
I'm not crazy about some of his policies (re: Mid-east), but he does have humanity and humility.

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I suspect he might be more liberal than his policies, as contradictory as that is. He must, of course, be keenly aware that he is seen as a Black president. He also inherited the system and came to power through the system, thus binding his possible positions.

Most importantly, he was not an embarrassment as a person the way W was. I still cringe thinking about him interacting on the world stage with Merkel and treating her with zero respect and not even realizing it. I remember him picking his nose at a Rangers game. We elected a smirking, self-absorbed moron! Is it asking too much for the POTUS to be a decent person? In any case, Obama is one of the better people on the planet, up there with Pope Francis (I am borderline Atheist), Bernie, and Carter, IMO.

I wish he had been more liberal, but as far as Establishment politicians go, he is/was one of the best. I am not proud of all his policies, but he has my respect as a person. He was presidential in his demeanor and his actions.

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Peace out, tmp.

Shahryar's picture

When he made that wonderfully witty joke about killing the Jonas Brothers with Predator Drones I laughed myself silly. It was so much funnier than when Bush looked under the podium and couldn't find WMDs. That's because President Obama is a much nicer man.

And I loved his decency when he admitted the US tortures people and instead of coming down hard on the torturers blasted those who'd be "smug" about how torture was bad. That was great!

And I also liked how he was going put on a pair of comfortable shoes to walk the picket lines but couldn't find any in time to get to Wisconsin. But he would have!

Plus, to show how much better he was in an environmental crisis than Bush (we remember Katrina) he cleverly soothed our worries by telling a bit of an untruth about how much oil was gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, saying it was 1000 barrels a day and not the actual 60000 barrels because (and here's where he was kind) we would have freaked out if we'd known how bad it was!

Also he ended two wars and Lily Ledbetter.

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Damnit Janet's picture

when he stood up for all those protesters getting pepper sprayed and beaten during OWS...

oh wait.. he was silent. He did say something about the Arab Springs though. But he looked forward when it came to his own citizens protesting.

I gave up on him the moment he said he wouldn't go after the war criminals. I'm so done with Democrats.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

Nilap Haras's picture

Agree with your reply, but I think he was as mislead about oil spill since the info came from the folks who caused said spill. (IMHO)

But, if you want humor, check out the Press Corespondents dinner. Timing is everything, and his is some of the best I've heard, and I've heard my share. If he chooses, he could do standup. Now that would be hilarious. A former pres on stage and his hulking SS men in front of the stage. Of course, he'd have no trouble getting gigs.

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“Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.” - Edward Snowden 2016

PriceRip's picture

          Everyday I would anticipate: Tomorrow, certainly he will do something tomorrow. Tomorrow never came. So many lost opportunities, both large and small. I had an ever unflinching cynical friend that to his last breath knew nothing would change. He felt betrayed to his core that Obama would not the right thing in so very many cases. I now have adopted my friend's more realistic view, and never again will I believe any mainstream politician gives a damn.

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