Andrew Gillum wasn't a progressive after all
I'll admit up front that I was originally fooled by Gillum, but I don't stay fooled for long.
Jimmy Dore caught on quick, and then this happened today.
Hillary Clinton is expected to campaign next month alongside Andrew Gillum, the Democratic nominee for Florida governor, sources told The Hill on Wednesday.The sources say Clinton's and Gillum's teams are still ironing out the details, but they expect Clinton will appear at at least one public event with the Tallahassee mayor — and assist his campaign in other ways.
The commitment indicates Clinton is still considered a valuable asset even in states where she lost during her 2016 bid for the presidency. Allies say it proves she is also a draw even with progressive candidates like Gillum, who endorsed Clinton during the 2016 Democratic presidential primary and was on an early list of potential running mates.
That is the certification by the establishment that Gillum is "safe".
I should have known. This is the Florida Democratic Party after all.
Polls have consistently shown Gillum leading former Rep. Ron DeSantis (R) in the race to replace Gov. Rick Scott (R). DeSantis, a vocal supporter of President Trump, stepped down from Congress earlier this month to focus on the campaign.
DeSantis is just plain awful, so Gillum wins the lesser-of-two-evils battle.
Right on queue, billionaire Tom Steyer decides to invest in Gillum.

Yup. I remember before the primary Gillum was all pro
Medicare-For-All and post primary I was seeing quotes like 'affordable healthcare' coming from him. And now campaigning with HER? He's a faux progressive.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
Faux Progressive.
ANYONE running WITHIN the current "Democratic" party is BY DEFAULT a faux Progressive!!!
How many bait-and-switches do we have to witness before this undeniable truth ACTUALLY SINKS IN?!
(My apologies. It's been a bad week and it kind of felt good, just now, to pound out my aggressions on the keyboard).
I don't trust any of them.
At the risk of repeating myself.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That is perfect!
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Actually, way more than
one. Closer to 150,
50 or so for Federal office.
The M$M would have us believe only AO-C won.
There's going to be some Red seats flipped. Maybe not 50, but there will be some seats flipped.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Isn't voting for LOTE
A bit like comparing how big the bat is that your spouse beats you with everyday?
Granted a 24 foot bat would probably do more damage initially than a 12 foot bat, but eventually, you'll end up dead with either bat.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Thing is, it's one 36 foot bat.
Having seen Gillum rise
through the ranks from his first day as a city commissioner in Tallahassee, I am pained by how he continues to move where the PTB want him to do so. I posted here in the past that I know Gillum from having worked with him in his early years as a city commissioner. And I have always personally liked him. Gillum came in better prepared at his first commission meeting than any other commissioner I saw in over 30 years with the city. He is incredibly intelligent and knows the issues so his flip flop is not out of ignorance.
In my earlier post on Gillum, I said I had two caveats about him. First, he has been tightly aligned with the Florida Democratic party which sucks big time and with Scott Maddox who has served both as a city commissioner in Tallahassee and as head of the Florida Democratic party. I would never want my name associated with Scott Maddox who is under an FBI investigation. Second, Gillum also has had an ethical complaint lodged against him which has not been totally resolved to my knowledge.
What Gillum has going for him beyond his intellect is that he is one of the best campaigners I have ever met. He is a guy that when you meet him one on one, he makes you believe he really cares about what you have to say. So he does not need Corey Booker or shudder (!!!!!) Hillary Clinton to come in and campaign for him.
I had planned on voting for Gillum, but now I am having second thoughts.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
FWIW, I don't see a Green candidate running for Governor, only
for lower offices:
that makes it worse ...imo
The basic flaw with the DemInvade strategy
Individual candidates trying to "change the party from within" are always going to be co-opted in very high numbers. For every Bernie Sanders who remained independent and only partly compromised himself working with the Dems, there are dozens of bright young things who almost immediately turn into machine pols once in office.
Only a separate party, or maybe a semi-independent caucus that maintains an arms-length relationship with the Democrats, has a chance of avoiding automatic sell-out status. Establishments are very good at establishing and maintaining themselves -- that is their basic and essential skill.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Laugh line of the week:
Clintons are still planting "We're With Her" stories with Clinton media contacts? Hmmm.
Her going to Florida to campaign for Gillum supposedly tells us that she is a valuable asset in reddish purple states that she LOST to Trump? How much did she pay Gillum?
So. Gillum claimed to be for Medicare for All only long enough to win the Democratic primary, but dropped it for the general? Were I a Democrat who voted for him in the primary, I'd do everything I could to try to make him lose the general (which he will now probably lose anyway).
Even without visits from the Queen of Losers, Republicans, whose hatred of the QOL does not seem to have abated appreciably, seem to enjoy the edge in Florida. They won 17 of Florida's 27 Congressional districts, along with the Governor's mansion and both houses of the state legislature. No Democrat won a Florida Presidential election between FDR in 1944 and Obama in 2008. Obama won Florida both times he ran, though.
If Obama won Florida twice because of anti-Bush 43 sentiment, then stirring the anti-Trump pot may help Gillum--and who more symbolic to stir anti-Trump pots than my abuela--not to mention adding the hot sauce that she always has in her purse? Of course, Hillary Herself lost Florida in 2016; and, historically, the more time she spends in the public eye (and ear), the more her poll numbers drop. (True for the 2008 primary, for her Hard Choices book tour and for 2016).
Only for those who enjoy strolling Memory Lane: Remember the 2008 primary, when Democratic Presidential hopefuls were supposed to stay out of Florida and Michigan, but Hillary "Clintons don't need to obey no stinkin' rules" Rodham Clinton went to both anyway? And the DNC voted to deny her primary votes from Michigan and Florida? Good Times--and a sure sign that the DNC did not want Hillary to be the 2008 nominee.
And, of course, with Jeb in the Governor's Mansion, Florida was the cynosure of Bush v. Gore in 2000. Despite what we hear incessantly from Democrats, however, Florida Democrats who voted for Bush, a confusing ballot that resulted in, among other things, Buchanan's receiving voted intended for Gore (by Buchanan's own account), and "hanging chads" caused the close result. But sure, Nader was a factor, too.
Yup, I really did
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
There were definitely GOP dirty tricks in 2000 in Florida
A lot of black people who had the same names as felons were wrongly taken off the voting rolls, there was intimidation of the people counting the ballots, the Secretary of State, Katherine Harris? was obviously complicit and then the Bush / Reagan Supreme court stopped any possiblity of democracy.
A message from the President:
Beware the bullshit factories.
Of course! The Governor was Bush's brother and the
Secretary of State was Republican. The whole thing was a fiasco, from designing the ballot to the SCOTUS decision.
voting LOTE
would make me be a useful idiot.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
voting LOTE works on an INDIVIDUAL basis
For instance, if the choice was literally Hitler versus Trump, then Trump is significantly better enough that not voting for Trump would be stupid.
The problem is voting LOTE as a de facto standard, which is where we've been for decades.
Because when you've ONLY got a lesser evil to vote for every year, then you eventually wind up in the same place you were trying to avoid in the first place.
@gjohnsit gjohnsit, you just made
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Neither Republicans nor Democrats are the lesser evil.
For me, the only lesser evil is voting for all candidates of a Party that has trouble getting on the ballot, let alone winning an election, namely, the Greens. To me, voting for a Party that colludes with Republicans while pretend to oppose them may well be the most evil.
Why am I not surprised...
Say one thing, do another.
It's the Democratic way.
And having Clinton as your 'opener'? That's a very strange concerted effort.
But hey, he was on Her VP list.... so, a duet in quadrophonic sound. Gotta love failed formats.
from a reasonably stable genius.
No worries, gjohnsit,
it's just Floriduh.
Not a damn thing we can do to save it.
Looks like Her Heinous, though, is back on for the 2020 rematch.
The Dims are so hosed. Again.
Was at our monthly Dim Committee meeting earlier tonight.
I attend one or two a year, plus Spring and Fall dinners, just to let them know I'm still alive;
this one was to vote for Committee office holders. Secretary, Treasurer, Bouncer, Board of Elections, one or two others.
What (didn't) shock me was the Committee's endorsement of Cuomo and his entourage of those seeking reelection, looking to return to Albany, NYC. Same ol' lame ol' Dim Committee... "ok, who wants a slice of pizza?!" smh {sigh}
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
If Her runs,
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
It's generous of you to assume that Her has a soul.
I'm not entirely sure she's human.
Agree. But Her is making
all kinds of public
appearances that suggest Her at least sticking her toe in the water.
Can Her raise another $Billion ??
I would think not likely, but who knows? Lots of $Billionaires just got a $2 (or $3) Billion "tax break," so maybe they can round up another $Billion for Her Highness.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Playing devil's advocate here perhaps...
And I don't know even the tiniest percent of politics like many of you do...but, is it possible that Gillum was *told* that HRC would campaign with him whether he liked it or not?
I sense that neoliberals want to rehabilitate her on the trail. This might be their only opening.
And, it is Florida; Rick Scott, republicans and right wingers rampant--he is probably being instructed to swing right by his handlers... And, yeah that sucks..And yeah, I know I'm being pollyannish here, but what to do about it? If I was in Florida, I would still vote for him. I know, I know: Memories of Obama saying "make me do it". Fucking hell, I don't know..and frankly, I don't think we can know.
It may be possible that Gillum was told that he had to accept Booker and Clinton campaigning with him. Not to help him, but he would be helping them. If Gillum wins the governorship, I can almost guarantee he will run for the Senate in the future and he will need the backing of the PTB in the national Democratic party to do so.
So this scenario may seem far fetched, but it is possible.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy