Another crazy theory of mine

I'm trying to make heads or tails of this impeachment thing.

The loser Dems are up to something ... and their superficial motivations don't explain it.

On the one hand, I support impeachment even though its failure in the Senate is a certainty. A line must be drawn, the record set straight for posterity. History will be our judge and all that rot.

But on the other hand, Democrats have been such pussies about anything that could ever possibly tarnish their image of being the Kumbaya party, unwilling to take any political risks for fear of a backlash, this seems like an odd calculation.

Trump's obstruction of justice in the Mueller inquiry was a hard sell - Russiagate was, after all, a contrived slander designed to support a fabricated dossier. Who would willingly cooperate with an investigation into that?

Does the Ukraine story present the cut and dry breach of ethics that the Democrats are banking on? Their argument is that the removal of prosecutor Viktor Shokin was an ethics win for Biden, and increased the chances of a new investigation into Burisma Holdings, where Hunter Biden sat on the board of directors.

But imagine for a moment if after DJT got elected and Eric Trump got paid $50k a month to sit on the board of a Russian energy company that was being investigated and President Trump demanded the firing of the prosecutor looking into that company. Heads. Would. Explode.

There are two things wrong with this story.

The first, is that good fortune for Joe Biden's family members follows his professional assignments.

In 2013 Joe traveled to China to meet with President Xi Jinping and 10 days later Hunter Biden inked a $1 Billion deal with a Chinese bank.

In 2011 Biden oversaw U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq. Later that year his brother, James Biden, earned a $1.5 Billion contract to build homes in Iraq.

The second, is that it's highly likely the root of this story involves Ukranian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election on in favor of Hillary Clinton when an uncorroborated, single copy of a handwritten ledger was used as the basis for Trump 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s resignation.

The ledger was presented by a Ukranian anti-corruption campaign, whose leader cited the danger of a Trump presidency “changing the pro-Ukranian agenda in American foreign policy,” as the motivation behind releasing the ledger to the media. Saying “it was important to show … that Trump is a pro-Russian candidate who can break the geopolitical balance in the world,” this group proudly vaunts how they interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

An impeachment inquiry left Bill Clinton more popular than ever. Are the Democrats so cocksure that they can pull this off without actually strengthening Trump?

Hmmmm.... I wonder.

Do they see the writing on the wall? Do they know Biden is crashing? If the primaries and caucuses all go to Warren and Sanders then that brings Bernie much too close to the possibility of getting elected, and if Bernie is the candidate they can't afford to win. Yes you read that right.

If a President Sanders would really create a dystopian nightmare the Dem party would let it happen just to gleefully punch the hippies for four years and finally end the progressive movement.

I think they're more worried about FDR prosperity and they will fight tooth and nail to prevent that.

The Democrats have started to burn the house down. Scorched earth all around. It's the only way to remain in control.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

The Democrats have started to burn the house down. Scorched earth all around. It's the only way to remain in control.

Regardless of the rigged polls, Bernie is organizing unprecedented numbers of volunteers/donors who threaten to swamp establishment incumbents come primary day.

Nadler is no exception:

Several Democrats have speculated that Nadler’s hard line on impeachment is partly driven by concerns with his political standing on the left in his New York City district as he faces his toughest primary challenge in decades.

Impeachment is pretty much the only thing that excites old school Dem voters right now.

Without impeachment, many establishment incumbents likely lose their seats.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

bondibox's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger Yes let's use Bernie's momentum to get early participation and then we'll do the old bait and switch.

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“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”

and I don't understand why you say this:

I support impeachment even though its failure in the Senate is a certainty.

Why do you think its failure in the Senate is a certainty? That's what I'm concerned about. I think the loyalty of Republican members of the Senate is first and foremost to the military industrial complex. If Trump is a threat to the Deep State and the war machine, the Republican Senate will pretend they believe the fake polls and vote to eliminate him. That's what scares me. Eliminating Trump on a harmless technicality institutionalizes war on Yemen, starvation sanctions on children, bombing Syria in direct conflict with Russia, all things Obama did and clearly "legal" in the Democrats' eyes.

