I'm back, and living in an assisted living facility.

Hi all.

I’m settled in at the assisted living center. Its definitely a huge step up. Eating has gotten a lot better and easier, and I feel better physically. I’ve been going out into the common area every day and talking with people. It was actually extremely difficult for me to do that the first few times. Hopefully it will continue to get easier.

There were a couple days I actually felt terrible. I think it’s mostly a measure of how far I was from other people. There were a few times I could feel noises all around me and I felt a kind of panic. I had to leave the building and look at the lights of town. I still have bad moments, but they aren’t as intense and don’t last as long.

I’m still working on getting internet, and I’m working on the virtual world I’ve built. I miss the internet a lot actually. I will need it to launch my little business and studio one way or another.

It’s better for me here, but there are a lot of people in pain here. Some of them just have nobody to talk to, and they aren’t able to cope well. I’ve been trying to talk with them. Quite a few of them are like me, people with no family left. The food is fine for me, but I wish they would improve the menu here. It’s not appropriate for the elderly.

This is actually the nicest place I’ve been in years, but I feel very strange. There are many things that I do to balance my mental condition every day. I channel my energy into useful ends. If I don’t, then all that energy becomes emotions I don’t need. There have been a few times that I couldn’t do it in this environment, but I will learn new ways.

I’m actually very relieved to have a schedule and a quiet place. I will need to do different things here to maintain myself, but it’s a much more consistent place, and it’s much safer. I’m fairly certain that a guy was dealing meth down the street. I think he actually approached me to sell me some, but he sort of stopped talking midway through the sentence. I just walked past him.

I had terrible dreams at the hotel. They are almost gone now, and I’m able to sleep more. I go outside at night and look at the desert. We are in a cluster of stores far away from Pueblo. I think I’ve been so tense for so long, that it is taking me weeks to relax.

I left my apartment for the hotel, because of what the footsteps over my head sounded like.

I went to sleep in the basement once, but I had wanted to be awake when my father came home. He came back drunk, and I heard two footsteps, and then a louder noise. It was my brothers head bouncing off the wall. That’s what I was dreaming of. When I heard the footsteps over my head, I kept expecting to hear that third noise. It sounded wet.

I couldn’t remember that for many years. I remembered the screaming when I went upstairs, but not how it started. I’m not sure my memory is correct. My brother died when was younger then I am now, and he’s the only person I could have asked who would have given an honest answer. He is buried in Portland. I’ve never seen the grave.

The nightmares don’t feel the same anymore. People occasionally talk about being different people then when they were young, but I doubt they changed as much as I have. Sometimes even the colors I see are different. The world is a strange place to me now.

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martianexpatriate's picture

today so I might be able to respond, but after I leave the library I will be out of contact.

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JayRaye's picture

and to hear that you are doing OK. Hope you'll check in whenever you can.

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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons

riverlover's picture

And it's probably good to interact with others, even needy ones, if it makes you feel more stable. I would like to stand looking at the desert at night. Only done that once.

Continued progress!

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Unabashed Liberal's picture

nicer digs, Martian. Most assisted-living facilities that I've visited are well-maintained, and even pretty much self-contained, with a few extracurricular activities--which is cool.

Hope you're able to get your own internet connection. See you soon.


"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

they might have some activities you'll enjoy -- when my mom-in-law was in assisted living (before she became too weak and had to go into long-term nursing care) her facility had a Current Events discussion once a week that she really liked. The facilitator was one of the brothers of conservative commentator Michael Medved, who was as liberal as his brother is conservative.

Maybe when you feel more comfortable in your surroundings, you can help to make small improvements -- some centers will have resident councils that give input on what's going on, including into the menu. If they don't have a licensed dietician on staff or at least one they can consult every so often, that might be advisable.

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OLinda's picture

So glad you like it. It sure sounds good, to be eating better, to be feeling better physically, and sleeping better. Sounds like you found a good place. Hope it starts feeling like home soon.

I hope you are still around to read comments. You can check the "My Account" link at the top of the page and see "My Comments" and "My Essays." That way each time you get back to the library you can find your posts and see the comments.

Take care.

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Damnit Janet's picture

assisted living places can be good or horrid. we are thinking of Tiny Homes for my son instead but we don't know what his future needs will be.

sadly this country just doesn't have what it takes to provide safety for all. to ensure that those who need help are helped. it is is our constant worry and what we work to hopefully provide some safety nets for our son who is autistic.

for now, we just keep loving each other.

glad you are back.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

TheOtherMaven's picture

It's willpower and compassion - and we have a drastic shortage of both.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

Damnit Janet's picture

same thing with hunger. we could end it today. but America just simply doesn't care enough... willpower and compassion or empathy.

We have the resources, we have the means.. .it's just we don't want to. Amerians think if you help someone with something that must mean you took something from someone else. All they while, the govt IS taking from them and giving it to the MIC and 1%. But how dare we help those in need, those who are disabled, those who are hurting.. .those who are hungry. America is a sick, sick place.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

fakenews's picture

My mother-in-law is in an assisted living venue and from what I see the meals are not adequate = not fit for consumption. I would rather shuffle in frozen dinners than have her eat what I've been seeing. Can you tell me a little about the food arrangements???


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"Democracy is technique and the ability of power not to be understood as oppressor. Capitalism is the boss and democracy is its spokesperson." Peace - FN

Raggedy Ann's picture

I loved CaliScribe's response to you because she was so loving and gentle. I had the same thoughts but my thoughts were more aggressive such as - organize the residents and demand a better menu. Cali's advice is much more sensible. The most important thing is that you are now in a safe place where you have shelter, food, and people around you.

I hope to find a nice facility if/when my time at home is no longer in my best interests. I just want to live on my own as long as possible and then to live in a place where help is near when I need it. My children already have their own lives and I don't want either of them taking care of me. They are too much like their father, who I divorced. They are great for a short visit, but living with either or depending on them to take care of me is not in my plan. Whether it works that way or not is yet to be seen.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

elenacarlena's picture

After all the struggle to arrive here, I think you'll get used to it in a little while. Much easier than getting here in the first place! I agree with the others, please keep us posted.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

janis b's picture

Your talking to your fellow human beings where you live, and listening to them is what contributes to all of ours and your well being. I compliment your simple and generous offering, and I wish you mutual respect.

I think we would all benefit greatly as a society from building movements of all kinds. I think Bernie’s campaign has shown how utterly possible it is to grow momentum for all types of improvements. It can be applied to every little thing we do.

See you around ...

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janis b's picture

and don't forget the value of sharing the creative work you do with whomever ...

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