Cleaning the Augean stables of the FBI: Andrew McCabe fired from FBI
One of my new year's predictions was the political demise of Andrew McCabe before 2019. The crystal ball is working flawlessly. My earlier predictions, published here on January 2, 2018 were:
My prediction is those indictments will be unsealed and lots of folks are going to be taking involuntary trips to Cuba, at the Guantanamo Resort. Some of the people have names many of you humans already know. A partial list of the resort dwellers includes: Podesta J, Podesta T, Clinton B, Clinton H, Comey W, Mills C, Palmieri J, Soros G, Weinstein H.
McCabe got the boot from FBI director Wray yesterday, at least a month prior to his planned retirement. I am hopeful that this will accomplish 3 things:
1. Deprive corrupt McCabe of his not-well-earned pension
2. Remove the drain stopper letting other FBI / DOJ miscreants from floating down the drain with him
3. Signalling the rest of the Obama-Clinton cabal from FBI / DOJ.
Wray was "shaken to his core" after viewing the FISA fraud memos.
From an interview with Fox News reporter Sara Carter:
Carter: What we know tonight is that FBI Director Christopher Wray went Sunday and reviewed the four-page FISA memo. The very next day, Andrew McCabe was asked to resign. Remember Sean, he was planning on resigning in March - that already came out in December. This time they asked him to go right away. You're not coming into the office. I've heard rep[orts he didn't even come in for the morning meeting - that he didn't show up...
Shocked him to his core, and not only that, the Inspector General's report - I have been told tonight by a number of sources, there's indicators right now that McCabe may have asked FBI agents to actually change their 302's - those are their interviews with witnesses. So basically every time an FBI agent interviews a witness, they have to go back and file a report...
Carter said that McCabe "quitting" is just the beginning, and that more resignations will be coming.
As we reported yesterday, McCabe was "removed" from his post as deputy director, "leaving the bureau after months of conflict-of-interest complaints from Republicans including President Trump." Several media outlets reported that McCabe is using his remaining vacation days to go on "terminal leave" and that his official retirement from the agency won't happen until March, allowing him to collect the full pension.
The crux of this revelation about Obama's attempted polarization of FISA courts is revealed by a memo released by an Amanda Matthews essay.
"Minimization procedures" are those to protect the names of American citizens, communicating with foreign nationals, who are not considered targets of investigations. Susan Rice was the most famous abuser of "unmasking" procedures by obtaining, under dubious pretenses--or none at all, identities of such non-targeted communicants. It is such unmasking of Flynn that led to his FBI interview and subsequent conviction for lying to the FBI about his Russia dealings--none of which involved wrong-doing on the part of Trump's election or subsequent administration.
The suspected wrong-doing of illegally unmasked individuals belonging to Trump's campaign led to the surreptitious bugging of the Trump Tower campaign headquarters, approved by FISA warrants based on FBI allegations. The main allegation of course was the infamous Piss Dossier, which apparently was commissioned in part by said FBI.
For a little background we need to remind ourselves of Bruce Ohr, the second highest DOJ counter-terrorism expert who played a part in pushing this fictional fable to the FBI. Bruce's wife, Nellie just so happened to be a full-time employee of Fusion GPS, beloved by the DNC, and which helped in commissioning said fable. Bruce got demoted to a slightly lesser post, dealing only with foreign counter-terrorism but he still is employed by the Sessions DOJ.
Then of course, are star struck lovers Peter and Lisa (Strzok and Page, respectively) emailing each other no less than 5000 times, expressing unconditional hatred for Trump and talk of "secret societies" within the FBI. Strzok has been demoted to HR, the FBI equivalent to posting in Siberia. Presumably Lisa is, or was until 2 days ago, Andy McCabe's chief legal counsel.
Augean Stable
According to Greek mythology, the Augean Stables belonged to King Augeas.
The fifth Labour of Heracles (Hercules in Latin) was to clean the Augean (/ɔːˈdʒiːən/) stables. Eurystheus intended this assignment both as humiliating (rather than impressive, like the previous labours) and as impossible, since the livestock were divinely healthy (immortal) and therefore produced an enormous quantity of dung (ἡ ὄνθος). These stables had not been cleaned in over 30 years, and 3,000 cattle lived there. However, Heracles succeeded by rerouting the rivers Alpheus and Peneus to wash out the filth.
I suppose Trump is now using the Potomac in place of the rivers in the myth to sluice the filth built up in 8 years of Obamaism. The first leak in a breached dam is only a small trickle, but the efflux continues at progressively higher rates, resulting in an unstoppable deluge.
