Is This The Apocralypse?
For non Terry Pratchett readers [you really should read his Discworld books you know]
The Apocralypse is the end of the world, so named because it is an apocryphal apocalypse, nobody is sure when it will happen, how it will happen, and whether it will happen in the here-and-now sense. The Tea-Time of the Gods, when the Ice Giants will march against them for the last time, probably without even giving them the lawnmower back first. The End of the Disc, when the Four Horsemen (DEATH, WAR, FAMINE and PESTILENCE) will ride forth. In the older Books of Omnianism, there is also an Angel clothèd all in white with an iron book who presides over the event, and such an angel has come into existence, and has been waiting for this event for centuries. However, by the time the event occurred, he was dismissed as an allegory for something that had already happened. This knowledge had no discernible effect.
The four horsemen Death, War, Famine and Pestulence ride forth then usually stop at the first Inn they come across and get blind drunk, apart from Death being a Skeleton who has no flesh to get drunk with. Hunger always monopolises the bar snacks.
The Hero saves the day by near catastrophic accident, often saved by Rincewind a wizard of no discernable magic talent whatsoever.
There is usually a Mad-Grand Vizier involved and as we all know all Grand Viziers are mad by definition, ready to risk the world for power at the drop of a hat. Quite often Grand Viziers own a snake or scorpion pit [CIA black sites] even if there is only one snake and it is old and asleep.
If Trump plays the ruler and I thought Steve Bannon was the ideal candidate for his Grand Vizier that dubious honour now seems to belong to General John F Kelly [another JFK is this a sign?]. The real problem is, where the hell has Rincewind got to?
[Note the Grand Vizier decides what information the ruler has access to so as to control the rulers decisions.]
Time to read Pratchett again.
A Heisenberg Apocalypse?
A Schroedinger Apocalypse?
Apocralypse seems to fit
A Muse

The Apocralypse Diner
That's where I'll be, eating pancakes.
I will be the one who played this song on the jukebox:
Good to "see" you here
@LaFeminista You too. As always.
I'm here for the pancakes.
Discworld Concepts
Okay! I missed this little saga, so I checked it out. Discworld Concepts (page one):
This concept is royally disgusting. Lord of The Privy Closet:
Actually, no I didn't need or want to know that. Too late!
Schrodenger's Apocalypse revealed this:
Interesting application of the uncertainty principle. I think I would take my chances with the zombies.
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
King George II of Great Britain
had such a hard time in the Privy Closet that he had a fatal heart attack and was found that way.
Not the most dignified death, but then George II wasn't terribly dignified.
from a reasonably stable genius.
What. A Way To End Up
Too good damn funny!
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Doctor: "Mr Schroedinger...
we have good news and bad news about your cat."
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
In the US, they are all handlers.
And since this persona bounces off walls, I would guess there are some we are unaware of yet. The tailor who makes his invisible garments, the farmer growing the beanstalk (oops! he doesn't eat beans AFAIK), the herder who grows the goose with the golden egg. He has found that last one. And it's somehow us. Unless MMT works. But it's still cash extraction.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.