Bernie speaks to supporters on Thursday
"By KATHERINE KRUEGER Published JUNE 14, 2016, 10:46 AM EDT
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is slated to address supporters with a video live stream on Thursday night, his campaign confirmed Tuesday.
"He will speak directly to supporters about how the revolution continues," campaign spokesman Michael Briggs said in an email to TPM.
The video address is scheduled for two days after Tuesday's Democratic primary in the District of Columbia, the final contest of the primary season. Sanders still has not signaled whether he will concede the nomination to Hillary Clinton, the party's presumptive nominee.
While the exact time for the address isn't set, Briggs said the stream would be available to anyone who signs up on the campaign's website."
Hope he is going to continue his run for President. A Hillary endorsement would be very disappointing and antithetical to what he has stood for and his movement represents.

Revolution continues
Hopefully with Bernie still in the lead role.
Spokesman: Sanders has no plans to drop out
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Already posted but note time and date stamp:
That was after the notice went out.
we can guess but we might as well wait
let's say he endorses Hillary. Some of us would sneer. But if he doesn't? And we guess that he will? We'd sneer now and then have to take it back!
Thursday will be here soon enough. I'm curious. He sent me a personal email this morning about it. I know it was personal because he addressed me by my name.
anyway, Thursday evening....5:30 Pacific time. I think I'll tune in.
Flipping us the Bird?
I'm not sure if Bernie is going to ..or not going to .. "Flip us the Bird" by betraying the American people and supporting Hillary Clinton in the face of a clear fraudulent primary, that Bernie is fully aware of and has said 'NOTHING' about publicly even though it is a direct theft of our Democracy that is provable.... It will be very interesting to hear what Bernie has to say.
I understand that we are being encouraged to 'keep up the good fight' and get 'progressives' in office.. but even a Senator can't beat the Oligarchy .. as we see this sham election and coup by the DNC et al. So tra, la, la, la ,la... Bernieanna's. When the TPP passes under Clinton... you can Bernieanna all you want on the ground ... local first.. whatever...
When young people got excited about this election.. and got out and voted.. and then watch as their votes were denied, purged, flipped etc... You can be sure many were brokenhearted and will NEVER vote again. Good on all those that can pretend we live in a Democracy and overlook the whole thing.. as if
In the meantime.. we are being fed platitudes.. we are hearing truly decent people saying.. "We want our Platform" .. and putting it before the feet of Queen Hillary and the DNC... well.. that's all nicey nicey.. and good ole BS ... 'We will fight for Democracy" a Progressive Platform..
UM.. NOT GOOD ENOUGH ... With Queen Hillary on the throne for 4 years.. she will embed herself with even greater power... Stealing Openly and brazenly ... that's what this election proved was viable and acceptable to the American people ...
I'm thinking ... it would be better to have a disorganized buffoon in office so that in 4 years this nation is ready for a REAL DEMOCRACY .... we'll have to watch and see .. what happens next..
May I politely disagree?
Not sure what he needs to prove? He's a lifelong warrior for justice; by standing with him, we've taken on that burden as well. It's no longer entirely his. What will you and I do with that challenge? We don't need him to tell us or lead us to be able to make those decisions for ourselves.
He said he'd take his campaign to the convention, and he will. After that, no matter the outcome, it's up to us, we who rose to stand with him. We get to decide whether we remain standing for those principles, regardless of what he does. He's done plenty. Who else would have done what he already has?
It's CRITICALLY IMPORTANT not to buy into the meme that he'd be "betraying" us if, after the SDs vote, he ultimately issues an "anyone but Trump" endorsement of Clinton and opts not to continue his campaign outside the D party. How is it a betrayal if he does what he said from the start he would? Betrayal? I don't think so.
He's repeated since day one: "Not me, us." He reminded us that the power resides with us. He's correct. He's one guy--an unusually stand-up, principled, gutsy guy.
Sure, many always fall back to the sidelines if there's not an easy win and easy fix. To be expected. This time, I think, more will not. Because Bernie Sanders showed the rot throughout our entire system of government: economic system, criminal justice system, electoral system, duopoly-dominated political system. All of it. And his campaign threatened the PTB enough that they showed their hand with election fraud and disenfranchisement as well.
Bernie Sanders woke up millions of people, and we're not all going back to sleep again, whether we dedicate a little of our time, a lot of our time, or none of our time to finding our place in the political revolution that's needed. We now see clearly. That matters.
