Guess who the "Peace Candidate" is now?

Hillary Clinton will not be able to run away from her true record in the General Election.

While Bernie Sanders may have gone 'light' on her during the Primaries, if the Super Delegates have any brains at all they would very quickly realize the extremely weak hand that they are setting up for the entire Democratic Party if they continue to maintain their blind (and undeserved) loyalty to Hillary Clinton.

For the first time since probably the Woodrow Wilson era, the most aggressive War Candidate will not be the Republican, but instead the Democrat.

[video: width:800 height:600]

And there is nothing Hillary Clinton can do about it now. In the General Election, she will not be treated politely, respectfully, and delicately (the way Bernie Sanders does). Trump will go for the throat and take her right down on the very thing that she is so proud of, and that she thinks "qualifies" her to be a U.S. President -- her alleged (but easily disproven) "Foreign Policy expertise".

Of course, Hillary has no expertise at all -- and Trump will finally unmask this for The World to see. She only has Neocon, think-tank, spoonfed talking points, bellicosity, and the love of wholly incompetent and illegal policies of: "Regime Change", Coup d'Etats, Assassinations, Troop Escalations, Arming Terrorist groups with U.S. Weapons, Pre-Emptive War Atrocities, and No Fly Zone brinksmanship .. to hang her hat on -- and this madness all done at Taxpayer expense. That's what she truly is.

If the Democratic Party is to have a chance in November, then they have to back the right horse. And trying to win a General Election by running to the right of the Republican candidate will produce huge losses across the board for the Democratic Party.

Trump will be on the Left of Hillary Clinton ... on Trade, Jobs, and the deIndustrialization of our Country, on Warfare, Empire, on Foreign Policy, on Foreign Aide, and also on Election/Party Reform, and possibly other matters as well (drug decriminalization?).

And when the "peace" candidate is the Republican, that spells big trouble.

  • Who will make this argument to the Super Delegates?
  • Who will get them to come to their senses?

It is quite obvious how this will play out in the General Election, and Trump will take her down on these issues and make it look totally foolish that anyone could have ever thought that Hillary would've ever been qualified to make a"commander in chief" or a U.S. President.

Trump will not hold back.
It's time for the Super Delegates to recognize that this is not about "Bernie or Bust" -- this is now a matter of basic survival.

Either get behind Bernie Sanders, or get totally wiped out in the General Election.
Her record is end-to-end incompetence, and Cheney-esque imitation.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

The Chump being the more leftist candidate on the ballot.

We're down the Rabbit Hole for sure, my friends......


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

I retweeted and responded to this tweet. I got my own heart back from Lee Camp. Thank god for the internet. What would we do without Redacted News and TYT. Give it a like and a retweet from all of us at c99.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

thanatokephaloides's picture

[video: width:640 height:360]


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

lotlizard's picture

has to come from a Republican, not a Democrat (sound of crickets chirping) — and a Republican regarded as an ultra-right-wing populist, at that.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

Can't ever remember a Democratic debate with such a full throated condemnation of Bush's biggest blunder, can you? Yet this guy walks into Big Sty and lets Jeb! and the rest of the war pigs absolutely have it.

AND Trump was rewarded: right after that February debate his poll numbers took off and he has never looked back since.

Let's face it folks, given the relative performances of all candidates from both parties, I think it's safe to say Gooper voters right now are even more sick of war than Dem voters are.

A good thing for Peace, but a very bad thing for Hillary and the rest of the Dem establishment.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

You should read up on the Iron Law of Institutions.

The Iron Law of Institutions is: the people who control institutions care first and foremost about their power within the institution rather than the power of the institution itself. Thus, they would rather the institution "fail" while they remain in power within the institution than for the institution to "succeed" if that requires them to lose power within the institution.
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ngant17's picture

or any number of tin-horn dictators, even with a coterie of generals to reinforce their corrupted institutions. It all collapsed internally within a revolution or civil war.

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ngant17's picture

by someone who doesn't even clearly show who is the author.

It comes across as disgusting rightwing garbage and indirectly glorifies Mein Kampf by hawking a book with similar title.

If this is your first foray into c99p, IMHO you should focus on improving content and keep libertarian nonsense out of the mix.

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lotlizard's picture

Now, of course it’s anyone’s perfect right to find these guys’ humor in bad taste. But I’m not sure how one could conclude they were right-wing.

What IS Our Kampf?

I appreciate that you asked how to buy it before asking what it is. This site needs more readers like you.

Anyway, it's a humor collection by Michael Gerber and me. Much of it first appeared in the New Yorker, Atlantic, New York Times, etc. and on Saturday Night Live and NPR's The Next Big Thing. . . .

To some degree it's in the tradition of Woody Allen's Without Feathers or Ian Frazier's Dating Your Mom. But unlike them, it's a big hodgepodge of different forms: along with New Yorker-style pieces, it has sketches, Weekend Update jokes, charts, forms, radio schedules, and the world's most difficult crossword puzzle. It may be closest to the Harvard Lampoon Big Book of College Life, if you've ever seen that.

Why is it called Our Kampf?

Well, certainly not because both Mike and I were cloned from one of Hitler's eyelashes, smuggled out of his bunker in the final days of the Third Reich. And even if that were true, there's no way you could make it stand up in court!

Also, it just made us laugh to compare the struggles we experienced trying to get our 750-word humor pieces published to the "struggle" of the 20th century's greatest psychopath.

So, no, they’re not glorifying Mein Kampf, unless one wants to argue that Mel Brooks’ The Producers is “glorifying” the Third Reich.

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lotlizard's picture

why the Democratic party resists any and all attempts to reform it.

Also, I doubt libertarians would be talking about changing the Democratic party — they’d be Hamlet “to be or not to be” Republicans like Ron Paul’s followers.

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stevej's picture

passage itself? - to my mind it borders on self evident and is absolutely not controversial.

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

thanatokephaloides's picture

It comes across as disgusting rightwing garbage and indirectly glorifies Mein Kampf by hawking a book with similar title.

Umm, check your snarkometer. It's falling down on the job.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Pluto's Republic's picture

It's not going to work that way. The Democratic Party will be torn apart whatever happens to Hillary, win or lose or hide in a closet. Nonetheless, the Dem Party bosses will always put a win for the PARTY, first — ahead of country or human decency or their own platform. Even ahead of Hillary's turn. There is no acceptable loss.

The reason the GOP isn't blocking Trump, is because he's the only candidate they have that people will voting for.

The Democratics Bosses will do whatever promises to bring the PARTY the win — unless they are each personally insane and bent on self-destruction. If Sanders is outperforming Hillary and has upward momentum, they will yank Hillary out of the race and put Bernie up.

The Bosses don't want to do that. That's why they are screaming for Bernie to stop. "He's hurting her!" Why, yes, he is. If Bernie stays until the very end, he will drink her milkshake, regardless of the so-called votes.

If Bernie's numbers are still shooting up at the end, then Hillary is circling the drain. It's an open secret that during the GE she will be shunned by the Left, the Millennials, and by the Independents. Whoever runs to the left will win them, and everyone else.

These are known knowns. If we're still in this same cosmos when the convention rolls around, Hillary will not be the nominee.

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Carry a burning candle and share the light.


they can be replaced and replaced they will be. 2 years into the Presidency insurgent/outsider candidates will rise in the house and if possible the Senate... and in 4 years.. those in power now.. may find themselves no longer viable. The advantage the insurgents will have is that their funding will come from the masses.. they won't have to spend 6 hours a day calling the plutocrats and corporate's for cash... leaving their hands free to do the work of the people they represent.... making good on their promises..... IF viability is the goal of the establishment.. well, it will be short lived.

