Bastille Day--a French Reality--an impending American reality
July 14, 1789, France--a day immortalized by the Francophone civilization--and which should be seriously considered here in the Corporatist States of America. Funny thing, C.S.A. were the initials of the Confederate States of America. The CSA was racist and exploited human slavery to the maximum allowed by sound financial considerations, while completely ignoring the human suffering which it engendered in it's 4 short years of existence. One usually unremarked aspect of the CSA, though not often highlighted, is that slavery was the the most powerful weapon of the 19th Century corporatists, Southern variety. Northern society, while not having formalized slavery, did have wage slavery enforced by the Northern masters of the Corporations. The death of racial slavery, although still incomplete, was an outcome of the American Civil War--though not the only outcome by any reckoning. Inequalities still exist, and there certainly is a racial component to this, but whites are victims of this also. And so are Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians, etc.
So what do we Americans know about Bastille Day? Very little, I am afraid. For reference, please read this: Bastille Day.
The following hypothesis has been voiced by many in regards to the new C.S.A. Bernie Sanders has called for a "political" revolution, not a violent one. Most of us know this. Bernie has enlightened many, including those who should already have realized this--including myself--as to the depth and pervasiveness of this corruption. Even if he does not gain the Presidency, one can say, with little worry of contradiction, that Bernie raised public consciousness about the rape of the 99% by the 1%. Even relatively politically-uninvolved citizens are aware of that. There is no going back, you corporatists--the people are aware of your machinations and class subjugations, your stealing from the middle and lower echelons of society. You Corporatists have been "outed".
So, let's go back to France. The French peasantry became knowledgable about the American Revolution due to efforts of French intellectuals. This knowledge created a new perception in the mind of the French citizenry, that perhaps the "Divine Right of Kings" was not Divine nor a mandate for unconditional obeisance to the sovereign. Awake, ye masses! Such need not be the way we live our lives, in subjugation and poverty. Does that sound familiar to us "modern" Americans?
King Louis XVI called forth an assembly of national bigwigs, called the Estate General in which all classes of the French social heirachy had representatives. Alas, in the typical ways of the powerful, inside their bubble of wealth and privilege, this was a gesture best described as "too little, too late". So this happened in May, 1789. After several ineffective and insufficient steps at remediation of French poverty and subjugation, voila--the storming of the Bastille--an important symbolic act, even though the gains of such were momentarily minuscule with regard to the power balance. Things simmered in an ever-heating cauldron of discontent until 1793--when all Hell broke loose and many heads were separated from their necks. Vive LaFrance. Vive L'Revolution. Of course what followed was not as the Revolutionaries had foreseen. A Corsican Despot arose and took charge, starting a round of needless wars (again, sound familiar--except in this 21st Century we have NOT YET had the Revolution).
Back to 21st century politics and the C.S.A. The people are now awakened to the screwing over (or, more politely for those of you who detest strong words) exploitation of the 99%. Incremental change is not going to suffice. If the TPP becomes law, I predict a bloody Revolution when the carnage to the American economy and the 99% becomes more obvious. People on the streets in Philly will be a benign foretaste of what WILL come if the Status Quo remains the Status Screw You. Blood in the streets. I wonder if guillotines are still manufactured? Being a good capitalist, I would like to buy some shares in those companies.
Vive America. Vive L'Revolution!
Hillary for Prison
Still Bernie
(No subject)
Oh, The Irony!
Recall for a moment the Corporatist Coup of 1934, which was outed by a former Marine and two-time Medal of Honor winner who decided that his oath to defend the Republic from all enemies foreign and domestic meant living up to the words with actions. Because the plotters were wealthy and powerful men, FDR didn't throw them into prison for treason. Instead, he held this over their heads for future use.
The future arrived along about 1940, give or take. FDR had a promising Major, Dwight David Eisenhower, assigned to the job of getting these same plotters to begin spinning up their industrial resources and provide the means of national defense. Money was no object, provided they delivered. Funny how money talks, even to your enemies!
War came, and with it came Harry Truman, whose Senatorial Committee was messing with the goose which laid the unlimited Golden Eggs. He threatened to cut off all funding for the Martin B-26, whose cost overruns should have attracted more attention than they first did, and would likely have continued except for Truman.
These plotters showed him! They got him nominated for Vice-President in 1944, which took away all of his power to interfere with war profiteering. And when FDR died, they took his leash and led him toward the kind of national government they had sought since 1934, one in which corporate officers essentially controlled the government.
Corporations are not democracies. At best, they are benign dictatorships. And, through the agency of The Cold War, the US became a corporate government while pretending to still be a democratic republic. As long as the President understood military discipline and who was in charge, things remained that way. But once you got a hot shot rich kid who became a hero while losing his command as his replacement, he was expected to follow suit.
He didn't. And his removal from office was the last chance We the People had to even pretend we were in charge of our own government. More and more overtly, the real powers that be reveal themselves and their motive, not caring one bit about what we think or want. Sure, they still let us vote, but they count the ballots and decide who won no matter the actual tally.
We don't worry them in the slightest. That robot executioner they used in Dallas is but the latest in hostile hardware the police have had available to use against us since the 1999 WTO protests in Seattle. The power to inhibit any attempts to thwart their dominance has only grown since then.
I don't say these things to be defeatist. I say these things to point out that when (not if) we get pushed to our limits and lash out, we need to expect a lot of pain. It's going to hurt. and like France, unintended outcomes are going to happen.
As I pointed out to my sons the other day, Bastille Day unleashed a powerful nationalist. His military activities killed far more Frenchmen than did the Revolution he supplanted. But he is held up and admired, while the Revolutionaries are reviled. The difference is in who suffered the casualties.
The Revolution killed the wealthy and reaped shame. The Empire slaughtered the Common Man and basks in Glory.
It will be thus with the USA.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
The way I see it,
the democratic establishment party can thank Obama for campaigning one way and governing the opposite way, Hillary being corrupt and constantly lying, and Bernie for pointing this out by fighting for good policies and pointing out what's wrong, for losing the voters this year who for decades always voted for the lesser of two evils.
I'm one of those people who has been a lifelong dem and always voted lesser of two. That ends this year. I kind of feel stupid for just accepting the same shovel of shit all these years, but it's good to see I'm not alone, that many people aren't voting for the lesser of.
There were always options,
the one most opted-for was not vote. White flag flying to the System. Bernie has demonstrated that there is viable interest in another way. Notmeus. True for all who have sympathy and empathy and are searching for a Leader (figurehead, whatever) to carry a new flag. Demexit is only step one.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Another CSA analogy
A couple of years ago Chris Hayes on MSNBC noted that at the time of the Civil War the combined total monetary value of all the slaves was approximately $1 trillion, and in today's Corporate States of America the combined total monetary value of all the fossil fuels in the ground that is controlled by the 1%ers is approximately $13 trillion. Turning that fossil fuel into cash means sucking it out of the ground and burning it, to the vast detriment of the 99%.
Global warming is the new slavery. It is the struggle of our time. Bernie correctly called it our biggest enemy in the first Democratic debate. My guess is that this is why the 1%ers had to rig the primary election against him and make sure their evil puppet won.
It's a struggle we absolutely need to fight and win.
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
about time for a few "close shaves with the National Razor" ...
to paraphrase Charles Dickens (A Tale of Two Cities) --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Please give a thought to the French people
who have again been the subject of a bloody terrorist attack on Bastille Day. It is as if we were attacked on the 4th of July.
Aside from the obvious horror of the attack, it will serve to allow the government to extend the state of emergency which was to have been lifted on July 26th. The state of emergency will be used to stifle social protest as it has been against the labor law reform protests to date. What's more it will undoubtedly gin up support for Marine Le Pen and her far right movement. A truly sad day for la République Française.
I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance. - e.e.cummings