Shaun King debunkes the LIE that Hillary is winning the popular vote by 3 Million
Another must-read from @ShaunKing incl. debunking the LIE that Hillary is winning the popular vote by 3 million.
— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) May 19, 2016
Shaun King has been great at debunking the Hillary lie machine. While many are being lulled into believing that the end game is here. I disagree, and so does Shaun King. Shaun writes that superdelegates will decide who wins the election- and not until the convention.
Shaun does the math.
Currently Hillary has 1,768 pledged delegates and Bernie has 1,494 for a difference of 274 delegates.
930 delegates remain.
Hillary Clinton needs 615 pledged delegates to cross the threshold she needs. That's a bit more than 65% of the delegates and she is not predicted to win even one of the remaining states by that margin.
In other words, after the final primaries are held in June, Hillary Clinton will not have won enough delegates to be the nominee.
The superdelegates will have to decide.
As Susan Sarandon tweeted above Shaun's piece is a must-read! It's not time to talk about the end game unless it's about Bernie's choice for VP or cabinet.

What do they call it
when someone goes from really high highs to really low lows? Manic depressive personality? Is it pot or Prozac?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
yep, that's what it's called. I think it's important that....
we not buy into that negative mindset-that's what they want! Neither candidate will reach the delegate threshold by the convention. Hillary is losing favorability and polls to trump every day. I believe a poll I read about yesterday had her favs less than Trump. Couple more months of Trump and Bernie and she's toast.
It's why she's so desperate that he get out now
That and you have to wonder--if this was all set up by the Clintons and Trump, to obxcure her grotesque negatives with voters--if Trump is just livid at her and Billy because now he's in a real tough spot, if he never intended to win. Maybe he's threatening to sic his Atlantic City goons on sweet old Bill....
It's called Bi-Polar Disorder. It used
to be called Manic-Depression. It's a biochemical brain disorder.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
I apologize orlbucfan
I should have read the comments first. Mea Culpa.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Hi DKmich!
Friendly neighborhood psychologist here.
The extreme highs and lows used to be called manic depression. These days, it is called bipolar disorder.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Good post.
I suppose the end game remark was for me.
It's ok.
I donated to Bernie yesterday.
I don't see a realistic way the super delegates support Bernie. The Dem Party apparatus opposes us.
It is for me too....
It is the reason I asked about manic depressive disorder. I'm trying though.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
If Bern has mostly caught up by the convention, he can
certainly make the case he has momentum, as people learned more about him they voted more for him, some of the earlier states would probably vote for him now if they could go back and have a do-over.
In any case, he can make the case that he is much more likely to beat Trump than Hill is. He can also point to all those people who wanted to vote for him but could not because they were not registered Dems.
And he can ask, "Do you want to win?" If they are as concerned about beating Trump as they claim that they are, then that is the reason they might switch to Bern. With Bern as the nom, they have the Indies in the bag.
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I wrote the reason I disagree in comment above...
I'm one stubborn optimist Tom
I like your optimism!
Winning California is important.
It has been interesting -- all the polls showing her losing or way too close to Trump.
I think the supers would rather lose with her than win with Bernie. Maybe I'm too cynical.
I doubt it.
Seems to me that's been the attitude of Democratic Party politicians for a long time; perfectly happy to lose.
Yes .... but let's stay focused
The points made are correct:
However, as pointed out at the top in the Dairy: -- neither Clinton or Sanders can win outright on the first ballot. An an open convention is going to happen, and this means that -- whoever wants it the most may just ultimately prevail here. So it is time for all Sanders delegates, and all Sanders supports across the Country to now strap in, and not give in or back down one inch here.
This is a real fight, and we control 48%-50% of the Electorate. They will need us all to even appear competitive to General Election.
The harder that we fight, and the more that we make public Hillary Clinton's own inadequacies -- the better the chance here that the Establishment will finally implode, and the Convention will erupt into chaos.
And that's when we then finally prevail -- once it gets to that point.
So fight on!!
They would rather lose with HRC than WIN with Bernie
Bernie represents the beginning of the end of business as usual for both R's and D's. They will work together keep Bernie out of the White House.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
my favorite phrase "it aint
my favorite phrase "it aint over till Bernie says its over" Then we begin the next phase of the revolution
I find it...
amazing how much Shaun's voice changed upon leaving TOP. I liked him there, but he posted a couple hit pieces about Bernie that he was rightfully criticized for. Something happened when he left TOP...I don't know what it was, but I think his tone has changed a lot. Now he is a great surrogate for Bernie...who would have guessed based on his previous writing?
Perhaps ...
he was ordered to write those hit pieces and those orders helped him decide to leave.
Do not think it was an order
I think people were cautious about Bernie at first. He was the first candidate confronted by Black Lives Matter at an event, (at Netroots Nation) and while he stumbled(because he was first and it was not clear how this was going), it took time for some to understand him. Fast forward to the way Hillary responded and his respectful allowing the protestors to speak for awhile seems different, in hindsight. It is still true for undecided voters that people learn more and agree with him, while the more they learn about Clinton, the higher unfavorables she gets.
Another problem at TOP was his
lack of careful research resulting in some serious errors. From what I have read recently, his opinion pieces are more coherent and well thought out than were his Daily Kos diaries.
Corporate media says Hillary needs 100 or less
The corporate media, where they always count the super-delegates, will tell you Hillary is within 100 delegates of clinching the nomination.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
That bogus math drives me nuts...
When I run across a political horse race story site and they include the super delegates in the count and fail to make the distinction or show you the pledged delegate count, I start disregarding that site/author.
It's all part of the corporate assault on the citizenry.
I know we all felt that the MSM was sloppy/shoddy bad previously; but at this point I am snow willing to argue that that is NOT the case. They aren't, by and large, sloppy/shoddy/incompetent (yes some are) but rather they are intentionally engaged in what can only be described as wanton, if not criminal, journalistic malpractice.
And it drives me nuts that Rachel Maddow has been extremely guilty of this lately. I expect it from Chris Mathews, that guy while fun at times, has more than a few cards missing from his deck. Rachel has been treacherously complicit in the Corporate Comcasting of Bernie
How bad are things when Morning Joe is providing more balanced coverage of the Democratic primaries than Rachel Maddow...
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
That 3 million number means nothing unless
you fixed all the switches or miscounted votes (which we all know would add up to a very significant number), proportionally scale up caucus voting since it endemically has lower vote counts and then actually allow everyone to vote. Then we can discuss the meaning of the differences in vote totals. Until then, it's just an illusion designed to make it seem like Hillary Clinton is more popular and is winning for valid reasons. It's a perfect fact for her followers to parrot without having to put in any critical thought as to how that number truly came about.
Excellent point, Dhyerwolf.
It's more of their attempts to discourage Sanders supporters.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Not just discourage Sanders supporters
but try to prevent new people who hadn't/haven't really heard of it by once again trying to make Hillary seem inevitable and deserving. Just a few more thumbs on the scale manipulating everything that they can.
Jeff Weaver was good on
All Things Considered, this evening. The interviewer was nastily aggressive and I was shouting at her in my car. I don't think she could hear me, though.
He said the same thing - the super delegates are going to be the deciders. I think it is great because they will have to publicly oppose the people's will. They will nullify the vote. Of course everyone will become enraged, but the millennials will not be happy, which is a great mobilizer.
As a child of the 60's, the Vietnam war was a great mobilizer. The baby boomers were stunned, like these millennials will be, when they found out what the government was doing in our name. Unacceptable! The youth of today are so tuned in, they know a red herring from far away. I used to complain about helicopter parents, but as they grow, I see how determined they are to get it right.
The revolution is alive and well and will be televised at the convention.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I agree, the youth are getting it right. Hillary's lies ....
are not fooling anybody. Not in the age of social media, you tube etc.
Hillary's lies Can't Survive the Age of Social Media
Great article
Tonight on top, Tony Situ blamed Bernie for making everyone hate Hillary
Of course I couldn't let that statement stand so I wrote that many people hated her before Hillary decided to run for president.
I have been enjoying myself responding to the stupid comments they have been writing. I thought about putting the photo of the Clintons saying that they are being funded by the same people that stole people's houses, but I'm not ready to get banned quite yet
Here's an excerpt from the article. It is a fun read.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
When primary began
My seventeen year old son asked me about Hillary Clinton.The only thing he had heard about her was the Bosnia 'landing under fire' lie - which happened before he was born. Social media has brought a lot of younger voters up to speed. As for me, I think if they look for blame after the election, they should search out Thomas Frank. For a lot of people, his "Listen, Liberal" gave coherent explanation for the frustrations a lot of us have felt for decades. If Sanders retired this year(if he does not win) then the diagnosis of the problems is exactly the same.
Another good debunking of the 3 million number lie
is here:
And then there is this piece talking about all of those precincts that still haven't reported:
your first link is not working
so I grabbed something similar.
True, everyone needs to be pushing back against MSM and Brock trolls against the false Hill leads popular vote meme.
That fake number has been used for so long
and repeated ad infinitum enough times to Make It So. It must appear in nearly every damn diary OT, and has for weeks. A number like the Biblical 6000 years. It is not true, a fabrication and a definition change of the word Primary. From my HS civics lessons, primaries were olden-days ways to have state-sized packets of people choose in a day from a list a Winner. Then that gets magically transformed into a smallnum delegates to go to a national convention for another round of picking at Party level. Then Party winners, back to the states to re-vote. Then back to the smallnum Electoral College, where delegates vote again, representing state winners. Now unnecessarily complex, no need (now) for horses, trains, telegraphs and planes to come to a final reckoning. Repeat every 4 years. Billions of dollars changing pockets.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.