Republican Benghazi obsession yielding evidence of Hillary Clinton's lies and manipulations driving the destruction of Libya
David Mizner has an article up at Jacobin magazine that really needs some attention from the progressive media.
Hillary Clinton is under attack from right-wing morons over the 2012 attack on the US consulate in Benghazi. Unfortunately, these attacks are sucking up all of the oxygen in the room and there is no discussion in the media of what Mizner documents - Hillary's manipulations and lies that pushed the US government into destroying Libya.
On March 17, 2011, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1973, authorizing a no-fly zone over Libya and “all necessary measures” to protect civilians. That same day — as revealed by Pentagon audio tapes obtained by the Washington Times — President Qaddafi’s son Seif tried to call a US general to try to negotiate a ceasefire. ...
Never mind that the UN resolution had urged diplomacy, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton instructed the Joint Chiefs of Staff not to negotiate with the Libyan government. ...
Later the Libyan government made another attempt to negotiate through an intermediary. ... Qaddafi proposed a seventy-two-hour-truce, then said he would step down to allow for a transition provided that NATO agreed to maintain the Libyan army, lift sanctions against him and his family, and provide them safe passage. Was the offer genuine and workable? We’ll never know, because Clinton shut down the negotiations.
After shutting off the negotiation process, it was time for Hillary and her "humanitarian" buddies to sell the war to the public. Apparently the administration told quite a few whoppers.
The prospect of mass atrocities was central to American officials’ case for war — as it usually is. Qaddafi was, in Clinton’s words, a “creature” who “will destroy anyone or anything in his way.” Probably because they knew they weren’t telling the truth, American leaders avoided using the word “genocide.” Clinton spoke of “tens of thousands” of deaths, and Obama said he acted to prevent a “bloodbath,” “atrocities,” and “mass graves.” The White House circulated an op-ed by Rwandan President Paul Kagame titled, “Rwandans know why Gadhafi must be stopped.”
Analysts such as Alan Kuperman challenged the official line at the time, pointing out that Qaddafi had not targeted civilians in other cities he’d recaptured. Now the Washington Times has provided evidence of a misinformation campaign, reporting that the Pentagon knew that Qaddafi had ordered his generals not to attack civilians and that the Defense Information Agency found that he “was unlikely to risk world outrage by inflicting large civilian casualties.”
Not content merely to warn of mass slaughter, American officials also employed a time-honored tactic of selling war: making false allegations of rape. In April 2011, Susan Rice claimed that Qaddafi was giving his troops Viagra to encourage rape, and in June, when Congress was making noises about trying to halt the war, Clinton picked up this rhetorical line of attack.
Amnesty debunked the claim at the time. We now know its apparent source. Blumenthal emailed the Viagra allegation to Clinton in late March, stressing that it was unconfirmed.
There's plenty more.
Hillary should be in jail, rather than on the campaign trail.

I had no idea Mizner was writing at Jacobin. Excellent piece!!
I remember telling a die-hard Team Blue friend that Libya was a perfect example of the reason I couldn't vote for Hillary. He was like, "You mean that teabagger bullshit?" My explanation fell on deaf ears. Apparently, any criticism of our policy in Libya means you're a teabagger.
It's not a big deal
but I posted this in a comment earlier today.
i didn't see that you had posted it previously.
As I've said many times, those who vote for Clinton
will be voting for a war criminal and mass murderer. Unlike some however I do not let Obama off the hook
one bit when it comes to Libya. He told the same lies, he was the boss, it's his as much as it is Clinton's.
The one aspect I don't see from Mizner's article is the role of Zionist Israel and the neocons who wanted
to destroy Libya in their quest for Greater Israel and Middle East hegemony. Libya was always on the list as
we learned from Wesley the Psycho Internment Dude Clark, as per the neocon plan illustrated in the PNAC
and other documents, including the Wolfowitz doctrine and the Oded Yinon plan.
Hillary Clinton as we know will do anything for Zionist Israel, including bomb Iran.
Relative to morality and ethics, Hillary Clinton, the war criminal and mass murderer, is the keystone of the
Democratic party in her run for President. What does that say about the Democratic party?
Btw, the Senate voted unanimously to support Obama's
and NATO's illegal no fly zone seven month bombing the shit out of the country regime change and
country balkanization plan. That included Bernie Sanders and John Kerry. That vote should be considered akin to
the vote for the illegal Iraq war. Illegal and inhumane wars are illegal and inhumane wars.
Are you sure they got authorization?
My memory is that they started bombing without authorization and never sought it because a) Democrats didn't want to vote for it, and b) nobody would challenge the (un)constitutionality of just arbitrarily starting a war.
They got authorization from the U.N.
not Congress. The Resolution voted on was to ask the U.N. to approve the No Fly Zone. So in effect, ask
for approval to bomb the shit out of Libya. I don't give them a break on semantics.
It was illegal because it was all based on lies, just as Iraq was based on lies even though Bush and Powell got
U.N. authorization.
What does that say about the Democratic Party?
They have no morals and principles on any foreign policy issue. Frankly, the United States has none in that regard. But they will always "win". Money and guns talk, especially when they are sold "for a good purpose, like liberty and freedom". I really can't believe anymore that the Democrats are any better than the Republicans in that regard, because though the complete crazy Republican lunatics are dancing on the stages of presidential candidates right now, I don't believe a minute they remain that crazy, once any of them has to govern. But they will always rely on their military might. Probably they might lose only when their own people inside the US just suffer so much, that they revolt.
I think it's ok to start to ask Sanders about his foreign policy ideas. It's still early, I can understand he wants to push it out further, but he shouldn't be allowed to not respond to the questions, who hopefully will be asked by some. Seems to me there are very few people, who even would ask such questions, because the people who would formulate such questions are immediately dismissed as "ossified ideologists from the left" (I guess ).
Misner and Paul Rosenberg. (Oops fixed)
And I shared a lot of common ground on OpenLeft. I spent more time there than DailyKos until OL got shut down. Still miss it and them. I didn't see this article, but I always keep an eye out for them. Thanks for the heads up.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I really like Jocobin
David Minzer's article clarifies the murky role of SoS Hillary in this disgraceful bloody mess. 'Who could have predicted' that this was not a humanitarian intervention. I got a lot of grief at the time for not believing the same old pitch. Big Al has a good point about Bernie on 'foreign policy' . Ironically the HRC supporters and the #black lives matter crowd at dkos and Vox should be directing their ire about the wholesale killing of African Americans in the US at this administration and the 'inevitable one'. One of the most shocking things in this article to me was Hillary and Rice spinning the slaughter of black African Libyans. I read one of Davids links, a book review that made it clear just how racist our imperialistic policy in Africa is. I guess black African lives don't matter. I'm going to order Forte's book from my library.
Joe's right Hillary belongs in jail not on the campaign trail. Our partisan politics are disconnected from reality and it's getting harder and harder to participate in such madness.