The corporate Dems' new tactic against Cornel West
"Think of the future."
Oh this is hilarious.
This member of the New Democrat Coalition who managed to make it onto Sunday morning TV wants Cornel West to "think of the future." Now, if there's anyone thinking of the future -- the real one, not the one Dean Phillips et al. pretend is coming -- it's Cornel West. It's certainly not "yesterday's man" -- neither he nor his endorsers are thinking about the future. Maybe they think they're thinking about their individual career futures, but even that is being done wrongly (see below). So let's do some thinking about the future, shall we?
The future in America, first off, will be a future of Republican victory, because after Ukraine is brought to the peace table after a few hundred thousand more Ukrainian male bodies are stacked up in the waiting lines at the cemeteries in Kiev, the Democrats are going to be revealed as fools. What other countries, the voters might ask, will the Democrats also sacrifice to the Russian winds? At any rate, at the moment of reckoning, the Democrats will be shown to be (if this word has any meaning anymore) no longer "progressive."
It will be a future of Russian victory and American weakness. The future will be a future of energy transition, except that, since the West has run out of ammo, the West won't have the firepower necessary to conquer the countries it needs to conquer so that its client corporations can get the rare earth metals needed for the energy transition cheaply. (Or maybe it was because the Dem Congress gave the store away to Taiwan, but that story is still developing.) We can expect the planned ECOWAS invasion of Niger for the sake of France's uranium addiction to set a pattern.
It's going to be a future in which dollar hegemony will be increasingly fragile. One can easily imagine a hyperinflation in which the raising of interest rates will have no effect whatsoever. The national debt is what, $32 trillion? That money exists somewhere, and when they're encoding $970 billion every year to cover the $32 trillion they encoded previously, well, it can only go up. And the downgrading of the US' credit rating can't help much.
It will be, above all, a future of abrupt climate change. Climate change will continue to motivate the ongoing African migration northward to Europe, as well as the migration northward from Latin America to the United States. Oh and summertime will become more and more painful every year.
Right now, the two parties and their corporate mass media clients are in a great game to hide from the future, or at least from those attributes of the future which are most obvious today. When the future actually comes, therefore, it will come as a nasty surprise. Cornel West, on the other hand, can be counted upon to actually look for the future.
At any rate, here's Briahna Joy Gray dealing with MSNBC echo chamber concerns about Cornel West:

The one virtue of the Dean Phillips appearance
on Face the Satan is the idea he halfway-floated that being an unthinking Biden Democrat is bad for your self-interest even if you're a neoliberal social climber. At any rate, here are some more evidences of America's descent into Third World status:
I'll see if I can't post an abridged version instead of this one later. At any rate, this individual Nick Cooper from Houston FNB needs to be on Flashpoints or some program like that.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad