Boris and Natasha 1; Adam Schiff Nil
In the game of diplomacy, we have the Red-White-and True Blue versus Evil Bear. Sort of like tennis played with jet fighters, cluster bombs, and sharp pointy words. Okay, so this essay is not HOT or "breaking news" (except for breaking Shifty's reputation, which is already tarnished greatly).
Reminiscent of phone call received by Mad Max Waters over a year ago, when she was recorded on phone discussing the "Coup of Limpopo" with pseudo-ukrainians to the point her James Brown wig almost fell off, comes now devious plot from Boris Badenov and girl-friend Natasha.
Here is declassified recording of original phone call to Mad Adam:[video:]
8 min
For those wanting deeper analysis:
7 min
Although Mad Adam denies being sucked into this prank, nevertheless he sent his own staff to Ukrainian embassy allegedly to retrieve the information (containing naked Trump pix) in order to pass it on to FBI--as if the feebs don't have people to do just that. Apparently, nobody can harvest information like Shifty: plant seeds, shit and spit on it--voila, juicy Trumpsicles!
Sorry, omitted Schiff pic after receiving phone call
Hillary and the DNC were punked by Putin.
The truth is that Putin and his Kremlin cohorts fed Steele a load of bullshit knowing it would get back to Fusion GPS AND the FBI. The purpose of Putin's devious plot is to destroy the US from within by dividing the country.
The ensuing Russia scare-mongering also forced the US government to massively increase it's defense budget which will effectively prevent the country from repairing it's disintegrating infrastructure.
Putin is using his much vaunted Jujitsu skills by using America's power to his advantage and turning it upon itself. It worked even better than he expected.
Putin does NOT want the sanctions lifted. Here's just one example of why:
Meanwhile, back in the US of A:
Russia has had working high speed rail since 2010.
Putin watching American MSM:
Sadly there was once a time when this country would
have been building these types of trains for here and possibly abroad. Now most of our factories have been offshored and our biggest export is now weapons.
Trump wants to put $1 Trillion into our infrastructure, but unfortunately, he also wants to privatize it out to corporations who will then make us pay to drive on our roads by setting up tool booths and who knows what else they are going to get their hands on?
One reason for the animosity towards Putin is because when he became president he took on the oligarchy in Russia and our government has let our oligarchs run this country into the ground. Has there ever been a president who didn't do their bidding?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.