So impeaching Trump on a questionable procedure is much more blatantly lawless and risque, essentially saying we can select the President in a smoke-filled room, we can close polling places in the primaries, we can lie about FISA warrants, and we can impeach the President on a technicality that doesn't implicate us in larger crimes. What's not to like about that for the Republican Senate?

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bondibox's picture

@Linda Wood It's hard to imagine, at least for me, anyone other than Susan Collins breaking ranks. But at the beginning of Watergate the public was rather skeptical, so there's that.

I suppose I had never even thought impeachment was plausible enough to consider it succeeding. You are right, it would be catastrophic and a big win for the Deep State.

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“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”


and that they'll think about the Republican base that voted for Trump in part because the Democrats are so much worse, a base that would be outraged if suddenly the Senate got all indignant about something Trump appears to have possibly done whereas Biden admits to having done. I'm not saying it well, but at first I thought the Republicans were rightly pointing out the outrageous hypocrisy, but the mainstream media polls are telling a different story, which I find hard to believe, polls that might provide Republicans a false cover for betraying their own voters. I just hope you're right.

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@Linda Wood to drag in Biden seems to me is irrelevant whataboutery meant to distract from Donald's doings and point the finger elsewhere. U-gate will be more fully fleshed out in the days/weeks to come, with witness testimony likely adding to the portrait of impeachable Trump activity.

As I understand it, what Trump did or tried to do with the Ukraine prez crosses the line in terms of legality. What Biden did, or what his son did on his own, we don't know which, does not violate the law. It has an unsavory appearance, yes, but it's not illegal and is rather typical for immediate family of a top US official. They tend to find many opportunities suddenly become available to them which are not available to the general public, and at very handsome pay.

The current R-controlled senate can always seek to pass laws restricting this sort of nepotistic activity if they wish, or even first undertake to investigate Biden. All that is another matter however, and of course it may affect Donald, Ivanka and her husband and whatever other Trump family members who've been given cushy and unearned positions in govt, so the Rs would be on thin ice with such an investigation.

Meantime it's encouraging to see the public coming along with impeachment. And if the Ds can add a few other items, such as emoluments violations aplenty, some tax cheating or money laundering by Donald (all these committees investigating for months) it will only add to public outrage at Donald and strengthen Ds impeachment case.

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edg's picture


What law did Trump break in regards to Ukraine? I'm interested in seeing your citation of an actual law that applies to the circumstances.

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@edg violating a fed law can make the impeachment case easier, and would be more likely to increase public support for impeachment, in the impeachment area a criminal act is not necessary. What is deemed a HC&M need not be a criminal violation.

As to what laws he may have violated in U-gate, you may consider these. Obviously the recent U story is fresh and needs much more fleshing out, a worthy subject for an impeachment inquiry. In my view, Trump has already violated the foreign and domestic E-moluments clauses, and likely has also obstructed justice on several occasions, including perhaps attempting to shield his Z phone conversation(s) and others on an inappropriate, highly secure server.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture


a specific 'law' that was broken. (Norms, maybe.) Some Dem lawmakers are trying to put his actions under the rubric of violating the Constitution (i.e., abuse of power). Other legal experts say that's bunk. Personally, dunno.

But, I do know that I'd probably still be sitting in Fort Leavenworth if I had exhibited the same careless (if not criminal) disregard that FSC did--regarding her unsecured bathroom server, and classified documents--when I handled classified DOD documents (in my case, they were all hard copy, not in computer files/cloud storage/servers).

Before I entered the federal system, had already received security clearance for federal contract work. There, saw the transport of the documents from the Pentagon, and other agencies, by live courier--sometimes, with the attache case chained to their belt. (so, never took my responsibilities lightly, when it came to safeguarding the material)


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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

edg's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

I had top secret clearance with the Army and then secret with the Department of Energy as a contractor. I did work with computers and files. I did follow all secure handling rules. And as you said, it would have been Leavenworth if I didn't. But I guess I'm just not as special as Mrs. Clinton.

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is vividly illustrated by Hunter Biden as the carrot and Cofer Black as the stick on the board of Burisma. Appointments to the board of such notable Americans coincides with our having just overthrown Ukriane's government.

The Bidens are powerful for representing corporate power, as Delaware stands for corporate tax breaks, and foreign policy power, as Vice President Biden was the POINT MAN in Ukraine, his point being, as he stated it, that if Ukraine wanted a billion dollars in U.S. loan guarantees it had to fire a prosecutor investigating Burisma.

Cofer Black, as you may know, was Director of the CIA’s Counterterrorist Center on 9/11 and was thus the person most responsible for tracking and allowing Saudi terrorists into the United States, for which he was awarded by George W. Bush, after which Black became a partner in Blackwater and a series of additional private mercenary army ventures.

In our discussion of Black's appointment to Burisma, leveymg referenced information that one of Black's mercenary companies may have had fighters in the Ukraine war.

So Cofer Black and Hunter Biden somehow were selected to be on the board of the largest private natural gas producer in Ukraine. Could that have anything to do with the State Department's Global Shale Initiative, renamed under John Kerry as the Unconventional Gas Technical Engagement Program? Could the loan guarantees then not be for helping Ukraine invest in justice but instead to help a major private company exploit fracking?

If you think all of this legal, I grieve for my country. If you think Biden simply found a job for his son, I think you are doing Biden an injustice. You are ignoring his history, his hard work, and his hard won position of power.

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@Linda Wood Hunter or Joe did was illegal. Have a cite?

If so, the Rs in the senate and Donald's DOJ should have been on this 3 yrs ago.

Or is it just, as it appears, a perception of favoritism and nepotism problem, something which I've noticed also seems to attach to one Donald J. Trump and several of his children and one in-law given apparently important WH jobs, even if unpaid.

Maybe the Ds in the House can investigate that too.

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the process of privately cashing in on our takeover of a country's democratically elected government seem legal to you? Does telling the country they have to fire a prosecutor if they want a billion dollars in loan guarantees, even without a connection to Biden's son, seem legal to you? Seriously? Have we helped the people of Ukraine or are we helping ourselves to the resources of Ukraine? If so, does that seem legal to you? Are we making decisions about how they do things because we're giving them money and weapons? Or are we arming paramilitary groups who will force the issue and provide the answers to all of these questions?

I had hoped you would read the discussion about Clinton's Global Shale Initiative and U.S. taxpayer promotion of fracking in Ukraine. The kind of money reported for Hunter Biden's positions doesn't seem like earnings from "a job" or that Biden found him a job. Biden's son's connection to Burisma was as a member of the board of directors. And the Obama State Department's subsidy of fracking through the Unconventional Gas Technical Engagement Program along with longstanding U.S. subsidization of our energy industry overseas are the epitome of corruption. The R's don't go after Biden and his son because this is business as usual. But that doesn't make it legal.

Cashing in on all of the above:
U.S. Fossil Fuel Production Subsidies Under Obama

… Additional Subsidies to Fossil Fuels

In addition to the subsidies listed above, the U.S. government provides additional support to the fossil fuel industry through bilateral financing for fossil fuel projects overseas, military expenditure to protect fossil fuel assets, and unaccounted externalities that allow fossil fuel producers to avoid bearing the public health and environmental costs of their activities...

Financing Fossil Fuel Projects Overseas: $4.1 to $6.3 billion annually

In addition to subsidizing domestic fossil fuel production, the U.S. incentivizes oil, gas, and coal production overseas by providing billions of dollars in favorable financing each year to fossil fuel projects through its participation in multilateral development bank (MDB) lending as well as bilateral financing through the U.S. Export- Import Bank (ExIm) and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC).28 The amount of MDB fossil fuel financing attributed to the U.S. in this assessment is based on its share of overall annual funding to these banks, ranging from 9 percent in the African Development Bank to 30 percent in the Inter-American Development Bank.

Since President Obama was elected, U.S. financing of fossil fuel projects overseas through these international financial institutions (IFIs) has increased by 14 percent from $4.1 billion in 2009 to $4.7 billion in 2013 (having declined from a peak of $6.3 billion in 2012), driven by an increase in oil and gas project lending (See Figure 5). ExIm dominates U.S. overseas fossil fuel finance, accounting for 65 to 93 percent of total U.S. lending through IFIs over this period, depending on the year (See Appendix III for a full list of ExIm and OPIC fossil fuel projects).

As evidenced by the rapid growth financing, the U.S. oil and gas boom is a major driver of the Obama Administration’s energy agenda overseas. Throughout its fact sheet on Power Africa, a five-year, $7 billion program launched in 2013 to expand energy access in sub-Saharan Africa, the White House repeatedly highlights oil and gas extraction as a key priority of the initiative.29 Similarly, in 2010 the U.S. State Department launched the Unconventional Gas Technical Engagement Program (UGTEP) aimed at helping countries explore for and extract unconventional gas, especially through fracking for shale gas. UGTEP has already established shale gas programs in several countries in Latin American, Eastern Europe, South and Southeast Asia, and Africa.30

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snoopydawg's picture


in last nights EBs? Lots of republicans are saying that they shouldn't have supported impeaching Nixon.

This article talks about the CIA setting the terms for the democrat's impeachment.

CIA sets terms for Democrats’ impeachment inquiry into Trump’s crimes

This is a conflict between two reactionary factions of the ruling class. On the one side is the Trump administration, a vicious enemy of the working class. In his three years in office, Trump has sharply escalated the bipartisan program of social counterrevolution at home and militarism abroad. The Trump administration has constructed concentration camps and detained tens of thousands of immigrants, denied asylum rights to refugees, cultivated far-right and fascistic forces, elevated the military in domestic affairs, rejected congressional oversight, and attacked socialism as the greatest threat to the future of the country.

It is not on the basis of any democratic issue that the Democrats have opposed Trump, however. Rather, they speak for powerful sections of the military and intelligence apparatus that have lost confidence in the ability of the Trump administration to carry out the foreign policy agenda of the ruling class.

The scandal over the Ukraine call has been instigated by the intelligence agencies. It was a CIA agent in the White House who prepared the report that is the basis of the inquiry. It was the decision by a group of Democrats drawn from the military and intelligence agencies that led Pelosi and Schiff, both with longstanding ties to these same agencies, to shift from their previous opposition to impeachment.

This is why Schiff who heads the intelligence committee and not Nadler who heads the Judiciary Committee, which traditionally takes the lead in impeachment proceedings is taking the lead role. But after his stunt the other day when he made up what Trump said to Zelensky Schiff should have to sit them out. He read it into the congressional record and only after he got called out on did he admit that he was just kidding. Bah!

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Roy Blakeley's picture

@Linda Wood When this first broke, it seemed to me that the degree of contrived horror was bizarrely disproportionate to the alleged crimes, and it smelled of deep state involvement. Since then we have found that the "whistle blower" is a CIA person and Trump's crime was to ask the President of Ukraine to cooperate with the Attorney General. I am not at all confident that Trump has Crowdstrike and the server he spoke about straight, but he knows it is bad as is Biden's bullying Ukraine into firing the Prosecutor General. Since then we have found that Trump has asked Australia and Italy to cooperate with Barr. I am assuming he is really talking about John Durham as well as Attorney General Barr. The stench of deep state involvement is now overpowering. Note, also, that Pelosi did an about face on impeachment at dizzying speed. I am surprised she didn't get whiplash. John Brennan has been ultra-pissed with Trump since he beat HRC because Brennan was penciled in to be National Security Advisor. Brennan loves him some orderly descent into fascism and really doesn't want Trump to screw it up. John Bolton is also pissed at Trump and, maybe, Barr and Durham are conducting an honest investigation. Russia did not interfere in the 2018 election, but diaries at this site have made a persuasive case that the US security apparatus (or at least members of the top echelons thereof) did interfere, albeit unsuccessfully, and this interference may have involved collusion with foreign intelligence agencies. Maybe Barr is getting too close to the Truth and the deep state has decided to have a shot at removing Trump, thereby dis-empowering Barr. Nancy P. and the Democratic establishment can't say no to the US security apparatus. So the Democratic indignation apparatus was triggered into action. Barr is an ex CIA guy so one might think that he would not be a threat to the security apparatus, but some CIA guys hate what has happened to the agency. Interesting times ahead, but one thing is certain. We will not get the truth about this from the msm.

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@Roy Blakeley .

I have been reading sundance at the Conservative Treehouse as often as I can. He is an amazing researcher in this Russiagate now Ukrainegate madness, keeping track of so much documented detail. Today he has written about Michael Flynn's court case and about Barr and Durham in Italy reportedly learning more about Mifsud. It certainly seems like Barr is going for broke. I sure hope so.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

@Roy Blakeley

Maybe Barr is getting too close to the Truth and the deep state has decided to have a shot at removing Trump, thereby dis-empowering Barr.

One difference of opinion, I consider the Dem Party Leadership to be in bed with the Deep State--particularly, regarding the Russia Ruse.

I believe that DT crony Cory Lewandowski's testimony literally 'freaked out' both the Deep State and the Leadership of both legacy parties. They probably thought they were watching a second DT in the making--remember, Cory's talked about running for Senate in New Hampshire.

Mostly, as mentioned above, DT's stances on major issues (other than tax cuts and judges) just aren't in sync with those of most corporatist Repubs or Dems. (aside from everything else they hate about him)

Tomorrow, if I can get a transcript of Hardball, will post it. Cable News talking heads are beyond panicked, in regards to the so-called "investigation of the investigators." And, I mean breathless!


No doubt, that's what Nancy's frantic, if not flat-out frenetic machinations stem from--they've (the bipartisan corporatist Establishment) have decided to get rid of DT, in hopes of stopping the Barr and Durham investigations. Period. End of Story.



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Roy Blakeley's picture

@Unabashed Liberal I fully agree with you that the leadership of the Democratic Party is in bed with the Deep State. This accounts, in part, for Pelosi's sudden about face.

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Wally's picture

it's highly likely the root of this story involves Ukranian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election on in favor of Hillary Clinton when an uncorroborated, single copy of a handwritten ledger was used as the basis for Trump 2016 campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s resignation.

While that ledger started the ball rolling in drawing attention to Manafort, it wasn't used to charge him for taking that money which was due him as a consultant to Janukovych's party. Manafort was found justifiably guilty of more than a few other charges for which he now has been imprisoned.

Also don't be so sure that impeachement will fail in the senate. Unabashed Liberal came up with some interesting speculation in response to Not Henry Kissinger's recent article. It's well worth clicking on the link I've provided above and reading her commentary. I dunno if I agree with it but it's mighty interesting.

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bondibox's picture

@Wally I knew this. Sloppy journalist. Mea Culpa.

Great article.

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“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”

snoopydawg's picture


if not for that fake journal? Isn't that fruit of the poisonous tree? Same thing with Papadopoulus....
It was after he told the Dutch ambassador that Russia had Hillary's emails and that was when the FBI got its FISA warrant..cross played with the one on Carter Page.

But Papa... would never have gone to the Dutch ambassador with that info if Joseph Misfud hadn't told him about it first. Misfud has connections to the IC and Mueller. And Misfud has just given a deposition on his role in setting up Russia Gate. This might be why Barr is in Italy. Or one of the reasons. The whole damn stinking kettle of fish was a total entrapment scam by the FBI with help from Hillary's campaign, DNC and Fusion GPS and lots of players from the Obama administration.

I still can't believe how many people fell for it.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Wally's picture

@wokkamile @Roy Blakeley @Not Henry Kissinger @bondibox @Linda Wood @Unabashed Liberal @snoopydawg

. . . as a two-thirds majority for Trump's conviction (of whatever charges the House might comes up with) and removal from office?


And if Senate GOPers don't think there's a 2/3 majority definitely in the offing, why would they even consider voting in favor of getting rid of Trump and face tremendous blowback from Trump and his supporters in Congress, state and local gubmints, and his electoral base?

I was giving these speculations re an IC driven coup some serious consideration, but now, nah.

All they want to do is rouse the Democratic base, most of whom simply hate Trump and Russians. Both Biden and Warren are acceptable to TPTB. They only view Bernie and his critical mass of supporters as an existential threat.

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@Wally not, the senate would vote too acquit. But 2-4 months from now, with more impeachable evidence revealed ...

And how many here would have predicted 3 weeks ago that by late Sept Pelosi would do a 180 on impeachment?

Lots can happen in politics in a short time, the landscape of what is possible changing overnight.

And as during Watergate, in the early impeachment stages the chances of conviction in the senate were poor. Then more evidence came forward and the tapes, increasing public support for impeachment, and causing Nixon's approval #s to plummet. Similar could happen here, likely to actually, which would give R senators more leeway to jump off the Trump Titanic to swim to impeachment lifeboats. A major political cover explanation would be given that Trump's troubles threatened to bring down all Rs everywhere.

Again, all this assumes Ds don't screw up in the investigation, a fairly big If. But it's just not very useful to try to predict with certainty how this all will play out at this early point, and it's entirely irrelevant to forecast how the senate would vote today as it is not voting today, or tomorrow or next week.

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@Wally your linked post that a trial might be allowed by McConnell in the senate. But it would be b/c either enough Rs have been pressured by political considerations to compel it, or b/c the evidence by that point is so hard and convincing that even the McConnells are forced to allow a trial.

But Pence isn't stepping aside nicely for the other big boys -- anyone who gets that far in politics doesn't just step aside politely or, even more laughably unlikely, a Republican doesn't decide to do what's right for the country. Good grief. They are solely about self-preservation and self-promotion.

The Cigar Store Indian will have to be pushed aside by events -- impeachment and removal or being damaged enough by the evidence or tainted enough being associated with Trump. Even mild-mannered Gerald Ford stood for election in his own right in 1976, and beat back a tough challenge from the RW of the party in Reagan.

In any case, Kasich (!?! WTF?) is just too moderate otherwise as any sort of realistic replacement, regardless of his current or past views on cutting Medicare. That's entirely insufficient these days for the hard Repub Pty. Inconceivable they would do a quick 180 switch in a few days from extreme hard right in DT to moderate with JK.

Disagree too with the idea, opinion based on very flimsy slight circumstantial evidence and conjecture and nothing else, that Nancy and Mitch have secretly struck a backroom deal. If such did happen (one in ten million odds) Moscow Mitch and word leaked out (nah, never in leaks in D.C.), he would not only be political history, but would have to go into the Retired Stupid Pol Witness Protection Program, b/c the DT cultists would be after his physical scalp, including in Kintuck.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture


wouldn't choose to take a pass on running for Prez because 'he's nice'--but, because he's been far too obeisant to realistically pivot, and be able to run against DT's agenda. And, he certainly can't come close to imitating DT's persona.

For that matter, Pence has the charisma of a wet sponge, on a good day. I figure that even he knows that DT's popularity is not transferable to him, except, perhaps, with evangelicals.

Secondly, Kasich is not only an ultra-fiscal hawk, he's the epitome of a corporatist Repub (and, Dem, for that matter).

Thirdly, never meant to infer that the Repub Leadership would select JK as their Presidential candidate to please their Base--'the Deplorables.'

That's the point--they want to shed those folks.

IMO, the Repub Leadership aims to appeal to moderate and business-minded conservatives, surburbanites, and corporatist Dems/Independents, who might want an alternative to more progressive Dems, if one should get the nomination.

