Take On Wall Street
Politics is far more than an election or one candidate. A group of unions and activists have banded together to fight for agenda that restrains Wall Street.
Capitalizing on populist anger toward Wall Street, a coalition of more than 20 labor unions and activist groups on Tuesday launched a new campaign to reform the financial industry.
The group, Take On Wall Street, plans to combine the efforts of some of the Democratic Party’s biggest traditional backers, from the American Federation of Teachers and the AFL-CIO to the Communications Workers of America. The group says it will aim to turn the public’s lingering anger at the financial sector into policy initiatives that could change the way that Wall Street works.
Among its biggest targets will be doing away with a law that allows private equity managers to pay lower taxes through something known as the “carried interest loophole.” These managers receive a share of profits for any gains they create for their clients, and this income is treated as long-term capital gains and taxed at a lower rate.
“We know that because of this loophole that there are many hedge fund and Wall Street millionaires that pay a lower tax rate than truck drivers, nurses, [and] teachers,” said Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.), who has introduced several pieces of legislation targeting Wall Street in recent years and is a supporter of the new coalition.
Here is their agenda. You can sign their petition (and no doubt get on their email list) at the link below.
The big banks are bigger than they were before the 2008 crisis, and CEOs and Wall Street money managers continue to benefit from obscene tax loopholes that cost us billions.
Stand up to Wall Street. To build a financial system that works for Main Street and working families, not just Wall Street billionaires, Congress should adopt the following agenda:
Close the carried interest loophole that lets billionaire Wall Street money managers pay lower tax rates than nurses or construction workers.
Create a Wall Street speculation tax that would discourage short-term bets and generate billions in new revenue to make college affordable, invest in our infrastructure, and create jobs in our cities.
End "Too Big to Fail" by breaking up the big banks – making them smaller, simpler, and safer.
Stop subsidizing million dollar CEO bonuses by ending the CEO pay tax loophole.
End predatory lending and also expand access to fair consumer banking services through "a public option" like postal banking.
We call on every member of Congress to co-sponsor and urge passage of this agenda.
“We are going to make this an issue in congressional races. No one will be able to run from this,” said Richard L. Trumka, president of the labor union AFL-CIO. People are saying “that they are fed up with Wall Street writing the rules.”
The AFT...
Endorsed Hillary. So excuse me if I take this with a grain of salt.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Randi Weingarten...really? AFT has no leg to stand on on this issue as they endorsed the Democratic candidate least likely to take on the banks, and the candidate most likely to bring bankers into her administration...I wonder how many other organizations in this group endorsed the corporate candidate?
Communications Workers endorsed Bernie.
AFL-CIO was neutral.
I recognize that, but...
there are more than 20 other organizations. I wonder who they are (I couldn't see it on the site), and which ones endorsed the banker-backed candidate.
You will have to research that.
I don't care.
They are doing things that matter.
"They are doing things that matter"
I agree. What I am finding from some of my circle of family and friends is that they really don't have a clue about how much Hillary has been paid for by elites.
Something strange has happened in the dem base. For a long period of time, MSNBC was a neutralizer of the Faux bullshit. The viewers there began to rely on MSNBC as "truth" and stopped getting news elsewhere. When I talk about Clinton's corruption to these people, they tell me that I must be watching Fox news and ask what's wrong with ME. Seriously. These previously "informed" people have drank the MSNBC koolaid as much as Fox viewers did.
So when I see people that believe Hillary will not be 'beholden' to wall street, etc, I realize that these voters are not hypocrites, they are just brainwashed into believing bullshit about Hillary.
In the meantime, those (naive) voters can at least help to push the progressive agenda through other means (organizations) and keep the pressure on politicians to do something.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.
My point is...
that these organizations will have little leverage with a Clinton administration as they willingly gave their endorsements and support with no demands. This should have been done months ago. Also the idea of Clinton actually trying to take on Wall Street is comical on its face. Why would she bite the hand that feeds?
Tom I have great respect for your opinion so I would like to ask
What good will come of this that doesn't fall under the column "getting Bernie supporters to support HRC". ??
Gawd, it would be a MAJOR good thing to see a vibrant and revived UNION movement in America... Would go a hell of a long way to remaking the middle class BUT...
Can we REEALLY trust some of these people to not be throwing shade for votes? Do,you really think the union TOPS are finally getting it that the rank and file is beyond pissed off???
Also... It's making me a bit sad to see Elizabeth Warren attacking TRUMP re Wallstreet but be silent about HRC re said same... Especially since everyone in NYC knows trumps HATES wall streets players and THEY HATE HIM. trump plays in NY real estates play pen and it is not the same as Wallstreet.
Orwell was an optimist
Elizabeth Warren
certainly does appear to be auditioning for Hillary's VP.
I'm disappointed she stepped up so quickly for Hillary after ignoring Bernie throughout the entire primary. She knows which side Hillary is on.
This group is in partnership with "TOP!!!" There goes its credibility to me.
Link please?
If you...
scroll down to the bottom of the website, you will see all the unions/groups who are supporting this endeavor.
Kos is trying to build up progressive cred. Won't happen. Besides, he'll take 50% of anything raised.
Good to know, though. If Kos is involved, it will go nowhere.
I'll see if Bernie signs on.
Doesn't Go Far Enough
Fraud happened, per FCIC, and has not been prosecuted. None of the proposed actions address the fraud. This looks like a whitewash job for white collar crime.
Just to be clear, I'm assessing what it appears to be, and I could be wrong, not making a judgment about you.
What pisses me off is that it is Bernie's agenda.
I can handle this from AFL CIO and CWA, but AFT can drop dead. Why are they doing this instead of rallying around Bernie? Their timing stinks.
If Bernie was in the WH, they'd have a partner. Hillary will just spit in their eye. Can anyone say EFCA? I am so sick of politics as usual. I just want to burn it all down. #BernieOrBust
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I think this is good.
Not everything is Bernie and Hillary to me.
That AFT signed on is fine. I don't care.
You are right, but
we had a chance for a leader and a champion. They are offering us a petition. Big come down.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I understand. This is the best the left has ever done.
Bernie exposed the rot.
I was down for a while, but the struggle continues.
Take care.