The chance for a new progressive era - and why Clinton can't be its champion

Quite a lot of people argue that an authentic progressive candidate has no chance to become the president of the US because his or her policies are too radical. Two decades ago I would have agreed. But now the times are different. In the following, I will present theory-based arguments about the chance for a new progressive era.

The theory I base my arguments on is the Neo-Schumpeterian theory of technological revolutions, developed by Carlota Perez and Chris Freeman. It is not very well-known in the US, but it was used as a basis to create policies in several Northern European countries. Very simplified, the theory says that we can understand many technological, economical, social and political developments, if we analyze the life-cycle of technological revolutions (eg the automobile or the ICT revolution). Each revolution comprises three main periods:

(1) The Installation period,
(2) The Crisis period and
(3) The Deployment Period (see the figure below).
Perez Kos.gif

(1) During the Installation period, we see
-The rise of new technologies,
-The concentration of investment in new technologies and finance,
-But also institutional de-regulation, (The Clintons were main champions of this in the US)
-Dominance of neo-liberal policies
-Income polarization,
-Financial speculation and crashes.

(2) The installation period culminates in a financial, economic and social crisis. The crisis can be the ground for catastrophic developments such as the rise of fascism &WW2, as it happened 80 years ago during the Great Depression. But there is also the chance that the crisis is resolved and the deployment period begins.

(3) The deployment period is characterized by
-Sustainable use of new technologies
-The end of neo-liberal dominance and a stronger role of the state
-Spreading of social benefits
-A feeling of living in a “golden era”

Historically the last two golden-era/deployment periods were inaugurated by a progressive era with progressive presidents fighting for social justice and taking on big money interests
(1900s: T.Roosevelt, Taft; 1940s: F.D.Roosevelt, see quotes).


The difference between Mr. Wilson and myself is fundamental. The other day in a speech at Sioux Falls, Mr. Wilson stated his position when he said that the history of government, the history of liberty, was the history of the limitation of governmental power. This is true as an academic statement of history in the past. It is not true as a statement affecting the present....The liberty of which Mr. Wilson speaks today means merely the liberty of some great trust magnate to do that which he is not entitled to do. It means merely the liberty of some factory owner to work haggard women over-hours for under-pay and himself to pocket the profits. It means the liberty of the factory owner to close his operatives into some crazy deathtrap on a top floor, where if fire starts, the slaughter is immense....We propose, on the contrary, to extend governmental power in order to secure the liberty of the wage workers, of the men and women who toil in industry, to save the liberty of the oppressed from the oppressor. Mr. Wilson stands for the liberty of the oppressor to oppress. We stand for the limitation of his liberty not to oppress those who are weaker than himself. (Theodore Roosevelt, 1912)

Key factors which are the basis for the increased chance of a progressive era are:
(a) The extreme (income) inequalities make a majority of the society suffer which generates a widely-shared feeling of 'The system is rigged, It has to change profoundly'.
(b) The obvious inequalities and the simultaneous neglect of these inequalities by mainstream politicians and mainstream media generates a widely-shared mistrust regarding focus-group checked rhetorics of politicians and pundits. At the same time, the desire for credible politicians that are intrinsically motivated to fight for the interests of the working and middle class gets stronger.
(c) Often the new technologies open up new forms of political action that can help to challenge the (media) establishment. Obama has demonstrated that a digitally interconnected grassroots movement can beat the mainstream media establishment.

We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace—business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob. Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me—and I welcome their hatred. (...) Of course we will continue our efforts for young men and women so that they may obtain an education and an opportunity to put it to use. Of course we will continue our help for the crippled, for the blind, for the mothers, our insurance for the unemployed, our security for the aged. (Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1936)

To conclude:
- The current context opens up unique chances for moving towards a new progressive era, electing authentic progressive presidents and realizing progressive policies.
- Old assumptions about electiblity are not longer true. The "Overton window" is shifting to the left - and can be shifted further by a progressive movement.
- Because of (a), (b), (c) and because of the involvement of progressive activists in social media, the significance of progressive movements has increased and their distributed power is difficult to control by the establishment.
- As a result, the progressive movements such as Podemos in Spain, Syriza in Greece, Jeremy Corbyn in the UK and the Bernie Sanders campaign in the US become not only electable but have real chances to win.
-Architects and champions of deregulation and neo-liberal policies such as the Clintons contributed to the current crises and can't be credible champions of the progressive era.

The right-wing in this country is waging a war against women and, let me be very clear, it is not a war that we are going to allow them to win. But if they want political warfare, we must expand the field of battle, and we must be on the offensive. Let us wage a moral and political war against the billionaires and corporate leaders, on Wall Street and elsewhere, whose policies and greed are destroying the middle class of America. Let us wage a moral and political war against the gross wealth and income inequality in America, the worst in the industrialized world, which is tearing this country and our economy apart. Let us wage a moral and political war against a dysfunctional health care system and fight for a Medicare-for-all single-payer system. Let us wage a moral and political war against war itself, so that we can cut military spending and use that money for human needs. Finally, let understand that when we stand together, we will always win. When men and women stand together for justice, we win. When black, white and Hispanic people stand together for justice, we win. When straight and gay people stand together for justice, we win. When young and old stand together for justice, we win. When working families stand together, we win. (Bernie Sanders, 2012)

Of course, the empire strikes back. There are many attempts to ignore, demonize and divide the progressive movements: eg, to turn Black Live Matters activists against Bernie Sanders supporters and vice versa, or, DKOS' evolution to DHRC.

