boing boing on bernie bros
i saw this earlier today.
it's probably the least surprising thing i've read this week, and i was reading about wheels and how they spin last night.
Reuters' largest poll of 2016 on the racial attitudes of supporters of various political candidates found that Trump supporters are seriously racist, Clinton supporters are a little less racist than the average respondent, but Sanders supporters are less racist than the supporters of any other candidate.
there are some swell graphs to go with the article, too!
ed: apparently this was blogged about on thursday here on c99, who knew?
c99p's very own elenacarlena was one of the people (one of many, I'm sure, but she's ours) that helped push Reuter's to update their reporting on the poll (Link) because they did not even release the results from Bernie's supporters at first.

The poll is strangely unsurprising.
I cannot imagine anyone looking at the political factions across all voters — and not instinctively knowing, with or without a poll, that the Bernie supporters are the least racist. Period. They're liberals.
Another shortcut: Aside from the group supporting Bernie's stated policies, the policies of all other primary candidates were essentially conservative, and their supporters display the characteristic behaviors of authoritarian Republicans. As a general rule, all Republican groups harbor the taint of racism. The Poll confirms this.
Objectively speaking, Hillary Clinton is the only "Republican" candidate in the 2016 Presidential Race. Her policies, deconstructed, stand on the shoulders of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. Republican policy statements all feature the same hide-the-salami deflection and deception that Hillary features in hers. Predictably, and as expected, prominent establishment-level Republicans, and the Neocons that run them, have sworn to support Hillary for President and are now funding her campaign.
As for Donald Trump, he's certainly not a Republican by any measure. He does not adhere to the Republican Platform. That's Hillary's job. We do know from the poll that racism and sexism is apparent among Trump's supporters. Hillary's supporters show about the same levels of racism as the other Republican candidates in the Primary races….
As for traditional Democrats and America's working class, they do not have a candidate that represents them participating in the 2016 Presidential Elections. (Actually, they haven't had government representation for many decades.)
Meh. That's enough to work with for me.
This whole system is gravely imbalanced and is already spinning wildly out of control. I did not factor this volatile turn of events in my early prediction of the election outcome.
younger, too
... more connected socially, certainly more worldly than your average joe trump supporter, with more access to information (and probably more susceptible to disinformation) than all of the older demos.
it's strange that the nominally-left have chosen a moderate-right candidate after complaining about US politics slipping towards conservatism for the past 30 years.
IF Trump was set up by the Cintons as the monster
in the closet, the Middle-of-the-roaders will be shoved into Abuela's arms. And average joe trump would be a good band name.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The band name is already taken.
I believe that would be the Average White Band.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
You meant LESS susceptible to misinformation, rt?
You're describing Bernie supporters in your first paragraph, right?
When I told my 17 yr old that Medusa left her fingerprints on the sarin gas attacks, he made me prove it. And he was listening to Bernie on YouTube before I had learned much about the man myself.
I think the young uns are pretty sharp and at least suspect bs when they smell it. When the gas attacks were all over the news, poor babies dying horribly painful deaths in front of our eyes, he asked me what to make of it. I told him I didn't know yet, but I wouldn't put it past our government to have a part in it. Even after that, he made me prove it.
i've had some friends mention some pretty wacky shit they heard on the web. i guess the misinformation i'm talking about is a little less virulent than normal msm propaganda, which is no good in it's own right, but there's a lot more cult-like stuff.. think chemtrails, or conspiracy stuff that's fleshed out to the point that it cross-references itself in thousands of posts on hundreds of sites. i don't think the TV demographic is exposed to a lot of that stuff, and some of it is pretty enticing.. chemtrails is a really bad example because it's so stupid.
better example, my cousin started posting all kinds of anti-cancer-medicine stuff on facebook because he'd been fed a bunch of bullshit about some quack in texas that claimed to have cured cancer with saline solution and massive doses of this chemical you can find in bananas, and i basically had to dive in, read everything, and figure out where it was obviously bullshit before i could start working on him. he finally snapped out of it after several conversations, but he was initially extremely defensive towards my disbelief. it's like he thought this guy was jesus. (and my cousin's got his master's in education, he's not a moron)
anti-vaxxers are another web phenomenon. solar-freakin' roadways which is going to turn out to be a massive boondoggle if they actually manage to go anywhere. you can't drive vehicles on a glass road surface and maintain the light transmission of the glass, because it's going to be scratched all to hell, scratched nearly white eventually, so a) the led setup in the panels is going to be compromised and b) solar freakin' roadways need clear glass for any kind of efficiency. people get super defensive about them, as well, with some "why do you hate green energy" thrown in for good measure. the problem is a real, demonstrable problem with the materials, though, but try to cut through the hype? yikes.
or look at things like "otherkin". sure, people get into the story and want to play a role, etc, but some people go deep, and i think the older you are the less susceptible to any kind of serious reality shifts you tend to be. i know this to be true with me. these things wouldn't make it in the msm because a lot of them are irresponsible, dangerous, stuff you could get sued over i guess is the most important point. not so on the web, with anonymity and no chain of culpability.
I think our eyes are lying to us.
I don't think they have done so. I think they've gone underground like sleeper cells, even if they remain among the extremely vulnerable and frightened folks at TOP. I think they are pretending. The Trump terrorism brainwashing has them temporarily straddling the situation, but they are not part of the bot class. I bet it is weirdly quiet over there right now.
The vast majority of disenfranchised Democrats and the worker class are unknown to us, but they will act decisively, when it is time. Until then, they will all lie to the Pollsters. I speculate about this because things are not adding up, big time. No one knows where they are and the politicos know that the Dem establishment is lying about their massive migration back to Hillary. That didn't happen. It's propaganda. Also, there is an eerie silence in the public square.
This is exactly what happened a week ago in the UK during the Brexit vote. No one saw that coming. The Polls were all backwards. They came out of the woodwork. Major members of the government are now resigning as a result. Just before the vote, a fellow Brexit voter assassinated a government leader during a news conference, who was making a case to stay in the EU. The UK is pretty much in shock.
This may be what a people's revolution looks like.
Your comment about
the quiet in the public square reminded me of something. Mainstream media in this country seems to have ignored HRC's FBI interview Saturday. But while waiting in grocery checkout line, I noticed, the scandal/gossip sheets front pages are full of headlines about Hillary's corruption, FBI interview, etc.
Seems odd to see them more truthful than the major networks. Things are flipping crazily.
The world turned upside down
Who'd have thunk that to a glimpse of the truth, even though bent, we would have to consult Fox Spews?
Thanks for the feedback. n/t
Checkin' the hotsheets....
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Some background info for essayist...
I wrote an essay on the poll last Thursday. The important thing to note from my essay, and perhaps you could add it as an update to your essay, is that c99p's very own elenacarlena was one of the people (one of many, I'm sure, but she's ours) that helped push Reuter's to update their reporting on the poll (Link) because they did not even release the results from Bernie's supporters at first.
oh nice,
i missed it i guess, with the site being wonky this weekend. thanks for the heads up!
if you don't mind, i'll quote you.
Feel free to quote. n/t