Assange: Kidnapping, Assassination and a London shootout



This is beyond heinous if true. Gina ‘the torturer in chief' makes an appearance in the story.

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11 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I remember reading that way back when and that the ghoul Adelson was involved in the plot. Thank dawg he is dead, dead and deader! He was Bibi’s puppet master too. Horrible man.

10 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

if we could just drone him.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

are discussing killing and kidnap and imprisoning forever a person who revealed them to be murderers and torturers. Theie plans for and about him prove he was always telling the truth. Those are the methods of government of the home of the brave, land of the free. That is, in a nutshell, who "we" are.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

that put them over the edge and decided that he had to be silenced one way or another. But people only believe what they’ve been told to believe about him. I’m still seeing shitlibs calling him a rapist even though he was never charged for it and Sweden dropped the case against him. I’m trying very hard not to say or think bad things about them, but they have lost my respect.

Kos is doing weekly diaries on people who mocked the epidemic and many of them cheer at the deaths. Some have said that Trump made them be this way. Cheering deaths because someone else made them cheer them. Unfuckingbelievable!

Oh yeah there’s a Reddit thread called Herman Cain that does it much worse.

10 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

@snoopydawg said it was consensual sex. She just wanted some std test, since the condom broke.
The USA gets even, gets revenge. Especially for embarrassment.
We did, and still do, torture, as did many empires of history. We are the modern version of Vlad the Impaler. No other country has called us out on it. We are not being charged with war crimes, violations of international law. We are shooting the messenger and other countries are watching, hoping we get by with it, so they can do it, too.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

@on the cusp

water boarding is not torture. She’s running for president and says that we should have better choices than Biden’s policies or Trump. Right now I’d rather have Trump back. This build back better crap is pure grade a crap.

10 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

@snoopydawg US Hwy 59 arrest and waterboard ring were set to prison for torturing inmates and arrestees. Pretty close to me. I knew the sheriff, and he stopped by my office when he got out of federal prison.
We have had enough Cheneys in public office to last a century. If they keep getting elected, we won't last that long.

11 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@snoopydawg to be waterboarded and prove her point. To make it more real though, when she says ok, shes had enough, don't stop, and keep screaming for her to answer questions she has no answers for.

Ever since Bush2 there has been corruption creep, and when the administrations change positions all these sins get a slide and become standard operations for our government. WMD, yellowcake, mobile bioweapons labs, drones, domestic espionage, false never ends. As for KOSkids, half of them would be fine with all this if the person has a "D" in front of their party affiliation.

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snoopydawg's picture


Anyone who doesn't think WBing is torture should have to go thru it when they are involved in the government. They are the ones that are supposed to hold the executive accountable and I bet if every member of congress that supports it got it done to themselves and then their kids get threatened to be next they would change their tune PDQ. Because we didn't just torture adults, kids were also tortured and some in very heinous ways in front of the parent to get them to talk. I'd draw the line at actually involving member's kids because it is wrong and I have a conscience.

As for the kos kids guess who they have now rehabilitated after doing George EFF Bush, Liz Cheney and a host of others who should be charged for various crimes? Robert Effing Kagan!!
Yep. One of the architects of the Iraq war and in the project for a new American century is on the wreck list because he says something bad about Trump and the 1/6 event. Kagan who's wife Vicky Yicky Nuland was in charge of the Maiden square massacre-regime change in Ukraine. HerHeinous' side kick. Bet ya anything when the New and Improved Trump becomes president. Trump himself will be rehabilitated if he says something bad about him.

And I think it's a given that dems will lose 1 if not both houses after failing to do a GD thing for we the people again. Repubs push thru their agendas without any resistance from dems, but dems waste 2 year TRYING to get theirs passed, but those gosh darned PUBS just won't let them. Obama over saw a political massacre and was the biggest reason for Trump. Biden is MUCH WORSE than Barack ever dreamed of being.... Unless he is helping to run the behind power of Biden. Blinken was asked who has the power to cut Biden's mic so he can't answer questions, tell him who in the press to call in, or say "I am not supposed to talk or ask question." I want to know the answer too. BlinkenandNod denied that happens. Sure, Tony. Sure we believe that. I wish the younger Biden could see how he was now that he finally won the high office. He is just a shell of his old arrogant self now and he might even feel a tad embarrassed.

And gawd's nightgown!! Why is the media and old leftists sites still talking about Trump every damn day? It's like he never left office. He'd be 84 if he ran again. Well I have my suspicions on that. Keep him and the 1-6 event in the public's attention so that Biden can crack down on us thru the domestic terrorist laws that are coming. Questions regarding the COvid epidemic? You can be put on the gov watch list. oops another rant...Hey I do get chatty when I'm low on sleep. Smile

10 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

wendy davis's picture

way of a Tweet Storify!

here's what i don't get:

"At the peak of preparations for hostilities in 2017, the CIA was allegedly expecting Russian agents to help Assange flee the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. In such a contingency, the Americans, together with the British, were planning to engage in street battles against the Russians, potentially starting a firefight, ramming a Russian diplomatic vehicle, or shooting at the tires of a Russian plane to prevent it from lifting off, the story said. The attempt to spring Assange was reportedly expected on Christmas Eve.

why russian agents?

i can't speak to the timing, but at one point scafolding had been built up to julian balcony (our right side, his left), remember? and that he'd rigged some sort of warning bell system to alert him?

i know you'll remember luke harding and pals' sept 21, 2018:

Revealed: The secret Christmas plan to transfer Assange from the UK to Russia; Tentative plan to whisk fugitive from London embassy on Christmas Eve was considered too risky

"Russian diplomats held secret talks in London last year with people close to Julian Assange to assess whether they could help him flee the UK, the Guardian has learned.

A tentative plan was devised that would have seen the WikiLeaks founder taken out of Ecuador’s London embassy in a diplomatic vehicle and transported to another country.

One ultimate destination, multiple sources have said, was Russia, where Assange would not be at risk of extradition to the US. The plan was abandoned after it was deemed too risky.

The operation to extract Assange was provisionally scheduled for Christmas Eve in 2017, one source claimed, and was linked to an unsuccessful attempt by Ecuador to give Assange formal diplomatic status.

with floor plans, aerial image, etc.

but again: is the "russian agents" thing made up out of whole cloth?

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snoopydawg's picture

@wendy davis

A shoot em up in the streets of London between Russia and the CIA goons? Russia Gate is staying in the news and has popped up even more lately so I did what McGovern suggested and read it with an open mind. Seems like Trump never left office with all the press coverage and ties to Russia which most have been thoroughly debunked. And just maybe it is a way to get coverage off the Sussman indictment and his ties to Hillary's campaign and possibly even to her. Not that she is in any danger of being charged for anything. What's a little election tinkering as opposed to war crimes and crimes against the environment?

6 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

wendy davis's picture


but why would russian diplomats (Luke Harding & pals) claim that assange had ties to russia?

a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in....however it goes.

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snoopydawg's picture

‘Hero to the liberals’ Liz Cheney ‘corrects’ Lesley Stahl, says waterboarding ‘not torture’ in CBS interview

These days one only needs to be against Donald Trump to win liberal hearts, it seems. Just ask Liz Cheney, who can be both a “hero” to the liberals while also favoring waterboarding, according to her recent ‘60 Minutes’ interview.

CBS News’ Lesley Stahl caught up with the Wyoming representative to discuss her status as a Republican maverick earned after picking a public fight with former President Donald Trump.

In the quick exchange that followed, the lawmaker confirmed that she remained anti-abortion (or rather “pro-life” as she framed it), pro-guns, against Obamacare, and pro-waterboarding, which she insisted is “not torture,” contrary to Stahl’s description.

Torture of terror suspects, termed “enchanced interrogation techniques”, was one of the hallmarks of the Bush era, with Vice President Cheney being one of the architects. President Barack Obama later admitted that the US “tortured some folks”, but refused to hold anyone accountable for it.

It’s hardly surprising for a lifetime conservative like Cheney to condone brutality in the name of national security. In the interview, she said she liked most of Trump’s policies, could stomach his “bad character” and went against him only after his refusal to concede the election to Joe Biden and the January 6 riot at Capitol Hill.

Cheney’s current elevation to hero status by the US Left is “demented” and can only be explaned by the fixation on Trump, journalist Glenn Greenwald remarked.

For many Democrats, there is one political issue and only one: Trump. He is the beginning, the middle and end. They demand every discussion of everything place him at the center. And the outcome is demented behavior like support for Liz Cheney:

5 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.