Abby Martin shedding light on the Venezuelan coup
Abby Martin has been rocking her journalism creds, one of the few journalists actually reporting the truth about Venezuela. First off, let's see what she has to report on the downtrodden Venezuelans who need saving, those starving, miserable masses being exploited by the evil president Maduro:
Errr, well, maybe not so starving and miserable as we were led to believe. Still, the Empire needs its wars and Trump has said military intervention is "on the table". So what does the Venezuelan Minister of Defense say about that? Abby Martin on the spot.
It got pretty dangerous for her and her crew down there.
Throngs of Venezuelan fascists threatened to lynch & murder us for simply reporting facts about the country that countered their regime change narrative. They even stalked & harassed us in the US. Their goal is to take power w/ violence because they can't win elections.
I know, it's long. Here's a short version that sums it up:
All that happened last June, before she was driven out of the country by what she called a "Hit order" taken out on her. She insinuates it was set by our own media, CNN, FOX, etc.

The bully of the world
has spoken. The US gets to decide who is in the game and who is out. Once we all fall in line, the pain will stop. There is nowhere to run. There is nowhere to hide. The US will have its way.
If the 800,000 people losing pay checks don't have the will to stand up, who will?
Frightened yet?
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
No Fear
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Thanks for sharing this.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Great. It's like one of those dystopian movies
where, "in the future", corporations have taken over the world and there's no actual law.
Welcome to the Sprawl.
Sorry, Sorry, Couldn't Resist. Of course in the Shadowrun Future, Portland is crawling with damn Elves...
Wait a second... Are we SURE magic didn't come back and nobody noticed?
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
@Shahryar except there's no
The future is now
Prescient Gina Haspel?
"we can literally have you up and dancing before you know it"
Tweets of Knowledge
What? How would they know? How can this be? U.S. government thinks everyone is stupid and have no memories.
Iran remains wary and angry due to Operation Ajax and Shah of Iran courtesy U.S., still to this day, because they have a memory.
Venezuela is wary and angry due to Allende of Chile death courtesy U.S., Bishop of Grenada death, courtesy U.S, Arbenz of Guatemala overthrow, courtesy U.S...even remember the specific years!
Shock! People remember shit, don't take kindly to, and will forever resent U.S. antithetical, "help."
And the simple question, by that general, "How can Venezuela be a threat to a military, economic and industrial power, like the U.S.?" What? You're kidding, right, who would ever ask such a logical and simple question that has an obvious and simple answer? That's crazy talk!
Where's McCain when we need him..."Bomb, bomb, bomb...bomb, bomb!"
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Venezuelan's still remember the United States coup attempt in April 2002.
John Pilger exposes
the US MIC's attempt to pillage Venezuela.