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WindDancer13's picture

Listen for the rising sound of hysteria in that laugh. (In case you haven't noticed, she tends to laugh at the most insane moments, like when she doesn't know quite how to wiggle out of a question or when she hears of someone's death.)

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

ChemBob's picture

I think he was just playing one on TV to get the Republican nomination since their base is racist. It just doesn't seem to me that you can grow up in New York and do business in New York dealing with all kinds of people from all over the world and continue to be a racist. It would be a hard slog anyway.

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Trump's background is too sophisticated for that. He's playing the violent bigots in the worst of the Republican base for all he's worth. Like the Dixiecrats of old, he's packaging his approval of their rabid hatred of the "other" along with economic populism. I think the guy is channeling George Wallace (who was not, in real life, much of a bigot either).

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Twain Disciple

lotlizard's picture

reelected with African-American votes, strangely enough. At least, that’s what I seem to recall.

Apparently the Wallaces were able to convince Black people their renunciation of segregation and racism was sincere.

If I’m wrong there, someone please correct me.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

is another good analogy.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Big Al's picture

for President.

And then there was his father:

“Donald did inherit his father’s racism, and was probably actively coached in his father’s racism, and worked with his father to perpetuate it,” argued Will Kaufman, the professor of American literature and culture at Britain’s University of Central Lancashire who unearthed the scoop, said in a telephone interview with The Washington Post. “He picked up the mantle and ran with it with his father at his side. That’s why people are interested in this I think.”

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mimi's picture

and growing up in New York and doing business with "all kinds of people" is certainly not a shield against being considered a racist or a protection against possibly be one.

You simply can't accept for anyone to "play" a racist as a candidate for US presidency, because the candidate runs after "the racists' vote among the electorate/voters".

The fact that people play with the thought that it is ok to let the Trump play with that kind of stuff, is eye-opening. I am not going to let this confuse my mind. YMMV.

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Big Al's picture

he's against U.S. imperialism is that he supports the false narratives that are the lifeblood of U.S. imperialism. That makes it difficult for me to envision Trump doing anything but continuing imperialism in all ways. He supports torture, he's said that, wants to bring back waterboarding. Even said he'd kill terrorists' family members. The war OF terror is a fraud, it's all been manufactured, engineered, stage managed, to provide a neverending enemy the imperialists and the MIC can rely on to keep their trains rolling. Trump supporting torture shows he supports the fraud that is the war OF terror designed to enable the New American Century. It just doesn't wash.

Then there's the "wall" between Mexico and the U.S. He's said terrorists come across the border, etc., again, false narratives that just are not true meant to scare the bejesus out of the lemmings so they'll acquiesce to the police state and continued imperialism. That doesn't wash either.

He's talked about the U.S. meddling in other country's affairs, regime changes, etc. But the supposed need for his wall is because of U.S. meddling, regime changes, outright economic war in Latin America. We're seeing that clearly now in Venezuela and Brazil. If the U.S. stopped it's meddling in Latin America, if the U.S. had not done what's its done down south in the past, we wouldn't have huge numbers of people wanting to escape and move to the U.S. for better opportunities.
So that doesn't wash either. For the Trumps and racists that support him, there wouldn't be a need for a wall if the U.S. would stop its imperialism in Latin America.

I think Clinton is worse than Trump, but referring to him with anything related to Peace is inaccurate and disturbing.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

a pervasive American worldview as old as the Republic itself.

referring to him with anything related to Peace is inaccurate and disturbing.

The terror stuff is just an excuse to beat up on Muslim 'furriners'. Doesn't necessarily translate into bombing them in their own countries.

Quite the opposite in fact, since Trump's thesis is that if we stop bombing them over there, they'll stop coming over here.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

lotlizard's picture

the Middle East and Central Asia.

Made friends and created goodwill by treating every country willing to work with us like we treat Israel and Saudi Arabia, no better, no worse. Seeing their good sides while having infinite patience with their evil sides. Giving them comparable support and aid. Helping them build and maintain civil infrastructure for peaceful purposes. In the end, letting them stand on their own two feet.

But that’s not who we are and how we roll, is it?

That would require a much more optimistic view of human nature, whereas we are married to the other extreme, a much darker, darwinistic, Realpolitik vision of a dog-eat-dog, it’s-them-or-us, zero-sum world, yes?

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Pluto's Republic's picture

… but the most dangerous and destructive force in the geopolitical world, American Neocons, live and breathe global murder and mayhem in order to crown Israel and the US the Imperial Rulers of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Nuclear forces, both. The US has been economically gutted to pay for their quest for global Empire, and your own austerity is a sacrifice to the Neocon's goals.

Suddenly, right in front of everyone's face, the American Neocons are switching from GOP to Hillary. She is the only remaining Neocon in the race. Always before, BOTH PARTIES had a Neocon embed running for the presidency.

Donald Trump screwed them. It's the first time this has happened in the modern age. The Neocons and Trump loathe each other, probably because Trump can see clearly the scam they've been running on America, and has said as much during his campaign. When he says, "foreigners have to pay in cash, up front, if they want our military will go off and destroy a nation for them," it is a direct goad to the Neocons.

I don't think voting matters one bit in this fake democracy.

But I do think it is important that Americans march to their fate with their eyes wide open.

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Big Al's picture

you and evidently others think I can't wrap my head around Donald Trump. Perhaps my persistence about imperialism leads to pigeonholing as having a limited mind.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

It doesn't matter what anyone votes for.

For me, it's about empowering people. Every time Americans get bamboozled in an election by a candidate they trusted, their light dims. It's not about losing, it's about being a victim of a fraud that had all the signals of fraud, but you still go for it. That diminishes self confidence.

It's not about you. It's about your generosity in creating arenas where this can be discussed, and expressing yourself openly, humbly, honestly, guilelessly, which invites participation.

It's not about Trump. He's so easy to dismiss because he's disgusting. But he's changed American politics permanently. And we need to understand exactly how he did that, and the nature of the game he is breaking up. It is important to look at it without going "ewwww" or viewing him as weapon against Hillary. Patterns reveal reality. It's all we got.

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mimi's picture

these two videos.
and the one which was posted in a thread of OPOL's diary by user and author of this diary, "Free Society".

Both are long and I don't know anyone, who I would trust enough to have a fair view on them. If you have time ... may be in the next couple of days, would be inclined to comment on both? I would enjoy and appreciate your pov. on both.

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[video: width:800 height:600]

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mimi's picture

I realize that the first video from Cian Westmoreland is not enough to understand who he is and what's about. He was on Democracy NOW a while ago and is a whistleblower.
Exclusive: Air Force Whistleblowers Risk Prosecution to Warn Drone War Kills Civilians, Fuels Terror. Here is his own webpage from the group "Iraq War Veterans against the War". Cian Westmoreland
I found also two maps searching for Cian Westmoreland, which I like.

Well, the second video speaks for itself. Just wanted to have a critical view on that video.

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janis b's picture

It looks like Romania is a critical base. I'll have to inform myself about Romania.

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janis b's picture

It's not about losing, it's about being a victim of a fraud that had all the signals of fraud, but you still go for it. That diminishes self confidence.

I think that will be especially so in this election result; that self confidence will be diminished by a sense of self-defeat and deception. Especially since the signals this time around (post-Obama) are so much clearer and more difficult to deny.

I wonder if that means America will end up with that many more defeated individuals who have even less reason to feel confidence in self or the other. It’s a really sad projection.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

…risk to the individual, this time around. Sure, folks are angry — anger is the theme of 2016, for whatever reason.

I'm hearing an undertone of regret. A sense of time running out. I noticed hopeful rhetoric coming from a flat, neutral place. Just going through the motions.... The borders between self and others has been getting blurred a lot.

