Musings over wake and bake: What are the real barriers to progressive change?
Greed. Greed breathes life into all that follows…
Ignorance stands in the way. Ignorance has been deliberately encouraged and cultivated, on a large scale, to preserve the status quo, and to prevent us from using our collective will to force progressive change. Racism is a prime example of ignorance that permeates our nation, one that has been deliberately tolerated and actively encouraged. People vote against their interests out of ignorance, as heartfelt as it is. The GOP has made ignorance a part of their platform, and to a large extent they owe their electoral existence to it. If Trump has showed us anything, it’s the extent to which ignorance guides the actions of yuge numbers of our fellow citizens. How can this level of ignorance continue to be maintained, even in the year 2016? Media.
The consolidation of media ownership, the restriction of topics of discussion, the tolerance and proliferation of lies and dishonesty, the unmentioned conflicts of interest, and the lack of substance, all serve to make our corporate media a very formidable barrier to progressive change, and I believe, deliberately so. Unfortunately, it may prove to be an insurmountable barrier for the foreseeable future. Like so much of our country, the peoples’ airwaves have been sold out from under us to people who have been allowed to use them not to serve the public interest, but to preserve private interests at the expense of the public. That’s how people the likes of Donald Trump or Scott Walker can be presented as legitimate candidates, or how people like Mitch McConnell or Paul Ryan can be presented as legitimate government leaders with a legitimate agenda. It’s how we can be ignorant about the actions of our country in the rest of the world, or our motivations, while we’re perceived by the rest of the world as the Earth’s greatest threat to peace. The purpose of corporate media is distraction and perpetuation of ignorance, or, in a nutshell, preventing an informed electorate.
The catch is that it’s difficult to reach the masses without it. And with the $$$ involved, it will be impossible, without gov’t intervention, to take back any kind of public control and enforcement of the standards. Corporate media is monopolistic enough that, when combined with an environment of general ignorance, they’re immune to most outside pressure that may be brought to bear by normal people, such as widespread boycotts. And we need to face the fact that while thoughtful and politically involved people at sites like this have reliable sources of useful information we can call on, most people not only aren’t aware of the perspectives we take for granted, but, for one reason or another, they can’t be bothered to make the effort to find them.
A corrupted government allows a corrupted media, and a corrupted media protects a corrupted government. Which is the chicken and which is the egg? Which do you address first? (The government)
I thought
you were going to discuss marijuana when I seen your title. The powers that be will be dragged kicking and screaming into a progressive age of legalization.
The media? Nobody can make them change. Only viewership declining (which it is among many) will possible wake them and the sheeple that watch them. Government can not get involved unless freedom of the press is revoked.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
the gov't can regulate the media without regulating content; they could impose labelling on content without regulating it. We own the airwaves and corporate media uses them theoretically in our service. The gov't is what we make it. The media perpetuates weed prohibition by omission.
Because the media bribes politicians with donations
Campaign finance reform is key.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
what we make it
Not true at this moment.
We can make it true, albeit via a heavy lift.
It's high time we got started taking back what is rightly ours.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Control of the media certainly has to be one of the keystones
of a Revolution, i.e., the monopolies must be broken, the crimes against humanity must be prosecuted, and a new system set up to prevent human corruption. Ha ha, I made funny.
I guess that's the story for everything, how to set up systems that are human proof. Can humans do that, set up systems that prevent themselves from fucking everything up?
You're right, we can't do it with the government we have. Even if somehow we made the Congress address the issue it would end up strengthening the private monopolies rather weakening them. We need a regime change in the United States of Empire before we can address the existential problems.
not necessarily control
regulation - ie. failure to reveal conflicts of interest is fraud; opinion is labeled as such, label content as news or entertainment, fiction or non fiction, where it's fiction if there's any fiction at all, a situation not compatible with "news"...
Distraction seems to be cousin to the MSM enemy
Our culture seems to be in a constant distracted state. Whether it be a tweet going viral, a facebook update, the next instant message from a friend. We are distracted at these tiny little levels throughout the day. I remember not that long ago coming home after a hard days work and going to the answering machine to see who had called me today. But sometime in this new century the phone has taken on many qualities of a subpeona. We have become desensitized to distraction.
And media is capitalizing on distraction to make things seem the way they are not. They will report on one topic of actual importance for just a few seconds and then dive headlong into an in depth expose of something of relevance to no one. I wonder if the PTB at the MSM have calculated just how little they can make the ratio of actual news to drivel and fluff without the general public figuring out the next to nothing is actually getting reported. With desensitization to distraction they can push that number lower and lower.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
they're no longer intended
to be a source of useful information. Their purpose is misinformation. What they push lower and lower is the cost of their content. It's distraction, certainly, but it's distraction from peoples' own lives, by giving them someone else to look down on or laugh at, cheer for or hate, or, even better yet, something imaginary to fear or resent, to take their minds off of that pressure they feel in their backside...