It appears now that Trump has breached the wall of the hidden government. My predictions for 2018 are the following:
1. Firings: Ohr, Strzok, Page, Weissmann and others from FBI
2. Prosecutions of Lynch, Rice, McCabe, Comey
3. Stripping the Clintons of all financial assets
and possibly :
4. indictment of the Clinton Creature and the Clenis.
But will anyone actually be charged for this
is my question. A lot of the information about the FBI making up shit to get the FISA warrant has been known for some time. It's just that there wasn't any proof of it until now with Nunes releasing part of the memo. That Rice abused her position to unmask people in the Trump campaign came out in April, 2017. When that came out, the White House General Council told him to end his research into the unmasking.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Since Ford pardoned Nixon
not too many people in high places have been prosecuted. Reagan's antics should have sent him to prison.
The Clinton foundation has been a money laundering scheme since its creation and we saw how she got away with her pay to play crap even though both congress and the Obama administration told her to keep it separate from her duties as SOS.
I hope that your predictions come true, alligator, I just don't have any hope anymore that our justice system works any more. But I do want to believe....
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Hope is wonderful but I fear two-tier justice is here to stay
My worry is similar, but
The entire deep state is bathed in secrecy under the guise of national security. I am hoping more people will call this what it is and that is bull shit. When private contractors and corporations are allowed to access information about us that we are not even allowed to know, something is very wrong.
Here are just a few articles on how private contractors have full access to our information. This first one goes to the issue about how much the public and private sectors have merged. In 2013, a half a million (5000,000) private contractors, such as Edward Snowden, had access to data collected by the NSA. This article highlights just who these contractors are and how much money is being spent on outsourcing our data to private contractors.
This leaves our data ripe for misuse and sharing outside the supposed governmental purpose stated for its collection.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Who watches the watchers?
That 5,000 people have access to spy on us against our constitutional rights is something very few people know about. How many of them are abusing their positions to spy on their friends and family? Most importantly, how much is this costing us?
"Nope, we have no money to fund the social programs because we're using it to spy on you."
The priorities for where the money goes is all skewed up, but those private intelligence companies have politicians to buy and that's why the democrats voted to give Trump more power to spy on us. Booz Allen gets how much money a year? What's the return on the money being spent? How many terrorist attacks have they stopped? Only the ones that the FBI sets up. How much does it cost to setup a stooge who would never have done anything if the FBI hadn't coaxed them into doing?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
What does Bernie know, and when did he get it?
I love Bernie, but he has to know some of this stuff. Maybe if all of these predictions of set asides, firings and outings, will leave room to reform the Democratic Party from inside. Then there is the staff, which essentially remain administration after administration. They are always there, with institutional memory and control of the candidates and admins who move through the system.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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Of course he knows
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I gotta add(oh shit),
Or, maybe he is just veal pen herding. In which case we're double fucked. But I ain't going back to the pen. What's the answer? I ain't got one, surprise!? They got All the marbles, and they ain't afraid to use 'em.
Hell, they Been using 'em and We don't do shit except. . ., well, we all know the song.
Someday we'll start to dance.
Stop These Fucking Wars
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
TBU, your thinking about Bernie is similar to mine
But flanking maneuvers rarely succeed without a strong force pinning down the enemy (plutocrats) giving them stuff to worry about directly in front of them. What might be most effective would be a vigorous peace movement though I don't see this happening in near term. Another, and more likely pinning attack, keeping the plutocracy fully engaged would be a vigorous anticorruption campaign. This I do see as a strong possibility. The tide has turned on this and is sweeping corrupted deep staters aside whenever their antics are uncovered.
As of now, DOJ and DOS are taking the heaviest hits. Another target of opportunity is HUD run by the inept Ben Pyramid Carson. Lots of money siphoned off there--and too many homeless. The homeless don't vote but people thinking themselves on the verge of homelessness will push for reform. Action against HUD will be insufficient to turn the tide but will act as part of the pinning maneuver as does anti-corruption.
What is Carson doing?
I haven't heard anything from his sandbox. Just DeVos rolling back all kinds of student protections.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
You guys, can you write a little bit less sophisticated?
(redacted some parts of this comment for personal reasons)
Being slighyly miffed to look up all that Greek mythology stuff, just one thought came to my mind. What's so bad about all the dung? It's compost, right? Why wash it out with some river. I don't want the dung in the Potomac River, do you?