It could be the demographics of whom I am reading. Certainly it reflects what the Internet has done to society's identity. But no one can deny that this election is profoundly off and the nation has entered strange territory.

And amidst the uncertainty, people feel a lot of personal pressure to get it right. Heh. As George Bush put it:

“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”

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janis b's picture

I’m gonna rent myself a big old oldsmobile, fill the thermos with real coffee, and follow the road till I arrive.


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thanatokephaloides's picture

you and evidently others think I can't wrap my head around Donald Trump.

Since it's patently obvious that Donald J. Trump cannot wrap his head around Donald Trump, why should anyone else presume to do so?

Or, as I used to say in the Pagan gatherings, "I'm not psychic; I'm psychO!!"


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Being a Woman and a Democrat softens her past actions, don't ya think, in the eyes of her supporters? Indeed, these two umbrellas Hill hides under have let her get away with a sh#tload of damage and hurt and stupid.

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lotlizard's picture

(I except Democrats like Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel, rejected by their own.)

Did Kerry run on “Bush lied”? Did he point out during the campaign that while we may have lost thousands, we obliterated their cities and they lost millions?

Did Obama run on “Bush lied”? Did he point out during his campaign that while we may have lost thousands, we obliterated their cities and they lost millions?

Behavior counts. Motives and future deeds are only speculation — we’re guessing when it comes to what’s in someone else’s heart and head. But it’s on the record who spoke up publicly about what when, and who didn’t.

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We lost thousands and they lost millions. Even my Mother, a huge Bush supporter, would never admit we were killing innocent people. The 9/11 perpetrators were virtually all Saudis, so we attacked Iraq?


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Pluto's Republic's picture

And murdered or displaced millions of innocent people.

The US attack on Afghanistan was the greatest atrocity against humanity that I have witnessed in my lifetime.

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Carry a burning candle and share the light.


We did attack Afghanistan, but with 'some' justification due to the Al Qaeda training camps. The invasion seemed to be backing oil pipeline interests and I do agree it was an atrocity. Seems the Taliban had shut down opium poppy production too, wonder if that had anything to do with it.

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TheOtherMaven's picture

Dubya HAD to have his War so he could be a War Preznit so he could be re-elected and ruin this country some more. If the excuse he picked hadn't worked - and it was an excuse, and he lied and cheated all sides - he would just have come up with another one.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

lotlizard's picture

We have the chance to stand up and say, “No! Not in our name, please. Thanks for telling us honestly that you think that, but it’s wrong.”

Now, what if someone doesn’t tell us what they honestly think. Instead they pay lip service to agreeing with us and being against the evil thing, while at that very moment they have lawyers somewhere thinking up secret justifications for it. They go ahead and do it, declaring the whole thing classified and a state secret. Much later we find out and complain, at which point they circle the wagons and protect the underlings who did the evil thing. They bury the evidence, give a damage-control speech, call us condescending words, and go right on doing the evil thing anyway, while denying that it is continuing.

Which “someone” has more integrity? Which is preferable? More moral? Are they equally bad?

Personally I think the first “someone” has more character. You can have a discussion before any of the horrible criminal practices, shady legal memo-writing, and granting of immunity to hired sociopaths have occurred.

If I choose the second “someone,” I’m basically saying, “Go ahead and lie to me. I want to be lied to. Then I’m off the hook. I can pretend I didn’t know what the plan was, what was going on in the camps.”

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Lenzabi's picture

The fools on the Beltway have underestimated their opponent, Trump is shifting leftwards to out do Hillary who we know is more right of center and not a progressive leftist at all. Trigger-happy-Hillary will lose to Trump, so we are better off with her getting indicted and Bernie becoming the front runner/candidate as he has the strength against Trump. FEEL THE BERN!

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

PastorAgnostic's picture

2016-05-14 17_25_50.png

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PastorAgnostic's picture

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Perfect it.

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