My Beautiful Tomorrow
I voted in 2008 and 2012 without really being invested in the campaigns. Obama was not a Republican, so I was happy to vote for him. Between 2012 and 2016, I saw more and more how much Republicans took stances against minorities of all ranges, from ethnic to sexual, and that really hardened me against them. I think that's why, by the time 2016 rolled around I was so excited to vote in the presidential election again. I probably didn't do well enough in midterms and I really need to work in the next few years being more active in off year elections. That's a personal quest.
I like Bernie and Hillary. Hillary's got a pretty big lead, and she'll probably be the next candidate. I took one of those online tests to see which candidate I matched best with, and Hillary was only one percent point better than Sanders. So, I could have gone either way with them when the presidential election came around. I did go with Hillary in the primary, but i would have been happy to vote for Bernie in the general. Now, I'm just ready to vote against Donald Trump. I have a lot of friends whose lives would be a lot worse under him, and I know I can't let that happen.
That's why I'm excited about tomorrow. Because I'll be able to build it and help the people I care about most.

She's a democrat, and has a 270 pledged delegate lead...
Have you got any specific reasons for voting for her in the primary like perhaps issues?
That's why I'm solid for Bernie...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Hillary did a lot of work
with Latino registration, which means a lot in my community, and that I think needs to be a focus in the southwest. For such a large population, we don't vote enough.
Anything else about her that makes you 'like' her?
Ummm Okay...
So she registered a lot of Latino Voters to gain votes for herself...
I'm just curious what she has done for Latinos?
To deserve their vote...
Is it her plan to solve Puerto Rico's Debt Problem with Draconian Austerity Measures?
Is it her support of the Coup in Honduras?
Is it her sending Child Refugees back to Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala?
Is it her support of the killers of Berta Cáceres?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
I see this is your first essay or comment here
You'll find many BernieOrBust people here, myself included. I, for one, welcome a discussion of where your views align with Clinton's in areas where you see evidence that her statements are credible, as opposed to your being comfortable voting for her as a vote against Trump. I know few people who genuinely support Clinton, rather than wanting to see a woman in the White House or being alarmed by Trump, so your views would be enlightening.
Are there any actions in her public record, as a senator or secretary of state, that you particularly support? And what do you think of the issue of the home server and the State Department Inspector General's report? Finally, I'm interested in what you think of this statement by Dan Metcalfe, former head of DOJ's Office of Information and Privacy:
I look forward to a lively exchange here.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Thank you for expressing my concerns.
I'm looking forward to a better explanation for why someone, who appears to be politically conscious, would put their trust in her, other than for the reason that she signed up some potential voters - since her concern for those families is a joke, suggested by her unrepentant desire to deny refuge to those Honduran kids to send her message to their folks back home.
I think it's something to be
I think it's something to be concerned about. Really though, it feels like nobody really will know what they're talking about until after the FBI is done looking into it.
The IG's report makes it clear that she set herself above the
regulations and requirements of the office she swore to uphold. And did so knowingly, despite her continuing claims that she thought it was OK. That attitude renders her unfit for office. [
We know enough now. Voters who are willing to excuse a candidate for intentionally ignoring regulations designed to protect national security (and the public's right to know) because, as of now, she hasn't been charged with breaking a law are hypocritical. They're using a double standard because the candidate is a Democrat; if it were a Republican, they'd have been screaming "Unfit for office!" long since.
The details of what Clinton did (and failed to do though required) are now public, and from a nonpartisan source, the Inspector General of the State Department. Do you make a distinction between a confirmed pattern of rule-breaking and a criminal investigation into potential law-breaking? I don't, nor do millions of other voters.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
It is a great feeling
to vote and to be able to vote,but as a responsible citizen and voter one should also know as much as possible about the person and reasons for which they are giving a candidate their vote.
There certainly are...
A lot of questions a responsible voter should be asking about Hillary...
Quite frankly, I see her joining Al Gore & John Kerry on they list of losing Democratic Presidential Candidates...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,