Congress will not renew Children's Health Care This Year
Congress Will Not Renew The Children’s Health Insurance Program This Year
The Senate is unlikely to address outstanding health care issues in the government spending bill that must pass by Friday, according to three senior GOP aides and a Democratic leadership aide. That means that a long-term CHIP funding bill, delays of the Affordable Care Act taxes and individual market stabilization are unlikely to be addressed until the new year.
On Wednesday afternoon, Republican senators Susan Collins and Lamar Alexander confirmed that their party plans to take a vacation before giving working-class families some peace of mind about their children’s health coverage:
“We have asked Senator McConnell not to offer this week our legislation,” the senators, who are sponsoring a bill that provides funding intended to stabilize the individual insurance market, said in a statement. “Instead, we will offer it after the first of the year when the Senate will consider the omnibus spending bill, the Children’s Health Insurance Program reauthorization, funding for Community Health Centers, and other legislation that was to have been enacted this week.”
Gee, what a surprise that it won't be done before congress jets out of DC to go home to cuddle with their grandchildren for the holidays. Of course this will be the issue that the democrats will take a stand on, right? We'll see when they come back after the holidays to fund the government after the holiday break when they spent time with their grandchildren. Their families and grandchildren aren't spending the holidays and being left to wonder if they will get money to save their children's lives if congress doesn't fund this.
Why is Hatch hesitating on funding this? Could it be because he thinks that kids should get off their lazy butts and get a job instead of relying on the government? Why yes, he does believe that. Think I'm kidding? Watch:
He has a ruff time spending billions and billions, trillions of dollars on people who won't lift a finger to help themselves, gawd dammit! Funny how no one mentions the corporations have received tax breaks and subsidies when they are making obscene profits and they are sitting on $2.3 trillion offshore. But they have decided to bring their money home. Of course congress is going to tax them on this money, except that they aren't. Congress is giving them another tax holiday and they might not have to pay any taxes on their money. Lazy f*ckers!
It's way past time for Hatch to retire. This is the best time for him to do so since he just screwed millions of us.
Don't short change Orrin--he comes from the "poors".
We don't have money anymore--yeah after the wealth transfer to the ultrarich. The deficit is too high. Now, how did that happen, Orrin? Increasing war spending. Increasing killing costs. So, while actively killing foreigners, Orrin etc will let our own helpless die through "careful neglect". Yeah, go home forever, Orrin.
And he simply could not be bothered
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Damn straight Lizzy!
Maybe More Russia Coverage Would Help Energize the People? nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Why didn't those kids save up their money
to pay for their own healthcare? Are there no lemonade stands? No cars to be washed?
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Won't somebody think of the money to be made from draining the children???!!!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.