Don't underestimate the young ones. They lack tribal loyalty to party; they're an ideas generation, and they've heard some damned good ones from Bernie Sanders. They won't forget.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
If he takes his campaign and his issues to philly
And speaks to them there... As he has spoken on the campaign stump he will have fulfilled every promise he made. To me, as a candidate. If he endorses HRC and asks me too as well his will be just one more persons opinion of who I should vote for albeit his is one I will give more weight to because he is someone I actually respect.... But the decision was, is and will continue to be MINE and mine alone.
Orwell was an optimist
Here's the one problem with that.
It is, in a peculiarly American way, disingenuous. It ignores inconvenient things like who has resources and who has power and who has access to mainstream media and who has authority.
Here's what I mean.
Yes, Sanders has tried to make the movement as leaderless as it can be given the circumstances. But given the circumstances, he can't take it very far in that direction. A political campaign is, by its nature, focused around the candidate. Bernie is the lighthouse that many many disparate movements saw in the dark. They came to where the visible light was, and coalesced into one big movement around him. If he wants to transition into a leaderless or leaderfull or whatever kind of movement, that's a transition that is, ironically, going to have to be led by the people who are currently leaders of the movement--OR--
when/if Bernie concedes to Hillary, whether he endorses her or not, he will leave millions of people depressed and demoralized because election fraud was too powerful for their candidate (not much that's more demoralizing than that). And it'll fall to ordinary, little-known activists like me, with a paltry 900 followers on Twitter and a few people who know me here--and to all of those like me all over the blogosphere and social media--to try and clean up that mess, and get people to respond to political engagement *of any kind* with anything other than a disgusted snort. It will fall to ordinary, little-known activists like me and millions of others to try to build a political movement on the ground with few resources, in the face of the apparent victory of Clinton's Despair Doctrine.
What some of us have been afraid of for a long time: that Bernie's campaign will end up convincing a lot of people of exactly what he DIDN'T want to convince them of--that there's no point in trying.
Then, after Bernie and his folks go back to their lives, it'll be left to people like me and you to try to convince people that no, they should try, really. Not just on an electoral front--yeah, good luck with getting people to vote again--but on a non-electoral front too.
Sometimes "It's not about Bernie" sounds a little too much like yelling "Do the dishes and clean up the kitchen, will ya!" to your roomie on your way out the door after a 100-person party that you personally threw.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
There's some uncomfortable truth in your analysis
But we control only our own choices, not his. I don't see him running outside the D Party, though I'd whoop and holler if he did. I see encouragement in The People's Summit this weekend, in Brand New Congress, in activities planned for Philadelphia, in the meetings you know are being held behind the scenes. Things are afoot to corral some of the energy and hope and mad-as-hell. Organizers are organizing now, not waiting.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Hard when I agree with the substance--and
profoundly disagree with the tone and framing.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I got one of those emails too. Never sneer at Senator Sanders!
Another Disappointment ?
While another disappointment would not surprise me, it will really get me angry. I have dealt with too many over the years. I am fed up and all the rhetoric that I am too idealistic, self entitled, self centered, or whatever is just the last straw.
Bernie said we're going to the Convention where the nomination
will be decided. PERIOD. End of sentence. Enough with the hope he doesn't concede shit already.
Here's my opinion
For the fewer than two cents it's worth.
When I heard about his announcement on Sunday, I was worried -- worried that it would be a concession speech. Instead, it was a "hell no, we will not yield!" announcement.
During that same session, Bernie explained that he would be meeting with Hillary today, and that the key agenda item was to push her on key inclusions to the Democratic platform. Depending on the outcome of that meeting, Bernie said, he would then "be able to make other decisions."
So, I think the door is open to an independent run if Hillary declines to adopt the platform Bernie requests. I think that may be what he announces on Thursday ... but take this for the conjecture it is. Regardless, I don't necessarily see him endorsing her Thursday since he just reiterated Sunday that he's taking this to Philly.
What do others think?
Im fresh outta tea leaves
and was never very good at readin' 'em anyways but then again I have learned to trust my instincts more than I used to. Trick is discerning which thoughts are "instincts" and which are wishful thinking, lol, or even just ordinary ol' opinion.
I think he's going to Philly and will push for as progressive a platform as he possibly can.
I do not think he will concede or endorse HER before then, if then.
Anything more beyond that is speculation but he has always and forever emphasized this is not about him, its about us and he, I believe, has been listening.
I also think (opinion) he is in possession of more backbone than all of... well the beltway Dems, put together and he is NOT FOR SALE...still.
his email says
Intuition vs. wishful thinking
Heh. I'm trying to suss this one out in my own mind:
Man, I'm intrigued.
Sounds like concession, but possibly not endorsement.
And the concession may not happen until the convention--if he breaks that promise, he's gonna get some serious blowback.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Good faith
I think his promise not to go third-party was made in good faith.
The way the party has treated him throughout this primary has not been -- to say the least. I would personally forgive him if he reneged on this promise. As a man of courage and conviction, I doubt he'd be cowed by blowback from the establishment.
The next part of the quote I listed above was:
Endorsing HRC would be settling for the status quo.
(Edited for typo).
Oh, I didn't mean blowback from establishment.
I meant, if Bernie concedes before Philly, a lot of supporters will be upset.
As far as the party goes: you can't cheat a liar, and you can't steal from a thief.
If you make a promise in good faith and the person across the table doesn't act in good faith, you are no longer bound by the promise. That's the way it works where I come from, anyway.
Apply that to our contract w/the US government and things get spooky!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Thanks for the clarification!
I misunderstood your "blowback" comment. Obviously.
They sure do! (get spooky, that is)
At what point does the Pledge of Allegiance we’ve all said hundreds of times since childhood become no longer binding / moot / inoperative?
Well, the Constitution was the contract--
they broke it.
The Declaration is actually pretty clear on what's supposed to happen next.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Key questions: what does "not accepting the status quo"
mean, and what does "the political revolution continues" mean?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
well it does have a tinge of Obama's now familiar trick of wording things in a way that allow people to hear whatever they want to hear, but Bernie's not Obama. Bernie is really reeeeealy in an awkward place right now, kinda behind the eight ball. I think he is right to be cautious and reserved even. Playing it close to the chest is the wise move, imho. DC votes today, maybe more CA votes get counted and he meets with Hillz later and lord know what else. Cable TV News is non stop on the Orlando murders.
So Bernie will do this thing on Thursday then The People's Summit is this weekend, check out the updated Speakers List, includes Nina Turner and others.
No way he worked his ass off campaigning every day for over a year to just totally drop the ball now. Jane would probably leave him, lol.
True. I don't think he'll disappear into woodwork--
But he's in awkward position re: Trump and his repeated talking point to do whatever it takes to beat Trump.
A lot of the movement is #NeverHillary--much more since NV. I think a lot of people don't understand the dynamics of that. It's just ridiculous to expect people to unite with Hillary after NV.
His Trump talking point makes it difficult for him to *neither* run indie/3rd *nor* support her.
I dunno, maybe he'll push for a Biden ticket. I still don't understand why he had a separate meeting with Biden.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
interesting. I don't think I was aware he had a separate meeting
with Biden.
Was it the same day he saw Obama?
Just curious.
I'm in it all the way to the convention! #Bernie16
Yes. It was weird.
He met separately with Obama, Biden, and Reid.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Yes, on Thursday, June 9, he met for over an hour with 'O,'
an hour with Biden, and with Reid and Schumer. Haven't heard any MSM report regarding the length of those meetings, though.
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers
SOSD Rescues Available For Adoption Or Sponsorship

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Have we forgotten what he
Have we forgotten what he said when he got into this race... He was running against A CORRUPT SYSTEM. Not a single candidate.
Orwell was an optimist
Fine. But for most Americans
Hillary is the visible face of that corruption.
I sure as hell hope Sanders understands that.
She has become a vortex that devours other people's political and moral capital.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
As you say, Hillary is (for many) the
'face' of that corruption- Sander's is one hella smart guy, and I'm certain he understands that, just fine. I'm trusting in what I believe Bernie has been about for his entire adult life.
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
LL, I agree, I agree, I agree.... on all counts
NOT only is HE not for sale, guess what DNC/HRC, NEITHER ARE WE! Da DAh!
As I have mentioned before I have a most important appointment on Election Day: to clean out my garage and basement of all the garbage I have been dragging with me through the years. And then after I start with my Dem Party membership, I will have at it with the rest of the outdated, worn out junk..
Sea Turtle
yanno they are so fond of saying
"meh you got nowhere else to go!"
maybe so but we got nothing left to lose either. Its liberating. Time to go for broke.
Saw something cross my fb feed this AM,
From one of the 'official' Bernie fb accounts, asking people to please not leave the party prior to the convention.
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
I agree with that; stay with dems til up to the election
and then be free to make whatever choices that we are presented with....
But I repeat if it is between Billary and Trump.... I am sitting this one out...
