Brand new poll has Donald Trump beating Hillary 41 - 39 percent
Brand new poll has Donald Trump beating Hillary 41 - 39.
Bernie beats Donald EVERY SINGLE TIME.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) May 2, 2016>
"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 41% support to Clinton’s 39%. Fifteen percent (15%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.
This is the first time Trump has led the matchup since last October. Clinton held a 41% to 36% advantage in early March."
This is what Bernie is talking about. As Hillary's favorables plummet she is increasing looking vulnerable and weak against the republicans.
It's time for the super delegates to rethink their role in electing a democratic president.
I don't call it 'Bernie or Bust' - I call it voting my conscience.
I doubt I could ever support Hillary Clinton.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) April 27, 2016

Since this is from Rasmussen which has not had the greatest track record in the past, I take this one poll with a grain of salt. However, once Trump secures the Republican nomination, which I believe he will, I look for him to outflank Hillary on the left on the subjects of Social Security, trade, and possibly even military interventions. Those issues will play well with a very dissatisfied and angry electorate that does not trust the Clintons. If Trump goes after the Clinton Foundation, I think Hillary is toast. I hope to see more polls that confirm Rasmussen before the Democratic convention because we all have seen how well Bernie polls on the issues of trust and character and how well he does with independents and against the Republicans.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
This was bound to happen. In all my years as an American informed voter/political junkie, I have never seen a POTUS choice as BAD as this one. Which one is worse? A hair balled brained gas bag versus a warlike, coldly calculating (and not that smart) corporate conservative trying to fool everyone into thinking she's a progressive. No wonder I changed to Independent. It's sickening!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
The caucus states cemented her foolishness..
Not just NV but many of the caucus States when it came time for county and state delegate votes she didn't get all of her delegates to show up, or even their alternates, this shows either a lack of enthusiasm or structural problems within her campaign.
I halfway like the caucuses for this reason(granted Utah's caucuses ran like a breeze(with long lines =p)), it takes organizational strength and enthusiastic followers to successfully get through them. both of which are good tests for someone who would run a presidential campaign.
Big question, is DNC willing to lose the general
election, to keep Bernie out of the White House?
Distressing precedent:
Great link, thanks! You hit it on the nail....
I believe the established, corporate Dem party would have a very difficult time abandoning their corporate financial support. They've grown lazy, not willing to do the work it takes to actually bring new blood into the party.
They've got lobbyists writing the
legislation, the MSM stifling opposition, and a voting bloc that will do whatever they want. What's there to do? Life is good.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
In a word, yes
George McGovern is a more recent example of an insurgent whose candidacy was undermined and sabotaged at every turn by the party establishment. The reality of the American political system is that it consists not so much of a battle between liberal and conservative ideologies as it does a battle between the interests of big money and the interests of everyone else.
inactive account
absolutely they are!
They are all pretty well off. They can wait 4 years. This is true on elections and everything else. Even if the lie of "incrementalism" was true, that they make incremental progress instead of the fact that they've given us incremental regress, the patience they have is a luxury many don't have. Plus, they have the media, they can blame millennials, hippies, Benie, Kucinich, Nader, the Green Party, and anyone else they want. They have the luxury in their bank accounts that insulates them from the real world.
The fight is just beginning, and it's been 20+ years in the making.
Only Zogby is worse. I wouldn't put too much stock in that poll.
However, I don't think Hilary is going have an easy time beating Trump. Trump will put into play New York and New Jersey.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
She can't beat Bernie, or the FBI, so it shouldn't be an issue
Bernie is the stronger candidate
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Donald Trump's persona as wrestling "heel" [bad guy]
Terrific piece:
Time methinks for Bernie to give T-Rump a haircut (as Trump once literally did to "rival" wrestling manager Vince McMahon in the ring)...not to be missed...
And twenty percent will vote for a goat. n/t
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Thanks for Edward Snowden quote......
Another reason to vote for Bernie. We must allow Snowden return to US for fair trial. Hillary calls Snowden a traitor. She's on the wrong side of history. Again.
I was wondering if she doesn't get indited
does that mean that sharing
government secret info is okay and Ed can come home without a hassle?
If Hillary should become prez....
Snowden will not be able to come back. His charges here are espionage and those charges don't allow for him to mount a defense.
The espionage charge is antiquated and needs to be changed, I think Bernie would try to do that.