with the Stasi, be it only to save her own skin? It's some similar situation, when some post-wwII kiddo tries to understand if her parents or any of the wwII generation was a Hitler supporter of Nazi or not. Probably a very difficult thing to find out and judge fairly, as there are few people, who would not lie about it or would admit it freely.
So, to claim that someone who lived in a fascist state and had some revolting feelings against it, to put down as just someone as being a fascist in the name of anti-fascism or in this case a racist in the name of anti-racism, is a bit ... too tense for my taste.
I wondered sometimes here, why some feel more betrayed by the sins of an Obama than by the same sins of a GWBush or Trump? Is that some subtle racism as well? Merkel and Maass have silenced and ostracized you? How come they didn't silence and ostracized me? Approved narrative and ideology? Well, my mileage varies from yours. And I haven't understood either your narrative nor your ideology. Me, too dumb for conditionals. Sorry. Please explain what you mean and give examples and proof for your claims.
Ok, I was not too amused and had not so much fun reading your comment, because I admit I am always in awe about your intellectual analysis you represent in your comments. But something gave me a hick-up this time. Probably I am a hidden racist and fascist. Who knows?
So, what didn't I understand?
Only around 10% support the AfD & “Free Voter” groups nationally
For me, “fascist” can very well be used to describe a situation where 90% systematically use dominance and organization to gang up on 10% and deny them legitimate rights.
I guess where I differ from many is, I believe this ought to apply even when the people whose rights are being denied are on the opposite end of the political spectrum and hold “politically incorrect” opinions, even some I may personally find dubious or noxious.
The fact is, the people whom I know here in the former East Germany do not feel safe taking a stand and expressing their opinion on anything political or social.
A big reason is knowing that the dominant culture, both governmental and non-governmental, is united in organizing all kinds of “anti-Right” actions and campaigns to penalize people for coming out with “wrong” views (i.e. views that can be construed as “Right”).
Similar to the old days, it’s common knowledge here that an unguarded remark can easily lead to your being banned, de-platformed, fired from your job, faced with “hate speech” charges (Volksverhetzung), and subjected to intimidation up to and including vandalism, beatings, and arson. And that the anti-AfD 90% that run things will happily look the other way if the people attacking you can be portrayed as “antifascist” and if there is even the flimsiest gossamer thread of an argument for lumping you in with the unpopular populist 10% and/or linking you to evils that happened 75 or 80 years ago.
The people I am familiar with here see themselves as apolitical. Being an adventurous sort who likes to check things out for myself, I have gone to AfD events out of curiosity — they would never do that. They do not think of themselves as, or identify with, “the Right” at all. They are, however, all too aware how easily they could be smeared and pigeonholed as such nowadays . . .
Edited to add: So, it’s not so much that I have an ideology — ideology can lead one astray. Rather, I’m trying to open myself up more and more to seeing and hearing what people around me are actually saying and experiencing. Not — as I did for three decades or so — just taking part in virtue-signalling exercises within a Green / alternative-left media bubble, smug and self-satisfied in the conviction of our own moral superiority . . .
The hype behind the lockdown is bizarre
Last night at 8:44 PM while my wife and I were watching TV (what else?), I got this text from The City of Los Angeles:
That was on the same day that Governor Gavin Newsome announced a loosening of the restrictions. Although I am not particularly afraid of this edict, in theory, I can be charged with a misdemeanor if I walk from my front door to my car without putting a mask on. Now the mask can be any piece of cloth and I doubt that the LAPD is going to look closely to make sure a mask covers both nostrils and the mouth completely, but this is beyond ridiculous. It is as though there is a competition going among the patchwork of local, state, Federal and corporate "authorities" issuing and enforcing this regime to see who can be the "safest."
A few weeks ago, the hot topic was the beaches of Orange County as the Governor and Los Angeles City and County spokespersons chastised the County Supervisors who were responsible for the outrage of leaving the Pacific Ocean open for business. A latecomer to the skepticism about all this, I decided to check the official reported numbers for Orange and Los Angeles Counties. It turns out that Los Angeles had more then triple the percentage of infections and more than triple the rate of mortality attributed to the virus than Orange County. So, obviously, there was no particular reason to think that open beaches were fostering the spread of the virus.
People in Orange County ignored the edict, and officialdom yielded -- at least for the time being.
I am sincerely ambivalent about whether this particular strategy was wise. I give it the benefit of the doubt as there is of course a serious threat to life posed by the pandemic. But I am outraged beyond anything I have ever encountered by the rhetoric employed against anybody who questions the wisdom of this way of limiting the damage.
Anybody not wearing a mask is now a bioterrorist bent on slaughtering the innocent. Anybody who points out that the aggregate stats show that almost nobody under 30 years old is seriously ill or dead due to the virus is a Trump Supporting MAGA head.
This is fascism in action — the official truth as dictated by whoever the fuck knows cannot be questioned.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
California—isn’t this the same state that passed Proposition 47,
instructing law enforcement that it need not bother to pursue criminal acts if the loss is less than $950?
Proponents justify this as lightening the load on law enforcement, allowing police to focus on “serious” crime — such as (hollow laugh) non-compliance with lockdown orders, or not wearing a mask . . .
thanks for this.
i'd add: how many are dying from being in lockdown, the list is epic and i know you know it.
how many in amerika are starving while in lockdown, so go out to either work as a wage slave (esp. people of color, more at risk due to never having had adequate health care), or scavenge dustbins behind grocery stores (illegal in some cities) for still good good, though maybe behind its 'sell-by date'?
how many just hate being made to 'social distance' or be fined (in NYC some call it the new 'stop and frisk for people of color), go to jail, and have their positions tracked and traced by google apps or what ever?
how many in amerika haven't ever even gotten their measly $1200 'stim money' nor their unemployment benefits, partially die to the fact that offices are over-loaded with calls, long waits...and are manifestly understaffed?
i keep thinking of these lines from a wm. butler yeats poem i'd heard recently:
'Too long a sacrifice
Can make a stone of the heart.
Oh, when may it suffice?'
best to you, and to us all.