Fearing Trump, some Democrats up pressure on Sanders to exit
Put on a hazmat suit before reading the full article. Every paragraph drips with acidic condescension.
Fearing Trump, some Democrats up pressure on Sanders to exit | AP | May 13, 2016
[At the top of the web page there might be a video with music and print to read at the bottom of each photo indicating Feinstein, et alia, want Bernie to exit the race so they can get voters to coalesce around $Hillary. There wasn't a video late last night when I first saw the article, but there was today when I saw it again.]WASHINGTON (AP) — Pressure is mounting on Bernie Sanders to end his campaign for president, with Democratic Party leaders raising alarms that his continued presence in the race is undermining efforts to beat presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump this fall.
The new concerns come after Sanders’ recent wins over front-runner Hillary Clinton in Indiana and West Virginia. While those victories have provided his supporters a fresh sense of momentum heading into next week’s primaries in Kentucky and Oregon, they did almost nothing to help Sanders cut into Clinton’s nearly insurmountable lead in the delegates who will decide their party’s nomination.
“I don’t think they think of the downside of this,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., a Clinton supporter who hosted the 2008 meeting that brokered post-primary peace between Clinton and then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama.
“It’s actually harmful because she can’t make that general-election pivot the way she should,” Feinstein said. “Trump has made that pivot.”
[More at link, all with this same "tone." At the end of the article are the names of the two apparent authors: Follow Lisa Lerer and Ken Thomas on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/llerer and http://twitter.com/kthomasdc I am not on Twitter, but perhaps others might want to respond.]
I'm guessing these two "authors" and the politicians who want Bernie to exit the race have not seen the head-to-head poll results that show Bernie winning over Drumpf by double digits, and $Hillary's tie or one or two points under/over Drumpf if she were the Dem candidate - i.e., if they definitely want Drumpf to win the presidency, pit $Hillary against him....
If these warmongering corporatist DINOs want to put a Democrat in the White House, they need to come to grips with the fact that $Hillary is just not presidential material - not in '08, not now in '16 with bad judgement as a senator and as SoS (with probable money laundering via the Clinton Foundation) and an FBI investigation that is ongoing. What? Do they plan to call a halt the FBI investigation into her emails and server at the Clinton residence in NY? How far will the warmongering corporatist DINOs go to back $Hillary - and all at the expense of finding out just how much their constituents loathe them for ignoring the wishes of We the People, the same ones who voted for these Congressional Cretins who have gained millions in Campaign Ca$h? (I think it's time for someone to primary their asses.)
As far as I can see online, most of Bernie's supporters will never vote "for" Hillary under any circumstances, altho a few will be good scouts and vote for any Dem nominee as the lesser of two evils, no matter what. Are the Dems who are the powers-that-be willing to risk losing to Drumpf if they insist they have to put $Hillary in the White House? Or do they have a sure-fire way of rigging or hacking the election in $Hillary's favor? Are they willing to get caught hacking e-voting machines, or putting more obstacles in the way of Dems and Independents (and some Repub crossover voters who can't stand Drumpf and never vote for him), and more long lines as in previous years and the primaries at the polling places?
I keep waiting for Dems who serve as "powers that be" to come to their senses and see that Bernie is far and away the better candidate with the best positions and platform, starting with climate change and working down a looooong list from there of things that have needed to be addressed in the last quarter of a century. Thus far, I've seen no evidence acknowledging that fact from the majority of the superdelegates (at least not the ones in MN; three have endorsed Bernie, one has endorsed no one, and the rest endorsed Clinton before, at, or just barely after the DNC Summer Meeting in Mpls last year). If someone challenges the superdelegates who are also currently holding office and not yet up for re-election, and if they have a platform similar to Bernie's I would likely support the challenger, not the incumbent Democrat.

More 'Embrace the Suck'
From the sucky Dems.
No thanks.
Time for $Hillary to drop out of the race, and allow a non-sucky Dem to beat Trump.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Nay, nay, nay. It's excrementé on ciabatta with aioli and arugula!
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
I'll have you know
that that manure comes from only the finest grain fed Kobe beef. You'll be hard pressed to find any finer shit in the tristate area, and you'd be a fool to look.
They say that there's a broken light for every heart on Broadway
They say that life's a game and then they take the board away
They give you masks and costumes and an outline of the story
And leave you all to improvise their vicious cabaret-- A. Moore
"Embrace the suck."
