I Don't Think Hillary Is Going to Act on This
Today at Truth-out.org Dahr Jamail chronicles the continuing degradation of the ecosystem which nurtured humankind from primate to homo sapiens. The title, "Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration Has Passed the Point of No Return," says it all. The impacts from ocean acidification and oxygen depletion, coral bleaching and disappearing Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets as well as glacial melting occurring at unanticipated rates far ahead of predictions.
Bernie Sanders has identified climate change as an issue of vital importance to the United States and the world calling for a massive WWII kind of effort to change our habits as quickly as possible. Incrementalism such as Hillary Clinton offers pales by contrast, and yet we are told that she is "effectively" our nominee, something we've been hearing since Sanders declared his candidacy. Under such circumstances it's hard to muster enthusiasm for this race, even when faced by the prospect of the other Great Orange Satan (Drumph).
The propaganda war on Bernie following the Nevada Democratic Caucus may have had its desired effect on voters as most recent polls show Clinton leading Sanders by double digits. While great for Clinton the real loser won't be Bernie, but rather the global climate and all life that depends upon it. Those who suffer most will not be Clinton, her family and friends, nor will those in power in both of the political parties. Unknown people in the millions as well as untold plant and animal species will pay the price that our power brokers sign on for by refusing to robustly address climate change. As Naomi Klein has said, things are going to get very mean as a result of our inability to act.
This is a tough election for me, a little old lady who has taken voting very seriously her entire adult life. Choosing between Clinton or Trump doesn't seem to matter much either way when it comes to how our country will address climate change. I raged at President Obama, a man I worked to elect, when he chose to continue drilling for oil when it seemed obvious to me that we should find ways not to do that. Compromising with fools seems foolish to me.
Now I fear that the DNC begrudgingly allowing Bernie to form the Democratic Party Platform isn't worth the "wood" that platform is made of. The wood is imaginary and so is the influence of that platform. A President H. Clinton will do what she will do. I expect there will be a "greenwashing" effort, but nothing really substantial.
Bernie losing means we lose too. Little things like politics or who won Dancing with the Stars are going to become very unimportant when climate change really gets going.

She doesn't care.
The Clintons have become very wealthy. They, their children, and their grandchildren will always be taken care of. It's only the little people who will suffer, and there is no evidence that a Clinton actually cares about those. Except, perhaps, insofar as the sheeple among them will provide votes.
Less voters just means there are that many less to vote
Against her.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
True. That's the horns of this dilemma.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
I agree completely. That's why she would
make a terrible president. She's only concerned with people like her. That's what's so scary about the Trump wedding photo with Bill and Hillary. As in Orwell's Animal Farm it's hard to tell the farmers from the pigs.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
It's already happening
Just read that people are dying in India, 128°. Farmers with small plots of land are committing suicide because they cannot grow anything because of heat. We've been in our neighborhood more than 40 years, and you see the age cycles. Right now, there are many young people, with babies. We are so sad for what their lives will be like, untold hardship. People see humpback whales "cavorting" near shore and think it's fun, but they are only there looking for food. The oceans are full of plastic, even the tiny plankton (which supply much of the oxygen on the planet), are starving. We are killing species because they are starving. Already along our coast, they are "revising" shores. As things move along, people will attempt to go away from the shores, the "elite" can fortify themselves behind many gates, but they won't have anything to eat, either. Quite possibly, before that happens, fresh water will disappear.
It's only fitting...
I swear that camel has more sense than the Democratic voters who
seem now resigned to being led meekly away from Oasis Bernie to the arid wastes of voting for Hillary.
Was not this heart full of Sanders? What is this mouth now full of sand?
I like your comment! The model seems to be that
Republicans are obstreperous and fight until they get their way, but Democrats are meek and must always compromise. I so sick of that because it's moved the "center" so far right that it's unrecognizable to me.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"