Sea Turtle
I think speculation is a waste of time and energy
BERNIE is going to say and do what he is going to say and do
at this point ALL I demand, from Bernie, is that he NOT turn my data over to the DNC.
And I have already made that known to his campaign.
Orwell was an optimist
Want to hear a worldwide cheer?
Go third party Senator Sanders!!! The Green Party is your friend as are the current conditions. Hillary and Donald are at historically high negatives and Bernie is leading a movement.
Carpe diem.
Understand...Bernie is 'movement people'
Us old timers 'get it'.
if you attended organizing meetings or protests since the 60's or even much later, you should 'get it' too.
A usually fractious left coalesced around a strong and unifying set of principles and Bernie knocked it out of the park.
Bernie is an old school 'movement' guy so I'm sure he 'gets it' too.
I am not worried at all. Bernie will rail against Trump from a bully pulpit with nary a word about Hills.
The "revolution continues" means exctly that.
I want a Pony!
Railing against Trump without
Railing against Trump without endorsing Hillary by name is the same thing. If he insists the fight must stay within the Democratic Party, who else are you supposed to vote for to stop Trump. I hear the fear mongering establishment pull the Trump card to scare us into falling in line behind Hillary. No matter how terrible she will be for the world, we must not let Trump win. I would be so disappointed if Bernie follows that script. It is an old one, give them nothing but scare them into doing our bidding. As long as we do, why would they ever relinquish any power?
Trump is being called a neo-nazi. That scares people because most know about Hitler. Hillary is being referred to as a neo-liberal. Now that is a term that confuses many because it sounds like a "new liberal - some kind of liberal. People don't really understand about the Project for the New American Century. They don't know the furthering of fascism that the "trade" deals will bring. They are designed to hand over to the multinationals the last vestiges of national sovereignty, preventing nations from protecting their citizens and environment if the corporations claim that profits may be impacted. I think that is fascism. And it is Hillary who is its champion, not Trump. She has the organization and deep global relationships that will further the visions of the Robert Kagan's and Dick Cheney's of this world. Trump wouldn't be able to get out of bed without massive protests. Hillary will be allowed to unleash so much more damage to all living beings and the earth, our home. Bernie knows this. We cannot afford Hillary. We can't. I hope that Bernie doesn't capitulate. Hillary might have been told to agree to some concessions but it will mean nothing. Nothing. Bernie knows this as well.
Well if Trump is so bad Why did Bill Clinton coax him to run?
HUM? Creating a little 'Shock Doctrine' there. Letting forth the monster, so that everyone would run to Hillary.
Guess what chump, I am not falling for that.
Trump is a buffoon and Billary is a disaster... that is how I feel. I would never, ever vote for Trump. And I would never ever vote for Billary... So, that is that.
Sea Turtle
Bill Clinton coaxed Trump to run?
That sounds unlikely.
Yeah, here.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Seeing they talked
Not seeing the coaxing.
Shaun King and Lee Fang talk about it; links in diary
here: read and be shocked:“-grim-fairytale…”-reveals-all…“-grim-fairytale…”-reveals-all…“-grim-fairytale…”-reveals-all…
I do not know why the link to my diary is not working? Can someone help?
Sea Turtle
SeaTurtle, could you please fix the link! Nothing in the
other piece confirmed anything, but that they spoke.
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
SOSD Rescues Available For Adoption Or Sponsorship

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
oops! Link to diary re. Bill coaxing Trump to run
thank you for letting me know that the other link didn't work.“-grim-fairytale…”-reveals-all…
Ok, I just tested it and it should work. Let me see what was wrong with what I posted originally.
Tx again
Sea Turtle
Encouraging, maybe not exactly coaxing.
Seems more likely Trump told Bill he was running and Bill said "awesome"
Not worried either. But have been rebutting doom and gloom at
the k4s reddit subthread from one persistent commenter pushing the idea that Bernie's about to "betray" us. That person even posted a #traitorbernie hashtag in a comment, which was quickly deleted by the poster or by mods. And others moan about the awfulness if Bernie Sanders doesn't do what they want him to do: continue his campaign outside the D party and never, ever endorse Clinton, even tepidly as "better than Trump."
ALERT: The Bernie-betrayed-us trolls are on message and likely to increase.
Looks as if we just have to keep up the reminders that Bernie accurately said this is about us, not him, that nada happens without a revolution (whatever form that takes).
I'm a #NeverHillary (and #NotTrumpEither) voter. And I have no problem accepting the fact that Sanders will do what he thinks is best for himself and the movement he set out to create and will expect me to make my own decisions:
No matter what Bernie does and says, I'll decide where I'm comfortable being part of that movement for change going forward. Not gonna waste my time time or energy second-guessing or joining in the "oh noes!" chorus.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
My heart goes out to progressive website moderators
Progressives will be inundated with BERNIE BETRAYED US trolls from all sides...
When you encounter them just remember.... If Bernie and US were not so successful over the last year we would t be about to be THE most trolled electorate block Evah.
Orwell was an optimist
"Not me, us" means he can't betray us--WE'RE the only
ones who can betray us (and him, btw).
But yes, that meme is out there and amping up. It's a win-win for the Brockbots and others pushing it: demoralize us and demonize him, a big ol' two-fer. If they're successful:
1. We go away again and shut up and let business as usual continue on its merry, corrupt, screw-us way, and
2. They undercut Sanders so that he loses credibility in leading or supporting a long-term movement for change and, by extension, they undercut the movement itself--the political revolution.
Yes, easy to see why the "Bernie betrayed us" [or will betray us] trolls are out in force. They're trying to create a frame that discredits him if he does what he's said all along he would: work to defeat Trump and not run as an independent.
Don't let them. Resistance is NOT futile.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
That is true. A lot of that is Brockian in origin.
However, the points I made above aren't. They are practical.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Yes, but ...
Bernie's plan to take it to the convention was sucker-punched by Shill, the media, Obama and Elizabeth Warren, the DNC, and its hold over the boards of election in last Tuesday's primary states. By all appearances, Bern's main argument that he'll win big was circumvented by fraud perpetrated by Hillary and the DNC. So, he's got nothing but seed corn (his endorsement and his contributor list) to give to Hill in exchange for a hollow "promise" from her to put some of Bern's policies into action and in the DNC platform. Does any rational person on this site believe that Hill would fulfill any promise, at all, ever, in our lifetimes? Hell, she promised Obama that as SOS she wouldn't conduct any Clinton Initiative Foundation business while at State, and we know how faithfully she kept that promise.
I don't believe it for a second.
I'm guessing Bernie doesn't, either.
Regardless, I don't think Hillary would even deign to offer any concessions. She and Bill have already indicated in more ways than one that they don't need us.
So ... we'll see what happens Thursday.
Bernie Sanders is not naive and not a fool
He grew up hard, he's been a fighter all his life, and he's a shrewd and highly experienced pol in the best sense--everything that Clinton is not when people tout her "experience." He knows better than most who Hillary Clinton is and what her words are worth. And if he had any doubts, her campaign has cleared them up.
Re: an endorsement. He told voters to pay attention to what candidates do and to look at their records. Don't expect him to give up anything he can use to build Brand New Congress and other feasible prongs of a movement that appear. The most he'd do is fight hard against Trump--as he has said he would--which, by extension, would be support for Trump's opponent.
Re: his donor list. From Sanders surrogate Rose Ann DeMoro, head of National Nurses United, which endorsed Bernie early and strongly:
Top Sanders Backer On Email List: "He Doesn't Want To Hand It Over"
[She's the Sanders candidate for the platform committee rejected by the DNC with a note not to send any more names from labor, they had enough with their Clinton guy.]
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Doesn't matter if he does.
She'll get no money out of us.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Yup, that list wouldn't have the value they think it does to
anyone but Bernie Sanders.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
That's what's so funny - they really don't get it
It's not a magic, money-generating list. That list only has value for candidates actually fighting for Progressive values.
I say - give them the list. So we can all unsubscribe from their pathetic attempts at unity.
Other areas that should get no money...
Cold calls asking for donations.
They start talking and won't shut up because they want to get through their spiel so they can maximize the guilt they are attempting//want to attempt by 'haggling' if you hesitate.
Donate - sure, but donate directly if you decide to donate. Paying for some of these organizations 'expenses' is not where I want money to go if I choose to donate it,.
And just hang up on the Indian sounding guy who tells you he is calling about the computer virus they detected on your computer and now they want you to buy their program to remove the viruses they say they detected.
What I relay love about these is that several of these scammers have told me I was running a windows system - and I haven't used Microsoft software in years personally.
If they do manage to guess your operating system on the front end, the next fun thing to F with them is to ask them what version of the software you are running.
Scammers and Donation Hunters (potential scammers for all you know based on the anonymous phone call) - Don''t be that person. Don't allow yourself to get scammed.
Many people believe that this was "won" by election fraud
and there's a great deal of evidence to support that belief.
Any future electoral activities are going to have to deal with the belief at least, if not with the reality.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
We need to decide what *we* will do,
regardless of what Bernie does.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
#NeverHillary sums it up for me.
Bernie chooses Hillary, I choose Jill. Bernie stays in till the convention, the democrats still have a shot at my vote.
They either choose to have it or not, but that's on them, not on me.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
That (mostly) goes without saying :-)
My question is: what else, if anything, will we do?
#NeverHillaryNeverTrump--of course.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
We stay united & work diligently to educate, deprogram, & bring
more and more people into the movement, until its so significant that MSM/PTB loses its grip on its overworked underpaid viewers, and the misinformation-spewing fear-mongering war-hawking division-courting 1%ers have no platform from which to generate their self-serving propaganda. For a start.
It's going to be about the Demcratic party.
That's where the revolution is heading. The question is, can it be headed off at the pass?
I'm afraid NV and the many and obvious instances of fraud
have thrown more of a wrench into that than some Berners want to believe.
A LOT of people are saying "What's the point of pushing any candidate for office, when they rearrange the vote totals to suit themselves--and sometimes don't even bother doing that, but just send some corrupt media orgs to announce that such-and-such candidate has won?"
The important thing would be to keep those people from entering completely into despair and inactivity.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
He can be anti-Trump and still not be Pro-Hillary.
With Jill Stein ramping up her campaign, she can quite possibly get more interest and votes this time around since a lot of people are so disgusted with the choice of Hillary versus Drumpf.
So, Bernie says 'don't vote for Trump'.
He reminds us at each speech and every email.
Well, I know who I am going to vote for. The candidate who is closest to Bernie's ideals.
Oh, gee, looks like I'm not voting for Trump, just like Bernie suggested.
I am voting for Jill Stein.
And that is how it's done.
He won't have to say a word about Hillary. He will just keep reminding us that Trump is bad.
I'm in it all the way to the convention! #Bernie16
Leadership and nascent movements
Like it or not, Bernie is our leader. Why throw away all the hard work he's done, connections he's made, and devotees he's inspired and brought into the fold? I hate, hate, hate that Occupy Wall Street fizzled out for want of a leader(s) and a plan. Many people, myself included, still reeling from the effects of the Great Recession, were devastated when OWS was shut down by the NYC police. But it was Occupy's own lack of leadership, disorganization, and internal division that shut it down for good.
If Bernie decides against running as an indie, I would never call him a traitor. But if he endorses Clinton and gives her his list of contributors, then he'd be a traitor. He'd also be a fool, because to throw away all of his accomplishments and abandon the people who fell in love with the man and his policies, would be a colossal waste, and a tragedy. The American people have been used badly by both political parties in the last several decades. Bernie has based his entire campaign on this one truth. If he goes over to the dark side after such a magnificent fight, it would truly be unthinkable and the end of all hope for us.
This is the sort of thing I mean.
Writerinres is FAR from the only person to feel this way.
Any Bernie folks who think the majority of the movement is going to troop happily off into trying to do the same things with Congressional and local candidates that they just did with Bernie need to think again. Unless election fraud is addressed--and seriously, not with a few vague talking points--good luck getting a lot of those people to continue to be active.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Perhaps you saw this video?
I have some questions. Hopefully at some point these questions will be addressed to Sanders himself?
1) It's encouraging that Bernie Sanders knows so much about the corruption of the Democratic Party and is willing to admit to its existence. Does there come a point when he says out loud that much of this corruption is actually visible because he (and not someone more sold out) is running for President, and (moreover) running for President against one of the most obvious syndicate leaders ever to take the stage?
2) There is another speech in which Sanders discusses fighting Trump, and then cuts into Trump's history of bigoted remarks. So, OK, Donald Trump is a bigot, a buffoon, and a con artist. How do those black marks compare with Hillary Clinton's rap sheet? Would anything be gained by doing a comparison of black marks?
3) Must the "political revolution" take place entirely within the confines of the Democratic Party?
4) How does Sanders expect to pass any of his demands for Democratic Party reform?
More later.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Recent meetings
Bernie has had with Obama, Biden, Reid and Schumer should have been informative to him. The quick Obama endorsement of Hillary makes me think the meetings went poorly. If they clearly indicated to him that he will not be the nominee, why not run and win outside the oligarchy? Or is it duopoly?
Please Post About Livestream
I will miss it. I hope someone will post about it or send me a message summation. Thank you in advance!