You nailed it, bollox. You magnificent bastard, you.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
The Person Who Needs to Exit This Race is Hillary Clinton
If you haven't watched it, here's Cenk Ugyur on why Joe Biden's in the news of late. Also see this video - FBI: There's No "Security Inquiry" Of Hillary, It's An Investigation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wncQi4jiS8Q
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVKJyre1HdY width:650 height:500]
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
More on This Issue By the 'Sane Progressive'
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McGmz4TOKho width:500 height:400]
A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
But, but, but JnH....
.....it's NOT a criminal investigation. It's merely a security inquiry.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Can it be real and Comey is losing patience?
Every time I see one of these missives from Team Clinton now, I wonder. But yeah, wasn't it Comey that said "there's no such thing as a security inquiry"? Man, did I laugh at that!
And, well--fortunately for Bernie Sanders supporters, he's not dropping out of the race anyway, so these loudmouths are wasting their time. Again.
They seem awfully desperate for him to get out lately, though. You have to wonder why.
You read my mind, J&H! Are you psychic?
My second thought was "Call a Waaaaaaaaaaambulance!" Oh, the Sturm & Drang of comments that call for "party unity behind Hillary" so she can concentrate on beating Drumpf is enough to send me into hysterical giggles. How the fuck could she beat Drumpf if head-to-head polls show her losing, in a tie, or barely winning over Drumpf?!? All while the FBI investigation is still ongoing?!? The only way she could beat Drumpf is if the e-voting machines were hacked in Hillary's favor.
Dem DINOs expect us to have lemming-like behavior and vote for her as the lesser of two evils while the Rethugs call for gridlock, impeachment, and more investigations?!? Just like in years past when we've been given no option other than voting "for" the lesser of two evils. Worse, and more unreasonably, they expect Bernie's supporters to urge him to pull out of the race when there is a possibility of still winning..., since Hillary could be brought up on charges by the FBI after (or even before) the convention or as an October surprise before election day.... And they could stick Biden in as a replacement???
Seriously. Seriously?!?!? They are out of their minds!!!
The hubris of the Dem elites, DINOs all, never ceases to amaze me.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
You are both soooo right.
Imagine if Bernie was in the lead (he's almost there anyway) and it was he who was being investigated by the FBI for criminal wrongdoing. Could you hear the howls from the Dem party elites? "Step down, Bernie. Now! For God's sake man, stand down. You will bring us to ruin."
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
I can't even believe they're still toying with putting Biden in
that's batshit crazy at this point. Particularly at this point.
They're really, really desperate. Perhaps Moderate Republicans have told Team Clinton to fuck off already?
Some of us have contacted Joe Biden
and asked him not to take part in replacing Hillary, should it become desirable to do so. He can be reached at"
I told him he was a nice guy and I liked him, but there was no way I would vote for a candidate that was foisted on me.
I did this because the DNC is not going to listen to me. Joe might, if he gets enough emails.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Thanks for the link
I sent him an email and told him a whole lot more.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Saw that!
Look at this new article from Politico- w/ Cenk's theory in mind- and tell me what you think:
The "staffers" want to remain anonymous, of course. What fresh hell is this?
Dear Diane Fienstein
Do you REALLY think Sanders supporters give a Chit what you think ?
Orwell was an optimist
To me, Dianne Feinstein supporting a candidate has the
opposite of intended effect. I got a mailer for someone running in my CA state senate district with Feinstein's endorsement and her picture and my automatic response was to throw the mailer away without reading it!
If Feinstein says Bernie should drop out, that's a signal that he's doing something right!
My big question to Fienstien would be pretty short...
Well, if she has it so in the bag why not pivot now?
After all, if Sanders can't possibly win what's stopping her?
That I think indicates they are worried...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
The obvious things that are missed....
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Ain't nothin stopping her from pivoting right now.
Orwell was an optimist
Anecdote time again!
I spent an hour this morning chatting with a retired judge, a life long Democrat, and once rightly regarded as the most powerful judge in the State of Texas.
We talked about some local races, how these surprising candidates have family and friends up in Austin, and then, out of nowhere, he told me he would vote for Trump if Bernie wasn't on the ballot.
Aside from not knowing what she stands for, besides saying anything and doing anything to win, it is the prospect of war. He thought Congress would hold the line on Trump, but would back Hillary for war.