But if progressives understand these attempts, they can develop counter strategies (eg. Nina Turner & Shaun King supporting Bernie, the development of this website). If people stand together - they win.

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To paraphrase the great Janis Joplin: Freedom's just another word ... to limit social and economic justice.

Freedom, in the absolute sense, is only freedom for the wealthiest in society. Freedom, in the sense of maximizing freedom for all, implies social and economic justice.

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Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

earthling1's picture

For nothing to left to lose.
With the impending demise of the middle class and the increased impoverishment of the poor, Joplins lament is coming true .
Why do we even need a military? We pay the billion dollar a year price tag to protect the wealth of the billionaires.
What do we have to lose that hasn't been taken from us already?
We are, or very soon to be, under the complete control of the moneyed elite and are providing for their protection.
How warped is this?

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

wrote the words, sadly, he never heard Janis sing it until after her death.

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It's about fucking time we forced OUR government to operate in the citizens (taxpayers) interests. WE are the ones funding the government while the rich have bribed OUR duly elected representatives to pass legislation minimizing their share of taxes they are obligated to pay. Corporations. Are. Not. Fucking. People. Tax the living shit out of them, they are using the infrastructure WE THE PEOPLE pay for to make their profits.

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Bisbonian's picture

ScholarZ. We shall see how it turns out. We appear to be at a tipping point...though at this point it seems to be wavering between increased fascism or progressive change.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

In the 1930s, during the last big crisis, fascism became stronger as was progressivism/left-wing movements. Germany became fascistic (although there was a strong anti-fascist left-wing movement in Germany), the US progressive (although racism such as in Tulsa was strong in the US), and in WW2 fascism was defeated.

We will see now what wins in the US (and all around the world). Go progressives! Go Bernie!

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The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.

It was converted to just another American corporate asset in the quest for global domination.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

gendjinn's picture

pendulum. Orlando Figes' A People's Tragedy is worth reading. His central argument is that there is no other way it could have happened in Russia, but the way it did. Due to the Tsar co-opting & betraying or eliminating every moderate group that worked with the state. Which only left the hardliners that would never compromise.

The other side reads the same history we do. Are they planning to let change come peacefully? Then I notice ammonium nitrate fertiliser has disappeared from stores. The militarisation of police. The increases in incarceration.

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Bisbonian's picture

And empty beer containers.

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

gendjinn's picture

Seen enough riots in the north (of Ireland), seen enough people douse themselves throwing overarm.

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He said that his son is in there, supporting Bernie... this policeman will stand with his son.

If bernie wins the nomination, the progressive revolution will be very difficult to stop. The biggest problem I see (at the moment) is the Clinton machine. I think they are prepared to steal the nomination, if necessary...

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The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.

No matter what the Clintons do, we must make it clear, public, well before the convention in Philadelphia, Susan Sarandon was correct, we will NOT support any nominee other than Bernie Sanders.
Think making this LOUD and public, through Thom H., Cent Y, FB, Twitter, Ed Schultz, what ever medium you use. Please consider it a form of a Strike - and anyone who crosses the line is a scab. I feel THAT strongly, more strongly really, we have to support Bernie Sanders in his quest to wake up the super delegates, if they want to continue to have a Democratic Party, it means casting out the Clintons, and opening the "gate" ( yes, that gate!) to all the Bernie Sanders supporters.

This is not PUMA ( most of us became Independents when the Clintons, DLC, Third Way took over the Democratic Party. We are not voting because of the letter D. Can't SCOTUS us anymore, Obama closed that door when he nominated Merrick Garland. This is not a business as usual election. This is not 2008. Clinton supported Obama only because she wanted to maintain her own political viability. She knew she was running in 2016.
This is the best chance real Progressives will have to support Democratic Socialism, possibly the last chance.

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NonnyO's picture

"I like Bernie but he can't win." How often have we heard that phrase in the last year? WHY "he can't win" is never explained, but some unknown someone started that meme, and it's still going on. It's like manufacturing the consensus that Hillary won a debate she lost according to every poll and survey the night of the debate (even TOS's poll had Bernie winning). She still lost, but the short-term memory of the American public didn't know that by two or three days later because the nooz loop that said the pundits all said she won - so finally everyone thought she won what she had clearly lost the night of the debate!!!

And, apparently Google will help the process of Hillary winning could happen. One of the Google people has a SuperPAC devoted to Hillary.

Lee Camp covered this in one of his shows on Redacted Tonight; he's fast becoming my favorite comic covering current events. He reminds me of Jon Stewart. I catch his shows on YouTube. Twenty-six minutes of pure comedy gold based on real news.

[90] Google Will Steal Election, Hillary Is Corporate Shill, & CPAC Infiltrated

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I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960

NonnyO's picture

[3] The 2016 Election WILL Be Stolen - Here's How (with Greg Palast) [VIP]

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I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960

Apr 11: Poll of who people would definitely not vote for:
Clinton: 49%
Sanders: 37%
Trump: 63%
Cruz: 55%
Kasich: 46%

Pretty crazy when you think about it and shows how broken our political and voting system is. If the GOP manages to get Kasich into the position via brokered convention and we end up with Hillary as the nominee, it will all but guarantee a GOP victory in November.

I am curious to know how effective muckraking was during FDR's time. Sadly in this day and age, the general public is all but dominated by corporate-owned media. I agree that the internet can combat this to an increasing extent, but it remains to be seen if it alone can overcome the superficiality of today's modern media coverage, especially considering that the corporate-owned media also has a digital presence.

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But the internet opened up the chance for alternative media. Herein lies my hope.

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The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.