Chilling at Starbucks
Submitted by PriceRip on Mon, 04/11/2016 - 7:56pm

Posting fail on 9 April 2016:

I tried posting this Saturday but for some reason that failed . . . I think. So, I am back online to try again.
This a view from the front of our local (from now and into the far future) Starbucks. That's Roxy Ann Peak a short distance away. My Medford abode is about two blocks past that pointy building in the near distance.

Is that stone thing in the foreground...
...a short garage without a roof, or a rather cool garbage hideaway?
best, john
Strange that a harp of thousand strings should keep in tune so long
It looks like it might be some remnant of what was previously
a farm.
Cool garbage hideaway!
I am at the Medford Public Library, in the Historic Downtown section of town. It is so nice to blend in where Bernie stickers and Alt Energy emblems are taken for granted.
share a few nice things about living in that region of OR
i've been living in the southern CA desert region for the last 16 years and i'm tired of baking every summer. i'd like some place else more temperate with some weather. 300+ days of sunshine gets very boring. i can't ride my bike anywhere here without the threat of being run down by distracted drivers. i've read some nice comments about Eugene. i'm curious to what the cut-off line is that separates comfortable sunny summers from the heat of eastern Oregon. i don't think i'd want to be too far away from the I-5 corridor.
I think the cut-off line
is probably the mountains. Western Oregon does get some hot days, but usually not too many of the really hot ones.
Medford is about 150 miles
over the mountains from the coast. What I remember were hot summer days (pleasantly cooled most evenings), and cold winters with comfortable spring and autumns. And more grey and rain to balance the boring sunshine. It's next door to I-5.
Eugene, similar climate but with more rain. It is a university town with a good deal of art and culture.
Share a few nice thing . . .
Ha! Actually, I plan to overload on the nice things about this area. We have yet to get the "home improvement train" on the tracks. As soon as we get a suitable connection installed I expect twice weekly (at the least) entries: Hydrological issues (I have already found a Rogue River savvy "anglerphile"), Wildlife updates, Geology (Geometry) commentary, as well as political and science musings.
My wife was complaining about the cold mountain air yesterday as we were wandering about near the Pacific Crest Trail. Anything more that a few ten's of miles East of the P.C.T. is best thought of as "a nice place to visit but I don't want to live there" country, IMHO.
Unlike many places pedestrians and cyclists actually have right-of-way (particularly in Ashland) maybe here I will not lose friends so easily.
mmm makes me want to go there ... n/t
Gandalf and Saruman unite, demand to bring back Greywolfe359!
Oops, stay away . . .
As a native I am supposed to inform you that you may come to visit, spend a lot of money in our sales-tax-free establishments, then go home (preferably elsewhere). Thank you very much.
When I lived in Arizona I would often tell friends that when I returned to Oregon I planned to "man" a gun turret at the Southern Border to keep the Californians out: That joke is no longer funny with you-know-who in the public spotlight these days.