He is 70. I think at his first election, he was the youngest district judge in state history. Politics is just in his brain cells. He held many offices, was never defeated. And he feels Trump would back down from war, believes Hillary would make it a point to defy conventional wisdom on war.
He is hearing things from lots of his friends in high places. He still runs in some high and mighty circles.
So, my belief that she is a vote for WWIII is not just silly little goose on the cusp.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
God Bless
That judge. From Texas? Wow!
I was absolutely floored!
I have known him 30 years, expected him to be prepared to vote for Hillary with nose held. I just had not called him in several months.
He and I have friends who grew up with Bill Clinton in Arkansas and spent a nights in the White House. I think my judge pal has met both Bill and Hillary.
One of our mutual friends has her on speed dial.
We are only a couple of degrees removed, as it were.
He knew me well enough to know I would go rogue for Bernie, but in my wildest dreams, I didn't have him pegged as so anti-Hillary that he would vote to keep her away from the office.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I've had that very same suspicion myself
That and "competent lesser evil versus incompetent greater evil" which is worse/better over the long run?
Why, oh why....
do the Hillbots not see this? It. Drives. Me. Crazy. Shame on them.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
they don't want to see it.
A lot of them are paid not to
(See Dkos)
from a reasonably stable genius.
Why would I vote for any candidate,
from dog catcher to President, if I knew that candidate was under an fbi investigation?
NOT EVEN BERNIE, for fuck's sake!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Yes I think that the election is going to be fixed
They stole two elections for Bush so why not steal it for Hillary?
As the saying goes 'if elections changed anything it would be illegal'.
And as we can see when it comes to Hillary and Bernie, our votes don't matter. The pledged and the super delegates will pick the candidate that they want. And they choose Hillary before the elections even started.
The democrats and Obama like to hide behind the GOP obstruction but that's theater too. If the democrats actually wanted to get back supporting us like they did before the Clintons ruined it with the DLC, then they would be backing Bernie.
Either Hillary or Trump is going to win and we are going to be screwed over some more.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I think it's going to be fixed, too...
but perhaps not in the way you think.
I know this is going to sound ultra-CT, but I'm beginning to see many consistent signs pointing in this direction. I also have good intuition.
According to Cenk- and I agree w/ his reasoning- the Insider-elites are becoming increasingly concerned about a possible Clinton indictment. I personally think they're also becoming concerned about her ability to beat Trump. I mean, look at the polling... it's very disconcerting. Cenk thinks they're organizing a Biden-parachute-in-- w/ Warren as VP--- which would make even more sense in light of Clinton's weak polling against Trump.
Now, here's where it gets, admittedly, a bit "tin foil," (depending on just how corrupt you think our government is): They are going to push the FBI to issue an indictment, so they can drop Biden/Warren in. What (or rather, who) is the elephant in the room? Why, Bernie Sanders, of course. The ramping up of the pressure to get Bernie to drop out is becoming deafening.
Just found this article on Politico, this morning: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/sanders-backers-plot-post-primary-...
These "staffers" are anonymous, of course. But how nasty and desperate are things becoming when someone is buying Bernie staffers? (if they're even real staffers)
Please respond (even if you flame me, I understand)
Yes, they "stole" the election...
while the "other side" appeared to ever so conveniently look the other way. Unfortunately, the entire process boils down to a crock of steaming shit!
It's party time! Third or fourth party time!
Our village and town are so small that we don't have a village idiot or a town drunk. Nope, we all take turns.
It's my sense that the Bernie or Bust movement is growing...meaning that with each day, with each primary, Clinton loses more from the left. Is there any evidence of this? Could just be wishful thinking. And I still believe that until Trump manages to begin behaving like sn adult, Clinton will be able to siphon votes from the Grand Old Old Old Party.
I don't know about GOP votes, but she's definitely after money
There were a few stories after Canadian Cruz quit that said $Hillary had been calling Rethuglican supporters - notably, Bushistas, their contacts and asking them for money. Remember Bill & Dumbya & Poppy have/had charities through the Clinton Foundation, so whatever the Clintons profit from also likely goes to them.
[Obama already has a foundation, so I expect him to be part of the Bill, Hillary, Poppy, Dumbya group and profiting handsomely from "charities" even as they launder money while getting government contracts or setting up NGOs or weapons of war, etc., for their besties in foreign countries or from the US. I see it as a consolidation of criminals.]
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
If Dems are fearing Trump
they should be pressuring the Mad Bomber to quit.
Sanders does better than her in every matchup poll with Trump.
Also, her supporters should be in agreement because they love themselves some math.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I can understand
Uniformed voters going for Hillary, my niece for example, but how can people that post on these sites do the same?
If you are here it is likely you are informed.
Right. Math.
Isn't it amazing that individual donor amounts can get erased or adjusted when going through bundlers? They crow about individual donors overshooting the $2700 mark for Sanders and ignore much larger sums from individuals getting derivatized and bundled off the PACs. Math, with calculus!
And the sudden obsession with popular votes in a state primary. I thought that the primary process was at the state level to equalize all 50-some by the assignment of delegates and that the summation of votes state+state was not in that equation. New Math.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
It's all about toeing the line.
I'm guessing it's maybe 30%, though we'll never know because there will never be an unbiased poll on this topic. It's still a sizeable percentage. We need to step up the campaign against Clinton. She needs to lose.
Of course. They don't really care. Party loyalty is for plebes.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
What's wrong with us
Why aren't we living in denial about all of Hillary's flaws and why don't we just accept the end of self-determination in this Country. Why can't we be more like her supporters.
Beware the bullshit factories.
I don't think it's humanly possible
for anyone to persuade me that Bernie should drop out.
The Hillbots are getting smarter. They are dressing their shit up in fancier clothes these days but it's still shit.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Fearing Bernie, some Democrats up pressure on Bernie to exit
I fixed the title.
They must have some damaging internal polls
If they are THIS afraid of Bernie that they are whining - and they ARE whining in piteous tones to have Bernie withdraw so their plans to install a first female prez can take place, not to mention the military-industrial-mercenary complex which will definitely profit from wars I would expect her to start - they need to lose - and lose BIG.
It'll be funny to watch/hear/read their whining right up to when they try to steal the election from Bernie.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
They have a pattern.
Right before Bernie wins big they turn up the heat. What this means is they believe he is going to do well In California since that is the only one they really care about. Or they are not happy with what is shaping up to be a blow out in the west.
When even “truthout” doesn’t want the truth about Hillary to out
Trump and Clinton: censoring the unpalatable
(“truthout” is a news aggregator site.)
Thanks for the link.
Jesus. I read Truthout on a "semi-regular" basis. I've always enjoyed William Rivers Pitt and others at that site. With that in mind, I'm very discouraged to see that they are providing cover for Hillary "The Mad Bomber" Clinton. WTF? Personally, I want a woman to be president in the worst way. Whose fucking idea is it that it has to be the worst woman?
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
They are piling on.
"White House officials believe Obama has the ability to coax some die-hard Sanders' fans into the Clinton camp, particularly young people and liberals. But if he moves before Clinton officially captures the nomination, he risks angering those voters and undermining that effort."
As someone on one of the political blogs recently said:
'I am not a fan of Bernie Sanders. I am a Bernie Sanders supporter.' [Paraphrase; I can't this second remember where I read it.] Bernie is not a reality actor with a fan base - he's a politician running on a platform that promotes programs and policies that will benefit most people in the US..., and with his climate change proposals, will affect the rest of the world, too, if we can cut down on polluting our air, earth, and water.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Love your avatar, birdie! Our first Cockatiel
was a [Normal] Grey; now we have a White-Faced boy, who's in his mid-twenties.
We did something we had never done when we had a sudden death in the family--we traveled with him. He LOVED it! We were blown away. Now, he tags along all the time.
Welcome! We're a very pet-friendly community. Glad you've joined us.
"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went."--Will Rogers
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I have a client that owns a flower shop. Every day, her yellow-headed Amazon commutes with her. Loves it! Roams around the office area, which can be dangerous since he doesn't like men. Luckily, he's not at stealthy as he thinks he is!
You keep using that word...
There are so many factors
There are so many factors roiling, it's hard to gather them all.
First, protesting too much and the hyper partisanship beforehand will damage the underlings that stuck by her and sold out their own mothers, if Clinton loses. I think she will lose if she makes it to the general. In fact, it is my fervent hope the whole thing burns down. [Preferably with Shills and Bills in it along with the Barney Franks, DiFis, Boxer, assorted coterie of pundits and "journalists".] I'd love for the CGI to be disassembled and outed as the graft/money laundering machine that it is.
