Reuters Poll on Supporter's Racism
Perhaps you saw the Reuters-Ipsos poll a couple of days ago that breathlessly revealed Trump supporters are more racist than Clinton supporters. According to the poll, a huge 33% of Trumpites are racists while only a miniscule 20% of Clintonistas are. As Reuters frames it:
Supporters of U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump are more likely to describe African Americans as "criminal," "unintelligent," "lazy" and "violent" than voters who backed some Republican rivals in the primaries or who support Democratic contender Hillary Clinton, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll. Reuters Poll
That's certainly troubling, although a 33% to 20% Trump supporter "racism lead" is hardly great news for Clinton.
What's unusual about the reporting on the poll and the results graph used to show poll results is that results for 4 presidential candidates are shown -- Clinton, Trump, Cruz and Kasich. Notice anything missing?
Bernie Sanders.
Although Bernie's supporters were polled, the results of that polling are not being released. Could it be that Bernie supporters are the least racist of all? Could it be that the entire "Bernie Bros Hate People of Color" narrative was a scam?
Any way you slice it, something reeks. If they'd graphed the top 4 vote-getters, Bernie would've been included. After all, he got more votes than Cruz and Kasich combined. If they limited it to the top 2 candidates from each party, Bernie would be there. But he's not.
Perhaps it's an oversight. I'd like to give Reuters the benefit of the doubt. I'd really like to. But if things are as I suspect and Bernie supporters are the least racist, that would be a very bad thing for Clinton. And it would mean that Reuters is so far in the tank for Clinton that they will lie and cover up for her so the coronation can proceed apace.
Sad, any way you look at it.

LOL, an oversight...not hardly.
Here is another hole for a poll of this type. Clinton supporters are not going to admit they are racist. Some probably don't even realize they are (given that they refuse to recognize other truths). Keep in mind that the thing(s) we hate most and rant against most in other people are those things that mirror our underlying beliefs.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I guess that makes me a corrupt, unempathetic hedonist
and I am not corrupt or unempathetic. But I agree there has to be a lot of unadmitted racists in that poll. Of course Hillary did pull in a lot of the African American vote which, given the grifters that they are, may indicate racism on the part of the Clintons.
Beware the bullshit factories.
HRC's and WJC's policies show their racism.
It is actions, not words that say whether or not one is a racist.
I am pretty much equal opportunity. I rant against anything I feel is unjust. That includes liberals sometimes. So, I am not sure what that makes me. = )
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
JtC why do I always get double posts? I don't click twice
on save. My laptop seems to have his own ideas how often I should post. It doesn't happen if I use the PC.
That's interesting. I also use a laptop and almost never double
post. Operating system Windows 8.1, browser Internet Explorer 11, if that makes a difference.
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I dunno, seems any movement of the cursor
on the laptop triggers something that I haven't control over. The comments are posted without me hitting the save button. Windows 7 Pro, Chrome browser.
oh lord, if I knew in advance, who is a racist and who is not,
I would be a happy camper. But there are specialized con-men/women out there just to confuse the heck out of your innocent gullible mind and then they come and break your heart...
Polls are just good for those who make money with them and want to make you believe they know something special you don't.
I'm ignoring the "racist" metric from now on. It's dead to me.
As a visual info geek (and big data), I see too much twisted, subjective, fast trending, hole-smelling, taint-of-the-brush, fear-based, war-of-words, nonsense here.
The "racist" metric is dead to me. (The "misogyny" metric never even got a toe-hold.)
I confirmed this for myself the other day. Because I trade currencies and watch the Forex, the EU has always been of particular interest to me as a social experiment. The coastal EU member states are the world's colonizers. Central and western Europe has been widely integrated for centuries by every race that became a colony (all of them but Native Americans, who could not be tamed). There is little homogenous about Europe. Of course it is filled with white people, because white people are indigenous to those lands; they physically evolved there. So did blond hair. Five hundred year ago, the European continent was the only place on earth that white people could be found — until they invented the gun. The rest of planet Earth is "not white" and its peoples have served as prey for whites with guns for the past 500 years.
The UK leaving the EU has been the buzz since 2006, and really on the table for the past two years. It became a "big topic" in newspapers about 18 months ago. I've followed the discussion the entire time because that specific issue affects day-to-day currency valuations and trends in terms of trading. This entire time, race and immigration has never been a driver of countries in or out of the EU. Never.
So, the other day I went back eighteen months and looked at European newspapers that accept reader's comments. The topic was sizzling then, and led directly to the Brexit vote. I was especially stuck at the Guardian because the comment numbers were in the thousands. I scan-read them all. The issue was and is economic. Period. (As you know from US hate-radio, racists will piggyback on anything that moves. They're like zombies.)
I realize that the current propaganda spew in the US is race, racial, racist and misogyny all day, every day, around the clock. But keep in mind that exists only because Our Overlords are trying to embed a Neocon, Hillary Clinton, into the presidency. She's latest "liberal" minority who can wage years of profitable bloody wars against brown people throughout the world unopposed by brainwashed and fearful Americans. They won't make a peep because misogyny plus woman hater.
I won't ask you to check yourself RE:what you think Brexit is about.
I'm just sayin'… after the self-censorship regarding the global murder and mayhem of the Obama years, surely you see the pattern here.
yr friend,
Fishy reporting. Let's challenge it! Go to Reuters and write them a little something like I did. Heh:
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Excellent! n/t
It worked! Reuters published another article today:
(they emailed to tell me about it in response to my email, too!)
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Woo Hoo!
You're my hero!!!
And as expected, Sanders supporters are the least racist of all of the presidential candidates. Bernie Bros my ass.
Aw shucks. I'm sure I'm not the only one who contacted them.
From the way they started the followup article, it sounded like the pushback was kinda massive. Yes, I thought those would probably be the results too. I was glad to see the big differences, and also noted for the first time how much Hillary was like the other Repubs (the non-Trumpsters).
Still, I must say, all of the groups have an awful lot of residual racism. I was kind of appalled. I thought the Berners would maybe be in the single digits. I am disappointed; trying to figure out what to do about that.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
How do you even poll "racism"?
The only people you'll get to openly confess to straightforward questions are the overt racists who have no shame in publicly declaring how much skin color matters to them. The metrics of how they measured this are ridiculous. The fact that they only framed it in terms of black and white is insulting.
What about all of those who support institutional racism, cloaking it in terms of "law and order"? What about those who blindly throw out "racist" as an attack without even considering how much their rhetoric is shaped by a shallow, stereotype-driven understanding of racism? What about those who effectively perpetuate racism by supporting identity politics and engaging only in representational criticism, who seek to divide people along racial, class, and gender lines instead of trying to bridge gaps in interpersonal understanding and empathy?
The most insidious kind of racism is that which lurks below the surface that no one would ever admit to. Yes, Trump has more outspoken bigots than Hillary, but I'm willing to bet that she has the market cornered on the quiet racists who think that they're so "progressive" that they're immune from racism. You know, the ones who are willing to vote for a black man for president, but see poor families of color and think that they: a) deserve to live in poverty because they didn't work hard enough and squandered their opportunities, b) should be grateful that they pay taxes and are charitable enough to "help," and, c) are tolerable so long as they never go anywhere the racist's peaceful suburb and drive down property values.