How about putting the dung out flat in the desert and letting it dry out by the sunlight? Then you could just chip off a little piece, when needed, water it and use it to fertilize the next liar's arguments.
Could you have mercy with a gullible innocent dumbf^%ck like me and please decipher all the abbreviations used anywhere, by yourself or within the quoted texts of other's, you post?
I woke up with a headache. Nobody talks about this bubble stuff over here. Forgettaboutit. I just wait for the next ad to tell me to invest into the newest and slickest resort facility of Guantanamo Bay. It will be so famous that you just can't miss to buy some shares of it. If I were a rich man ...da.da.dada.dada.daahhh.
Gosh, am I tired. Now I am supposed to listen to State of the Union Address? And then have a date with Big Al's diary?
On my way running away from bubble talk, I ran into this. It got me some answers.
Thanks Alligator Ed, I love you folks all for what you try to do. No offense meant. And I mean it! You better believe me ... or else ... the huns are coming after you. /s /:-)
Mimi, a good swamp has to have some shit in it
Didn't we always eat a lot of shit ? And continue to survive?
I hope you understood that I was just very depressed with headaches and tried to weasel myself out of it ... talking about the least important things regarding the deep state shanigans. I don't like myself for it.
You know, simply said, I am already scared to say anything.
Alligator Ed...
You really got your ear to 'the swamp'....Good thing you don't live anywhere near that one.
I want a Pony!
Thank you, Alligator Ed
For doing a much better job than I did of trying to flush this stuff out about the abuse of FISA. I hope folks will get past the partisanship and see this as something that affects every one of us. There have been numerous criminal acts committed by people who believe themselves above the law. McCabe is just the tip of the iceberg. Let's hope there are more and that real reforms will be initiated. The deep state must be dismantled.
The United States was spying on Donald Trump since 2015 under an information sharing agreement with the British spy agency,GCHQ. The two agencies work closely together.
It is my understanding that the four page memo is a summation of numerous other documents. It names names. Some members of the House are calling for the memo to be released unredacted and with documentation attached or referenced.
In the end, it is about the gross corruption of our government personified by the Clinton crime cartel and the abuse of our constitutional rights by money sucking agencies (and private contractors) under the guise of the unconstitutional provisions of the Patriot Act.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Just as Wall Street investors hate uncertainty,
our two party political system fears losing control to ..... those who vote.
Trump was not expected, or wanted by, either the Democratic or the Republican elite. Now that Trump is ensconced in the Oval Office, it seems that our CIA, FBI, JTTF and NSA are being utilized as a covert political agencies. Fully exposing and prosecuting this corruption (McCabe being the tip of the iceberg) does not serve the interest of either Democrats or Republicans. Both parties are involved in the corruption. I believe that if anything close to revealing the full extent of the problem would send millions of voters out the door in search of an honest third or fourth or fifth party, the end result being totally uncontrollable elections, a state of electoral pandemonium or something even far worse.
I expect a head fake toward rooting out the corrupt followed by a few half hearted prosecutions. The Swamp may lose a little water but the bulk of its critters will survive and prosper. The powerful will continue to protect each other from the will of the people, at all cost.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
This is definitely my fear also
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
An old adage comes to mind
"You can fool some of the people all of the time,
You can fool all the people some of the time,
But you can't fool all the people all of the time"!
At this point, all of the people know our government is corrupt.
Anyone who doesn't know this cannot fog a mirror.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
How did AE have all this top secret information & Wray just read
a summary memo and was "shaken to the core". What a crock. Wray might have been shocked to see what was about to be made public but none of this stuff should have surprised anyone who paid any attention. Fox is exposing this stuff nightly & the MSM is frantically playing cover-up.
These surveillance tools are too dangerous to be left in the hands of politicians. Trump will abuse them just like Obama did. The idiots in Congress just extended their use without a care.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020
Sessions is an old style Potomac Creature
He won't prosecute the Clintons or any of their cronies for the same reason Obama didn't prosecute Bush and his gang for their crimes. They are all dirty and once that door is opened it would be hard to shut whenever the Oval Office occupant changes. Unless, of course, we end up with a dictatorship.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I agree about Sessions being a swamp critter
I wonder how long it will be
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I would relish Gowdy as AG
you don't relish killers. Shit Howdy is a murderer who has sent seven human beings to death row. He likes to fry retards.
Not corrupt? Sure.
Now the rumor is and Q anon has also hinted
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Yes, and Rosenstein will be leading a parade
And flying under the radar
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy