And the Hate Goes on...

During last evening's diary, someone posted the following question:

Are there any studies as to why some people react as they do? There has to be something about brainwashing or extremely, rigid hierarchical systems and the reinforcement loop.

That's a very good question. My partner teaches people how to do psychological research and has access to a very good library, so we found a paper on anti-transgender prejudice from 2012. It will take me a couple of days to translate the research method used and statistics into actual readable English, but I'll do it and get back to you.

Meanwhile, we can all revel in the American Family Association's Sandy Rios, who first denied that AFA is "testing" Target's policy of allowing transgender people to use public facilities in their stores (you know, like normal people) by sending men into women's facilities, before getting to the point of her hatred.

Appearing on Breitbart News Daily Rios had this to say:

It sounds so radical, I’m not sure people are ready to accept this, but maybe they are. We have a push from the left to deconstruct everything that’s called ‘normal,’ and that includes sexuality. You know, it’s part of the Marxist theory to deconstruct family and to recreate new systems. I’m not saying everyone participating in this has read Karl Marx and is doing Marx’s bidding, but we know that at least that was one of the beginnings of this sexual anarchy.

The Obama administration, Rios said, is intensely focused on LGBT issues even at the risk of jeopardizing Americans, claiming that trans-inclusive policies represent a danger to the American people, much like the Islamic State.

--Brian Tashaman, Right Wing Watch

We are facing something really dreadful. Of course there are more ways to be in danger than from ISIS.


The Family Research Council also felt the need to bring up ISIS in connection to transgender people. Referring to President Obama the group says in a video entitled Obama's Priorities:

Doesn’t he have better things to do? So, while ISIS is infiltrating America, President Obama seems confused about human biology. While Russia taunts our military, President Obama is fighting for men to have access to women’s locker rooms. While Iran and North Korea fire ballistic missiles, President Obama is demanding grown men have the right to use women’s bathrooms.

In Massachusetts which is close to providing protections for transgender people in regard to public accommodations, fliers were circulated in South Boston and Roxbury "that called the pproposed bill to prohibit businesses from discriminating against people based on their gender identity “unfair and unsafe."

The flier also cited incidents in other states where “men have been entering women’s locker rooms, disrobing and refusing to leave. They are not even ‘identifying’ as female.”

In New Hampshire...

where school officials are discussing new policies to create gender neutral bathrooms, another flier was circulated last week that referred to transgender students as “pedophiles.”

In Canada last Monday, an arsonist attempted to set fire to the only clinic in the country that houses a surgeon performing gender confirmation surgeries.

In Minnesota, Julie Quist of the Minnesota Child Protection League had this to share:

Julie Quist: The point that Barb makes in her presentation is that the, you know… gender is something that we are born with and that if we determine what we are based only on our feelings, we going into a very dangerous area that we’re teaching our children that our feelings are always what govern what we do and who we are. Our feelings really change, in fact, and our feelings often deceive us. So what is taking place in the world of, you know, the gender activists is to create the idea among all people that really everybody is being required now in these policies to accept that it isn’t that we are that there s a spectrum of genders and we can decide whoever we are and then everybody has to change their reality to affirm that.

But we have you know we have a lot of evidence you know that your feelings really aren’t what should guide you in life they are indicators and you need to subject them to a reality test and uh so we look at for example the example of an anorexic and an anorexic person is slender and looks in a mirror and he or she sees someone who is fat, and so that is the reality that that individual feels, the children many children who suffer from anorexia people die from anorexia, because they don’t have a grip on reality and so that’s a good example of how we want to teach our children to accept the reality help them work through false feelings and with compassion and love but we don’t have everybody affirmed to that person yes, you may look slender but you really are fat and so that’s the problem we are dealing with with gender fluidity. It’s a very dangerous. It’s actually distorting the language and deconstructing the very nature of sexuality and harmful, very harmful to children.

Drums keep pounding rhythm to my brain

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Written by Professor Robert Altemeyer of the University of Manitoba, I learned a great deal about the people who follow Republicans. The one thing which shocked me is the readiness such people have to sacrifice themselves for the good of the elites who lead them - as long as they are told the sacrifice is necessary for their leaders to survive.

Free download of the entire work:

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

featheredsprite's picture

that I suspect something Freudian is going on. Transgender people are doing something that the haters yearn to do but cannot. It might be as simple as taking control of one's life. Or it might be something as kinky as sneaking into the little girl's room to see what you can see.

The Authoritarian argument is also valid and does not really contradict my theories.

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

I think its simply that fundies prefer to see the world in Manichean (literally) terms: good and bad, right and wrong, our way and... the wrong way. Nonconformity=evil by definition.

Stir in the notion that anything sexual that doesn't have to do exclusively with procreation is evil, and there ya go. Since the nonconformist rejects the notion that gender is defined at birth (conveniently neglecting the fact that even biologically speaking, gender is not binary), that person must be evil.

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You keep using that word...

needs to hire a public relations firm to put across the message that it is not evil, and serves several social purposes, besides procreation. Wink

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lotlizard's picture

is an essential component of the Western form of capitalism and imperialism.

According to this idea, sex, as with everything under capitalism, is turned into commodity whose market price hinges upon the most desirable “grades” of it being relatively scarce.

Once they become adults and leave adolescence behind, people are supposed to “bid” for opportunities for “more and better” sex in a “market.”

Competition for the “scarce good” of desirable sex is channeled into the acquisition of status, security, and luxury, in proportion to how much money one is able to spend.

Besides money, an alternate way to acquire status is to pursue an occupation the culture associates with sexual potency, i.e. occupations where one exercises naked power over others. Occupations the system needs to sustain the Empire, such as the armed forces or the police. In addition, popular culture is manipulated so as to endow these occupations with a noble mystique, an aura of romance, patriotism, and adventure.

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martianexpatriate's picture

I cannot come up with support for on short notice, but at the least basis of it is based on things I've picked up over the years. I guess you could say I've formed sort of a theory about what (mostly) screws up politics.

Statistically speaking, we know that if there are two (or three) sides to any given story, a person is most likely to believe who ever speaks to him first. That has been confirmed not just been once many, many times.

Some people use critical reasoning more often then others. It is in fact, something of a habit. People who do it a lot will get somewhat better at it, which certainly doesn't mean they can't make mistakes. But there is a huge difference between people who develop the habit somewhat, and who never develop it at all. There is also a reason why some people never develop that habit. This one isn't scientific at all, but man it sure seems confirmed lately.

Look back over your own life. Have you ever developed a strong emotional desire for something to be true, then been given really hardcore evidence that it wasn't true, and refused to accept it? Maybe months or years later you finally accepted it? I bet you have. If you can't remember such a time, it means only that you aren't remembering one.

We develop that emotional desire usually because it's what you call a foundational idea. Meaning, you made that assumption on some given day, and then later you made a decision based on that original assumption.

For instance, every time you watch television, you see blacks committing crimes. Therefore you presume that most crimes are committed by blacks.

Now, if I tell in the next day that black crime is much better reported, I can probably do something to combat that prejudice.

But lets say some time goes by, and you see a black kid in your store and you throw him out based on the fact that he was probably up to something because well, he was black.

Then you see the news again and see crime, and you say something ugly while I'm in the room. "Damn blacks busting up the neighborhood all the time."

I tell you the actual statistics. If you accept I'm right, that makes you kind of a bad person, doesn't it? If you accept my response, you will probably feel guilty about that at some point. You might be able to do that though.

But, what if this conversation happened three years later, and you have thrown many kids out of your store for the same reason?

The more often you've acted on your assumption, the less likely you are to accept what I say, no matter how much evidence I give you.

Eventually people like this like to believe the "all media is the result of a conspiracy theory idea," as stupid as it is, because it allows them to protect a foundational assumption they made very long ago, and have kept reinforcing. If someone has done terrible things to black people, there is almost nothing that can change his mind. Unless, of course, there are other foundational ideas at war with it. (Which is unusual.)

I have been able to get past foundational ideas before, but it doesn't happen in a single conversation, and it helps if you understand exactly what the assumptions are. They stack on top of one another, one after the other. If you know how they support one another, you will understand what they do better, and you have more of a chance of gaining traction as you argue with them.

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progdog's picture

I laughed out loud. Where do these crazies come up with this stuff?

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prog - weirdo | dog - woof

Bollox Ref's picture

Known Minnesota loons.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

elenacarlena's picture

no idea what Marx believed, but I must have picked it up somehow.

Why does anyone think transgender endanger them? It's more the other way around. Live and let live. Families will be fine - even better, in fact.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

including the comments.

Another thing it makes me think about, is the visceral (and theological) outrage of some, at the idea of evolution. And before that the visceral (and theological) outrage over a heliocentic, rather than earth-centered, cosmos. All ideas that bear on our "place" in the universe being fixed. On personal status...on a religious world view that keeps everything nice and neat and reassuring. The very concept that our ideas might be modified in the course of a lifetime, that our neat little catogories might actually be slippery, that we really have only a limited notion of WTF is going on and therefore very limited control is way too scary for a lot of people. Plus, most people are deeply motivated to agree with their neighbors. Finally, they so want to believe that there is a big Daddy up there in the sky, taking care of us. To have these certainties undermined because one's neighbors publicly cease to agree is terrifying. So much more comfortable for some to posit, in the words of a friend's father: God said, I believe it, and that settles it.

Plus, it is such a money spinner for thousands of clergy, who might otherwise have to get another job.

I feel kind of sorry for anyone whose education did not show them that different ideas can be entertained, without bringing the end of the world. But these bigots are dangerous.

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riverlover's picture

The observers that see the roll aghast? I am sure we see ourselves as smarter with a discordant view. The brave minority fighting the majority? That works for me. But are we the sublimnally-affected? That works for me, too, with trying to escape (shit, passive) speak out?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

then we need not worry about whether we are all that special, since it's not really about us. It's about those who are under threat of maltreatment and even death. Dos that make sense?

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