58 Senators, including Democrats, voted to allow warrantless searches by the FBI
These would be searches of various electronic items in spy and terrorism cases.
That's dangerously close to the 60 vote supermajority "required" in that illustrious body to pass a bill. Although it faces obstacles in the House this is exactly the sort of bill that terror hawks leverage fear to get passed. This is the kind of insidious erosion of our privacy and freedom that has broad support across partisan lines in Congress. If fear is to be a motivational force in this election, as both Democrats and Republicans seem to be basing their strategies on, I submit efforts such as this should cause much fear--of them. It's at least as alarming as any action on abortion or other critical issues like it.
This is the kind of bill that forms the first steps into open authoritarian government. It's a dangerous bill with dangerous implications. I'm glad it failed, but I'm not optimistic it will continue to. Every event like Orlando, or even less deadly but similar events, makes passage of these bills easier. I'd like to think we aren't that far gone yet.
As a side-note I'd like to see Hillary's and Donald's reactions to this bill. I have suspicions about what each would say, but I want to hear it first hand.

The use of fear...
by politicians and the public's willingness to subject themselves to perpetual fear is so depressing. I really need to stop reading about politics. Between this, the recently announced SC decision weakening the Fourth Amendment, and the inability to live if you are not affluent in Seattle, among many other issues is severely depressing me this morning...
Check out the scotus decision Monday.
We're damn near there already.
I would prefer to hear what Sanders has to say.
Even if he does not get the nomination, he is a driving force in this country today. What he has to say would be much more honest than the other two, and we already know that HRC prefers more surveillance so whatever she has to say would just be word salad.
a list of those Democrats needs to be posted so people from their states can start a letter campaign and find people to primary them.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
What kind of reporting is that, WaPo,
to not name names? Someone counted. Was it secret?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Democratic fearmongering
Dems are just as bad as Repubs
I also shared...
Greenwald's article on my facebook page. Its a good read. Before reading that though, I had made a similar argument with a friend:
In many ways they're worse, because they are held up as
an opposition to the right, and as a group of left-wingers. They do more damage to the ideals of leftism than the GOP ever could.
Sounds like a vote on cloture.
Shock Doctrine in action
'Terrist's are gonna kill yer family' said the Terrorist in Chief Bush2. Like cardboardurinal I'm really hitting don't give a fuck about politics. Terrorism is what the US creates in order to engage in an endless war and a police state with no rule of law. The state needs your universal civil and human rights as they are a 'tool' that's needed to win the war on terra. No one in power including the progressives are going to repeal the Patriot Act and the other odious Act's that have legalized this assault on democracy and those pesky inalienable self evident truths. The 'terrorist watchlist' does not feel good to me, the fact that they have such a thing is way more terrifying then any 'radicalized' terrorist. Fearful, hateful, violent armed people are a symptom of this sick society. They are also a handy distraction that allows the 'owners of the place' to ramp up the clamp down while notching up the violence to 11.
A drink at the next meetup says Boxer and Feinstein
Course, that's a sucker bet, since neither one of them ever saw a security/fascist bill they didn't like.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
IMO this "watch list" thing is a travesty of justice...
You can't find out who is on it. You can't find out if YOU are on it until they stop you at the airport. You can't appeal it in court, even in cases of mistaken identity. There is no "burden of proof". There is no "probable cause". There's no judge weighing evidence. It could be 3 "jumps" by the NSA, to suck in more names for the machine (thank you EmptyWheel).
The fact that D's are using THIS list as a gun control vehicle just seems wrong-headed, anti-historical (well, not really)--and intended primarily to keep Trump off TV. Maybe it will work, but I think the Fourth Amendment issues with these "Watch Lists" is a big problem.
I suggest we start off with those 58
the FBI can monitor their transactions for 3-4 weeks, just for practice.
from a reasonably stable genius.
It makes one wonder
what act will be our very own Reichstag fire? What event will precipitate the final loss of our freedoms and our descent into tyranny?
And that's all it will take for democracy to die.
I'm reminded again of the words of Milton Mayer:
They Thought They Were Free
I don't want to live, knowing and regretting, when I could have spoken out but didn't, whether it was through fear or uncertainty.
We may not be heard, but must not let this pass without comment. We cannot, in good conscience, remain silent.
I'm not sure but could this be a breakdown of the vote?
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa