Americans want to elect the guy that they hate the MOST
Submitted by gjohnsit on Thu, 05/07/2020 - 1:41pm
This is truly a triumph for political corruption and journalistic malpractice.
That's the results from a partisan DailyKos poll.
If you think that poll is an outlier, check out this cnbc poll.
Because "democracy" isn't about voting for people that represent you and share your values.
"Democracy" is about preventing the other team from scoring.

Those2 still look
like outliers, esp as you consider the RCP listing of recent polls and the average, which has Biden around -6 points in the wrong way, but Trump around -11 points in the red and thus 5 points behind JB.
The RCP polls also tend to be more consistent with recent polling on who is/would be doing a better job handling the virus crisis -- Biden is ahead there too -- increasing his lead over Trump in the past month to a whopping 56% to 40% margin, and this despite running a very low-key, ineffective basement operation.
In any case, Bernie had a chance to take it to Biden aggressively while the primaries were in doubt and esp when Bernie had a brief period as frontrunner. But too nice a guy, and his "good friend Joe" and all the rest. Further, the voters had the chance to rally to Bernies side with his principled stance on important issues. Instead, an important Dem demographic took their cue from Clyburn and the rest of the voters in other key states also seemed more interested in who was the more electable, not who best represented their interests and values. And finally, unlike 2016, the DNC didn't engage in shenanigans to deny Bernie, but instead TPTB just engaged in the usual back-channel phone calls and the usual politicking and promising and ego massaging which Bernie admits he is not good at nor interested in.
At this point, we are stuck with Biden. What's the alternative -- disenfranchise millions of Biden primary voters and attempt to screw them over with a fantasy attempt to push him out in favor of Bernie? Not gonna happen.
If you ignore the unanimous media bias.
Biden still hasn't won a majority of the delegates.
At this point in the campaign in 2016
For me, the choice between Biden and Trump is untenable. I will choose once again to vote 3rd party or perhaps even write in my vote. I know one thing, I will not be voting for either the Republican side or the Democratic side of the same coin.
BTW, I believe that those who still frequent dkos are very much brainwashed into tribalism. Any blue will do, even if that blue is seriously showing signs of cognitive decline. The little CIA guy is doing his job of brainwashing the kids over there.
Edited for clarity.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Back in 2016 there were
This cycle, Biden's delegate lead is slimmer of course, but that slim lead is misleading -- Bernie would need to win substantially in any upcoming big delegate states, like NY, to have a chance at overcoming the lead. When the primary contest left off a month or more ago, Bernie at that time was losing consistently, and in states where he needed to win solidly -- MA, MN, MI and WA for instance.
Bernie's team could at least do the math and observe the voting trend lines. If the math situation as I generally note above is not true, then it was the grossest political malpractice for him to drop out since at least 1972 and Muskie's wimpy quick departure a/o McG's failure to vet Eagleton (edit: or the stupid Hillary aides who failed to do basic delegate math in 2008). And I'm pretty sure some of his top aides, like Sirota, would now be publicly just screaming for Bernie to recognize his glaring mistake and quickly unsuspend his campaign.
But none of this is happening. In fact, the news reported that several of Bernie's top people, like his campaign mgr, who presumably could do the math, were privately trying to encourage Bernie to pull the plug days before he finally did.
Oops, I was not clear
Otherwise, your post is well taken.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
As Bernie has suspended
With whatever prescription drugs he might be taking to mask or temporarily overcome some of his cognitive issues, I doubt if #2 will happen. So far, in previous appearances over the past year, he has been able to avoid media and party harsh scrutiny as his mental lapses have been temporary and some of the "that's just Joe" kinda amusing nature. Obviously, as to #1, like everyone else there's the potential he could be infected with the virus and not do well, or worse. So there is that.
Who's "we"?
I'm not "stuck" with Biden: that's the democratic party. I'm not going to vote for Biden, and I also don't care if or whether Bernie's supporters are interested in or succeed at replacing Biden with Bernie. Though I tend to agree it's a damn fantasy. If the DNC replace Biden with anyone it's gonna be Pete or some other faux-progressive.
Corruption and malpractice definitely
describe our political institutions today. The only thing they seem to be good at is moving money from the 99% into the coffers of the 1%.
We hate him the most
yet "we" are willing to vote for him. I just want to know what that says about Trump? I mean if we hate Biden...we must really hate Trump.
Well done is better than well said-Ben Franklin
it just might be they love the new biden messaging:
‘Peak cringe’: New York Times roasted for Biden ‘hottest-bad-boy’ election campaign strategy article', 7 May, 2020,
some stuff ya couldn't make up if ya tried... good gawd all-friday, as they say in my neck of the woods.
That Civiqs poll they run at the top of the orange place has a poll on the democratic party itself. 40 % favorable, 52% unfavorable. And they say Bernies not even a democrat. Like that's a bad thing.