IOW, they want to take their Party back, more than they want to win--with the likes of DT, anyway.

Which is, of course, just my opinion. Or, speculation.

Hey, have a good one.



I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.

The obstacle is the path.
~~Zen Proverb

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

There are theories:
The corruptocrats are trapped in a delusion that Trump is so odious that people will vote against him regardless of who is running against him - regardless of how corrupt that candidate is. Throw in identity politics, allowing you to divide and distract people with accusations of racism and sexism and homophobia and transphobia (the only problem is that you have to constantly come up with more and more things to accuse people of being phobic about) To not have a plan except use accusations to cover your own corruption you have to have a continuous and increasing litany of evils to hide behind - you cannot win at anything. This plan did not work for Hillary, but it has worked with Hillary.

Second theory: The corruptocrats are actively trying to lose, planning to incite open rebellion from the lower classes to justify a fascist coup, which of course they would lead. (anyone remember The Shining Path? It really worked for them)
A more likely (requiring less long term planning and having more immediate benefits) is that they are intentionally losing to perpetuate their masters' power. As long as Trump is in office the lower classes can be distracted from organizing behind a movement that would actually benefit them by constant threats from a high profile boogey man. The only problem is that this is a very dangerous strategy - not only is Pense far worse than Trump, but Obama cost the rank and file apparatchiks far more than any but the top "leadership" gained. (Not only did the party lose 1000 seats, they also lost the patronage that went from those seats. Eventually it will become worthless to support the party)

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On to Biden since 1973

Unabashed Liberal's picture


is because (IMO) the Dem and Repub Leaderships reached an agreement to oust DT--so long as it's done expeditiously, so that Repubs can scrounge up an acceptable RINO (meaning, an Establishment Globalist/Free Trader/Immigration Expander/FP Interventionist, and, of course, a War and Decifit Hawk, who's eager and willing to go after so-called entitlements--other than social welfare programs (Medicaid, SNAP, etc).

If I can find it, I'll post the Romney speech from Spring of 2016--it virtually excoriated DT for not embracing that agenda.

Remember, from that moment on, it appears that the corporatist MSM has done everything they can to help facilitate a soft coup, along with DP lawmakers, and various 'retired' DS actors. (by propagating the Russia Gate Ruse, etc.)


I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.

The obstacle is the path.
~~Zen Proverb

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

to oust DT, and replace him with an Establishment Repub like JK or Rubio or Romney.

(Again, IMO--partly based upon remarks, and context, I've heard from Mark Halperin.)

Heck, I'm 'guessing' that the Repub Leadership would even gladly back Weld or Sanford, at this point--it they run out of time to back a JK campaign.

Bottom line for Repub Establishment/Leaders - Their primary goal is to elect a deficit and war hawk, and a free trader who supports expanded (not restricted) immigration policies. Oh, and someone who will cut OASI/Social Security and Medicare benefits, not run on 'protecting' them.

DT is none of these (obviously).

To be clear, I believe that DT might be game to go along with cuts to OASI and Medicare in a second term--unless, like WJC, he gets cold feet, because he needs his Base to have his back (due to scandals, etc).

Gotta walk the Pup, so, will expound a bit later. Bum finger - apologize in advance for typos, etc.



I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others.

The obstacle is the path.
~~Zen Proverb

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

and makes the future look a tad brighter and safer. Thank you. This is probably the highest percentage of what I consider 'truly woke' voices that I’ve seen on any progressive website. Most of the comments here transcend the phony L/R paradigm and look right past three years of hysterical bogey man media hype to DT’s relative innocuousness in comparison to the worst threats we’re facing. Not that he’s what anyone would call presidential material, but he really is the LOTE in existing ugliness out there.

For some reason -- probably old age and declining health -- I can’t muster up the energy and focus to present a concise but thorough depiction of the political realities surrounding us at this time. If anyone reading this thinks they can do it, I really wish they would.

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Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed