American Politics - What a Zoo.
My first post here, so hello everyone. I am 70. I have never bothered with American politics except asking my family members who live in the USA to vote for Nader. When i was in the University I supported the Socialist Party. I am a Bolivian citizen living in the Windward Islands (Caribbean), member of Evo Morales party Movimiento Al Socialismo and before that whatever old school anarcho-communist party was running. Most of my political action has been demonstrations, marches and road blockades. I worked heavily with conservation. I still don't follow American domestic politics... none of my business really. It has been more important for my Bolivian family and I to secure our own revolution. We accomplished it with a combination of endless demonstrations, marches and blockades as well as winning elections with 95% of the vote in the rural indigenous Andes.
So you can consider me an outsider studying your process and contributing ideology from the Latin American & Caribbean Left. We are effected. Look at what happened to Dilma Rousseff in Brasil today. Thats the kind of shit we have been putting up with for centuries.
I also have friends and contacts in Palestine and support ending the occupation and a single state for all or whatever the Palestinians decide they want in a monitored, free, transparent referendum. Netanyahu and his collaborators should be tried and imprisoned on some Antarctic rock. As should every USA administration back to at least Carter.
My support for Sanders is a support for a SHIFT away from Neocon war crime ideology and neoliberal vampire economics. Hillary Clinton is beyond the pale of humanity. A coup here, an embargo there, a few tens of billions of weapons there, a staged economic collapse in one corner, an assassination or ten or a hundred there and who cares about blowing children's bodies apart.
I registered at DK in February, lurked around for awhile and started frequently posting. The rules are so twisted I never have figured them out.. I don't give a damn about recs and bojos or mojos or whatever. I hate to be censored. I also feel insulted when I get snide one liners. Or complaints that my quotation marks weren't in the right place, or being afraid to post an intelligent article because it doesn't agree with the mainstream. Cripes, its worse than under the dictatorships of the past.
In fact, the whole numbers game/horse race makes me want to break the monitor. I don't mind a simple table of numbers, a map of counties and I am quite intelligent enough to see the numbers and possible outcomes without being told we "LOST", "Suck it up." I can't get any Hillary supporters to discuss an issue. Its painful because I spend a lot of my time studying and writing. Then a short time goes by and poof, my diary is closed.
Looking at it from the outside its pretty simple to see that the people of the USA are being manipulated, lied to, cheated by the rigged "democratic" system. The electoral process is pathetic. Voting machines and the method of registration, voting, vote counting and weird rules set down by party hacks and oligarchs are piteous. Comparatively, Bolivian elections are like a shining light on the hill... at least if you forget the extreme right land owning oligarchs and US Embassy are trying to screw them up... at least the process is transparent, fair and inclusive. And well monitored not only by the UN, Jimmy Carter etc., but also by local citizens doing their duty.
Then there is the corruption. From my point of view America is one of the most corrupt systems on Earth. A banana republic from the 19th century or worse. Corporate/state governance is simply fascism. And all these rich suckists remind me of the fucking Germans in their ballrooms sipping champagne and dancing while people are enslaved and gassed and murdered in their name.
I didn't get around to Puerto Rico/vulture funds/Clinton Foundation/Vulture Fund connections today. Maybe tomorrow. See you all then. Good night.
Note: My avatar is by an artist friend in Gaza. Its called, looking out over the sea from Gaza".

Glad You Made It Here, Alex
Look forward to reading your essays here. Forget Dkos. It's gone insane.
A hearty 'welcome,' Alex! Make yourself at home;
and, if you've got any questions, don't hesitate to ask for help.
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.--Lao Tzu
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Aloha e Alex, e komo mai. ¡Bienvenido! Welcome to c99. n/t
Welcome Alex...
great first essay, more please.
Another welcome
Most if not all of us are refugees from dailykos. Like you, we find the bullying censorship more than we can take.
The US is a banana Republic. I look forward to learning from your experiences. Ck out welcome new members of you haven't already.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
And some of us are refugees
from other blogs because of the bullying.
Your analysis of our situation, by the way, is really quite clear and quite correct.
We look forward to seeing more of your work.
Welcoming [[hug]].
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
There's more than one dailykos? Hard to believe another place could be as ugly.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Bienvenidos mi amigo.
TOP (The Other Place aka DailyKos)) has turned into something totally politically stupid. It's a shame, but money talks in this sad country. Rec'd!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Two words: street samurai.
If we're heading towards a dystopian future—and there's no doubt that it appears like that's where we're going at the moment—hope for a cyberpunk future, and think about how much of a badass you could be in this future.
Also, welcome.
"Dystopia" is one of my favorite serial titles; Dystopia I, Dystopia II and pretty much describes the present state of present day human world function. I also am fond of the humanity as cancer analogy for the 6th Great Extinction, Climate Change, Factory Farming, Predatory Capitalism and so on. There are so many things to be fixed that it leaves me confused, punch drunk.
The election in the USA is important to the colonized world. It appears to me that a good portion of the youth, in America is awakening in mass. That is what I see in the huge energized Sanders rallies. And why I have been "campaigning" since last April. I am a bit taken aback by Sanders using "revolution" because what Sanders proposes is more a incrementalist program to make capitalism user friendly again. Thats fine with me, by USA standards that is "revolutionary". When people call the Clintons program "incremental" I disagree. Its more digging a deeper hole of state/corporate predation of the planet and its people. The weird thing is that I agree with the anarcho-Libertarians on some of their points. Complicated.
From the Light House.
Well, it's incremental steps toward something...
I think maybe something like this. What an incredible smell she's discovered.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
"It could be worse."
"It's worse."
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I really like your avatar
picture. Are there prints or is it a one of a kind painting?
And, welcome!
I really also like the image.
It so simply and beautifully evokes our communal dreams, even in its singularity.
I'm certain quite a few of us are glad to have you here.
I envy you a leader like Evo Morales.
You may not "follow American domestic politics," as you say, but you seem to have an accurate picture of the terrible trap that Americans are caught in. Most Americans, however, do not see this. They are programmed by the government to be xenophobic — just as the North Koreans are. Thus, Americans do not look out to see how they compare to current global standards of freedom, well-being, personal security, control over government, social mobility, and human rights. They base their national identity on an 18th century organizational agreement between plutocrats engaged in exploiting profitable slaving operations to develop the continent. This is their entrenched Constitution — the document that has enabled modern corporations to endenture them. It's a dated and regressive document that does not confer a single human, civil, or social right upon the people that cannot be compromised, restricted, or stripped by the government, state or federal. This happens regularly (see, Patriot act). The people's only appeal is to a panel of appointed-for-life-judges, who are selected periodically by politically ideological partisans. The "Judges" then channel the archaic language of the "Founders" into whatever ideologies and prejudices that their aging brains are stuck on. The results of this seance with the long dead then defines what life will be like for 21st century Americans. Americans are afraid to modernize their Constitution as the rest of the world does. This fear is encouraged by the Corporate class, which explains why the American people do not have even the most basic of the world's unanimously ratified human rights, not the right to freedom from hunger, not the right to shelter, or even the right to health care.
Because the American people do not believe any of above, and because they worship their 18th century Constitution with a fervor and adoration reserved for gods, they are debt-trapped prisoners on a plantation with natural resources they do not own, and they do not have the political power to rescue themselves from within. For example, they know their right to vote, or have their vote counted, is sabotaged. But they would vigorously reject the UN monitors that helped your country restore its democracy — because of their chronic xenophobia and fear.
Yes, Dilma Rousseff's impeachment is a misfortune for the people of Brazil. When she canceled her state visit with President Obama, after the NSA spying on her was exposed by Edward Snowden, her fate was sealed. Just as Vladimir Putin's fate was sealed when he did not extradite Edward Snowden. Ukraine's government was overthrown, which launched the US proxy war against Russia. The US military moved into Ukraine to train militias to power the installed NeoNazi rulers, who are bent on cleansing Ukraine of ethnic Russians. Your own President was yanked out of the sky over Europe because he waved at Edward Snowden while attending a conference in Russia. The US government's reactions are cause by embarrassment and fury over being exposed for their aggressive over-reach for global control and empire. The world said nothing, but got to work. Edward Snowden had interrupted a global coup by the criminally psychotic US government (and its cohorts). This actually changed the world forever. President Morales is very lucky to be alive.
The American people are still uninformed about this, and I assure you that the US news media did not mention that the soft overthrow of Brazil's government was an economic sabotage operation of Neoliberal cohorts of the United States and NSA. Since our upcoming elections are dominated by the same class of Neoliberals, Americans are misinformed, only, and uninformed at best. Yet Americans seem to instinctively know that more austerity and neglect is in their future, but they cannot connect the geopolitical dots that would allow them to defend and protect themselves. Crippling denial remains on a slow boil.
This community has a core of worldly and aware participants, and is evolving rapidly. The free exchange of ideas and observations are producing remarkable and impressive insights at a time of great importance. I cannot speak of the community you left, but I am certain your voice will be much appreciated here, rather than censored. We all have much to learn.