The more "they" put their foot on the scales and try to arrange Shill's ascendancy, the more reason there will be a groundswell for Bernie to run as third party. It's like playing gin and then suddenly they are breaking out into 500 and laying down melds. There would be no dishonor in grabbing your part of the pot and leaving the game. I think it is building to this. Add on the Biden maneuver and all hell will break loose.
So does Hillary want to keep up with this shit? I don't think she can beat Trump. He's to the left of her on so many things and now DiFi and the other harpies are saying she has to pivot to the general? What universe are they in? Does she want to win the primary and lose the general? They have to know somewhere in their black hearts she is not going to win. Trump may have some skeletons in his closet, but they are mainly distractions, her skeletons are real skeletons and misery and poverty and disease and death. Trump will skewer her like a green pepper at a barbecue. Would it, at some point be better for her to be indicted to stick Biden in there so she could be exonerated and keep her influence, but not be President? How do her minions in offices all over the country feel about it? The head of the Hydra will be lopped off. Are they planning some sort of exit? I can't imagine her winning, but then again I am sure she and her machine can't imagine losing.
If Bernie capitulates and supports her, I am voting for Trump. TPP peoples. TPP.
I've got more but it isn't crystallized enough to impart at this moment.
TTP could be the key
That would require Trump (or Bernie) to do massive Congressional knock-downs to stop (R-Congress at least is smiling waiting to aye that one to fufillment).
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
It's not a bill, it's a
It's not a bill, it's a treaty that needs Congressional approval and the blessing of the Executive.
It's not a veto situation, the Executive has to put it forward, and Bernie won't. Trump won't.
Feel free to rant, saves me from having to write it up myself &
strengthens my determination to never vote for that lying liar murderess grifter, complete with slimy side-kick, ever.
It's obvious to me !!!
The strong candidate should drop out so that the weak candidate won't look so weak !!!
The intelligent candidate should drop out so that the stupid candidate won't look so stupid !!!
The honest candidate should drop out so that the hopelessly corrupt shake-down slush-fund sleaze-bag candidate won't look so sleazy !!!
The left-wing peacenik candidate should drop out so that the regime-changing warmongering right-wing psychopath won't look so psychopathic !!!
The Democratic establishment
does not care about winning the election as they do about killing the movement behind Bernie Sanders. Sanders represents a real threat to the status quo and that is what they are guarding against.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
DINO DiFi is an Embarrassment To California
Ever since DiFi's hubby got bought off with lucrative Pentagon contracts early in her tenure, she has been a reliable neocon tool. Only the fact that the Republicans kept running the lamest opposition to her allowed her to win and continue to inflict extremely non-democratic policy positions on us.
Due to a poorly constructed "open" primary law, it is not possible to write-in anyone for a state-wide office like US Senator in the General Election. Given a choice between the Devil and the Deep Brown Pile, I've left that slot blank or voted None of the Above (when write-ins were still possible) when she is the candidate. I wish it were she and not Barbara Boxer retiring this year, despite Boxer having lost her effectiveness long ago.
Just another reason to hate Dan White for being such a stupidly murderous bigot. Without his shooting of Moscone and Milk, who would have ever heard of Dianne Feinstein outside of Metro SF?
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
General election pivot.
Where she sheds all the progressive pretenses and runs like the centrist the she is and always has been.
Very Concerned
Hi NonnyO- I just read an article at Politico that I am extremely concerned about:
I don't know how to do a diary but everyone should read this article. Who ARE these "dozen or so" of former and some current (who worked w/ the Obama campaign) staff who are drafting a proposal calling for Sanders to drop out after CA primary and start forming an independent movement to defeat Trump? Of course they have requested anonymity.
The reason I am most concerned is because I saw a TYT video, recently, in which Cenk talked about renewed concerns amongst the elite-insiders (and gave several good, logical examples for why he thinks they're concerned) about a Clinton indictment-- and how they were planning to parachute Biden in. Well, if that's the back-up plan, of course they'd want to get Bernie out of the race so they wouldn't have to deal w/ him and supporters.
This new "proposal" from alleged Sanders staffers is very odd, I think, but would make sense in light of the aforementioned scenario.
Please, everyone, read the article and tell me what you think.