Excellent comment. (nt).
Not Enough Time
It has become frustrating because there are so many things dead wrong. The big Sanders rallies are a hopeful sign of an awakening.
I turned on the computer this morning to identify some flowering trees for the nature trail near the lighthouse where I live and to organize my Puerto Rico notes, fact check and write something to try and get out on Puerto Rican media. I don't have a clue of why Clintons think they have Puerto Rico "in the bag". I also have to send messages to Bolivia about Brazil with my almost daily warnings to be vigilant, deal with East L.A. and South Central to help get the word out there of what the Clintons represent and what the hidden agenda is behind there rhetorical "immigration reform". If the way the Clintons promised one thing about boat people, then, once in office, "treated" the human rights nightmare America created, is any indication, I would suspect that even Trump is no more evil.
There isn't enough time. My (rather forlorn) hope is that some whistleblower in "email scandal" will leak the documents before the convention. If the Clintons unscrupulously obtain the nomination I suppose I will follow Socialist Alternative and and see what ideas they have to follow up on.
From the Light House.
In that case,
We need to advocate hard for Bernie to run third-party.
(I'm so glad to be able to say this out loud here).
Have you heard about Occupy the DNC Convention?
They're trying to rally 50,000 people by today.
There's also this article.
Good comment.
Question: are you a native born American?
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Question is directed to Plato's Republic.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Typo: Pluto's Republic.
Old age sucks.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
What a terrific first essay!
Thank you for giving us an unbiased perspective from someone who lives outside the United states. You write beautifully and I hope we will see many more essays from you in the future.
Welcome to caucus99% and keep fighting the good fight!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
your impressions of both DK and the US political system are pretty much spot on imo.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Please continue to contribute here
We so desperately need a larger, international perspective. We are indeed an isolated island, both physically and intellectually. I have spent some time traveling over the past few years and talking to locals only to find out that our knowledge of worldwide politics is a farce. That combined with the most aggressive government organizations and funded NGOs explain why we have been such a negative force in the world. I have become despondent at the fact that our "Progressive" community is every bit as reactionary as the Right, perhaps even more so. This community , C99, needs to work hard to overcome this. TOP has become so blatantly non-progressive to us, but that was always there in Liberal communities in the US. The political spectrum is huge and we have been restricted by the MSM and our politicians to thinking in a microscopic sector of that world. We need to break out of that and I'm hoping that C99 can do that as a community. We need to get educated and to allow unrestricted debate as to what is possible.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Your comment puts me in mind of Chomsky.
A few years before 9/11, and at least a decade before we would come to understand it, Noam Chomsky remarked:
Political Spectrum.
Even under the rigged neo-liberal system in Bolivia (1985-2005) our ballots always included parties from the entire spectrum of political thought from Franco inspired Falangistas (FSB) to Trotskistas/Maoists (POR). In those days I supported the IU (United Left) which was more anarcho-socialist. They were paper ballots (yup) and each party had a color and each candidate line had a picture of the candidate. Unfortunately, with no party reaching more than 25% more or less the Presidente was elected by coalitions of right wing oligarchs in back rooms. The new Constitution changed the system to run-offs... Whoops, I am rambling
You mentioned NGO's. These do-gooders (do-badders?) most often do more harm than good. Example: replacing our scores of native varieties of potato with those all-red Dutch potatoes. LOL, and these people trying to teach potato farmers how to grow potatoes. I can think of some good programs though. My favorite good program was an after school program BID funded under community control. That was before Evo. Unfortunately it only lasted one school year.
From the Light House.
Politics are appalling
but it's going to take me awhile to get over a program that supposedly teaches the people who first cultivated potatoes how to raise potatoes. Do these people have enough information to feel embarrassed?
Marches everyday
Of course. Thats why we have marches and protests every day of the year. How about using peace Corps volunteers to strong arm children to write letters to "sponsors"? Who never even see a pencil of aid.
From the Light House.
Glad you're here much better than the DailyLost. You are so right about our absurd elections...limiting access, flipping votes with rigged machines, and so on. And to top it all off, our arrogance toward other countries and their voting procedures. Then if they don't elect who we want we do everything in our power to depose them...much like what's going on in Brazil.
I look forward to your future comments and essays.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Welcome Alex. This place is not about censorship :)
You can support any candidate here, or none. Don't be afraid to post an honest essay. The only rule I know of is: don't be an ass with personal insults, trolling, etc.
This place is for honest discourse concerning the issues affecting 99% of us and your input is important and necessary. Thanks for the introduction.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Personal insults, many one-line cowplop echo chambers, and trolling stinky fish are oppressive and completely unproductive unless one wants to make someone else feel like getting into a punch-fest. LOL, think I will quote myself elsewhere.
From the Light House.
Estoy tan feliz
que vos sos aqui.
Please tell us about the situation in the Caribbean where you are, as well as about Bolivia, on the ground. I can read the press, but what is your experience and analysis?
Peace and love be with you, reader.
Wow! I loved your essay, Alex.
I'm also a septuagenarian and my father was born in the Leeward Islands (in the late 1800s). So we have that connection. But actually, I connect with your politics, your humanity and your philosophy of life. When I was in college in the 1960s I pledged a sorority. In the last two weeks they give the pledgies names (don't ask why). They named me Fidel Castro (and I'm a female) so that's where I'm coming from. Enjoyed your post. Thanks.
good to read the intro
Hello, Alex!
Interesting introduction, I'm very impressed with your class-consciousness!
I drifted away from DK (also known as The Other Place) and definitely would not consider wasting my time there anymore.
I was born in South Florida and have been a resident of the state most all my life. I am struggling in my own landscaping and irrigation business, I will probably never be able to afford to retire (I am 59 yrs old), even as I must overcome the increasing limitations in my age and physical abilities.
Coincidentally I've recently been acquainted with a older Bolivian resident here in my area of north-central Florida. He is in your age group, I think, and he takes advantage of the local Methodist food pantry (which I do, although I'm also a member). I usually can run into him every Thursday afternoon when food pantry is distributing food that day. He appears to be have a rightward slant on political things which I do not fully understand yet. English is acceptable for the conversations, my Spanish is not up to par for serious conversations.
My private newsgroup, unrelated to c99p here, it is at Yahoo Groups, “Carlos Baliño Institute”. But it is also not very active this forum, as I don't post much there these days. One of my Cuban-American friends, from New Mexico, Luis Martin, he and I started the Cuban solidarity newsgroup over 10 years ago. It is not the most up-to-date place to be.
OTOH I think the Cuba News site by Los Angeles resident Walter Lippman (not the other “Walter Lippman”!), this is the best source to stay tuned into current events coming out of Cuba.
Request membership for Cuba News as it's restricted for approval by Walter.
For what it's worth, I travelled to Cuba for the 50th anniversary of Moncada(2003) and for some other specific interests, and have returned subsequently to the island over the years when time and finances permit such luxuries. My Cuban revolutionary friends, on and off the island, patriot and ex-patriot, they are always ¡Presente! in my life.
You can be sure that Latin American happenings and social developments are of great interest to me, especially of course the Revolutionary Bolivarian Movement, founded by Hugo Chavez. Though his passing at 58 yrs. was a great loss, his revolutionary ideas such as ALBA lives on in South America. I deeply admire all the South American traditions of the left, and will always honor Che Guevara as one of your country's (“Our America”) greatest examples of revolutionary endeavor.
I use this place here, c99p, as a primary means of expressing myself within current US left politics. I'm drifting toward Jill Stein's Green Party, and I expect to become something of a watermelon (green outside, red inside) in that political party in the near future.
Ja Ja Ja, Watermelon!!
Watermelon! I love it.
I am very very worried that the shit-fest has already started in Bolivia. I even had to convince some of my family to vote YES on the recent referendum to extend Presidential terms to three. That was in face of a made-up scandal about Evo's ex-girlfriend blah blah blah. Weird switcheroo because it went from Evo being gay with Alvaro (the VP) as his boyfriend, to being a Clintonesque philanderer. Whatever, thats what flooded the oligarch press before the election.
Actually I more support Evo having a clear and popular indigenous successor.
From the Light House.
Welcome Alex
Your view from afar is both refreshing AND absolutely necessary.
Thank you for your courage to speak out. As you have noted, our shadow government has a global reach and will not hesitate to strike opponents anywhere.
Be vocal ( more great posts please ).
Be safe.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I'm also looking forward to
I'm also looking forward to hearing more from you.
Our warmongering nation
has caused us and the world a lot of grief. Some of us have fought it for years. I am 71 years old and have been desperately hanging on to my values for years.
At this particular point in time, we see the possibility of a peaceful, ballot-based revolution. We are trying to declare independence from the big money oligarchs that run everything. I am so pleased with the activism of young adults today.
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to those who participated in the Occupy Wall Street movement. There is a saying that roams around concerning the OWS folks:
"They tried to bury us. They didn't know we were seeds."
Wish us luck. I send thoughts of peace to you.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Glad to have you aboard. Good post.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I too am pushing 70
And my greatest concern is not only my grandchildren, but all our grandchildren.
The thought that they could become nothing more than service dogs for the billionaire class is both frightening and increasingly real. To be used and abused with heartless abandon. Then " put down " when their usefulness wanes or become to old or sick.
" Die quickly" becomes a reality to future generations.
Bernie Sanders Americas Che Guevara.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Bernie backers = “Guevaristas” guilty of “Comintern-scale lying”
That’s what 537th most influential economist Brad DeLong says.
Who’s he? From Wikipedia:
What’s this about? Well, it seems that . . .
(from the Huffington Post: “No, Bernie Sanders has not pushed Hillary Clinton to the left” by Zach Carter)
In other words, economics professor Brad DeLong, annoyed that Bernie didn’t drop out after April 27, thinks that the Clinton camp is entitled to exact their revenge on Bernie supporters.
But not now, not yet.
A (deceptive) friendliness should prevail because after all, Bernie supporters’ votes are still needed to elect Hillary. After Her Entitledness has won, however . . .
Note: the Duncan Black referred to is “Atrios,” as the author of the Eschaton blog is known.
When I read that, I couldn't believe what I was reading
"Guevarista" FFS! How many people under the age of 50 does he think even know who Che Guevara *was*? (I mean in the U.S. )
Of those, how many are going to look at the word "Guevarista" and figure out that he means "sorta kinda like Che?" And the 50 million-dollar question is, how many people under 50 are going to give a shit about what is essentially a historical figure's name turned into an insult because of a bunch of Cold War preconceptions?
Nobody under 50--aside from the extreme far right--gives two shits about some mid-twentieth-century ideological brouhaha that's supposed to make us line up to fight against the scary Communists. Nobody gives a shit about the domino theory, Monroe Doctrine, or some supposed leftist fifth column that's going to destroy the U.S. from within--except to think of these things as sad moments in our history where the powerful fucked a lot of people over, justified it with lies, and a lot of the ordinary people drank the Kool-Aid.
Most of us under 50 have no fucking interest in re-engaging in some stupid ideological pissing contest while the world is falling apart. We're not afraid of "socialism," and we're not interested in championing "capitalism." In fact, "capitalism," as it's been presented to us, appears to be a large part of the problem, and, while we aren't looking for an economic system to make a religion out of, we would like to find one that presents us with a better deal than becoming human garbage, as this article describes:
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
It’s like economics is some reactionary misanthropic cult
disguised as a social science. The way he practices it, at least. How’s the Coldey Warrey stuff workin’ out for ya, Brad?
OK, just one more thing--
Does Brad de Long really think we didn't already know that when Hillary Clinton makes nice with us, she's lying? And even if we didn't know, is he such a rhetorical clutz that he doesn't realize he just blew her dubious cover by talking about the Big Secret Strategy online?
"OK, fellow Clinton supporters, here's what we're going to do. We're going to really really trash the Bernie supporters, but not until after Hillary has used them for their votes in the general. After that, we'll really stick it to those lefty bastards. It'll be a veritable orgy of hippy-punching! I'll bring the buckshot to weight the gloves, and a few brass knucks. You bring the single malt! But SSSSHHH, don't say anything till after Election Day! Mum's the word."
On the Internet.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
It's things like that--
that continue to convince me that Hillary and her minions actually want us to leave the party.
It's the only thing that troubles me about leaving it. I don't like doing what they want.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Hola, camarada!
Bienvenido al caucus99porciento. firma/una vieja socialista boricua.
I can't say that I am looking forward to your Puerto Rico essay because I get so angry about the issue that I literally get light headed. I want you to write it, though, please.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Posted a draft
Its going to take some time. I am posting preliminary draft and sources as I move along. I never got around to identifying the nature trail trees today. Its a process through what I call a "hairball" of Clinton cronies and any feedback, or sources are appreciated.
I have a hard time editing in the tiny box, tomorrow I will try and work in a text editor and then paste.
From the Light House.
Welcome! and enjoy all this
Welcome! and enjoy all this place has to offer!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
I have a friend
Who lives in Mexico. His job is to certify elections against fraud in other countries to the south of Mexico.
He would like to come visit but no matter that this man has squeaky clean integrity and record, the US will not let him into the country.
I am glad to see you her Alex. I have considered several times making a comment on kos that people in this country are incredibly naive about the corruption of our government. Folks who live or have lived in countries to the south of us are far more savy at spotting it for what it is.
Thanks for the thread glad to
Thanks for the thread glad to hear a perspective from outside the US. And my punctuation is not the greatest either ,more interested making my point as you did in your thread